Dub or sub?

dub or sub?

Attached: futaba.jpg (340x592, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


these threads are always fun. no sarcasm.

Erica: Otomefag
Aoi: Shotacon
Yeah I'm gonna go with Aoi

English is mommy gf
Japanese is cute gf

look at that masculine chin and brow on the wh*te whore. God, japanese women are so much more feminine and beautiful than wh*te bitches.

>Aoi Yuuki


Wrong opinion

Who's your favorite seiyuu ?

>persona 5
>set in japanese highschool, anime style, tons of japanese themes
>people actually decide to play some dubbed shit in american accents with random pronunciations of Japanese names depending on the recording day

Attached: 1538496105025.jpg (1920x1080, 619K)

t. obese wh*te roastie whore

Attached: 1523052864636.jpg (1080x1344, 1.05M)

>aoi yuuki

Attached: 1535989862642.jpg (1303x721, 225K)

Aoi Yuuki
Her voice is pure sex, same with Yu Kobayashi

Attached: 1562856864519.jpg (859x839, 212K)

subways is trash
but so is domino's

Have another of her

Attached: 1552738242842.jpg (1024x1024, 71K)

I love Aoi-chan's eyebrows!

Show her without makeup

Original audio always


What's with Amerimutts and their obsession with censoring themselves?
Is it a side effect of the fact that all Americans are born cuckolds?

Miyuki Sawashiro

You forgot about Omigawa Chiaki

Based contrarian retard

Attached: A4E8F87D-D826-4D39-92C4-339CEA16022E.jpg (936x1012, 559K)

English because I don't understand fuckall of gookshit.
What kind of idiot unironically listens to dubs he doesn't understand?

He won't because all women are disgusting without makeup.
And he will defend women mindlessly because all racemixers are leftist subhumans.
The leftoid is a very rabid creature, and the only solution to the leftist threat is execution.

>Obsessing over plastic
kkonas truly are amazing

Imai Asami

>Intentionally showing worst example of western women

Average western woman > most beautiful asian woman

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What the fuck is a "seiyu"

Attached: 1407349387510.jpg (2397x1494, 2.02M)

I can't believe there are people who watch dubs
if I could kill them all and everyone who made dubs I would

It's "VA" in gook.
Americans have the idea that they sound sophisticated if they randomly use words from other languages, even though everyone knows they are a bunch of posers who try to take other cultures as their own since Americans have none.

forgot link

Sorry I'm not some Amerifat that thinks american accents fit the setting, the text even have honorifics... imagine playing a weeb game but stopping just before to choose dubbed lmao. I think the "retard" here are the ones playing dubbed :^)

You retards would probably play games like Yakuza dubbed too if they existed(except 1 game)


Absolutely disgusting

Based retard

I watch dubs because I don't speak other languages, there's no reason to speak any language besides English.
You are delusional if i'm going to learn some 3rd world shithole language just to watch some shitty cartoon or videogame.

Never dub, you retarded normalfag. Go back to fucking plebbit.

>English dubs

Attached: h9809gkozu7z.jpg (680x779, 72K)

Dub always unless it's a foreign film. English is the best language and it's not even close.

>You are delusional if i'm going to learn some 3rd world shithole language just to watch some shitty cartoon or videogame.
watch it subbed you subhuman. you can read, right?

That's just yet another reason to avoid rice cartoons.

>persona 5 anime and pq2
>original audio only

*dabs on irrelevant dubfags*


Attached: 1557202746252.png (584x689, 216K)

>watch a TV show
>instead of looking at the screen, spend all time reading
Again, why the fuck would I listen to some 3rd worlders making retarded noises I don't understand?
What's the advantage?

>suffer listening to ching chong language just to feel special

Hikasa Yoko

>redditors who unironically use le ebin reddit asterisks to depict actions are in Yea Forums now
Mods banned jizzbrain pretty fast, why not this cancerous trend that exposes reddit people?

Only amerisharts defend dubs, this is a fact.

Left has a stronger jawline than me

What annoys me the most about this isn't even the subject, it's that it's completely against Lucoa's personality. Lucoa knows what she looks like and likes it and dresses for it. She sure as fuck wouldn't give a shit doesn't do it just for "patriarchal societal demands".

Tohru's response is also reversed in meaning too.

Shame as the dub quality itself was actually fine though sub is much preferable for the show.

>everyone was always saying something to me, so i tried toning down the exposure
is that really how the sub is supposed to be? it doesn't sound like a normal human conversation at all.

I'm from Switzerland and I only listen to either local or English dubs.
People who unironically listen to russian or japanese dubs in these games are fucking retarded.

What the fuck do I get out of listening to this?

There are no genuine posts in this thread. Everything is bait or post-ironic bait nowadays.

Not American and I defend dubs for games and anime because it's not like the japanese is any better.

Miyuki Sawashiro.

The ultimate sexycute onee-san but also just fantastic range in general, can play everything from older teenage boys to lolis to MILFs and works wonderfully for all of them while consistently sounding appealing. Also just a damn good voice actress too, good delivery.

Attached: typing.gif (500x280, 412K)

>japanese dubs

Spics do it more often, and worse.

>it doesn't sound like a normal human conversation at all.
English "translation" is
1) not true to source material at all
2) sounds like word salad out of leftist twitter, real people don't speak like that as well

so much for user's fact.

Fighting over dubs with Spaniards is peak Latin American culture.

Are there anymore examples? This is pretty

>everything is twitter and tumblr now
What a fag

Dub made it sound better

Wrong isn't better.

The main problem, on an instinctual and non-sexist level, is men are naturally attracted to small women. It tickles our desire to both protect and lead. Western women have much larger bone structures than eastern women so they're naturally at a disadvantage that is completely out of their control. And I'm not talking about people's unique fetishes. I am talking about a 200,000 year old natural instinct hardcoded into our brains. Science!

Attached: 1559110642909.jpg (2747x4084, 1.58M)

So both are shit.
Not that it matters, anyone who unironically watches cartoons over the age of 14 is either mentally ill or a millennial.

Shitty writing but with normal words > normal writing with buzzwords

>wanting to date plastic
Just get a sex doll or something

Small women are pathetic.

>Western women have much larger bone structures
Where the fuck do you live?
I'm from Switzerland and i've never seen a woman even as tall as me, and i'm only 6'0.

I like Aoi Yuuki

Attached: Meanwhile in japan.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Most faithfully translated japanese doesn't.

Link something. I'm 6'4 and prefer women 5'6 and up. I probably don't want manlet kids on some level.

>Everything is buzzwords now

Based contrarian retard

There's a 6'2" women sleeping 8' to my right. America has tons of not only tall women, but "big boned" ones. Japanese girls are both more short and more slim by national average.

Can someone provide one, just ONE, good reason to pick the disgusting whitoid bitch? Because every fiber in my being is telling me to go for the cute Japanese girl.

Attached: 1553291610004.gif (367x265, 565K)

Are you a numale?
Science is propaganda 100% of the times.
Although the mere usage of exclamation marks confirms that you are indeed one of those millennial creatures.

it's a direct translation, it's just that it's not the way you phrase it saying that in English

literally lost in translation
best would be "everyone was commenting on my appearance,"

we drop subjects like that in English too, just not in the same subjects, timings etc as many other language cultures do

Your women don't have "large bone structures", is just you all Americans are a bunch of lardasses.
And please, quarantine yourselves to your country, you are already doing a fine job corrupting the entire west, last thing we need is you corrupting asia.
You country of anti-beauty, 56% creatures.

Reminds of me Mansons shows in the 90's

Yeah, this ain't rocket science and you don't need a source. Ask any woman they'll confirm that the short girls get snatched up before the tall ones.

Of course it's an Amerimutt projecting his 3rd world shithole and his population of diabetic scum on all whites.
Here in the 1st world we actually take care of yourselves, unlike you who, in your 30s, you are already fat, busted and look like you are in your 60s.
Not that you'll reach them, american millennials will probably all die of ass cancer in their 40s due to all the garbage you eat.

>Your women don't have "large bone structures"
Yeah, they do, you dumb SJW fuck. Ethnic diversity exists. Different races, different traits. Get over it.

the entire prison school dub

Asian women are not even pretty. That's a fact.

>pesky patriarchal
Buzzword indeed.

Funny, because "I HAVE LARGE BONES" is an excuse all fatties use.
Yes, i'm sure your diet of coca cola, hamburgers and onions made your bones very big.
My 600lb life is a series of documentaries on the average US citizen.

>Science is propaganda 100% of the times.
$20 says this person can't understand the layout of a research paper using the scientific method.

Considering she is the same height as shota, would anyone even notice?

Any pics with feet?

Youre just brain damaged. Thats THE fact.

Attached: fag repellent.jpg (735x731, 798K)

>Ethnic diversity exists.
Not in clapistan, you are have all ethnic features in the world at once lmao.

We're getting taller for a reason. Source or frig off.

Bone structure has been mentioned like 10 times now. No one is talking about obesity. Go back to /ck/.


>that neck
>ugly eyes

you just confirmed my words

Either Megumi Ogata or DIO

>It tickles our desire to both protect and lead
I'd lead, but I don't want to protect anyone but myself.
If someone isn't strong enough to handle himself or herself, that person has no actual worth.

Sub. Every time. Even in western games.
Dub is for subhumans. And English VAs all, especially the prominent circlejerked ones, suck monkey cocks.

I prefer dub sice I can understand the tone in which people talk and all that crap, but i dont mind reading some fucking subtitles if there's no dub

Why do people make such a big deal over this shit?

Attached: i wasnt waiting for this.jpg (362x223, 16K)

Fatties always mention bone structure to excuse their fatness while gulping down a completely fried hamburger.
You are just fat because you Americans eat like shit.
Plus, Americans also have this habit of projecting their flaws onto the rest of the people, which has turned Americans into a nation where, even the far right is anti-white, all because YOU are scum.
Which means that America has become a defacto enemy of white people.

This is why i'll always say that Europe needs to ally itself with Russia or China.
America is the true enemy here.

fucking weeb holy shit

Do you honestly not know why Americans are taller? You do realize that not only our food, but how we make and what the animals are eating that it comes from affects our own growth, right? For example, Americans eat about 50x as much meat as Japanese. Meat is expensive over there. I've only been to Korea but from what I read the prices are pretty similar. The protein intake on average is over twice as high in Americans than Japanese. And that's just 1 type of food. I'll avoid the subject of growth hormones in livestock for the time being.

Literally read the filename. The fact that youre brain damaged never needed no confirmation, as it was plainly self evident.

Are you the slav from the other thread about that brown pokemon character.

weeaboo epeen

Dangerously based and also potentially illegally redpilled

Attached: wony.webm (720x720, 1.87M)

Kill all westacucks.

No, i'm from Switzerland, and i've never played Pokemon beyond Pokemon Go, and that was a piece of crap.

Are there even worse subhumans than weebs and their subs? Doubt

If I fuck a 5 foot nothing girl I'll have shorter kids than with a 5'8. End of story.

You sound worthless. You'd be the first bitch to run away from danger while the rest of the team is formulating a plan of unified defense.

>that neck
Damn bug people

Attached: absolute.jpg (399x453, 60K)

I'm a weeb so I'll alway pick sub

Weeb elitism.

Why are you so obsessed with fat people? Jesus. Get a hobby, or a dog, or something. Don't eat it though.

Weakness is a trait that deserves to be punished.
This is why I will always be a supporter of a permanent draft in all NATO countries, for both men and women.

womanlets give birth to manlets


Cute neck AND beautiful eyes.

Found the americamutt

Because that American is implying that Americans are big because
>muh bone structure
as if they are special or something, when the truth is that they are big because they eat garbage that literally causes cancer.

How's he retarded? He posted an example of a western woman who meets the weight average of today. Thin women are an endangered species in Cuckmerica.

>t. ranny

>anyone who doesn’t like my rice goddess is gay or a tranny!

Your worldview is fucked. That is not an average western woman.

>the weight average
It's always Americans projecting their 3rd world shithole's standards onto all the west.
The problem isn't the west, it's you, you are a country of legitimately horrible people, you are the bottom of the barrel of human society.
You are so decadent that you reached the level of "cyberpunk dystopia" decades before the kind of tech that's shown in cyberpunk settings even exists.

It is in USA if you ever took a trip through it.

English voice directors themselves don't understand the tone of the voice needed in some scenes so their VAs fuck it up as well.

I make a big deal only when Japanese voice acting is removed in the localization and when the subs are inaccurate. This happens with Nintendo games mostly.

She was the only reason I switched to sub.
Even Ann's VA mellowed down with time and started acting her role. This fat cunt ruined the character.

Put your trip back on and then dilate your castration hole.

t. defensive weebfaggot

Erica Linebacker

>cute asian girls are ugly because im gay

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>it's in the USA
Yet you americans like to insist the entire west is as decadent as you.
Because America is an inherently anti-west and anti-white nation.
Hell, you have so much self hate that all it would take to bring down the US is have someone with balls to declare war on them no matter the military might, because nobody would step up to defend that country.

Protecting women is exhausting. They're constantly getting themselves in trouble.

user she's basically a bug and not the cute kind like that moth doujin I read one time. Surely you can find a much less photoshopped rice queen to like.

she isn’t fucking annoying like aoi.

They're ugly because they're ugly, mongoloid


t. every weebdefender in this thread

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If they fuck it up, it's their problem.

You can't force people to like something
Stay mad, canid

>insectoids versus white women
Golly gee I wonder which one is superior. You weebs only like insectoids because they're small, weak and submissive. Rejected from your own you seek solace within the non-existent bosom of white worshipping bug people.

in all contexts (game, anime, movie etc.)

original language>language of the setting>your native language (assuming it doesn't overlap with one of the others)>any other dub


>incels fighting over two races of women even though they are not going to get laid with either of them

>It's always Americans projecting their 3rd world shithole's standards onto all the west.
>poster clearly isn't American

>phrase not found
You people sicken me.

I'm attracted to pretty much all races

>Yet you americans like to insist the entire west is as decadent as you.
Only the Anglican West is.
USA, UK, Canada, Australia, feature this same discerning unique proliferation of pic related on top of women having this weird common appearance of Orc/Goblin features.
It's gotta be the Anglo DNA, it's the only thing commonly proliferated among these geographic locations.

Attached: Nu-Western DNA.jpg (1164x1200, 670K)

It's true though.
Whenever you see an anti-white post, whenever you see racemixing propaganda, whenever you see cuckshit, whenever you see any of this it's an American.
What a (((coincidence))).
Maybe we were wrong, and the biggest enemies of the west are not jews, but Amerimutts.

Fuck trannies and fuck insectoids.

>cute asian girls
>cute asian

Attached: iStock_000044167292_Small.jpg (849x565, 39K)

She's living her dream life.

Attached: D8v5jRWVUAEtkNJ.jpg (1154x1000, 85K)


>Whenever you see an anti-white post, whenever you see racemixing propaganda, whenever you see cuckshit
You are aware that the BBC does all of these things, right?

>cute Asian face with tight smooth skin
>flytrap vagina flaps

Attached: 1541225513354.jpg (400x400, 28K)

Most American picture i've seen today.

Canada consistently scores among most attractive countries in the world.

What a surprise, an English channel, the biggest allies of Americans.

I've been through Canada and there's barely any discerning difference from USA save from more thin people and lack of black people who are substituted with Asians. Also Canadians are as racist as Americans in my experience.

There's literally nothing wrong with racemixing.

>posts images entirely consisting of Amerimutts
>hurrr it's Anglos
Nah. You're probably an American who thinks he's predominantly German or Scandinavian, right? That's why you're desperately clinging to this idea that Anglos are the problem, to allow yourself an escape route in your 3rd world dystopia.

Truth is Anglos are so racist we don't even like other Europeans. If it weren't for the US mucking everything up the Anglosphere would be heaven.

Attached: Anglos_73e437_5925979.jpg (900x658, 155K)

I can see why people would find her annoying, but at least she isn't tone deaf. I can tolerate annoying, I can't tolerate inept.

Whatever you say, Jose Manuel Tyrone Wong.

Chinese colony #3 AKA Canada

Attached: Canada.jpg (640x360, 105K)

Half the images in that picture are from UK though. Also the s(he) person is pretty much the majority average representation of how UK women look.

>it's only americans that do degenerate shit
>gives an example of a non american entity doing degenerate shit
>th-that doesn't count

Attached: Sakuya.jpg (200x200, 10K)

>all it would take to bring down the US is have someone with balls to declare war on them no matter the military might
This is what disgusting foreigners actually believe, and yet no balls are ever mustered.

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>without a tan
Future skin cancer victim.

Maybe you got shit ears.

Sub, no question

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Take it up with the polls I guess dude. In rural areas yes, in cities no. Our rural folks are fairly ugly.
t. grew up rural

Subfags are the fucking worst subhumans. They worship a language they don't even understand and they're too stupid to learn it. Unironic weebs.


Come on now, all of you Anglos have the same fucking weird porkface on your women even if they are thin, which is why Anglo DNA is the uncanny valley of DNA. There's a reason Hitler opted to bomb Britain instead of invading it, didn't want his soldiers tainted.

Attached: 2019-01-26_new_47512715_I4.jpg (620x342, 36K)

Who would defend the US if it was attacked?
60 year old boomers?
Millennials who couldn't even run 20 meters without falling to the ground exhausted?
Blue hairs throwing their iPhone at the enemy?

The US is being weakened so much that I have no doubt this is manipulation from a foreign power, either the Chinese or the Russians, but considering how cancerous American influence is getting with their anti-west values, I'm incapable of finding a reason to care.

If you wouldn't fuck your ideal woman because she was asian or something you're a moron.
Only 22% of our population are visible minorities as of 2016. Not that I personally care much. My tinder matches are all the races of the rainbow.

Damn, they really are piggies

English is the best language period. The japanese actors might be more skilled but they're crippled by a shit language and the fact that their voices sound like they got kicked in the balls.

>If it weren't for the US mucking everything up
what did you want them to do. back hitler?

>Dubtard thinks anything he says matters.

Either piggies, or some form of atrophied face that looks 30 years older than it is (ergo goblin). It's fucking weird, and it's the same shit I see whichever Commonwealth country I went through on top of USA.

>If you wouldn't fuck your ideal woman
I'm already with my ideal woman, i've been for 11 years now.
Fortunately, where I am I don't have to make contact with any non-whites, so my kids won't look like unrecognizeable, foreign babies.

>what did you want them to do. back hitler?

Attached: 23523536236.jpg (1296x1112, 712K)

>needing subs


>"only" 22%
>can't buy a crackhouse bellow one million dollars

Attached: China owns the leaf.jpg (686x676, 125K)

>subfag being defensive

Might want to pick up a book, faggot. Hitler loved Anglos and wanted to co-rule with them - and cherry picked images prove nothing.

>Who would defend the US if it was attacked?
Shit. I guess youre right. If only we had the most powerful military in the history of ever or something...

Attached: 1554331340460.jpg (280x280, 12K)

>they're crippled by a shit language
Yikes! Easy on the racism, dubfag.

>normal decent human being
>drunken oni

Hitler loved Anglos so much it's the only people he tried to invent ways to annihilate from a distance so as to avoid his German DNA having any contact with them.

>this triggered
Truth hurts doesn't it. If japanese is so much better why don't you learn the language so you can objectively evaluate if the voice actors do a better job. You won't better you're too stupid to learn the language. Fucking weebs.

Source needed.

We're talking post-WWII, retard.

That military that, after 20 years, can't defeat a bunch of stupid muslims armed with 50 year old AKs that are more likely to blow up and kill the user than to kill enemies?
That military who, in the previous conflict, lost to a bunch of 3rd world farmers after 15 years of fighting?

>diaperfag argument
Maybe you should learn English so you can properly gauge how shitty American dubs are

Defensive about what? Reminder that Altus is fazing out dubs because they view it as waste of money.

>proud Anglo genetics
This is representative of like 99% of all reality shows and newscam we've ever seen from any Anglo nation, not to mention seeing their streets personally.

Attached: CPugwS5UsAA5lYW.jpg (960x807, 170K)

I love Erica as Celica and Miriam. I don't really like her for Futaba but Futaba is the kind of character the annoys me in both languages.

Attached: EBvuLpCVAAAFhwp.jpg (1044x1052, 169K)

Once again - pick up a fucking book. Any supposed "long distance annihilation" plans were due to Anglos living on a fucking island, retard.

Thanks for ignoring my claim that you're a "100% German" Amerimutt meme by the way, I think my first post hit the nail on the head. I'm done here. But not before I remind you that English (Anglo) people come from a purer Germanic strain than modern day Germans, who have Slavic admixture.

Attached: 9269b649ba932f8545988d310fd7bd60f5c6c6441a5307843751426ecfbd72b5.png (1134x708, 465K)

Not just Atlus, Koei Tecmo and Bandai Namco as well.

Did bongs leave the EU already or what
what's the holdup

History books say that Germans were so disgusted with Anglo DNA, they exiled this tribe to a far-off island and collaborated with the French many times to keep them there and keep them from genetically tarnishing Europe.

Attached: bsr_2013_results_1.jpg (700x467, 89K)

Those don't count since those weren't real wars against real countries.

Must be why Americans hire Chris Hemsworth, Henry Cavill, etc etc

Anglos = Gods

So then come right on over then if its going to be that easy. What are you waiting for? The US military is just a bunch of idiots with no victories or nothing, right?

>Chris Hemsworth
>Henry Cavill
An Irishman and a Scott? lmao beady eyed southerners wewuzing good genes again

I'm Asian so I prefer Asian women. Plus, white women are fat and promiscuous. Double trouble.

Are non-Anglos even human?

Attached: 6b1db5ccef08fdc7a777bf95ce50db8a1bf357da9a403324ebdf519a9f4d580c.jpg (890x715, 89K)

>If japanese is so much better why don't you learn the language so you can objectively evaluate if the voice actors do a better job. You won't better you're too stupid to learn the language.
Do you know Japanese, dubfag? Seeing how you have a lot to say about Jap voicing acting, you must know the language.

Both of them are saved by non-Anglo DNA in their veins though.

Attached: IMG_4689.jpg (3000x2000, 711K)

If only we had governments with balls to do what it takes.
Even Salvini thinks that just closing borders will fix the problem.
You need to eliminate the root cause, and it's America.

Why can't /pol/ handle the thick Anglo cock?

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I bet money I could travel to your country and fuck local women.
We were considered the best place to live in 2017. I think we're second now. Bitch all you want.

Why would I play with dub if I know Japanese and I play JRPGs in Japanese?


So either a normal looking female or an irradiated autistic female whose voice sounds like a squeaky toy. I really don't see the argument

What does this mean?

Attached: Capture.jpg (467x496, 31K)

You don't.

This is the most Anglo person I've ever seen in my life.

Attached: maisie-williams-2.jpg (300x250, 11K)

Yeah that's the entire base for our urges and instincts, you dumbass.

Post more cute boys

Attached: anoneatingpokemon.jpg (909x1200, 133K)

You guys are a joke. You're arresting people who criticize Islam on Facebook. And your policemen are wearing heels and getting beat up by immigrants.

You're the most pathetic bunch around.

>Anglo phenotypes, names and cultures
>they're n-not Anglo! Take a look at these cherry picked images of makeupless teenage girls!
You're a weird one.

>normal looking female
>that manjaw

Observe, beautiful and glorious, 100% purebreed Anglo goddesses.

Attached: f1bd7406-941d-4b2e-9ae4-9a08bdb8eb54-m.jpg (400x375, 32K)

You only need like 5 months of vncore and input + your handy jisho app to understand almost everything, based retard.

Attached: Quasimodo.jpg (2560x1466, 1.64M)

Trannies aren't normal

We know you aren't normal, hon

Almost certainly.


Attached: ugly-british-women.jpg (750x400, 75K)

>this thread again
>scroll down 200 posts to see that it's devolved into /pol/ nonsense once again

Attached: 1539073269140.png (1000x1050, 488K)

Posts picture of a bunch of Irish people

"Look at these ugly anglos"


Nobody likes Canadians, you are Americans except even more pussified.

Literally the only facet of personality these pathetic fucks have is their race.


Damn son, Anglo women age fine.

Attached: GettyImages-519800292.0.jpg (3709x2729, 2.42M)

Imagine the noise

Well then? Show the class what you learned during your five months of studying Japanese.


We're literally the most loved country in the world you dumb cunt. When we travel we have people fawning over us. That's why americans wear Canadian flags like a bunch of cunts.

>hire Anglos to do all your acting because your own "people" look like concepts rejected from a cyberpunk setting for being too hideous
>claim Anglos are ugly
So this is your brain on 56%...

You'll find women like that literally anywhere else on Earth other than gookland (Korea, Japan, China, etc.)

You have finally arrived to one of the Anglo nations, and this is the first thing you see upon stepping off the plane. What do? Go back, hijack the plane, and fly it into these people?

Attached: 90235900_902359001-500x333.jpg (500x333, 45K)

Tsugutsugu because his demeanor when he's forced to interact with people he's otherwise had no problem being professional with is fucking hilarious

Pretty much anything like this related to SAO is a trainwreck and I've watched every single one gleefully.

imagine sitting behind them and having to listen to their cackling bitch mouths the entire time.

Don't japs have a lot of pride in their race aswell? hell, they base their entire country's identity off of it. they often can't identify with characters that are supposed to be non-jap unless they're part jap.

So, it has no value whatsoever.

Like Amy Winehouse x 5

Attached: 1562276002716.png (951x800, 295K)

I bet these women are still out of most of your league lmao.

I could cherry pick images of American "people" but I'd sooner just post this.

Attached: 1511204544207.png (939x2742, 3.63M)

The thing is Canadian "men" are all a bunch of racemixed betas.


Good lord, even the stock Anglo footage is disturbing.

Attached: a-group-of-five-5-young-adolescent-british-english-welsh-teen-teenage-CY6302.jpg (1300x955, 215K)

>with the tiny english VA pool
hard pass.

You're a parody. These are new depths of pathetic.

Attached: 1564542993190.png (326x320, 77K)

It's the only thing that has value when discussing how a country in perceived you moron. Is asking people. How would you do it?

just being a literal woman is out of Yea Forums's league

Are you from Italy, user? You realize that youre just deluding yourself right? Rome had glory once, but the days of the Roman civilization are over. You poor fool.
I agree about having governments with balls though. I think that Italy would be a great prize (minus the niggers), and we could take it with zero if we really wanted too. There'd be literally nothing you could do about it, stronzo.
If youre not from Italy, then name your sorry ass country. 99% chance that we could invade and occupy with minimal inefective resistance.

>I prefer the VOICE actor that is more attractive

Attached: d27.png (645x729, 75K)

I wonder if saying things like this helps you sleep at night? Do you also claim patriotism is the virtue of the vicious? Bugman.

Take a hint developers, this is how you are supposed to model female video game characters with Anglican ancestry.

Attached: a-group-of-five-5--cent-british-english-welsh-teen-teenage-CY63ET.jpg (1300x866, 212K)

Sub futaba
Dom futanari
Dub never

Prove me wrong


Lmao, we all play hockey, aka the only non pussified North american sport other than football.
You made a claim and got blown up. Sit down and accept it small son. Everyone loves us, no one even knows who you are.

You can't even properly occupy the middle east, you couldn't occupy the 3rd world shithole that is Vietnam.
You couldn't occupy an actual country nowadays.
Besides, you are too busy self-destructing, there's no patriotism in America anymore.
The left?
They seek to turn the US into south america.
The far right?
They hate white people almost as much as the left and want to do nothing but to racemix.

And your military itself?
It only exists to jerk off your military industry.
It doesn't even follow orders from the government, it does whatever causes more profits to the MIC.

People that need to put in some sarcasm tag for text is made for retards like you

No, I say that it's pathetic if it's all you have going for you. I'm tall, another thing I was born into. But you'd think it was pathetic if it's all I had going for me right?
Having pride in it is fine. This goes beyond that. Your race is not an identity any more than smoking week is an identity.


>slide through ice like a bunch of ballerinas while hitting a small ball
Or do you mean curling, a sport for hardcore janitors?

Now I understand why certain people say 2D > 3D "Pig Disgusting". These people live in Anglo nations.

Attached: Anglo churchlands-channel-chicks_881.jpg (1604x1604, 314K)

As the mutt retreats from the superior Anglo-Saxon males onslaught, it spies another potential prey - the Italian. Puffing it's chest and making bold but baseless claims, the Amerimutt hopes to use it's natural idiocy to confuse and disorient the Italian.

>e-e-e-everyone loves us! m-my blog said so!
Are you falseflagging as a demented leaf? Because this is textbook example of deluded coping.

But race goes much deeper than you're implying, user. Disingenuous posturing doesn't make you look intelligent.

Sick fucking burn, user. Proud of you.

Dont want to start a race war or anything but i noticed many japanese/asians have their teeth showing at all times, its like they cant close their mouth without effort, many of them have flat faces too, is that some cultural or racial issue?

t. angry poop creature that white women find ugly

It is hilarious how angry shitskins get when white people just don't want you.
QQ more, I'll enjoy fucking my gorgeous, pale redhead.

I'm always told that white women age the best in the world, clearly that means that Anglos aren't white.

Attached: content_British-Women_s-Association2.jpg (800x533, 98K)

Oh they took a hint.

Attached: 1549608955473.jpg (880x440, 244K)

Hockey players have fistfights on the ice all the time. Peak manhood.
Everyone loves us is a fact. Me bragging about it is just for fun.

These look like 13 year olds what did you expect

The one on the left is cute.

Are you a Mariafag?

Not deep enough to be your whole fucking identity dude. You'll notice successful people identify with their successes.

Get these fucking cum󠛡brains

Incapable of making intelligent arguments, the mutt begins posting pictures of plain young girls with lives much more social and fulfilling than it's own. One has to wonder - can the Yank comprehend this on some level? Is this why it is lashing out? Or does it merely post these images, as a human might post shart-in-mart memes in an attempt to anger the opposition?

Attached: 1550411466335.png (1280x1182, 763K)

No game I've played has dialogue good enough to matter outside of maybe Legacy of Kain. So just take it in English aka the only good language.

I expected them to grow up into pic related, and I wasn't disappointed.

Attached: in-pictures-ladies-day-at-aintree-raises-the-fashion-stakes-136426427098302601-180413131045.jpg (5136x2889, 1.45M)

Though a lot of women look awful without makeup, it is only the white women that can manage to still be attractive naturally.

All of that is literal fan fiction. Your country has great rich history, but ever since WW2 you've been a joke. Literally irrelevant in the world stage. Only good for tourism. You have to stop projecting, and accept the truth. Your ancestors would not be proud of what youve become.

Attached: 1441988579535.jpg (400x462, 26K)

Good lord, that Anglo beauty is stunning.

Attached: JS116381818.jpg (1200x630, 146K)

She is Jewish, not white

So that means they'll only look worse in 2 years since Angloids age like milk
lmao what did you attempt here?

>but ever since WW2 you've been a joke
Projecting much?

>Your ancestors would not be proud of what youve become.
The Roman empire died because it was weak and became what the US is currently becoming.
Weak nations deserve collapse.

>He doesn't want Chad sons

I mean all those girls are cute except the left.
All Asian girls look the same
Like a race of insectoids

>says the American

I agree, Anglos are cute just like piggy porks are.

Attached: 475956630.jpg (1024x688, 531K)

Why are they so dark skinned? Aren't white people supposed to be white?

>all this anglo infighting
And yet subs reign supreme.


probably some kind of spray tan shit like Trump.

Why do white people want to be brown?

People tan, super pale skin often looks sickly.

It's not just about what they're saying, it's also the quality of the voice. I don't know about Russian, but Japanese voice actors are generally a lot better than English voice actors.

Let's observe some Anglostralian women as well.

Attached: Anglo bh-aus-women.jpg (2907x2180, 1.1M)

Acting is pointless if I can't understand what people are saying.

Nothing more hilarious than seeing them argue between British and Burger/Canadian voice actors.

Yep, I can see the Anglo still present in Australia. Not even the Sun can burn the pork away.

Attached: Anglo ScreenShot2018-01-31at11.20.37am.png (681x335, 508K)

Holy shit what race is that 3rd thing on the bottom row

That's why there are subtitles.


first one looks like some kind of a hapa

This is fucking disgusting

I'm not going to be reading subtitles while playing a videogame.

>n-no, youre p-projecting
Retard. Ever since WW2 we've become the world's premier superpower. Italy has become an irrelevant joke.
Before the US collapses though, American men will march the streets of Rome in victory again. Remember that.

The janniggers fear the weebchads

Attached: 1565713719828.png (1080x1349, 1.21M)

So do you just mash through all the text while playing an RPG like Final Fantasy VII?

>non-videogame thread gets autosaged
They should have simply deleted it.
All weebshits are americans and spics, you are all fat and ugly as hell.

Stop barking you Israeli war mutt. Go castrate your son before your wife takes half your shit and sends to you be raped by Jamal in jail.

Some fine pork to dine on here chaps, for a moment i thought it was USA or UK, but sure enough it's Anglostralia.

Attached: Anglo untitled-27.jpg (730x411, 141K)

>Ever since WW2 we've become the world's premier superpower.
And how's that worked out for you?
A country that hates itself?
Half of which isn't white?
Trying to ruin all of the west?
Being a nation with no culture beyond consuming leftist propaganda?

>American men will march the streets of Rome in victory again
First of all, there's no American men anymore, just, American boys, that word that you love so much for some reason (or should I say "bois", you know, the nigger version since americans worship nigs that much)
And you are not going to declare war on anyone that the CEOs of Colt and Lockheed don't want you to.

Most of the time, yeah.
Writing in videogames is not good enough to pay attention to it.
Many videogames out there would actually improve if they removed their plots.

Hey, I'm from Canada and I'm just wondering what are some things that you like about Switzerland/being Swiss?
I keep hearing that Switzerland is a beautiful country, as well as a wonderful place to be and I was thinking about visiting.

How ironic that you would say that to me. I know youre forgetful, but you do remember how this whole thing started right? It happened just 10-15 mins ago? But I wont tell you to stop barking though, because I'd be cruel to take away the only harmless outlet that you have.

Attached: zura.jpg (400x400, 45K)

Not the same user, you demented fucking mutt.

Attached: 1549817454970.jpg (1528x928, 467K)

Not much to it, it's like any other European country but with a lot of guns and much less immigrants.
I'd say it's okay as long as you don't cause any damage.
Gets pretty cold if it's not summer, too.

You come off as someone with zero leadership qualities.
You little bitch, I can confidently say that no sensible human being would follow you.

Fuck, you couldn't get a single follower on twitter, let alone a cute female, you spineless loser.
Grow some nuts, faggot.

Then don't follow me, I already said so, the only one I care about protecting is me.
If you want to follow me, go ahead, but I won't have your safety in mind, you are not me.

It doesnt matter, because its the same vacuous responses. Stay mad filthy foreigners.

Oh, like you would know.
Sounds like your only experience with women is princess Peach and you gave up at butter bridge. lol
You fucking loser.

Matters even less.
In 20 years the US won't have any military whatsoever, no one's willing to fight for it.

There's a lot of Anglo DNA in that pic.