Is your GPU ready for DOOM Eternal Yea Forums?
Is your GPU ready for DOOM Eternal Yea Forums?
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>minimum requirements is a 670
what was the point of this thread
anyways im hyped for the eventual 5800/5800xt
It runs on Switch so I can't imagine it being that intensive.
nigga just get a 2080 will probably still be better than amd shit
>Is your GPU ready for DOOM Eternal Yea Forums?
>Is your GPU ready for Eternal Yea Forums?
then be hyped for the next one
>minimum requirements
LoOk at this dood
It's idtech you can probably get to 144hz at 4k with nice juicy card
It is at least ready for the Eternal Doom mds for GZDoom
No, but your mum's ass is ready for this dick
If Doom Eternal requires a Bethesda account I'm not buying it, simple as that.
>tired of it
>Want a big upgrade
>Have to wait A LOT because Nvidia doesnt release shit
BTW I want 4k +120fps thats why I want more POWER
Ok AEG shill
I have a Titan RTX.
Rtx2060s should be enough right?
>tfw still using a 970 for 1080p gaming
Should I upgrade or just wait for the next cards?
Still not enough for 4k +120fps in Triple A games, whats the point?
>refusing to bend to the retarded whims and demands of corporations makes you a cuck
Same here. It's been alright until recently
Post a pic so we can all laugh at you for buying a $2500 GPU that's not even faster than the 2080ti
The real question is why the fuck are you still on a 1080p monitor?
I'm going for 1080p gaming with a 1050TI.
Should manage
wanted to pick one up but god cant justify that 1k+ price tag
because I'm still using a 970
I have a gtx 1660ti. i think so
Fair point, mate.
GTX 1080ti
>Doom (2016)
>everything on Ultra @ 1440p
>constant 200 fps
>the lowest it ever drops is 150 fps
>GTA V (2013)
>everything on Ultra @ 1440p
>barely 60 fps
>it drops to 15 fps if I drive over grass
How do they do it?
Not even remotely. My Motherboard also borked a month ago and now I run 8gb single channel DDR3.
Everything is terrible.
yes. my 750ti will be as ready as it's always been
If that's what you say, then shit, I probably have to reinstall my 2080 Ti and remove my Titan RTX.
I have a ridiculous amount of money.
can do 170+ fps on a 970 @ ultra on 1080p on Doom 2016, so I'm sure I can do at least 75 fps on medium or high (75 hz monitor) on the new one
just buy 2x 2080 ti's?
thats crazy you can go full team red now and there supposed to be working on something to kill 2080 and match the 80ti?god dam amd slow down
Isnt AEG german household appliance manufacturer?
it's a linear and cramped console game.
it will run on literal toasters. Again.
It's made to be run on a fucking PS4 so my PC that ran DOOM last time will still work fine.
all the idtech engines except for 5 are god tier
by not having an open-world game with tons of NPCs and shit, but small indoor areas and ~12 enemies max on screen at once, and most often only when you trigger the combat zone.
Very doubtful that even 2x 2080ti would be able to do a consistent 4k/120 with most modern demanding AAA vidya, if any.
>It's made to be run on a fucking Switch
People praising this literal console shit like it'd be the second coming of Crysis are just hilarious.
You can beat the 2080ti in a few select games like Forza Horizon 4
It's funny as fuck and nvidia fanboys are mad as heck
Fuck yea it is.
Quite. The titan rtx isn't made with strictly gaming in mind. It's like buying a quadro that can actually game. It's main purpose is for AI and scientific shit but the specs make it great for gaming too. No game in the next decade will use 24GB of vram. More money than sense and all that.
same on both of those, gonna wait until the PS5 releases and get a GPU that's of equivalent power
as for monitors I have no clue, can't decide if I'd prefer 1440p or 120hz or maybe just a second monitor
Yeah bitch. Git my rtx 2060, just got a new 1440p 144hz monitor
arent titans still being marketed for dumb gamers?
Who else looking forward to the 5700XT AIB cards but they sell out minutes after they get listed?
Ask me how I know you dont know about high end gaming at all :)
Like AMD doesn't use shills
>GTX 970
>24" 16:10
Is there a more iconic trio?
>The real question is why the fuck are you still on a 1080p monitor?
1080p is the optimal resolution for a standard-sized monitor, and there's no reason to go bigger if you're just going to sit at your desk.
>tfw graphics card just died
>tfw on weak laptop reading this thread
do they not make them enough or is this just bitcoin meme again?
t. RTX 2080
Maybe the 5800xt/5900xt will finally give me a reason to upgrade from my R9 Fury.
Yes. I doubt anyone that buys it for gaming will ever use it for deep learning besides dlss so they're wasted.
RTX gen didnt fullfill any gaming new needs, since newer games dont demand much more and the only thing some high end gamers may seek its 4k +120fps which the RTX gen simply does not provide, a pointless,over expensive gen.
I'm very tempted with the Sapphire pulse on value alone but i'm deciding whether or not to wait for the 5800/ampere. I currently run a 980 and am interested in getting better VR performance and steady 1440p
Retards don't understand that a 32" 1440p monitor is the same as 24" 1080p monitor. It looks identical because it has the same PPI.
They think higher resolution (1440p in this case) automatically means better visuals.
27" 1440p looks somewhat better, but it's still not a big enough difference considering the performance drop.
A noticeable visual upgrade would be going from a 1080p 24" to a 1440p 24-25" or to a 27-32" 4K.
t. upgraded from a 24" 1080p to a 31.5" 1440p
There was literally no visual upgrade. It's my fault for not getting a 24-27" 1440p monitor, but the 31.5" one was on sale where I live and it had g-sync, VA panel and 165Hz refresh rate.
I bought my 1080Ti back when they were still cheap. Thought about SLI the other day but the price has actually gone UP 200 bucks.
Mining has been a mistake. I genuinely hope bitcoin faggotry fucks off at some point.
AMD never makes enough for the first few months.
You should buy a fire extinquisher while you're at it.
Human eye doesn't really notice anything over 84fps
Why does AMD struggle so much with thermals and noise? Why don't they just learn from their mistakes?
110° is pretty good though? We had days in summer that were hotter than that.
>buying reference AMD
I got a RX580 and 3600X but i wont be playing doom
>3071MB VRAM
its not reading it right, its 11gb
>Why does AMD struggle so much with thermals and noise?
Because their reference cards are shit. Some of their aftermarket cards are actually quite good.
who buys reference cards though?
Thats Celsius
I don't know, I build a PC for 250€ so probably not.
>having to wait 5 months for AIB cards
>3 months after reference launch for them to even release and another 2 months to be able to get one if you're not an autist who sits 24/7 at home waiting for stock
>I don't understand how silicon works and how certain parts of the GPU might be hotter than the rest
>I also don't realize that nvidia GPUs have the same types of thermals, they're just not reported by any sensors so I'm blissfully ignorant to that fact
So why do they keep doing it? Why not fix their reference cards? Keep in mind, reference cards are the only ones available and it usually takes 2-3 months for aib to become available.
>RTX 2080ti
>He's STILL posting this fucking link
Give it a rest already. Every time you post this you get mocked.
Literally the first time I posted it, but okay.
Mfw my 2080ti hybrid cards come in today
Can't wait for that nvlink
>So why do they keep doing it?
Because its cheap retard.
Why bother when 3rd party companies are doing it for you?
since when did powercolor became the top tier on sapphire level vendor? seems like they were cheap shit just couple years back, now it's top tier designs
gotta save those extra $0.50 on the metal costs and $3 on 2 proper fans dude
6GB GTX980 Ti
Will that do? Have official reqs been released yet?
its next on the upgrade list.
>Can't wait for that nvlink
to not work?
their engineer either got more experienced or they hired someone better
depends on the resolution, but I think it will do anything up to 4k with no problems
sure, if they do vulkan out box though, 570 will run eternal as well if not better
Intel HD 4000 here bros, am I ready for Doom eternal?
turing has improved async compute stuff, so I doubt a 570 would outperform a 1660 ti
It works, just gotta wait for the special edition!
-not Todd howard
hard to say, I ran 2016 DOOM at1440p 144fps just last week on a 1070
unless you want an 200fps cap, doubt you need to overpay if your sole purpose to play DOOM
Cheers, means I can save a little longer for new parts.
A 590 can't even compete with 1660 Ti in performance, don't post your AYYMD biased fake info
yes, get at least 6 gigs of vram
Yes sir, don't be afraid to buy from ebay boys
did you forget thermal paste?
It's normal for AMDead.
Does Speccy even read Ryzen temps right? I think this was why people were saying use HWInfo.
I used to have a Powercolor VEGA 64 red devil. The cooling on that card was absolutely amazing.
The card looked like something from the 90s or early 2000s, though.
well I doubt his sole reason for thinking of upgrading to a 1660 ti is solely doom eternal lol
no, this is normal.
Doom 2016 ran at like 95 fps on my 380X thanks to Vulkan, can't imagine Eternal running much worse than that
>2080 with a 2k ultrawide 120hz monitor with g sync
I've been ready, game looks worse than 2016 from what I've seen so far though.
Gonna get a 2060 eventually
No. When should I expect the next 180 dollar GPUs?
who cares what a card looks like, the cooling capability is what matters
>The card looked like something from the 90s or early 2000s, though
This is a high end late 90s card you retard.
having a fan was for rich kids
you tell me
gave me a giggle
We'll be fine as long as it has good Vulkan support.
Speccy is just a piece of shit in general. HWinfo, CPU/GPU-Z are both better alternatives
That's called putting the cart before the horse.
No, speccy just being retarded like usual
I said "something" from the early 2000s, not necessarily a GPU.
It has flashy epic devil/satan stuff on the card and the packaging.
Can't trust Speccy. It doesn't make any sense for the CPU to be 85C while everything else is below 40.
I tried Speccy on my new laptop. It knows the CPU is Ryzen, but it doesn't know the actual model. It thought the 2666mhz RAM was 299 mhz, then I added a second stick and now it sees that there are 16 GB of RAM but but both the clock speed and the timings are "unknown"
I've also seen cases where it reports HDDs as SSD
I'm actually not so much in the GPU game
what does Vulkan exactly do?
>faggot posting idle temperatures
>next he'll post """load""" temperatures
AMD has thermal problems both with their GPUs and CPUs. This is a well known fact, Pajeet.
why do people use speccy still? use hwinfo
>why do people use speccy still?
Because le epic Yea Forums /g/ board culture.
Speccy is trash.
I don't know how it works, all I know is on my 380X Doom 2016 ran at barely 50 fps on OpenGL but it ran at 90+ on Vulkan, on ultra settings
I imagine it's one of those things where it only truly shines if the devs know what they're doing, which in this case they did
Yeah my 970 is still going strong
Who else is a 1060 6gb Chad?
Vulkan is an API for AMD, if a game supports it and you have an AMD GPU you will get better performance if you select it as the renderer in the game settings instead of DirectX.
Ryzen is actually pretty cool, it's Intel's modern CPUs that are housefires.
Lest we forget the 100C 9900k throttle, or the embarrassing "don't overclock your i7 7700k to improve thermal performance because we're too cheap to solder the IHS on a fucking $350 CPU."
I see
my load tempt is 55'C though, but okay, keep on sperging
Can someone explain MRender? I'm assuming it's measuring the performance of physics simulation and things like reflections?
NEVER use OpenGL if you have an AMD GPU. AMD is notorious for having godawful OpenGL drivers. Vulkan is obviously the best choice if the game/program supports it, otherwise just use DirectX.
The thing about AMD is that it doesn't handle anything above 65-70c while Intel just works even at 80-100c.
If your AMD CPU reaches 60-65c it's already near its maximum safe temperature.
>anything less than 8GB in 2019
>soon 12-16gb will be standard
it says right there - shader
it's a shader benchmark, 99% of video game, any video game runs on shaders
t. poorfag
If you're going to buy AMD shit, at least buy their "high" end stuff like the 3900x instead of being poor and buying their shit tier low end CPUs.
>The thing about AMD is that it doesn't handle anything above 65-70c
Jesus christ dude, if you're going to flat out lie at least do it in a consolenigger thread.
This is just embarrassing.
2080ti here, ready to not play that game :^)
3600x performs 96% of I9 9900K though
3900x is for work.
>anyways im hyped for the eventual 5800/5800xt
Bro, they can barely get a mid-grade running proper. I can't imagine a step up running any cooler.
actually 69C' is thermal limit for ryzen, that's why there is 20'C offset for fans in bioses
I don't get his point though, how is running 100'C good for anything
They haven't even posted the requirements you fags made me think they did
>le numbers out of my ass
>inb4 cherrypicks an obscure/irrelevant benchmark
>3900x is for work.
3600x is for poorfags.
Why even buy a gpu like that if you aren't gonna play the games with rtx and made for you?
>have rx 480 8gb
>want to upgrade to 5700xt
>realize despite the much better performance it'll still have the same exact amount of VRAM
Is GDDR6 even a noticable upgrade over GDDR5?
What's the timeframe for getting a card that'll beat the 2080ti? My friend just got one, and I wanna one up him, but feel like buying a TitanRTX would be a waste.
Not him, but $1000 is literally nothing. It's a week's worth of work. Might as well get an actual good GPU if you can easily afford it.
I have a 1070 but I'm eyeing the 5700XT AIBs coming out.
Dunno if I wanna get the Red Devil pictured in OP or just settle for the Red Dragon version.
I have a feeling our 8gb meme cards will get BTFO into obscurity when the new consoles with 16gb vram come out. It always happens.
>Is GDDR6 even a noticable upgrade over GDDR5?
It's an upgrade in the sense that it has higher bandwidth, but it doesn't affect memory size itself. 8GB of GDDR6 is the same effective size as 8GB GDDR5.
No, you don't get more "effective" size. This myth was debunked when HBM2 came out.
Retards thought faster memory meant 8gb equals 10gb or some stupid shit like that. That's simply not true.
Late spring or summer of 2020, maybe late 2020.
>BTW I want 4k +120fps thats why I want more POWER
What you need is a criogenization station to freeze yourself until 2025
fabs not ready for nvidia yet, not at volume at least
best case late late 2020
> meme RTX 2080
Im good... i think.
5700XT destroys any 1070 it's much faster
5700XT is almost double the raw performance of the 1070.
I'll be fine
not at 1440, 5700xt is +50-60% over 1070
that s a big quality of life number at that res, it's meh at 1080 though
nobody needs more than 1070 at 1080p for another 3 years at the very least
It will hurt bad in 2020.
how long will my 1060 6gb last me bros?
im still on 1080p at the moment, will it run upcoming games like cyberpunk on max settings/60fps?
thing is Doom 2016 doesn't have directX
Wait another 2 generations. I'm using a 970 with a 1440p monitor, works just fine for now.
AND......... Its disapointing.
>Those reviews
Are those people stupid?
Are you trying to convince yourself or its ironic ?
>when the new consoles with 16gb vram come out.
New consoles will likely have less than 10 GB of VRAM actually, since 16 GB of GDDR6 would be hilariously expensive.
Doom 2016 does this checkerboarding thing. Like my switch would do, like a screen door. I am running it on vulkan 1440p ultra and it makes no sense. Tried turning taa off, didnt change anything
It won't, Bethesda has learnt their lesson twice over now
People don't really need a 1070 for 1080p right now, even.
>how long will my 1060 6gb last me bros?
Your 1060 will get BTFO bad by the new consoles. It will last you until then.
>will it run upcoming games like cyberpunk on max settings/60fps?
Not with max settings.
2000 fps man
What is checkerboarding
Yes i know ive googled it for doom and i cant get an answer why it happens or how to stop it. Is it shitty ass vulkan doing it?
no, it's your VRAM corruption.
is GPU cooled adequately?
Unless you're doing HFR 1080p.
60hz? Sure. 120hz? Eh, maybe on some games. 144hz+? Nah, you need something beefier than a 1070 for that.
I'm ready to laugh at it while continuing to play doom mods instead, sorry nu-id but you still can't compete with John, whether he's hothead youngfag at id/ion storm or he's oldfag wizard and gas station collector. Suck it down.
>3.5 vram
Stop bullshit NAOW
I'm asking what checkerboarding is because I don't know, user
I have a 1060 6gb and can do 144hz on most games.
Oh, i have it overclocked pretty high, +850 i think. I will try turning it down later when i am at home
On max settings? Maybe if it's a game from 2015. Otherwise, pic related.
I'm pretty sure the next consoles will not have anything actually over 8gb VRAM for games. They might technically claim over 8gb but it'll be shared VRAM or some shit like that with 8gb dedicated for games and the other 2-4gb as cache or something like that.
Pretty sure I'll be fine with my 2060.
I'm more concerned if it'll be enough for Cyberpunk next year.
what were you expecting retard? for it to suddenly be 2080ti perfromance just by changing the cooler?
Its a rendering downscaling technique you see used on consoles usually. Pretty sure my issue is what the other user said my vram is oced too high
thanks but id rather not pay the idiot tax
It's not checker-boarding, it's the ambient occlusion. It has a shitty sample rate. Turn off SSAO/HBAO or whatever it's called in the video settings and it will fix your problem but then the shading will look flat and ugly.
I have a 980 and I5 processor from ages ago
Building a new pc, what gpu and cpu should i keep my eyes on?
Ryzen 3600X and RX 5700XT
Ryzen 7 2700 and RX 5700 xt. Best value.
Its actually my unstable vram oc as stated by the other user.
wtf is this webm
>have $1,700
>can get a 4K TV for $250-300
>5700xt for $400
Is true native 4K gaming worth $700? I heard I won't need AA at such a high resolution. How crisp and detailed can that shit get? I don't care about 144hz btw, mainly play single-player.
tfw u bought a chinese knockoff 2080ti from and it only has 1/4 of the vram
>true 4k gaming
>300 dollar 4k tv
I was going to shit on you but if you arent going to play shooters yeah its worth it youre going to have to drop settings and doenscale sometimes
I'll buy a 580 next month, will probably last me the whole next gen at 1080
ya good luck with that
i didnt its straight from EVGA. ive read speccy has some issues misreading vram
install hwinfo and use summary page, speccy wasn't updated in 2 years
Why can I not leave this place?
You're buying that GPU at the worst point in time. Get a 5700 at least, more than double the power and you'll for sure be future proof for the whole next gen.
Slightly off topic, but 4K isn’t that expensive atm. Right now brick and mortar stores are pushing 8k, weather proof, and smarthome features.
Pic related is a search just now for 55”
is weather proof just science for glare protection?
The marketing advertises resistance to shit like dust and sun damage for people who put TVs in the backyard. Im not a retard that keeps several hundred dollar electronics in the backyard though so it’s not something I spend too much time researching
Like a raggedy-assed motherfucker.
>upgrading every year
>being a good consumer
It works just fine for everything I play, I'll only upgrade with used parts so waiting more generations is a must
I know, 1080p TV's are completely dead in-stores and 4K sets are getting extremely cheap. I'm very picky about certain aspects of TV's, mainly gray uniformity, so I'm always looking for the best value deals that offer free returns so I don't get fucked over and stuck with a shitty screen since TV manufacturing is a joke nowadays with QC and you have to play the panel lottery. In the last year I bought a 50" Samsung NU6900 and a 50" Vizio D series 4K TV and had to return both of them because they had the same extremely obvious and awful uniformity issues.
Can you tell me more about what you look for? I'm conscious of things more now that I've been gaming (and watching old tv on) a tube and while I'm interested in getting a 4K OLED (I hear LG 4K is top of the line though it is expensive to me so I'm biding my time yet), I don't know a lot about buying flat screens (my last tv purchase was in 2008). Would appreciate your insights.
I'd say go to and read up on their TV reviews, they also have a youtube channel, they go very in-depth with TV reviews and do a good job explaining everything.
What I personally look for in a TV is acceptable gray uniformity, specifically to avoid having to deal with the DSE (dirty screen effect), I don't mind dark corners (vignetting). Other than that the next most important thing is black uniformity which basically just means how the TV looks when you're looking at dark content like if the screen is on a pure black background. As long as there isn't very noticeable backlight bleed or bright clouding I'm happy. OLED has perfect blacks and most regular 4K LCD's have honestly good enough blacks (at least around 4000:1 contrast). But like I said before, you play the panel lottery nowadays with any TV from any manufacturer at any price range. From what I've read on AVSforum and other sites, people seem to agree and ballpark estimate that around 30% of all 4K TV's have unacceptable uniformity and/or backlight bleeding and vertical banding issues. People assume this is mainly because of all the companies trying to make their new TV's both as thin as possible and as bright as possible and this leads to higher numbers of fucked TV's compared to how things were 5+ years ago with 1080p TV's.
>1440p ultrawide
It’s hell. Can barely run apex on min settings but next generation is a year away REEEEEE
Recently replaced my dying 7870XT with a RX580 (Sapphire Nitro version). Other than Dishonored 2, Prey and Doom 4, what good singleplayer games from the last few years have I missed out on?
1440p Ultrawide is quite a bit more resolution than 1440p. You fucked up. You would have hit the sweet spot with regular 1440p, you'd have been able to play Apex with meduim/high settings at 60fps+
yeah, but my CPU's really starting to crap out in modern games.
Got GTX1070 recently, but pairing it with i5 4690k creates a moderate bottleneck.
Ace Combat 7, Sekiro, Resident Evil 2, Metro Exodus.
mankind divided, elex, kingdome come deliverance
9700k/GTX 1070
I expect to be able to play on 1080p medium high
My computer can barely handle running Fire Fox.
>buying reference
>using stock voltage
You need more juice to push all those pixels
I can't decide between one of the aftermarket 5700xt's or a 2070 super. I was originally planning for a regular 2070 but the super looks like a straight upgrade for almost the same price, while the 5700xt is the same performance for cheaper.
vega 56 chads rise up
>GTX 1080 is so powerful and affordable it murdered by Nvidia Jewtricks
Thank god i buy this just before RTX is released.
I'll be fine
+60fps max settings in doom 2016
im sure ill be fine
Got a GTX 2080 two weeks ago. I am ready
>tfw actually just got a job so I can buy a 1080 TI and a new processor after saving up for a year
>reference card
yes yes, we all know the 5700xt reference blower is fucking trash. Why do you think literally everyone has said to wait for AIBs?
Don't forget DMC5.
I think I'll be fine.
Will I make it with a 1070
I mean I should get over 100fps, right?
It depends. Only if i can get Doom from EGS
is the joke that it runs so hot that it's like the fires of hell?
i should be okay. i have a EVGA GTX 1060 6gb. pretty good card. gotta upgrade my cpu though so i can resolve my bottleneck
what is your cpu, user?
fx 6300 i believe. its fucking garbage and im gonna get rid of it as soon as possible. planning on replacing it with a lower tier i7
oh yeah that is pretty bad
you should be able to find a 4770k/4790k+mobo for not too much money hopefully, another option that'll last you for a long while is the R5 2600, with mobo and 16gb ddr4 it should cost around 300 bucks total and you won't need to replace it for a long while
Haswell and up are still overpriced on the used market for what they're worth. Something like this should last you a while. If you need even more IPC, the tomahawk can handle zen 3 easily after a bios update.
Will a GTX 1660 run modern games decently? I don't want to spent too much and I only need 1080.
It'll be absolutely fine for 1080p60, or 144 in less demanding games. My 1060 has no issue running modern games on high, and the 1660 gets 5-15 more fps depending on game
Awesome, thanks user.
>gtx 860m
acer predator xf240. good budget stuff.
>tfw no high refresh rate IPS adaptive sync 16:10 monitors