What do people see in Dragon Quest 8? It's one of my least favorite entries

What do people see in Dragon Quest 8? It's one of my least favorite entries.

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It 8 up my time, that's for sure

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First contact with Dragon Quest for many people.

It combined a lot of the good stuff from previous games, it's basically a greatest hit of DQ.
The pacing is also very good.

My first DQ since DQ2 on the NES.

It’s literally the only good one
Based nigger

most who played DQ8 havent played many other DQ games.
its really that simple. its fine if you only played that but games like 5 and 7 are way better.

>The Misadventures of Goten and Trunks

>Trunks in a dress

It's the first Dragon Quest that a lot of people(including me) played
It was also the first DQ entry released in Europe
And it was on the PS2, a console that pretty much everybody owned

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I'm surprised how many comments are citing nostalgia.


>[ ] yes
>[x] no

>better than 8 or literally most DQ games

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Never played it, but the music is good. It might be the only DQ game with memorable music.

It's a good game but it's really lacking in many departments and the pacing is off.

Seven is a masterpiece.

I just started it on my /comfy/ hacked 3DS. It's my first DQ game, and while its goofy in a jap way, about 2 hours in it started getting pretty good. I'm 3-4 hours in now and its gotten damn good. Bosses are decently challenging, Jessica is waifu bait, but its a good time playing on the couch while my son is jamming on his switch. 8/10 so far

I hope you went for spears on the Hero.

this but unironically. most people who shit on it never saw through to complete it and therefore do not have an opinion on the matter.

>Not BOOMERangs.

Based fellow sevenfag.

The pacing is not an issue, and definitely works to the benefit of the game and the kind of experience it is intended to be. If you approach it from the perspective of winning the game and getting to the ending you missed the point. It's about enjoying an adventure, and seeing what happens next. So many islands have better and more interesting stories than a lot of full games.

Pacing is fine
Bigger problem is even in the remake, the class system and cost of abilities are fucking broken. Once you get Thin Air or the higher tier breath attacks on anyone you can kill any non-boss encounter in like 2 attacks for no cost.

For 7 should I play the 3ds or PSX version?

It's one of those remakes that's better and worse. It cut the puzzles at the start to save time...just to waste time by not cutting down on the long, drawn out buildup.

Just came here to say DQXI is one of the most polished and challenging JRPGs I've played since Final Fantasy X and X-2

Legitimately can't tell if it's bait.

It's overall an improvement imo unless you really want to experience the infamous 5 hour fetch quest before you even see a slime

11 is pretty tough with "Harder Enemies" and "No EXP From Weak Enemies" turned on
Until you hit postgame and have half a dozen ways to shit on every boss with a turn or two of setup but that's hardly new

Is it even possible to hit 99 with "No EXP From Weak Enemies"?

2005 was 14 years ago user. Considering the average age of a Yea Forums poster I can see why they'd be nostalgic for it.

I think it's carried by it's graphics/artstyle and music. I played a lot of DQ's, and the most complete and interesting gameplay wise was IX but generally speaking they're pretty much all equal, then when I have to chose my favorite VIII is just standing up for being an more of an art piece than the others are good RPGs

3DS. They trimmed down the intro and made it easier to find fragments.

I've never played a DQ game before and I might pick up 11 soon, which other ones are good? I've heard that DS one (9?) is pretty good

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3, 4, 5, or 8

Dragon Quest is an interesting series, in how 1-5 are far better games than anything afterwards. 6-11 are just fucking boring.

No idea, I turned off the grinding restrictions after I got Magic Burst and obliterated three boss fights back to back in the postgame

Its the first one they played
I agree, it sacrifices too much because its on 3D

Not bait

I struggled beating the game despite my only draconian quest mode being the "all battles are harder" one. Just started post game and can't believe that after a 90 hours of game they still left so much story in post game that a ton of reviewers wouldn't even get to. Kind of wish I'd waited for the switch version since it apparently has extra mounts and character stories but even so the game is just choc full of content. Honestly for me Tentacular, Dora in Grey, Rab (in Angri La) and Mordegon were legit 10/10 difficult as fuck boss fights I've ever had in a JRPG. So glad I played the game with harder battles because it made finally beating those fucks super satisfying

Besides trimming down the intro the 3ds streamlines several other things too. You lose out on a lot of the challenge and exploration behind the fragment hunt. They trivialize it with a radar. Also lots of the mazelike dungeons are completely trivialized by the map on the bottom screen.

Classes also learn different skills and are balanced differently. There are obviously huge improvements to the presentation but the originals aesthetic is timeless. If you opt for the 3ds version which is more accessible I recommend getting a version with the orchestral ost restored. It's the best score in the series.

Nobody with self respect uses "I win burst"
Its supposed to be the easy mode button

They are all amazing
I love 6

I found Morgeddon's first form to be more difficult than his 2nd
Dora in Gray is a pain in the goddamn ass without max upgrading a few pendants to resist her shit, even then she does so much damage you just need to blitz her hard

Call the cops I don't give a fuck
If they didn't want it to be so strong they shouldn't have let you swap party members mid-fight. Surprised that's not a Draconian option honestly.

Yangus is one of the most charming party members of all time, most of the important characters were colorful and fun, the jump to 3D really gave Toriyama's designs a chance to shine. The first half is a bit of a slog imo but after that it really shines.

Yup Dora in Grey didn't actually take me too many tries after I grinded I few levels but the battle was so tense and when I finally beat her I only had Serena and Hero still alive so my party for fuck all xp for the fights lmao

Based and Draconian pilled

Yeah Mordegon first form was really tough. Dora-In-Grey's charm attack can be circumvented by casting Serena's Snap, Crackle, Poof on your entire party. It comes in handy with other bosses who like using status ailments as well.

It was my first real dive into mainline, though I was huge on Dragon Warrior Monsters.

It’s one of the most newcomer friendly games at the outset and it also hooked me with the story and characters.

That said, I prefer V, IV and XI over it

I dont care about you either
Just saying you used the I win button that its very explicitly an I win button, do what you want

Not gonna lie, I dropped XI 40 hours in after I heard how much was in the Switch version and you’re selling me on doing the all battles are harder trial in it.

Nearly every Dragon Quest game before VIII either had terrible sales or was never released outside Japan
The only pre-VIII DQ game that sold decently in the West was the first one, and that was because Nintendo was literally giving copies of it away for free

VIII was well-marketed, was on a console that everybody had, and had good graphics for its time

desu I think Enix dropped the ball by not bringing V and VI over back in the SNES days

Do it user. If you're the type who likes a challenge play it with "Stronger Enemies" and "Reduced EXP from Easy Fights". You'll have to consider what equipment to wear to resist status ailments and reduce elemental damage, which Pep Powers are best to use against certain bosses, and which skill trees to go down for each character to get crucial skills like Sylvando's Hustle Dance.

Speaking of not bringing V and VI over, why the hell wasn't X ever localized outside of Japan and China? IX did relatively well here and the install base for the X was MUCH larger than IX.
Pep powers being various degrees of random was honestly one of the worst aspects of XI.

>desu I think Enix dropped the ball by not bringing V and VI over back in the SNES days
They most certainly did. If we'd gotten even one of those games at the time you'd see Dragon Quest heralded as one of the great JRPG classics by the Western mainstream like many other JRPGs that came out on the SNES at the time.

I think I will, just sounds fun.

For about 5 years Square Enix seemed determined to fucking bury Dragon Quest in the West with Nintendo being the company extending olive branches to keep it alive.


>What do people see in Dragon Quest 8?


How does she do it lads?

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She was my first shameful fap ever

the tits

I liked. The graphics are good, the orchestrated music is amazing (the bird theme is the best), the world is quite fun to explore, the characters are charismatic, the story is simple and decent, the humour is good.
In addition Jessica is super erotic and her breasts bounves the whole game.

It’s a great game. XI is the quintessential Dragon Quest game though.

In this scenario I'd honestly see people having more love for VI than V, maiy because VI's graphics were arguably on par with stuff like Chrono Trigger, while V looked more like a late NES title

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No idea, I like 8 but its extremely overrated.

>VIII was well-marketed, was on a console that everybody had, and had good graphics for its time

and people bought it for the ff12 demo

>and people bought it for the ff12 demo
This tee bee h desu

>late NES
More like Master System.

I would argue 4 is one of the weaker games in the series that people like mostly because it was their first.

If I've got plenty of RPG experience (SMT and the like) but never played a DQ, would you recommend I try this harder battles mode when I get Definitive Edition?

3, 5 and 8 are the most famous and arguably the best in the series.
If you're going to play 3, take a few hours and play through the SNES remake of 1. Go into it with the mindset that this was the very first JRPG ever fucking made.
5 and 8 you can jump into with no prior experience however.

Backwards. I hated 4 at first but came to love it over time.

If you enjoy the difficulty of SMT games then yes definitely give Draconian Quest a try. You can select other modifiers too besides "Stronger Enemies" and "Reduced EXP from Easy Fights". There's No Fleeing, No Shopping, No Armor, and Shypox which causes your main character to occasionally lose a turn in battle as well as sometimes negate being affected by status ailments. The Definitive Edition is adding even more modifiers like Super Shypox where ALL party members have the aforementioned Shypox ailment, a modifier that causes an instant Game Over when the main character dies, and a new one where villagers/townspeople lie to you (what that means exactly is currently unknown).

Is there a reason people aren't constantly pointing out that it has the exact same villain as Final Fantasy 6?

I legit do not understand JRPG fans.

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Convince me to finish DQ3

I just threw the sword into the volcano and getting my ass fucked by Trolls

>why the hell wasn't X ever localized outside of Japan and China?
Their reasoning is that westerners don't like the type of game X is anymore (that is, a sandboxy MMO) and that it wouldn't be worth localizing.
The director has repeatedly expressed a desire to bring it to the west, even just as a trimmed down offline only version.

There's also a bit of a conspiracy theory that Yoshi P is doing everything he can to block it from coming to the west so it doesn't take players away from his baby, FFXIV: ARR.

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Would have been hilarious, but AFAIK you can't back out at that point

>leave favorite
>not 7 or 9

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Did you have a Sage in your party?
If you didn't, get one pronto

Should you play DQ 1 and 2 before 3? And is 3 actually unironically a good game or is it a meme? No nostalgia or gaming history based answers please.


This would be my biggest criticism of it, aside from the shit combination of random battles and super big overworld in the original.

Jessica is so generic it's embarrassing and Angelo literally says nothing for 80% of the game because it's just the king's VA yammering on forever. Dhoulmagus, as mentioned upthread, is also a cheap ripoff.

Actual game is classic though. Amazing world.

Play them on release order if you want to become a DQ fan

Or pick DQ8 or 11 if you want to play the best version

>Should you play DQ 1 and 2 before 3?
DQ1 yes. 2 is skippable.
>And is 3 actually unironically a good game or is it a meme?
Yes, it's fantastic. I first played it just a couple of years ago and I loved it, I couldn't put it down and completed it in about three days. If the SNES version had come out in the west I guarantee it would be held up as one of the best JRPGs on the platform by westerners, up there with Chrono Trigger.

Play the SNES releases of each of these games by the way, if you're going to play them.

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Holy shit that's an awesome level of customization for a turn based RPG, I'm really sold.
The idea of being lied to by NPCs is also really interesting, though I imagine the effect of that would only work on a first time playthrough, so I'm considering that mandatory.

>all these people saying it's nostalgia
Fuck off, the game is great, the best DQ in fact. XI is a close second. You're gonna tell me any other DQ comes even close to these two?

3 is really good. Fair warning, but your entire party other than your player character consist of blank create-a-characters if that's something that bothers you. Be sure to play the Super Famicom version if you want to see why Japan goes nuts for 3. You might find 1 and 2 dated, but the three games are considered a trilogy. If you play and enjoy 3 consider playing 1 and 2 to get the full story of the trilogy.

I already played those two
Why skip 2? And why the SNES versions over other versions? Also I tried getting into chrono trigger but I never really got into it.

I remember that for some reason, they had a whole big demo booth in this really shitty run-down mall in my hometown. I ended up buying it because it blew my mind that it looked like a Dragon Ball Z RPG, and more importantly it came with a FF12 demo. Funnily enough DQ8 ended up being my all-time favorite game, and I never even got halfway through FF12.
>tfw they were giving away really cool shirts at the booth and I fucking lost mine

2 has all the design flaws of 1 (and some new ones!) but unlike 1 is pretty long. I played it and enjoyed it, but it's a hardcore oldschool JRPG through and through. It's jank as hell and full of antiquated design.
Why the SNES versions? Because they're better, that's why. They're based on the engines of later games in the series and feel much better to play than the NES originals.

They're both nihilist jesters, but otherwise entirely different.
>Kefka is a boob for most of the game.
>Dhoulmagus is a sly cock who styles on everyone.
>Kefka is central to the core themes of the story.
>Dhoulmagus is just a catalyst and smaller scale antagonist who exists for comparison.
>Kefka wins and becomes god.
>Dhoulmagus gets stomped hard.

Phone versions are superior :^)

And I am not bullshitting.

>tfw there's no objectively good version of IV

I think it's a fantastic alternate way to do difficulty in a JRPG than your traditional Normal, Hard, and Very Hard settings. You as the player have specific control to how hard you want to make the game

Why not play them on iOS? That seems like the best version.


>buh muh shitty localization
It's exaggerated by a few cherrypicked lines. Most of it is fine, if a bit unnecessary.

They are only similar when it comes to their profession. One of them is an antagonist throughout the game, the other is one third of the game

They have similar visual design, a similar ominous laugh trademark, a similar plotline about betraying trust to steal a magical thingie of grand power as part of a long term objective the become the world's greatest magician.

I guess the main difference is the way Dhoulsmagus functions in the wider plot as a guy you chase for the first two thirds of the game. Which seems to be ripped off Sephiroth instead.


Guilty of this. I was like 14 when I saw the game at a store, not knowing what Dragon Quest was, I just assumed it was an RPG so I picked it up, and oh boy, am I glad I did. I've played every entry since then. except 10

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What's the best way to play Dragon Quest III?




It honestly didn't look much worse than FFIV and V or especially the Phantasy Star games. People nowadays forget how late into the SNES life cycle FFVI, Chrono Trigger, and Super Mario RPG really were.

Super Famicom version with the English fan-translation

It was my first DQ and for a while it was my favorite. Now my favorite is 9, which is another divisive entry.

SNES for graphics and music, GBC for more content in the form of another bonus dungeon, mobile for accessibility and less content than both SNES and GBC. Pick which one appeals to you the most.

GBC if you want extra content and a shit translation

Phone if you want the definitive version, but with no board game and monster medals

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Based black hand poster

Thanks. One quick question, though- I messed around for a bit with the game before, and are martial artists just not supposed to equip weapons like in Final Fantasy, or do I give them weapons when they're available?

>shit translation
It's less shit and more truncated since it had to fit on the GBC screen.

>GBC if you want extra content and a shit translation
If it's similar to the SNES version, I wouldn't say the translation is shit, just bland

>They have similar visual design
Aside from being clowns, not really. Kafka doesn't have a staff or long hair or a hook nose.
>a similar ominous laugh trademark
>clowns laugh and scary clowns laugh in a sinister way
Damn bro.
>a similar plotline about betraying trust to steal a magical thingie of grand power as part of a long term objective
You can apply this to like half of all FF and DQ villains. Shit, that's literally the plot of DQ1. After years of peace, Dragonlord steals the Orb of Light and the princess from Tatangel to start his campaign of world domination.

Fighters use Claws.

Got it. Thanks.

Also quick info, martial artists crit rate is x/256, where x=current level up to 64, when it caps. So you can get a max of 25% crit chance. They are my favorite class.

It was a good game but I got fed up with it at the end. Too many times I thought the game had ended only to be given some stupid fucking twist and several more hours to go.

Finally I go through what must be the final dungeon and fight the final bosses only to be told "FUCK YOU" as the game gives me another hour long fetch quest to fight the real final boss. I stopped right there and have yet to finish it.

Fuck this game. It long overstayed its welcome and didn't have any interesting mechanics to justify it.

9 is just ok

Play 5 instead (and marry Debora)

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Just how much of this was Dhoulmagus' doing anyway? Wasnt he more or less a puppet bring used after grabbing the scepter?

I was just scrolling by and this post came across my eye.

I endorse this post.

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Just as much as Jessica was.

Okay but why are you doing this with your hand? That's not yours.

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Nice to hear. I was planning on running a team of Martial Artist, Thief, and Priest, so at least I know one of them's accounted for.

Pretty sure every Dragon Quest game has a "Ha! That guy who you thought was the main villain for two thirds of the game was just the henchman of the REAL final boss!" moment

I like 7. And I respect it for being such a sheer monster of a jrpg at a time when final fantasy was starting to focus on style over substance.

>sheer monster of a JRPG
It sure was

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>with the priest in the place where you get the ship

I've only played DQ1 and before 11 hits Switch I want to do one more. I've narrowed down to 3, 4 or 5. Opinions?

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Play DQ3 if you're gonna play XI S afterwards. You'll thank me later.

DQV is generally considered to be the best, but DQIII is the most historically significant. If you're only gonna play one, play 3.

Jessicas tits


Aight, I've heard that from multiple sources now so It seems to be fate. Which version do you recommend? I've got access to the fan SNES translation and the mobile versions.

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>The Dhoulmagus build up
>Final boss build up
Are you stupid?

>Talk to one NPC
>Entire town dialogue changes.

SNES translation

Super Mario World was a launch title and still looks fantastic.

It's the first most people were introduced to in America, since it was on the PS2 as a high profile release. I think there's a charm to the limited ability system, at least.

It goes by very slowly for quite a while, though, you don't get most of your staple spells until about Rhapthorne, and it's clear they wanted a tightly designed game, but it suffers in the first half for it.

The 3DS version is outwardly superior, since it fixes the random battle issue.

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This had like 5 of them. I never expected Dhoulmagus to be the end but I expected the fucking game to end at some point reasonable. Games don't usually make you fight their final forms after an intermission where you go do some bullshit purely intended to extend the game for no real reason.

I played through 1-7 before and never had this issue with any of them.

the PS1 version needs to be fan translated

What is the definitive way of playing DQ7? 3DS?

This desu

I think most people playing DQVII for the first time will enjoy the 3DS version due to the quality of life changes

Looks like this thread's going to die. I enjoyed talking about Dragon Quest with all of you and I hope new players picking up DQXI S as their first Dragon Quest next month enjoy it as well.

thanks friend, I hope you have a good time as well

thanks bud

why are you black?