what's the worst game you've ever played? for me, it's morrowind
What's the worst game you've ever played? for me, it's morrowind
Definitely Oblivion. Arena comes up last on my list but it's still more respectable for what it did for its time.
It's definitely the game you like.
>Dragon's Dogma
The only good thing about this game was climbing on a monster's back everything else was awful.
gothic 2
None of these games are potentially the worst game you ever played.
Except maybe Arena
Have you only played one game ever?
Probably a bait thread but to answer honestly: I haven't played any games I really hated, I always did research before buying or renting.
I guess maybe Zelda II or The Elder Scrolls: Arena. Both games for the same exact reason: I played them for completionist sake as part of their respective series and enjoyed them greatly at first, but they overstayed their welcome with their large mazelike dungeons and by the end I was playing them just for the sake of finishing and moving on. Decent gameplay but boring level design in both cases.
Played for few hours and had 0 fun, it was agony.
>w-we don't play it for the combat tho...
>you have percent chance to successfully deal damage when attacking the enemy
Yep, morrowind is the biggest shit ever created. How could they even come up to an idea to add combat system like this, just fucking why?
Oh my fucking god this game is literally shit.
The animation shows you're hitting the enemy but you actually don't.
Mount and Blade Warband but Morrowind is a close second.
>the spellcasting is kino!
fuck that's good
>Morrowind NPCs are a lot more informative than Daggerf-
Based and redpilled. Fuck Morrowind.
Not even a meme, it's tied for The Witcher 3 and Skyrim.
I can't decide which was less fun, more insulting, and more of a shit on the genre as a whole.
Warband is a shit game.The retarded AI alone makes it trash.
>too dumb to cast a spell
checks out
At least it's satisfying to see the armies clash and the enemies dying at your sword, but fuck, there are few units and the AI is zombie-tier. Morrowind offers atmosphere, lore and nothing more.
I didn't like Morrowind as much as i thought i would but still enjoyed it, still probably rather play skyrim or oblivion though if we're talking vanilla
Portal. There was nothing entertaining or enjoyable about it.
technically not even rng there since the spell has a 0% cast rate due to your purposefully minimum possible magic stats. you can see the empty bar under the spell in the webm
>you do not have enough magicka to cast this spell
>you do not have enough magicka to cast this spell
he actually succeeds in casting it once and the rat just barely survives
There are lots of mechanically bad games. This game is the greatest insult to an intellectual property
oh you're right, just the low encode quality. can see a small sliver of red on the left, must be single digits
that's frost bite I think so a 6-cost spell, so with 5 destruction skill and the orc's default attributes without willpower or luck picked as a class focus that's around an 8% chance if I remember the math right
I'm mad
Isn't it interesting how critics love to say stuff like
>I know how it works but it still sucks
yet only ever post webms of intentionally playing as bad as the game allows to misrepresent what the normal gameplay is like?
It's not like you need to min-max to succeed, you don't need to make sure your race, class, and birthsign all align toward some specific goal. All you need is to put the skills you want to use in your majors and suddenly they work. If you have level 5 in a skill you want to use because you managed to dodge every possible bonus you could give it then that's what training is for. Every skill in the game has some way to help you make money toward that end. Combat skills to kill stuff and sell loot, stealth to steal shit, athletics to dive for pearls along the coasts, speech and mercantile to get better deals, brewing potions to sell with alchemy, buying broken equipment and repairing it with armorer to sell for a profit, etc. Magic of course can potentially do or assist in most of the above based on your spell schools.
No matter how poorly you build your character at the start, every one you make is good at something. There's not enough bad skills in the game to fill all 5 major skill slots. The only difference between playing the game well and playing it poorly is whether you choose to do what your character's good at or what it sucks at.
Hell, Morrowind's combat is one of the most basic and boring ones out there for an RPG. It shouldn't even deserve defending yet people manage to bullshit about it to such a degree that it would be disingenuous to not do so.
The horrid start is only part of the complaint. The end game is just as ass for a different reason.
Morrowinds combat is bad on every level.
There is a sweet spot but it goes by so quickly you may miss it.
It was bait and you fell for it hard. Good job. Always expect someone to post one of those garbage webms anytime Morrowind is even mentioned in a thread. I know this might come as a shock to you, but people will pretend to be stupid on the internet in order to make other people angry and garner attention.
Do you really believe that people who claim to dislike Morrowind combat are just baiting?
No, I love Morrowind but dislike it's combat. But people who make/post webms like that know exactly what they're doing. They know they're playing the game wrong, they know they'll get called out for having no stamina or shit weapon skills or shit agility, they just want the attention.
Bunch of N'wahs and S'wits ITT
i played this on the xbox when i was like 12 and i had no idea what it was or anything, my brother just told me it was a really good rpg so i bought it with my birthday money
i hated it too when i first tried it, none of it made any sense and i had a really hard time figuring out all the different mechanics
but something stuck with me and eventually i started slowly figuring out how the game worked and it became one of my favorite games ever and the first one i had ever played for 100+ hours, i even wrote stories about my character and made up charts on how the stats worked from my own testing
goddamn i miss those days
like this one rainy day i remember vividly, i..well i had a lot of fun that day.
Yes they use hyperbole to make their point. Anyone who actually plays the game will understand the point they are making.
>invest in blade skill
>still can't hit most of the time
Rolling dice for hits makes no sense in a game like Morrowind. It should roll for damage and call it a day. That's just bad design from older times. The game is only playeable with mods, as pretty much the whole Elder Scrolls series.
Of course it's not a great combat system, but the complaint you hear most often (i.e. muh miss miss miss) is solely related to that supposed "horrid start" is a massively exaggerated or even entirely inaccurate description of what it's like, unless your idea of the start is something like picking only magic skills, playing a high elf, and then trying to stab your way through the world with the tutorial dagger and never casting any magic.
Its problems have little to nothing to do with "dice rolls". Everything your character is proficient at can be used reliably, and you get to pick various things to start the game proficient in.
The problem is just how simple it is both in terms of interaction and mechanics. For the most part you stand there, left click, and let the stats take care of everything. Magic is only slightly more interesting due to the utility and mobility effects you can take advantage of, but outside of daedra reflecting you you're going to find that it's easy to make a one-size-fits all spell that is sufficient to spam throughout the game without having to pay attention to what you're fighting. Much like BotW you can only have fun playing around with that stuff if you treat it more as a toy than a game since it's unnecessary for anything.
Oblivion's level scaling was a direct response to how easy it was due to quickly outleveling the majority of the content. Despite its flaws it addressed that complaint admirably and the combat stays enterertaining much longer, and Skyrim further addressed Oblivion's own flaws there.
If your problem is the repetitiveness, lack of tactics and shit AI I'm right there with you. If your problem is "I can't hit anything" or "X keeps failing" then the problem lies solely with you, because those are the examples of the mechanics doing their job of discouraging you from using shit that isn't a part of your character's role and the game is unironically better off for having those failure states than if it did not.
Anyone who plays the game will know that you have to specifically try to make the combat that bad. Anybody with a stamina bar more than half full and a long blade skill above 50 will regularly hit their attacks. With long blade maxed and stamina near full you'll almost never miss. Anyone who has played the game knows these webms are bullshit meant to bait idiots and scare away people who've never played the game.
It has been a while but My sword and board Nord had a great deal of WTF?moments early on. Early game is not good by any stretch.
>shitty combat with an outdated roll system
>the worst animations ever made
>AI is retarded
Gameplay is just boring, simple as that. You guys actually think than a great world design and blocks of text telling a really stupid lore make up for bad gameplay. You stupid boomers killed videogames way before zoomer came to play.
Don't be too hard on them.They beta tested an industry for us.
uh..boomers made things like morrowind popular which translated into skyrim which is now probably one of the most famous rpgs in the world
zoomers make fortnite popular which has translated into an unending supply of shitty battle royale clones and probably even killed the fallout franchise
get btfo
Certainly nowhere near as bad as that webm
I rather quite like it
LMAO at the addled zoomers ITT defending their babby's first pseudoRPG. Oblivion fixed the flaws of Morrowind only in the most superficial way, while shitting on everything that was good about it
I conceded it is hyperbole.
I don't know, aside from its serious balance issues it's got pretty fun gameplay at its core. Great character customization, a lot of ways to interact with the world, an insane amount of content with several factions suited to all sorts of different builds, lots of creative magic and enchantments to play around with, secrets to discover everywhere and a nice skill system backing it all that applies to the player character and every other entity in the game equally. You might be clinically depressed if you can't find the joy in hulk leaping across the map with your acrobatics or hotkeying mark/recall potions (can buy as many as you want from the alchemist in balmora) to use in combat to kite enemies for your ranged attacks. Plebs who just mark to anchor somewhere are missing out, intervention is all you need for that purpose anyway.
I'm not much into the lore, yet it's still got just about everything I want out of an RPG. Easily abused trainers, alchemy exploits, the ass backwards attribute leveling mechanics, and the fucked economy all work against it but if you go in blind and aren't actively trying to break the game you'll probably have a good time for a playthrough or three. After that there's always mods to freshen it up.
All that said, most of this applies to all the TES games to some degree. I'm not a fan of all the restrictions they added in Oblivion/Skyrim to limit those interactions and reduce/remove the impact of various skills and stats, but with all the other improvements made and exploits fixed by doing so it makes sense overall. In areas where the quantity was reduced, quality almost always increased in kind. My favorite in the series changes based on my mood and what I've played most recently. It's just a great series in general and there's truly no bad games (besides Arena perhaps) to play if what you want is a fantasy world to live a bunch of different lives in.
>health is full
>eat health restoring food
nigga, just hold down the attack button for a second instead of spamming it, and maybe try letting some of your stamina regenerate before you fight things
Probably Pit-Fighter for the Game Boy. Probably one of the worst I've ever experienced.
You can only respond to this post if you select a pre-created class for your Morrowind playthroughs. No custom class peasants allowed.
Those are fatigue restoring foods and they're failing because his alchemy skill is low. One of the strangest design decisions ever. Just about everything else regarding the skills at least conceptually makes sense, but the idea that your knowledge of an object's chemistry somehow influences the effect you get from swallowing it is lunacy.
The worst part of the bait is that it's always the most low effort possible, with depleted fatigue bars and blatant mismanagement of race and weapon/spell use, that it's feasible to dissuade an outsider from playing the game if they can't read the UI.
It's believably shit if you never played an Elder Scrolls game, but transparent bait if you ever have.
mass effect series
You mean penicillin will still cure you even if you don't know what it does?
honestly what was bethesda thinking and how did they get away with it for so long
>dumping str luc and agi
congrats you played yourself
Babby can't logically make a character and is mad
Typically I'll go standard class unless I really get a roleplay idea, like my last character.
>trainee to become a dragon knight
>levitation, fire shields, melee range fire spells
>horde gold and rarely spend it
>horde gems as well
>alchemy at 100 so I can devour gems and other precious materials to get a power boost (this one is just autism, eating raw gems is worthless)
>STR 80
>INT around 60
>WIL around 60
>AGI around 70
>END 80
>PER 10
>SPD around 55
>LUC dumped
Still can't get a hit. Rolling for hit still makes no sense in real time fights, stop pretending is a good system.
>0 fatigue
>still casting despite no mana
>realize it's a fuckin orc
actually lmaoing right now, would have been better if you were casting something retarded like Open or Charm
Suikoden IV or E.T. for Atari
>no stamina
>probably 5 two-handed blunt weapon skill
All it would have taken to shut you faggots up is add a little dodge animation. Oh wait, you would still complain because its not like in comfy Oblivion or epic Skyrim.
>makes character who can't cast spells
>fails at casting spells
Try casting spells at a pitbull IRL please.
how does it not make sense? just because you dont like it? Its kinda like the game DUNGEONS DRAGONS ya know that table top game that inspired nearly all western rpgs
>every morrowind thread someone mentions the combat
>mudcrab vs hammer webm posted
>endless discussion about the combat of a game from 2002
And anons will still discuss it to this day.
But every company that has made games based off of tabletop mechanics has failed or abandoned them.
Why would you think this is a good thing?
We'll still be discussing it in 2222 when The Elder Scrolls VII releases.
Well you lorefags have yet to explain this bullshit
No excuse for this crap
Combat that shitty is a remarkable thing.
>not almsivi intervention.webm
very disappointing, user
>Retards think Morrowind uses tabletop mechanics.
Reread my post.
I am pointing out using tabletop mechanics in a video game is a sure way to insolvency.
its so evident that all these pleb zoomers , maybe from all these morrowind threads or sseth decide to give it a go only to drop and bitch about it because of their ADD addled brains
You think what you do has meaning? You think you slay me, and I am dead? It is just dream and waking over and over, one appearance after another, nothing real. What you do here means nothing. Why do we waste our breath on you?