Well, Yea Forums?
Well, Yea Forums?
What's wrong with having a private profile?
Private profile is based
>Adds people
they use Steam
>when adding people
Why are you adding anyone?
the old one has more rules thus it's better
2, because a friend giftes me hentai games and I have +reps dating back to 2011, I see no point in removing them
is this the steam version of the mike rowe koch brothers funded good goy pledge?
What's wrong with having a private profile?
I got a private profile because I'm sick of faggot kids wanting to trade.
>rules listed at the bottom of this giant list
Fuck, do you want me to go all the way back to the top, and read through that again?
>old one has 45 rules, several which were obsolete
>this one has 46
>less than 50 games
>having a steam level higher than 50
Which one is it bumblefuck?
You can be level 20 with 1000+ games
Why are screenshots 3 different red flags
You tell me.
More points duh
Who knows, I have a bunch of old screenshots from space engineers and other games for threads. I didn’t think anyone else could see them for the longest time.
Screenshots have always been public unless manually and individually set to private
got a 1
I have like 350 screenshots from years ago. I've been meaning to go and delete most of them but I'm too lazy.
Clicking your profile was like stepping on vomit barefoot
Do it. It's really quick and easy.
>exceltion: summer 2019 badge
that's considerate, lads, i never asked to jump 45 steam levels from clicking a few times
i didn't want this
>non vidya profile pic
>it's of ex-PM Tony Abbott
Great now im based right???
>Thousands of hours "played" ironically and idled on any game
The hell this means?
Oh, no, you’ll see various hunks of shit mining funny faces in rocks, oh, no. I think you can go on planets in space engineers now, though. I haven’t played in years. At least four.
Like 8000 hours on Bad Rats
Team Fortress 2. One time I left a game running and went on a five day bender. Never played it again because it reminds me of the hangover.
Does it count as an "anime avatar" if the character is specifically from a video game but has the artstyle? Pic related.
Also rate me.
Still 0
Nice meme, 1 if a /vg/ groups as "-chan"
>Steam level higher than 50
>Item showcase (had a free showcase spot)
>more than 50 screenshots
>private profile is negative
dumb zoomers go back to facebook
>Unironically "Yea Forums"
>11 hours
>Already a screenshot
People will leave games running either for a joke (Bad Rats) or to get items (Team Fortress 2). If the former, they're probably the kind of asshole who thinks they're a comedian constantly when they're just copying other peoples jokes. If the latter they probably care more about Steam economy shit than actual games. Both are red flags.
Anime avatar is anime avatar, sorry.
On a glance you're 6. Can easily redeem yourself.
>over 200 steam games
>only MP games I play are card games and fighting games on ps4
>have not added a single person.
Give me a good reason why I should.
>screenshots is a red flag
lol ok fag
It's not that bad user, don't listen to him. It's just very basic.
Over 50 is excessive already
I have an anime profile picture and get thirsty losers to buy me free video games and your checklist can't stop me.
that's less than 1 per game
Everytime I open Steam threads in here I'm thankful I haven't added any of you autists as friends.
Nigger, you fine?
You're correct. Is pruning and cleaning up old garbage too difficult for you?
>None of this applies to me
Reddit tier です
>using Steam
>deleting fond old memories because some fag on the internet told you to
Do you burn photo albums too?
>fond old memories
Show or shut up homo
>having photo albums
Shut up zoomer.
Show what?
Pictures, some example
inb4 they are stupid shit or you just looking for excuses
1, pic related
>no "Canadian" negative
I feel left out now, what was wrong with that rule?
Cropped porn?
>stupid shit
what else would a video game screenshot be of? What excuses am I looking for lol? There's nothing wrong with hoarding screenshots.
How to make it less basic?
>implying anyone adds people on steam anymore
It's all Discord now.
I actually miss random adds on steam met decent people. Discord is for trannies
user, 99% of excessive amounts of screenshots are always shit like score results and terrible flexing.
GOOD screenshots include:
>actually shows something really nice or impressive, art-like
>shows a unique glitch or bug
>shows something super rare that you might never have come across again
>optionally on top of these, no visible UI
i posted my profile yesterday and two weebs from here added me
How to make profile not basic while not having it be cringe?
go ahead and try to buy physical copies of PC games in 2019. What you end up with is a box with a game manual and a cd. Put the cd in your computer and you get a popup with your steam key(or whatever other platform) and instructions on how to download/install steam. Physical copies of PC games are pretty much dead now. You would have to pirate something and put it on a flash drive. That's as physical as you will get now
>not taking screenshots your characters so you can admire your progression
Lets not try and pretend anyone actually looks at any of this shit.
No, cropped card art from a dead Nexon mobile trading card game.
Nothing wrong with that
1 because i'm in the /r/metalgearsolid group
2 because i did a joke review about MGRR and GZ
>thankfully i was level 45 only before the summer sales 2019, now level 60.
Nigger just keep them locally and upload only the ones worth looking at. I've got thousands of screenshots but only uploaded a bunch of funny ones.
Add showcases and a background maybe.
You can do interesting stuff with the screenshot showcase as well.
It normally means you're a pussy/coward that's hiding something.
Biggest red flag worth a trilliion points is having a cookie-cutter checkbox review. These degenerated must be gassed.
Can't you hide your inventory separately?
Never give your personal information to anyone on the internet.
>steam profile
>personal information
i unironically use sam because fuck you, it's my profile i can do whatever i want
>i unironically use sam
Not gonna lie, I use it on games with achievements that have a dead multiplayer making it impossible to get any of the multiplayer achievements legit anymore.
Wait, what the hell is sam?
I thought it was just that gay Skyrim mod
why is screenshots a red flag??
i used it mostly for "remasters". i've already got all the achievements in ds2 once, fuck replaying that piece of shit again
The thing that unlocks all the achievements in any game, some retards are really into that
Steam achievement manager or some shit
>Having 200 screenshos counts a lot more than a fucking furry avatar, which that alone should be like 50 points
Nah, the previous version of this image was better.
>more than
Because it's faggotry and noone will waste their time looking through hundreds of pictures just to see one of two decent ones
I only get 5 because the screenshots one is retarded gibberish to add in it anyways.
My score is 0.
What two things can I add from this list and still be cool?
They are additive, 7 points
>actually giving a shit about "achievements"
I fucking hate SAM, you spend hundreds of hours doing achievements and retards can just simply come up and say "lol u used sam!1!!1"
At least trophies on Playstation can't be cheesed
t. former SAM user
Why not specifically say about what kind of screenies tho, like putting a fuckload of meaningless screenshots of adult games and such? these should be applied as well.
I have Nekopara and more than 200 screenshots. I don't give a fuck if anyone looks at them. I screencap for myself and look through them from time to time. Blow me.
>private profile still triggers nerds
>caring what other people do
cringe and bluepilled, consider dilating
... said Anonymous, on the anonymous anime and videogames knitting circle
>tfw only 4 points
Thought it'd be worse honestly
>>Already a screenshot
What the fuck time played has to do with screenshots? Holy fuck you are autistic.
1 point
Why would you need those achievements anyway?
This one is legit excuse though.
Faggiest thing about SAM is that it messes with global achievements stats. Bruteforcing your old achievements for remasters or games finished on other platform/pirated on the other hand does the opposite of that and fixes global statistics.
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
>what's wrong with having your country in username?
>what's wrong with having a private profile?
>what's wrong with replying with "what's wrong with having a private profile"?
>what's wrong with accepting free games? It's literally free fun
>agree, those quotes are usually retarded and even if they're not, the user has no idea what it really means
>why though? What's wrong with giving away games you don't play?
>what does the age of account have to do with the quality of a person?
>what are VAC bans?
>what is SAM?
>it's the opposite, having FUCKING 50 GAMES on your account means you never played them. Or worse, you did. Jesus Christ, kill yourself faggot
>what are steam levels and how you gain them?
>question above
>same question
>same question again
>what's wrong with funny reviews?
>agree, guides are for pussies
>not necessarily a red flag but proceed with caution
>does anyone actually leave a game opened and not play them just to get hours in it? Why?
>to be fair a lot of F2P games are great
>what's wrong with trading? What's a +rep?
>agree, bragging about having an item is retarded
>agree, trading items is retarded, both parties involved are absolute fucktards
>what's a Salien?
>okay now I'm getting confused as to the meaning of a showcase. At first I thought it was a list of games you are willing to trade but now I'm not sure
>question above,what is showcase?
>AGREE! (why the fuck does anyone make screenshots?)
>agree, who gives a shit what hardware you have?
>agree, why would I refrain from messaging someone because of their profile status?
>agree,I don't give a shit what some dude fuck knows where looks like
>agree, they belong on Yea Forums
>why? Roleplaying is fun and redpilled
Achievements are great to give you some direction when you want some extra challenge or replayability. Brigador is good example. Campaign is a fucking tutorial while freelance mode is too open-ended.
And what exactly is risked or gained in the monumental task of... not playing a game for 5 years?
>This one is legit excuse though.
the issue here is, since "legit" in this case is subjective, you can pretty much cover any sam usage and consider it "legit" in your book.
as for the global percentage, there are like 0.5% of sam users (you can easily check this on games with broken achievements), so it's pretty much irrelevant
i got 100% achievements on steam, stay made pleb i know this is b8
Learn how to greentext for fucks sake.
(+1) Here, have an extra point for autism.
I have 50+ "friends" because I've been using steam since like 2008 and played a lot of games and I'm too much of a nostalgia fag to remove people.
Summer Sale and Chinese new year sale bugged out so bad for me (spent 10€, got badge to almost lvl 400) that I went from 30 to 92.
I have over 200 screenshots not for others but for me because as I said I'm a nostalgia fag but too lazy to update it to other hosting sites.
And I probably own some hentai games because I was a hoarder during 2015 to 2018.
i don't know if i have 4 or 6 according to this list
this is the last time i post my steam profile
What exactly is wrong with how I greentexted?
i don't think i've added someone for 2 years
Roleplaying is the worst thing on there.
I assume this is regarding roleplaying in a video game, not some gay ass furry rape roleplay in steam chat. What exactly is wrong with that? Would you not like to have a good match in, say, an operator game with people talking like they were actually operators reporting on situation and coordinating the attack and whatnot?
What are some good discord servers that aren't just WE HAVE GIVEAWAYS COME EVERYONE FREE STUFF
>only 4 hours
fix that right now
Why the fuck would you add people that you don't know in real life?
What the fuck is wrong with you people? How socially isolated are you?
rate mine
I have no rl friends who play on PC. They are all on console.
found a few lads through the early days of Rainbow Six in 2016 and play with them ever since.
I got none but the screenshots. WHAT IS WRONG WITH SCREENSHOTS?
Faggots find it hard to comprehend that people play a lot of games, not just CS:GO and Dota 2, so they think a lot of screenshots are scoreboards with KDA.
I only make them to shitpost on /vg/
What is the point of a screenshot? It's not like you're going to make a cap of something original that most people won't find in the game themselves, also no matter how good the graphics, nothing you can find in any game is visually impressive enough to merit a cap.
>dude look, look, I was in, look, that lication in that game. Look.
Yeah I've seen it too. Big deal.
oh well I just mostly take and "publish" screenshots of things that look pretty, funny or special on some other way. And by publishing it is just easier for myself to keep track of them. Okay sometimes I take screenshots of score or achievements too but I don't see it as a crime.
>2 (you)
get on my level nerds
>someone added me from Yea Forums randomly
>Look in archives and someone has been posting my profile in steam friend threads
But why. I mean I changed my id and set my profile to private but still pretty weird
I got 2 too
based 2 (you) friend
Sometimes I link them to my friends and we can talk about them. Also in some games you just get a black picture if you try to paste it from a prnt scrn.
Oh. How can I check that? Weebs added me for seemingly no reason yesterday.
Damn that would creep me out.
Ye, I do the same thing. I find it fun scrolling through old screenshots, too, especially if they're made in coop with a friend.
I mean I checked the archive for my steam url? It's pretty simple
>link to friends
user that's what ShareX is for. Steam screenshot uploads are to show off impressive/artsy/unique/rare things that happened you in a game.
Whoa whats the point of taking pictures when the entire earth is documented, you're not original after all and everything has to be for someone elses amusement
1 point my dude
I've been here since 2011 and I literally don't know how to access the archive because I've never needed to, but now I am curious.
what makes you think I uploaded them for you? I usually just upload individual images when discussing games with friends and that piles up over nearly a decade.
It's barren like your bed.
fuck off newfag
anime profile pic
+than half my friends too
own VN
1,5k hours in rocket league ( ~75% idle)
Yeah it's fair. I have like 1000 screenshots tho, I take screenshots of stuff I consider funny/curious/cool
If you don't take screenshot for someone else's amusement, why do you publish them?
Even more reason to clean out that pile of old fermented shit.
Online storage.
Fucking rekt them, mate.
I use SAM on Bethesda games because mods disable achievements. Fuck playing vanilla Bethesda titles.
Don't add me unless you're going to play me in Xrd.
>replying to yourself
Oops, guess I'm retarded.
I have thousands of screenshots so publishing works kind of like bookmarking.
I think I'm not awful, I don't consider the poem "2deep4u" its just my favorite poem.
do any of you lads play gtao? Started playing again because of the casino dlc being filled with money exploits but all of my friends quit playing years ago so I'm a lonely friendless LOSER.
Only 2 but you sound like you have a giant stick up your ass and wouldn't be fun to play with so I'd never add you.
there's month of festivals in Monster Hunter, i have no time right now
>wojak double meme avatar
>steam level 69 (xD)
>fedora literature
>245 "friends"
your post WAS sarcasm wasn't it?
what's SAM?
whoa since when is putting chatlines of people calling you a cheating faggot in comp games not kosher
In just dont remove people, and that's a family name. The level isnt on purpose, I dont give a shit enough to even notice it, it's just occasionally increasing when I decide in want a badge.
Also fuck you that poem is great and Mr. X is based.
This one is even worse than the old one. I scored a 3 but it doesn't matter since i never add people from here anymore since the only people left are electionfags and giga autists.
The only thing that's missing is 88 next to that 14
What if I legitimately have 3k hours in TF2 since 2008?
>3 perfect games
I screenshots of cheating in a game that i've just took from google.
People rage in game and then post angry comments that im a cheating and so on while in truth i dont. If this is not based i dont know what is.
What kind of games do you even play with other people? Sorry I have no social skills.
>adding people
It's ok. Nobody wants to add me to their friend list anyway.
I have like, three games there and i never log into it anyway.
>I never add anyone on steam
>I never get added by anyone on steam
Problem solved.
Don't be a gullible social dumbass and you won't encounter these problems.
Not at all, a lot of pointless shit like r/thedonald was consolidated and Canada is no longer reasonlessly listed
>Using Steam as Social Media
I just want to play video games. Take you social nonsense away, I don't care if you get triggered by my Gunbuster profile picture.
>1 point for over 50 friends
not my fault everybody I know irl plays vidya
I liked the old list more because I had like 7 points lmao
>i likee being cancer
1 point for the same reason. A 15 year old profile is gonna rack up some friends added that I no longer interact with, but that doesn't mean I want to remove them. And I interact with quite a few people in different social circles on a regular basis, necessitating that I add more as I meet new people in these circles.
>is gonna rack up
Don't use age as an excuse to not prune and clean out. People you haven't talked to actively for no more than 6 months aren't friends, and should almost every time immediately be removed.
>got 9 for never bothering with deleting old screenshots or old friends who stopped logging in
I don't care about cleaning up my friends list. Eat shit.
What a nice way to live....
what the fuck is this reddit
either the dude is fun to play vidya with or he's not
added or not added
what the FUCK is all this extra autism
>thousands of hours idled
I remember when used to leave my computer on for months at a time with a game open so I could access it whenever I wanted
I send the money directly to the game company and then pirate a cracked version of the game which is 100% my property and not gimped by DRM.
>Steam level is lower than 10
Still don't understand the purpose of your steam level. Have always been below 10 until I got that 8 Years badge.
You easily go above 10 automatically by only owning a miniscule 50 games and having a few years old account.
come at me mentally ill trannies
I got 1. I stand by my pig in a blanket emote as the only thing in my bio.
>Having a friends list remain untouched for the possibility of wanting to or being contacted by an old friend is the same as a hoarder lifestyle
ebin analogy dude
Op confirmed narcissistic autist that can't deal with anyone mildly different to him
>old friend
forgotten*, attention seeking and very desperate
Do people actually use Steam as some kind of social media?
It's just the thing most of my games run off of and it makes multiplayer simple.
Who the fuck would put anything at all on their profile? (save for maybe a picture to make recognition easier in multiplayer things)
Sounds like a lot of projection going on here. You alright user?
I got plenty of friends but none of them play hardcore games
>avatar is schopenhauer
>member of giftan group
>used SAM a while back for free shit
>salien showcase
i guess i'm still ok then
looks like it
i never use the social shit for steam, but as it turns out you're cancer if you don't follow a bunch of arbitrary rules made up by people who are most likely more cancerous than those they consider as cancer
1 rule is bullshit except pony and furry part
3 and 4 rules are bullshit too. I don't want other faggots to see my profile, so I set it to be public for friends and myself only. Private profile is based.
7 and 8 rules are bs too. Don't like it, don't look at them.
11, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 23 rules are pure bigotry.
24 and 25 rules are bullshit, people have different tastes. Puzzle and hentai games are based and fun.
34 is bs too, backgrounds CAN be based and lewd. If you disagree, you have a problem.
Rules 35/36/37 are bs too. Don't like it, don't look at it.
39 is kinda trash, because pc specs can be a good flex despite all hate by poorfags.
45 is situational and optional. You like your profile look like a shitpost material, you leave comments. Your choice.
This loser
Fuck off, biggot. Go larp somewhere else.
the funniest part is the stuff on groups and screenshots
you're fucking autistic if you bother to sift through groups or screenshots, who really gives a shit about that
i keep my old screenshots where i had something neat happen in my games, i don't pay a cent for screenshot storage so what's the point of deleting them
maybe if you dont want screeching autists on your friends list, don't fucking add people off of Yea Forums
Calm down, tranny
the dilation station is two blocks down, buddy
3, private profile, account less than 5 years old and less than 50 games
1. private profile is to avoid people from adding me
2. account less than 5 years old is because I hop from account to account constantly
3. I don't plan in buying any game these days because they simply don't stroke my interest
>Avatar of non-vidya image
Are you retarded or what? Not everything has to be related to video games.
>t. facebook generation
Jokes on you, I'm a gigantic niggerfaggot.
>2. account less than 5 years old is because I hop from account to account constantly
That's worth like 10 points alone
We can see that
I can simplify it
1- You don't know the person
>well Yea Forums?
>well Yea Forums?
>well Yea Forums?
can you stop sounding like a retarded parrot? thanks.