It should’ve been Steve to get in!

It should’ve been Steve to get in!
You know why? Because younger children grew up with Minecraft, and didn’t get to experience N64’s, Xbox’s, PS2’s, and Smash really needed a character that the younger people can associate with, but NOPE! Another cereal character that only 25 year old boomers play.
The whole roster is nothing but characters only boomers like, and it’s not fair to have nothing for children to use. Bad enough boomers took away affordable housing and college, and now they want to take away our games.
Call me Steveposter all you want, but it’s just not fair, and there were kids who were upset, after being told for months that Steve was going to be in Smash.

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Maybe you retards shouldn't have been telling them Steve was gonna be in smash.

The writing was on the wall. He was heavily requested since 4. You only hate him now because of those trolls. Their hearts were in the right place to get him in, but don’t let the shitposts turn anyone against us

No the writing was not on the wall. He may have been requested somewhat but he was never anywhere near as wanted as Banjo and Kazooie. And if you thing otherwise you really are retarded.

Just because Banjo was more popular didn’t mean Steve shouldn’t’ve been excluded.

Yes it does. Japan does not give a shit about Minecraft, but there are many fans of Banjo in Japan. Just like how there are Dragon Quest fans in America.

You have to be 18+ to post here

Attached: C6C7308C-F652-498E-A589-F4656B784029.png (1696x846, 84K)

Japanese kids do so care about Minecraft, and the only fans of Banjo there are....surprise surprise: 27 year old boomers.

Japan does give a shit about minecraft, see:

This was released in Japan first originally thought to be an exclusive there.

Sorry smash is a game played more by adults who care about their games. Which have characters that are actually suitable for smash. Steve doesn't make any sense. What would his Alt skins even be? What would his moveset be?

Wow, you are on some high level of being a retard.

Attached: 64D5627E-D949-47BE-A8D8-6089984354C4.gif (280x210, 808K)

Answer me, what would his shit be? What makes Steve suitable to he in smash Brothers? If he doesn't work then shut the fuck up.

>this is what boomers actually think
He has Alex, also he can use mine carts, tnt, push blocks, spawn eggs, etc

Go on YouTube and search minecraft Steve smash concept, retard, some people have really proved that it would work.

Also I posted that gif referring to when you said this, retard.

>Sorry smash is a game played more by adults who care about their games. Which have characters that are actually suitable for smash.

I’m sick of all the Steve hate from you people. All we wanted was him in, but because of two people annoying Yea Forums, you all want to go on a full anti-Steve campaign.

Yeah really descriptive there you fucking tard. Two skins cool, how shitty.

Oh I’m sorry; I forgot that EVERYONE has to grow up with boomer games to fit I

Is Steve-posting ironic? Jesus Christ this is some high tier retarded posting

Banjo is so much more suited for smash than a blank slate shit character. Don't get me wrong Minecraft is an amazing game, but Steve is a character with 0 story, 0 personality, and 0 reason to be in smash.

>0 story
Minecraft Stroy mode
>0 personality
He’s an explorer and a miner. He enjoys life
>0 reason to be in smash
Best video game of 2010’s and outsold Tetris

No they don't but characters that should get into smash need to have more than two skins, and an actual set of moves.

you have to be 18 to post here

>0 story
>Minecraft Stroy mode

If that’s the case then we would get Jesse because minecraft story mode focuses around them, but we probably won’t because telltale games no longer exist.

>Minecraft story mode
Not about Steve you tard
>he's a miner. he enjoys life
That's not Steve's personality. Steve does not have a personality.
>Best game of the 2010's and outsold Tetris
Whoopdie doo, Minecraft isn't about Steve. It's about being creative, building and surviving.

And Banjo Kazooie isn’t about Banjo Kazooie. It’s about collectingthings.
You see how stupid you sound

I think you mean ‘was’ as time’s gone on, other people have taken his place. It’s only the fact that his fat autistic boomer fans wanted him because Sakurai needed to prioritise banjofags before other suitable characters should get in.

Honestly fuck banjofags they’re the scum of the earth and i seriously hope he gets cancelled last minute.

Honestly I do see a lot of potential in a Minecraft stage.

Boomers took so much from us, man.

>play Ultimate
>call others zoomers
Go get a girl to sleep with you, and play Melee with the big boys

Really? So the game is named Steve? Oh wait no. It's called Minecraft. It's not about Steve. It's about mining and crafting. And Banjo Kazooie is about... Oh shit who could have guessed Banjo and Kazooie, the title characters going on an adventure.

I'm a Stevefag myself so I have every right to tell you to shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up.

Ikr, zoomers should get what we want, more Nintendo all stars in a Nintendo all stars game because let’s face it, it’s mostly the fat autistic boomers who wanted third party shit.

sorry there's only room for one blockhead on the roster

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No I meant is. Banjo and Kazooie are leagues more suited than Steve to be in Smash, with actual personalities, an actual moveset, and actual fucking music to bring into the game.

THANK YOU! They just had to replace Ashley for Richard. Replace Springman for another Ryu

stop with this unfunny shit. We just wanted Steve

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it should've been battletoads

Friendly reminder that if your friend’s most wanted list consists of nothing but 3rd parties, they immediately out themselves as fake Nintendo fans, who fell for the shitty “bing bing” meme, and only bandwagon smash releases like every other normie.

Stevefags hate Nintendo and don’t even play SSB, I’m not sure why they want him in so bad other than the chance to laugh at N1ntoddlers for having shit characters in their game.

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Wasn’t this guy a big Waluigi supporter?

Attached: 59677928-03AE-4095-B678-0974C01E5801.png (820x331, 217K)

This is clearly bait, but I'll indulge if you are being real. If you are, here is some reality, boy.

Banjo-kazooie is in, fucking deal with it. Cry and scream all you want, it will not mean or change a damn thing. Not a single strawman in the world is going to squelch their inclusion. The world isn't going to warp reality around your precious little feelings.

None of this matters though, because I and millions of other Banjobros got vindicated so hard that we are still dancing to this day. Nothing you ever do will stop us from dancing on Stevefags' grave. Once Banjo-kazooie are released, only then will you be allowed release from our gloating.

Suck it up, grow a spine, and deal with it, boy.

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>bu-bu-bu-banjo made it in, which means steve cant!!!!

Steve can still make it in, retard.