would the classic edition be a nice opportunity to get in???
I really want to play an MMO and this is history of the industry
Would the classic edition be a nice opportunity to get in???
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Activision HQ...
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Game is dead on arrival.
>11 servers when original had 85
>Single RP-PVP server and its west coast when the original RP servers were east coast.
>not original menus
>1.12 AV
>so many casuals it fucking hurts.
Yeah, absolutely. Everyone will be starting fresh and tons of new players will be starting too. At worst you're out $15 or whatever the month costs.
>no pvp rewards until two months in at least
>no bgs until probably six months in
going horde pvp is gonna suck isnt it
i don't want to go through lightbringer again
well so what other mmo I could play??? I dont want to purchase tons of DLCs and I dont want to farm slone like a bith to play with other people
wow this tranny art shit is terrible lol
>Complaining about casuals
>In wow
Casuals I don't mind
Casuals/Old-guard that think they know how to make classic better by changing it, piss me the fuck off.
People that defend layering are the biggest fucking red-flag.
The main selling point of it was the ability to level however you wanted at your own pace, as opposed to games like EQ that had mandatory grouping
At least layering is supposedly a temporary thing, but even then it's fucking garbo.
3 months from release:
>they should fix layering
>they are, stop trolling about layering
2 months from release:
>they should fix layering
>they are, stop trolling about layering
1 months from release:
>they should fix layering
>they are, stop trolling about layering
15 days from release:
>they should fix layering
>Too late now just deal with it.
>Casuals/Old-guard that think they know how to make classic better by changing it, piss me the fuck off.
Vanilla wow is a horribly designed game, defending this is ultimate cuckoldery.
They have said phase 2 which is 3 months down the line, and if you think they are going to disable layering you have to be fucking retarded. Think about it for half a second and use your brain.
Let assume the population of Classic somehow dwindled to 200k players total. That would be an 80% loss. Unheard of. That would still be 20k people PER FUCKING SERVER. Original limit was 2500~ so the number of layers would need to be ~8.
If you say they will disable it later you are just pulling this shit:
I said supposedly, but I wouldn't be surprised of they didn't shut it off. Then again I haven't particularly given any stock to what Blizzard says in over a decade so there's that.
I just want it to be good, is that too much to ask.
The speed this thread is going, and the fact there are no other WoW threads, should show you where the hype for this game went.
are you thinking of UO or EQ or something?
WoW was just a stripped down, simplified MMO for dumbo kids and soccer moms.
>WoW Yea Forums threads are shit
>WoW /vg/ threads are good
>FFXIV/v/ threads are good
>FFXIV /vg/ threads are shit
>>WoW /vg/ threads are good
that's only because the game hasn't released yet and there's no tranny orbiting. once they have a guild that gets a few healers pretending to be girls it'll be just as shit as the private server threads were.
>Stop liking guy I don't like
I killed Moira every time, so why is that bitch still alive?
You're the one posting pictures and posts about him in every thread, giving him more attention, so you're the faggot
Layering is honestly not bad since it keeps servers very Alive and you'll always have people you can meet. Downside is when it gets abused. I don't see any problem with it otherwise, so fight me
I wouldn't worry, FFXIV seems to be working nicely as a tranny containment game. I hope a sequel is underway.
That's where your wrong. It's like the most spread image on this fucking board you retard.
Sup y'all?
>I'm gonna pretend to be somebody else, and be offended on his behalf
>They have said phase 2 which is 3 months down the line,
Yikes, what is there even to do for 3 months if you play a lot? MC? Onyxia? Woooooaaaa....
It not possible for someone to be awake 24/7 to post it in every singe thread. Yet it gets posted in every thread. Stop baiting.
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
Absolutely Based
Sorry, you and another guy who keeps spamming the thread with Asmongold, yet you hate him
this will be boring in less than a month
nani the fuck did you just say
very based, advanced level redpilled
It's the only MMO worth playing desu
>tfw someone steals your horrible copypasta
you're supposed to spoiler the last part
Based beyond words
Thought provoking and based.
t. wasn't around for elysium and northdale
you have plenty of trannies, don't worry. especially if you're an alliance player.
The true vanilla wow experience was just fucking around out in the world completely lost with no idea of what the big picture or 'endgame' was. It's a completely different experience now not to mention there weren't cancerous streamer personalities around back then.
hordeniggers on suicide watch
>Blizzard literally opening more servers before the game even launches
stay mad bfa kiddie
well I'm going horde with ten other people, so I'm gonna hunt them down non-stop until they have a mental breakdown and remove themselves from existence.
vanilla launched with around 40 servers, not 85
also those "11 servers" all have layering which enables 4x / 5x the population of a vanilla server so 11 is more like 55-60 servers
also autoloot was in 1.12 you just had to hold down shift
What even is this layering thing you fellas keep yammering about? Never played WoW.
It's where you have to yell at your fellow streamer watchers for an invite to the layer to be able to see asmon so your zoom zoom peepee feels good
What's streaming? What's asmon?
>so many casuals it fucking hurts.
I'd rather play with casuals that min-maxing autists who scoff at any priest who isn't a dwarf. WoW by its nature is a casual game
Is 15 bucks a big deal for you ? Just give it a try and find out for yourself.
i hope you hotdefags don't get btfo as hard this time by trannies who literally sent each other nudes on discord
compare this to a real human
this so much
most blizzard games are casual in nature, occasionally there will be a retard that thinks that the game is hardcore and act in consequence, but that also happens with nintendo games
blizz fans dont understand that they are basically nintendo fans in disguise
oh no no no
Yes because horde queues will be fucking long like on retail
>11 servers when original had 85
not comparable, launch servers had like 3k people max, these servers are 10k people + layering
not perfect, but the alternative is 20 servers and 10 of them dying after 3 months when all the plebs give up
>Single RP-PVP server and its west coast when the original RP servers were east coast.
? nobody cares about that? literally the first time i've seen this LUL
>not original menus
visual UI change you use 5min total in your entire playtime, nobody cares as long as the options are there (which they are)
>1.12 AV
no clue
>so many casuals it fucking hurts.
casuals and newbs who love the game are the best thing that could happen, but I doubt many will stay past 1 month
Players have never killed anything, only defeated. Because Blizzard really doesn't like when they write themselves into a corner because they allowed players to kill a character.
oh no! you are telling me that SOCIAL MARKETERS in the VIDEO GAME industry can benefit from participating in an anonymous VIDEO GAME forum?
how are they going to recover after your big exposure?
fucking idiot go be an hero, there are marketers and advertisers in literally every platform and entertainment source we have, games are just another part of the big industry
Imagine playing a dwarf at all.
Warrior: gnome or orc
Hunter: nelf or orc
Rogue: dwarf or orc
Mage: forsaken or gnome
Priest: dwarf or forsaken
Warlock: orc or forsaken
Shaman: orc
Paladin: dwarf
Anything else is wrong and you better be on a roleplay server, tranny.
EU bros do I keep my name on Shazz or switch to Gehennas?
How much do they pay you?, i want to know because i'm currently looking for a job and i'm here like everyday.
One of those months you will be leveling. Then week or two to do attunements. If you think you will gear up in 2 months then you will be severely disappointed.
>wrong class/race pick
>on the king of casual mmos
>thinks you need to be in a RP server to make flavor picks on a massive RPG
yeah maybe stop deluding yourself into thinking this ever was a serious game that required min maxing of any kind
Wow, all of those are wrong.
worst opinion.
If you play a gnome you are a faggot period.
I spend all day here anyway. Where do I apply?
this is peak wow according to Yea Forums
nothing, I'm not even going to play WoW, I just dislike idiots who jump and scream "marketer!" as if their secret club wasn't already filled to the brim with them
how do i apply? i spend all day spamming the catalog with home wojaks, i may as well get paid to do it right?
Who is going to stop him? You?
they're not gonna listen my dude
anyone with a different opinion is automatically a shill
their hysteria knows no bounds
Yes, certainly. It is a great idea to "get in" by playing a massively outdated, badly designed, highly flawed game that will mostly be played (for the short time it'll be around) by nostalgic morons who know most of the game already and tolerate no newfaggotry.
Imbecile. What the fuck do you expect from WoW Classic?
who are you quoting?
Any player who is even decent at the game won't invite roleplay faggots
you are roleplaying a min max boogeyman
try retail too because you might like it more than classic
classic is mostly for nostalgia
Asmongold's gf getting sapped and manhandled by goblins.
>m-muh aeshetics over gameplay
Thought I was on mmo champion for a second
Actually, the game is forgiving enough that only a functioning brain is required for the vast majority of content .
Someone who mindlessly follows min/max guides clearly doesn’t have one, so should be excluded by default until they prove otherwise.
This is the perfect time to play classic. You'll be participating in history in the making.
Pvp is not forgiving.
I can tell you're a human or troll player with all this coping
Another reminder that Wow Classic will be filled with zoomers based off of OP's post. This game has been DoA for several months now.
Shu the fuck uuuuuuuuuup everybody used alakazam or thotbot later you fucking idiot
So you're saying a guy who defends all of the changes in Classic WoW who was also shilling microtransactions being silently added in CTR after everyone bought the game and to avoid negative press before release is not a shill? Just a person with extremely shit taste and philosophy that happens to like everything Activision Blizzard does? the person I'm replying to is probably the same one in that image
Yes it is.
There’s almost no penalty on death.
halfway in everyone who wasnt a shitter (you) was using sites to look shit up
running 10 minutes to your corpse over and over is definitely some sort of penalty
>just shrugging off a defeat and getting corpse camped
Are you a tranny?
you're right! it's me
how are ya
funny because I am the original creator of this pasta
not as horribly designed as you
I'm going troll priest to counter pick the dwarf priests.
Happy I can post on Yea Forums on company time without having to defend Activision in each post. How are you today? Did you ever get invited to Kotick and Epstein's parties?
i'm well, thank you
thanks again for making that image. i get a real kick every time i see it. it's hilarious to me that i got under your skin that badly.
>what is having to do manual corpse run possibly over and over and over again
>what is ressurection sickness
>what is item durability
yeah wow totally lets its players off the hook when dying with like totally no penalties whatsoever dude like completely scotfree no repercussions at all!
>NA fag
what server is everyone on?
we be fishin'
>thanks again for making that image. i get a real kick every time i see it. it's hilarious to me that i got under your skin that badly.
Silence, BRAND
based madseason
It's probably going to be a great time for all.
It's like a twice in a lifetime opportunity. Imagine missing out on it for some frivolous reason.
Dwarf priest
Something hunter depending on if I make it horde or alliance
And undead lock
I think I’ve narrowed it.
post your skill trees plebs
>Blizz releases a new EST server
>After everyone has mass gone to Herod
I doubt many people will switch and my friends probably want to stick on Herod as well. Why couldn't they have just come out with this earlier in the week.
because the game has released yet and that was the point of the stress test
Can't wait for The Light to guide me
The game isn’t even out yet. How can changing be an issue at this point.
It’s a penalty.
Not one so daunting or guaranteed that minmaxxing your race is necessary
Take your meds, go back to the /vg/ fags you obsess over and dilate
>ugh just stop caring and lose every single max level fight
>who cares if you get corpse camped for 30m straight its just a game bro haha
everyone has migrated to stalagg now.
>he has to minmax his race or he’ll lose every single fight
Honestly pathetic
>passing up on advantages because you want to play dressup with his character
lol what a homo
You just admitted you’re so terrible that you lose EVERY fight if you don’t minmax.
We both know your impending excuse of hyperbole isn’t true, so your opinions are worthless. Go practise on a private server until you’re less awful.
you mad?
Let me guess, you play female?
Planning on both pve and pvp. Redpill me on best race for both rogues on both factions.
Dwarf because you can cleanse dots and vanish
Gnome because rogue has bad mobility in classic and breaking roots is great
Orc because no one on alliance plays warlock and you'll have an advantage over other melees
>People have already made an addon that simulates LFG and also shills itself in general chat
Orc/Forsaken for horde, but I personally liked Trolls
Wish they would just ban all add-ons, or at least only allow them after a few phases.
Literally the most boring spec in the game
Yeah, nice job protecting your NDA
Layering wont affect the game!
im so glad it wasn't just me
SW was totally empty too
>All these people saying WoW, the poster child of poopsock, is casual
Give me one other currently alive mmo that is more hardcore than vanilla WoW. No, the 26 people still playing EverQuest do not count.
This post is confirmation to me that OP has already made up his mind and is just looking for confirmation from other idiots to back him up with his decision to finance an awful, greedy corporation who has fucked up each and every one of their games in the past decade.
Well, it's your money, have fun.
What is hardcore exactly? The time you have to spend to get shit done? Is OSRS hardcore too, then?
Unironically, this will be my build when reaching 60. I will highly consider getting one point in holy nova instead of 2 points in blessed recovery.
And improved inner fire and improved mana burn > 10% cheaper insta spells.
>animeposter, the clear sign of someone poor or unemployed
>doesn't realize noobs are a chance to make friends and gank retards
I'm really glad you're not playing. Goldshire is haunted and you are doomed
How do you make friends or gank anyone when world is empty like
Shazz is a streamer server.
ganking is for sweaty neckbeards try having sex instead
I hope the guys who decide to stream snipe do it properly, I want them to have spies in the streamer guilds so they can hunt them down even when they turn their streams off and they can just relentlessly camp them for days.
I really look forward to all major streamers rerolling PvE.
It means time investment, but it also means gameplay complexity, exclusivity of content, level of immersion, and community attitude toward all of the above.
there will be at least ONE big streamer on every server, you can't escape them
What streamers are on Shazzrah? Seems like the most populated PVP server in EU.
Also, won't mages be OP with sh- layering in the beginning?
Don't underestimate the autism of APES.-
>tfw smooth mcgroove is on the server you picked
could be worse
Are they on Faerlina now?
I had Robin Williams on my server back in the day. Fuck these zoomer streamers.
He literally says he's going to rig events with his fan base. Fuck him. Also fuck WoW, quitting during TBC was the best decision of my life and my taste in video games immediately improved.
>so many casuals it fucking hurts.
I fail to see how this is a bad thing, id rather play along with other people who just do it for fun insted of fags who only do *valid* builds and shit.
>people are unironically excited for the broken shit that is Vanilla WoW
>when we could have a WotLK classic server permanently frozen on patch 3.1, the peak of WoW
The game isn't going to dwindle to 200k, it's going to dwindle to 50k, which roughly 3k per server.
You guys going horde to play with soda right?
So is WotF 5 seconds or 20 in this version
Why would people hang around IF or SW if they are not max level or doing something useful. Everyone is probably out in the world, faggot
yes. the game is incredibly accessible and casual. enjoy.
What's wrong with 1.12 AV
It's 5
this tbf, running through these dungeons with people who have never done it before will make it more fun than your usual autistic chatless chainpull run
People forgot that these games are multiplayer
Preach is the only one on Shazzrah, at least he's not that big and not a sperg
APES are on Gehennas
How will APES gank streamers from a different server?
Should I be an Orc Warlock or a Human Warlock
Both are unnimersive trash
Big truth. Let me know when TBC get released, I'll see you faggots then.
my most fun from wow (outside of pvp city raids)
was figuring out how to do a raid blind
Every other MMO on the market has spillover servers, otherwise known as "channels"
The reason layering is different and bad is because you get moved without your consent and you have no way of knowing which one you're on. If they addressed that it would be stock standard for the genre.
With how many people will be playing, layering is 100% necessary, the game will be unplayable without it.
I'm going to play a suboptimal race/class combination and there's nothing you can fucking do about it.
What server are we playing on?
just thought you should know you're a huge fucking fag
>t. human warrior chad
What's the better option for RP - Hydraxian Waterlords or Zandalar Tribe? How will they differ? Will ganking ruing RP for me?
t. never RPed in WoW
>tfw gonna play ench shaman and there's nothing you can do to stop me
Go for it, you're just stopping yourself from getting in a raid group.
wotlk rotations are fucking dog shit dude. its so fucking boring. wotlk is when it started to go down hill with class design
Also post your hunter & rogue builds..
Yes, I do plan on needing all your items
>Vanilla raids aren't har-
why would anyone want to stop you? thats one less raid spot to fight for. you and retfags are doing us all a favor thinning the herd. i say full speed ahead, my nigga
If you could control your own layer, you could exploit it too easily.
>kill rare mob
>relog into a different channel
>do it again
My real fear is that all the layers will be tied to one auction house. That would have disastrous effects on the economy.
Patched out
>boss so overtuned that it is actually not possible to beat and has to be drastically nerfed
>implies that is "hard"
RP PVP is unfortunately filled with people escaping zoomers and streamers rather than people interested in RP.
But then you miss out of PVP events.
>Orc warlock
>Not immersive
nigga what
Don't the major quest chains in Durotar revolve around uncovering and killing a coven of Orc Warlocks?
So I have to either choose complete RP without any PvP fun or a flawed RP experience with some PvP fun. Got it.
If you were 12 and internet illiterate, yes.
>every boss should be nerfed and be killed on the first week
no wonder game went to shit
user are you having a stroke
Yeah, but they're warlocks who serve the burning legion.
I assume all player warlocks are independent wizards that manipulate the void to their own ends, rather than serving Sargeras
>this is your average Classicfag
Yeah NOBODY fucking around in a stress test would want to go to Iron Forge. Out of the several thousand people playing, only that ONE user had the idea to go there.
Is 2h good when leveling a warrior? I never played actual vanilla.
yes, a 2h is your only option because dual wielding is awful before you get +hit
Dwarf Hunter or dwarf rogue? I want maximum comfy while I fish and cook but hunters are hated even more than rogues.
And one chat, except LFG which will be spammed
> having to waste 3 mins walking back to corpse is big penalty
> Meanwhile other games have you lose enough experience to go down levels, lose all your loot and some of your equipment
Anyone who think wow punishes you for exploring and dying is a zoomzoom
>everyone is out in the world, I swear
I love Dwarves but not their classes, shit sucks.
Yes, sharding is garbage. I don't think anyone other than Blizzard would argue that.
>log in on first day, ready to group up and play with friends or make new ones going through tough areas
>you're sharted into layer 4, immediately get raped by 3 mobs
Priest or shaman? Will heal for 4 buddies (war, mage, druid, hunter)
The true vanilla experience.
Super faggot retards.
Voice of reason.
god DAMNIT bros I wanna play right fucking now.
fuck this I'm getting on a private server and burning myself out over the next 11 days. cya fags
Play some other retro RPG and see how far you can get in 10 days.
I recommend:
Fly for Fun
Replay Warcraft 3.
this and warcraft 2. i'm having a blast replaying that atm
I wish I could join you guys in the hype, but there are so many red flags I can't stand it.
>so many
Okay let's assume layering is agressive and sticks around for longer than it should and lets assume streamers play the game.
What else is there?
And more importantly, what else am I going to play?
What's better than Classic that I can play right now?
Nobody ever said Classic was going to be perfect. This is Blizzard we're talking about. Stop being autistic.
Don't understate streamer cancer.
I dunno man, I've been enjoying ShB but 5.1 isn't for a while and Classic seems like it'd be a great filler for a month or two. It's partially FOMO but also I dislike the idea of giving money to modern Blizzard. Just tell me my dude, is it legitimately going to be good?
>I've been enjoying ShB
Can you recommend a game that doesn't have a gigantic MTX store behind a subscription payment? Because yeah I'm thinking that even with a few bumps Classic is going to be worth it just to be free from that shit.
>fuck this I'm getting on a private server and burning myself out over the next 11 days. cya fags
I did and now Im bored and prob wont play classic
Human is obviously the best class for warrior you fucking retard
Vanilla is really enjoyable until you've spent enough time at 60 that the only means of progression is raiding. I've done it up through AQ40 and while there's some novelty to doing huge 40-mans, the time investment to entertainment ratio tanks.
don't kid yourself
just lvl an alt
The fucking second I see one I'm out and I guarantee most others will too.
Pservers still keep Blizz in check in this regard. There's a line they can't cross and MTX is so fucking far over they can't possibly be considering it.
>most others
Most Classic players are zoomers who love throwing money at their favorite eceleb, what makes you think they give a shit about MTX?
pvp was fun to do between raids..actually it was all i did
>shit av version
better dont play it
Yeah that's what I do, I just don't get why everyone puts so much stock in endgame viability when it's such a small portion of the actual content.
>what makes you think they give a shit about MTX?
They're playing Classic instead of retail.
People can tolerate layering because it's a solution to a problem, Blizzard has been fairly honest about it, they needed a solution and while nobody thinks layering is ideal we can at least all agree that something had to be done. Launch population is a bigger problem for Blizz than any pserver, they had to take some kind of action and this is what it is.
MTX is completely unjustifiable, there's no fucking way they can add it to Classic without a tremendous backlash. It's completely against the spirit of the game and has no excuse to exist, there's no place for it.
They're gamers who can only get their dopamine rush from seeing the numbers on their armor go up
They're playing Classic because their ecelebs are playing classic and their ecelebs are playing Classic because it's a new release. The vast majority of Classic players have likely never played WoW.
what the fuck is this pic xD
Well I'll eat my words if and when Blizzard puts MTX in the game and people buy it instead of switching back to pservers instead.
Now that we've got this out of the way I'll repeat my request for anything else that's less offensive than Classic and it's future potential MTX that may or may not exist. Let's talk about games that DO exist, what other options do I have? Classic in it's current form beats out pservers due to accuracy and stability, layering it basically the only complaint and it's not enough to ruin the game. What else is there?
/wowcg/ is good, /wowg/ is even more of a tranny-obsessed shit hive than /xivg/
Get into an entertaining guild.
Name one ActiBlizzard game that doesn't feature jewery of finest degree. It's inevitable. Tokens will come first and people right here on Yea Forums will welcome it.
Just one?
Ok you got me, I forgot about Sekiro. But all their games as service are disgusting when it comes to monetization. And army of super loyal fans eat that up.
its frost mage more fun than holy paladin?
pvp is fine but spaming frostbolt is meh
how come the top doesn't need sharing but bot does
I am right now and damn does this game have the problem of Too easy on normal and too hard on hard.
Pservers have dynamic spawns.
Classic does too but not remotely to the same degree.
does that shit work with rare mobs? seems like you could abuse it to farm items
And yup.