Name some shit video games that are liked exclusively because of tertiary bullshit like porn, how cute a character is, etc. The kind of games that have nothing but posters jacking off to the characters and posting lewd stuff on Yea Forums because no one actually cares about the gameplay.
Name some shit video games that are liked exclusively because of tertiary bullshit like porn, how cute a character is...
Other urls found in this thread:
Look mom, I posted it again.
All of the Jap games
any Wayforward game
the succes of Gacha games is proof that the gamer meme isn't a meme but the sad reality.
every single anime looking thing
Jesus who hurt you?
People like jacking off to girls, big deal. Nier Automata
Who raped you?
the witcher 3
Not exclusively but by and large, I feel that's the only reason lots of people like Touhou.
Gravity Rush
near a tomato
Cunningham's Law, so i like this thread.
>unrealistically slutty and precocious shota
>no build up of relationship or story
They're among us and they ruin our board. Don't let them go unchallenged.
>guys I have a 50 word clickbait due in an hour gib sex games pls
This is actually a great answer. This series wouldn’t even survive without its fan service.
Street Fighter 5. When you actually look at the gameplay, you realize it plays like absolute dogshit.
Every gacha game
This plus overwatch.
Nier: Automata
Dead or Alive
Senran Kagura
League of Legends
>Dead or Alive
Definitely true
any game with female protag
hollow knight
Kantai Collection
1) Stop using Jesus name,especially in this context.
2) If you want that, there's tons of videos & pictures for that,ou know.
AGE QUOD AGIS : if you buy a game, it's to PLAY it.
You are just trannies mad because people like hot girls and not abominations like you.
More like Cunnyham's Law
that soulless atelier JRPG
very based
Doesn't load, what is it?
Not him, but how about you fuck off and go to hell? Jesus fucking christ, if someone wants to say the name of some dead hippie who has a literal 50/50% chance of being just a dead hippie, or a magical dead hippie, then they can fucking do that.
If you can go to hell for just misusing a name, i'd rather go to hell than hang out with the faggots who think that's justifiable for eternity. In fact, if that's the case, going to heaven would be my personal hell.
some tranny defending rant about gamers or some shit.
nice samefagging, tranny
Jesus dude don’t be such a prude. Jesus died so we can have waifus.
Believe it or not, there are people on this board that enjoy video games and don't need sex appeal to be the main conversational point.
Anybody seen Richie?
Imagine being 15 years old and thinking forcing a discord meme on the hacker known as Yea Forums makes you the hottest littlest shit ever.
A faggot in the literal sense.
hyperdimension neptunia
Seething dopamineless tranny freak detected
Discord is also filled with porn boards.
>unironically implying cümbrains aren't attracted to trannies
>unironically implying cűmbrains won't become trannies
neptune games
Believe it or not, I can enjoy both. And yes, COMBINED.
every single mobage
based lol
This one is the worst because the fan service itself is D-list tier. Incredibly crappy balloon tits 3d models, everyone has the exact same body, the subtlety of a wet slap in the face. I don't really see the appeal of the lewd in this series, it's so fucking juvenile.
Seething low test soiboi detected.
the irony
Shantae, Senran Kagura, Xenoblade 2
Designated cumgames.
Has anyone been so much BTFO as c umbrain posters recently?
>sadpanda dies and they celebrate only for it to be revived a couple of days later
>spam a word so much in a single day that it gets filtered the day after
>gamer girl threads still run rampant with no signs of stopping or slowing down
Yeah, and people would leave you alone if it wasn't for the fact you autistically screech when a game is fun but not sexy enough for you for the past half decade.
You brought this upon yourself. Repent for your sins.
>Believe it or not, there are people on this board that enjoy video games
I dont
keep saying it
refer to
Daily reminder that vying for attention over the internet yields a hot if dopamine as well. Extensive (You) farming/retard pretending/attention whoring WILL make you the same as a semenhead.
Bait safely, my friends.
I'm sorry, where did I do that?
SadPanda being alive is a good thing. It's where you need to fuck off to.
>make porn advertisers so upset they demand a wordfilter within the day
sounds pretty successful to me.
Right, and yet whenever I see threads like Xenoblade Chronicles for example, 90% of it is waifu posting. It's fine to like both, but the vocal minority ruin any form of discussion to be had because they need to post the same images and art over and over. Seeing the same Overwatch, Senran and DoA threads over and over of waifu posting gets a little boring.
Sounds like you're in the right place then.
>loser who spends all his time on Yea Forums posting fap bait threads on blue boards think's he's a high test chad
Your fellow dopamineless freaks did that and now you're paying for their sins.
I fail to see what sadpanda has to do with the cumskull meme.
A perfect example of what I was referring to. Only little edgy tweens (or absolutely retarded adults. I mean, come the fuck on) formulate sentences enterely in buzzword without any proper semblance of being a functionating human being.
Can't wait for you to show your recess friends how did you raid "the dark interwebz" and are part of Anonymous now.
>sad panda is alive
What? Really?
All that crying and whining about "muh lolis" for nothing I guess
Fucking pedos
Jokes on you, I'm taking a shit and smoking.
It's 110% a literal tranny trying to devalue the term by accusing others of being a tranny first so people don't call them that. Because the cvmbrain is a tranny and the tranny is a cvmbrain. He knows his entire sexual perversion is based off of a comppetely maligned porn addiction. It's the most harmful truth so the only response is to try and avoid being called a tranny by directing it at others first.
And he probably lobbied the mods to ban the term because only trannies are so deranged and nefarious.
Absolutely pathetic.
I love how nofappers just come and raid our board thinking they own it.
How the fuck does gamer get filtered immediately, I mean fucking immediately, but sneed, incel, or “have sex” still don’t have filters?
also why is every filter some smug jab at the alt-right? Is there something you wanna tell us mods?
I'm sorry, who? I don't remember associating with anyone like that. You're not implying I need to police people that have some kind of taste similar to mine, right? Because that sounds like commie bullshit to me. And I don't like commie bullshit.
Has any other meme hurt the average poster so much? It hurts so much because porn and masturbation is such a huge part of your life and now you're directly confronted with it. Yes, being so extremely obsessed over titties and vagina was not normal all along.
any video game that regularly has threads structured in "her game" format. it was funny the first few times, you know as a satire towards horny teens buying games with fan service up the ass but its getting pretty tiresome seeing these threads reach bump limit with most of the post being 100% sincere gamerbraining.
No one gives a fuck about your addiction, just go to the right boards for it.
>Is there something you wanna tell us mods?
have sex, incel
Do you guys remember the original gamers we'd see back in high school? Everyone knows them. They're the ratchet-looking nerds and losers that were ugly enough to scare the attractive women away, but socially capable enough that they weren't complete loners. Often they would hook up with equally as ratchet-looking women. The worst part is that they'd bring up sex or their sexual nature in every conversation. "Oh you guys are talking about how shitty last night's homework was? Dude I know, FemAnon promised me some sex afterwards but by the time I was done she was asleep!" It's like everything they said among their peers was meant to be a proclamation - Yes, this ugly dude actually fucks! Just forget that he's bragging about sticking it in a solid 3/10...
Why are they always Asian too?
The mods fear the enlightened.
All those meme words directly devalue the board with shitty culture, so there is nothing to be filtered about them. But cvmbrain tries to actually make a positive change, which we can't have.
Yea Forums advertisements are mostly aimed at porn addicts.
Massive cope
How does it feel to have lost? Yea Forums is OUR territory, you don't get to make rules about how we post.
>stop jacking off
>replace fap sessions with shitposting
>still don't play or discuss video games in a sensible manner
feels great
Forgot about Touhou
gacha and most weeb shit desu
maybe overwatch but there are "people" who actually enjoy it
Imagine spending hours of your life campaigning against lewd images on Yea Forums.
It really picked up after 8ch died. Bet it's Q boomers especially with posts like
The only people coping are the butthurt cucks mad that this meme obviously hit too hard so it got word filtered withing 48 hours.
Based and redpilled
Go look up nofap or the benefits of nofap on YouTube. Mostly Asian.
That's literally porn though
Then make a new thread for discussion only.
wtf i love q boomers now!
Ironically this post includes literally everything for a good and heartfelt cope.
>replying to several people at the same time
>smug reaction image
>stating that you have won
>using the word cope
It's like a work of art in how generic and NPC you really are.
>But cvmbrain tries to actually make a positive change
I actually chuckled
>hmm I will act like a retard
>Yea Forums and jannies: fuck off retard
>wow they mad
Judging by this thread, you're the one being told to fuck off. Preferably to a NSFW board where you can continue obliterating whatever remains of your minuscule destitute burned off dopamine receptors.
every game series I like is getting corrupted and its bothering me. hey I wanna discuss fallout whoops the fallout 4 porn modders have arrived and are posting their donut steels. I wanna discuss god hand whoops hey hey people here's porn. I wanna discuss nier whoops it's 2b's ass dump again.
>using the buzzword NPC
You aren't any better than him faggot
If that logic were real this board would be dead and empty.
Back /r/nofap, OP.
Imagine having a mind in which the only way to do discourse is to spout buzzwords and bad memes. Which, of course, is the mind of an underage; because when you're 15, spouting memes and buzzwords non-stop to rustle someone's jimmies is the most fun thing to do on the internet.
Reminder, if you've ever unironically said gamer or Wojak spammed, you're an underage poster.
Tick tock kiddies, summer's almost over
they're only here because 8gag is kill. I wish it would come back so they can fuck off again
I was stupid enough to believe you fuckers that the gameplay is actually good in this series and the tits are just for bonus points.
Oh, a fascist thread.
Taking control of Sony was just the first step, wasn't it?
nier automata actually has quite fun gameplay, though the dodge i-frames are very easy to abuse
I do agree that most people bought it because of the sex appeal though
>it's /pol/
>it's trannies
>it's nofappers
Sort your boogeymen out so you can at least pretend you're not cognitively impaired.
Remember that every single one of these threads does 2 things:
>cause a videogame thread to fall off the catalog
>cause one or more porn threads to be posted in return
You are a direct detriment to Yea Forums every time you make a meta thread. No excuses. No "but it'll work at SOME POINT!!". Don't delude yourself thinking you're doing something good or helping. The ones that are actually doing something good are not in this thread.
Fuck off SNOY.
What happened to 4x2 chan?
>Name some shit video games that are liked exclusively because of tertiary bullshit like porn, how cute a character is, etc.
Every good game.
>I wanna discuss nier whoops it's 2b's ass dump again.
This is my biggest issue. You can't even come close to talking about Nier without threads devolving into image dumps posting 2Bs ass and talking about who they think is the cutest. Fucking sucks that no one wants to talk about the story.
why are you trannies here?, get out
My god, it's so based
but seriously guys what are your favorite cute girls in games :D
It's not a buzzword when it's actually used for someone that created such a generic post out of parts a computer could have used too out of old posts of similar caliber. You're the kind of retard that ruined Yea Forums by reading a word and immediately ceasing to think but it's not like you didn't just wait for an excuse to not face the post directly.
>Pretty much all of the Fighting games
>The witcher
>Nier A
holy shit i think most of the big tittles are liked becouse of sex .
I'm sure this will work out as well as the yellow shit on Yea Forums.
cloudflare dropped them
they got ddos'd to death
hotweels is leading the charge against the site
they allegedly made a new site on zeronet that glows in the dark so much you get radiation poisoning just by looking at the frontpage
Xenoblade, shantae, senran kagura, dead or alive...
Most of them if not all japanese shit
Reminder that raising the thread limit would solve all of Yea Forums's problems
>Biggest board on the site
>Tiny thread limit
>Slower discussion threads get pruned instantly
>Bait threads and shitposting is the only shit that survives more than an hour
Incels went on another shooting spree and the site died. Now they are here shitting the board.
another one of the downys went and shot up some mexicans so cloudflare kicked it off and it's been dead ever since.
These 3 look the same to me desu
>I wanna discuss god hand whoops hey hey people here's porn.
Of what, is there enough olivia porn in the world to do that?
>believing that when all people do now is argue about yumi and shit or say that the last decent game was a 3DS game or the shooter spinoff
The problem with a tomato is that 2b is incredibily overrated
i fucking hate that stupid mole so much fucking hell
Cloudflare shoahed it like with Daily Stormer. Then they got a new DDoS mitigator which got shoahed by the server farm, I think.
So now all the 60 year old Qtards are here with nothing to do.
Being given tons of (You)s for posting stuff that's not even going to get me banned is a dream come true.
Thanks buzzword spammers!
>posting fanart that looks nothing like the original girl, it's just some retarded artstyle with the same clothes put on
This is probably why I hate cvmbrains the most. You don't care about any of those characters, how they look and what makes them unique. You just want to masturbate, you want to stop thinking and just masturbate your entire brain out.
Fate, fucking d tier franchise
You mistake fanart with the actual games
Didn't even mention /pol/.
Clearly you just outed yourself as a post election /pol/tard if you got mad by my post when it's a fact that a sudden surge of posting words and images indicates a raid,especially on Yea Forums where degenerate memes exist purely on the context of fucking. You might not like it but it's part of the board and autistic spamming won't get rid of it.
Cope with what? Your failed raid? Go home, nofapcel.
more like increase thread creation timer to like 1 thread per 20 minutes. it's just few posters shitting out these threads constantly that plagues this entire board.
Go have your hourly fap, dopaminelet
>people frequently depicted getting killed in gruesome ways in hundreds of video game titles
Totally fine, nothing to see here
>Some character shows her panties
Look how the cumcopers recoil when you call them out, revealing themselves as pathetic weebs like this poster
Jesus I wish you Christian LARPers would fuck off.
Fire emblem
In all these years, the most offensive post was a stupid meme about gamers.
It got on so many peoples nerves.
Absolutely hilarious.
Why not just go back to using incel as usual?
Got spammed harder than gamer, derails threads harder than gamer could ever do before filtering, and it was untouched. Even cuck got hit at some point
What the hell. Yea Forums told me SMT is the mature JRPG for the refined gamer. Not like those unwatched Persona players with their shallow waifus.
Warcraft ruined me. Everytime i hear someone with a Jersey accent i can't help but think about goblins.
i want to fuck that unicorn
Yeah, they all look like moral busybodies to me.
never see people actually talk about the game
it would be a problem if Yea Forums had a death cultist community that would make threads like "whats your favorite killing method in video games?" or "I love gore in video games!"
No one here fucking cares about violence in video games that much. But pretty much 90% of the posters are literally obsessed with sexualized content.
>people who like women are part of a cult now
Armored Core. Snowflake dykes with a personality disorder favourite this to show everyone how much of a tough cool girl she is
Who the fuck plays figthing games for the gameplay here? People just argue about fanbases or post art
Good thing I never missed a ryona thread
Remember, they literally have to post porn to soothe their nerves.
Just imagine being that pathetic.
I agree with all of them except TW, I don't even remember half the sex scenes except the succubus from 2 because that was actually great
>Snowflake dykes with a personality disorder favourite this to show everyone how much of a tough cool girl she is
Look at how the buzzword spammers recoil when you call them out, revealing themselves to be underage.
The ultimate irony is that they accuse people of chasing after dopamine when they too get a massive dopamine rush from spamming buzzwords
_ ___ __ ____ ___.
Ladies and gentlemen: the definitive cumcoper series. Not a single good game, carried by smut and artwork alone.
>tfw no fox cub to pet
And I'd fuck that tiger too if it could talk.
Go outside and talk to some, if you truly like women.
>Clearly you just outed yourself as a post election /pol/tard
Thanks for proving my point brosef.
Ding-ding-ding! You found it!
>. Not a single good game
Pirate's curse.
It's funny because it's the game which goes away the from the main stay gimmick of the franchise
I'm gonna use that rabbit as a onahole
Nobody actually likes The Witcher 3, they just play it for the waifus.
Every thread and post you make about this while complaining about not talking about videogames, is a post where you're not talking about videogames. A thread robbing traffic from videogame threads. A catalyst for another porn thread made out of spite.
You are not helping. You never were. You're not in a battle and if you were, you'd be shooting your own guys.
Based amazonfag
Imagine being THIS seething. Holy shit.
It's ok user even if you have no sense of imagination or wonder not everyone is subhuman like you! Maybe you'll rediscover real how to be a real fan of a game like us someday!
Way to completely miss the point brainlets. You don't have a moral leg to stand on when you let the other more heinous shit slide to cherry pick what you chose to be outraged about. If you argue that porn in games is negatively affecting people then it follows that violence also does. Besides there are daily webm threads where people post violent stuff that happens in vidya but you moral crusaders don't shit them up.
>when gamer brain shitposters think more about sex than actual gamer brains
Based /an/ poster doing higher quality posting than buzzword spammers
You think cvmbrains are calling anybody cucks?
Go check the archive.
>associating /pol/acks with degeneracy
Good one Redditard.
This is like MGTOW but even more pathetic somehow.
>Italian fake white accent
argument invalid
You sound like a fucking nigger.
What are you fucking talking about
It's an edit of a comic that was originally about /pol/ spam. He just didn't edit the text.
If I fuck my fiancee then play vidya, does that make me a gamer?
I know you aren't a daily Yea Forumsisitor.
Otherwise we would see these posts much more often since you are autistic about it just like wojak spammers and frogposters.
Now which other board promotes nofap?
/fit/ and most of /pol/.
Take your pick.
We can also head to cripplechan since it's dead and people would visit here.
8ch Yea Forums hm?
>back in the day they were pro-anonymous hackers
Is this honestly what Redditors believe? I know people say commies have no issue with lying but this is something that can be remembered by literally everyone over the age of 18.
>guido accent
lol pasty nigger
League of Legends.
Fighting games.
Nier: Automata.
Dark Souls.
OP, why are you so fucking gay?
Kinda tells you how shitty the game is and the only thing it really offers is fan service
>snoy stars censoring games
>jizzbrain meme starts getting spammed on Yea Forums
is there a more pathetic lifeform than the snoyboy
Think long and hard about it. Moron.
Yes I only care about this community and violence in video games is not a problem here, unlike cvmbrains who dismiss entire video games just to talk about their fetishes. Fuck off to Trump's twitter account if you want to talk about how bad violence in video games is.
Communists have been all about revisionism since the day they were created
>entire statement is just a play on the jew copypasta
You don't have a single free thought in your head. Sit the fuck down.
What about great games we play EXCLUSIVELY for the gameplay??
How are you supposed to do nofap if you see borderline hentai 24/7 on this hellhole.
why is your brain full of cum?
how do you differentiate a jersey accent and a new york accent as a non american? they sound the same to me
post exotic animals,bunnies are overrrated
Please learn english instead of masturbating, thanks.
Sony's going to the state of play, time to accept it, just stop jacking off
Based wabbit poster
I’d want to fuck that unicorn too
>Giving even more power to proxy users
new york has more vocal fry from all the fake microphone dicks they suck making ironic socialist podcasts
Any sane person would realise this place isn't good even outside of trying not to fap, and just leave completely
those are some really cute and rare dogs
>Being so assblasted he had to record himself
Oh, this retard again. You're embarrassing yourself dude, stop samefagging, no one likes you.
>go to 4(four)chan
>complain about tits
Can someone be more retarded than that?
Your asshole is full of cum. Returns to twitter faggot.
Imagine being so riddled with buzzwords that you can't even read the thread, and think that one singular sentence from mockingly paraphrasing someone's else's post is copypasta posting
Like I said, buzzword spammers grasp at straws to try to find anything to deflect the fact that they're underage.
Tick tock, kiddies. Almost time for school.
Anime website
>blue board
Not that you know what that means LMAO
bullshit, even the porn and hate-bait threads have at least 25% game discussion
nice thread you have there tranny kun
Thanks doc for saving this shit thread
could be 100% if lets call them "character posters" could contain themselves and post their drivel on appropriate boards like /c/ and /e/
NiER Automata.
Sounds about right.
No one is saying that shit jizz games can't exist. Just that the horrible jizz posters need to fuck off. See:
>inb4 manime
What the fuck is up with all that /r9k/ stuff on Yea Forums lately?
Fucking robots need to chill out
this is not a main line smt it's a spin off just like persona
It means two Taokaka threads were allowed in this week alone. :^)
Sexual gratification is as valid a reason to play a game as any other. All of the reasons why we play games come down to basic animal instincts. Sex is just another (more peaceful) one.
Blueboard is for family friendly tits aka covered no nipple allowed, zoomer. It doesn't mean no fanservice materials.
Have sex
>sjws couldn't kill video game misogyny so they have to go after cute girls
you sound like you go to see chapo trap house live shows at the bellhouse you fucking faggot
>zero results
contrarian shit opinion
absolute C U M B R A I N
One of the weirdest things I have observed in popular culture is that Americans think they are enlightened, independent freethinkers for hating sexual pleasure - when in reality they were directly commanded to do so by their ruling class.
The largest demographic of video game consumers are young men/boys. There is nothing wrong with male sexuality.
And they are always going to advertise to us because sex sells.
You're not enlightening us to a problem we have, just upset that we don't pay any attention to you.
So how about this: fuck off and don't come back.
post more animals
imagine being a seething chapotard
Yea Forums is probably one of the most free boards for trolling purposes. Even the worst bait gets at least an ironic response.
Definition of projecting right here folks:
sloppy job mossad
Please stop forcing this lousy meme. It’s not even insulting.
imagine being this assblasted
Lmao, gamer is the best insult I have ever seen. It makes all these other buzzwords like “tranny” and “cuck” look useless
Looks like that dose wasn't enough
I would pay a smug Ryoma at you if I could.
The fact it got filtered within 48 hours shows its power.
This thread needs to go. Mods, please.
>all those seething tranny replies
Definition of "Hello there fellow conservative anti-Semites":
It’s effective because it’s true. If you go on resetera and call them trannies they’ll freak out. If you call redditors soiboys they freak out. If you call 4channers gamers they freak the fuck out
ironically trannies and cucks are the only people who use it
>there is nothing wrong with male sexuality
>what the heck, why are these tranny reddit poltards mocking me?
That’s hot
Pic really related
I'm gonna take part in this meme, if only because I think word filters are SJW tranny tier crimes against imageboard culture and never should have been applied. it was pathetic when moot filtered all the expletives with shit like "roodypoo", it's pathetic when you can't shit on onions ( s o y ) on some boards (I can't keep track of where I can say it anymore). so let it be known. mods are:
c u mbrains
and also
s o y boys
every word a mod filters is an admission that a meme struck too close to home and ultimately an admission that the mod shouldn't be one.
Because it was clearly a raid only being spammed on Yea Forums.
Why has this pedo shit not been deleted yet?
How sad it is to be a fag.
Cvmbrain is a good meme, it directly confronted me with a big problem. The first time I was so fucking offended by the meme but then I asked myself why that is so. This place was forever extremely pro masturbation and sexualized content and was talking non stop about porn and girls. No other topic was even relevant anymore. I was also obsessed about this shit because I thought it was normal, because this place normalized this shit so hard. But no more.
>tfw fapped today even though I had no intention to do that.
Now I feel like shit.
yeah but what about this 8000
>cute girls you can kill
sounds like classic smt
Does anyone unironically insulted by gamer?
Rise of Tomb RAider
tho i wouldnt call the game shit just generic
Ok Yea Forums so who's fault is it for this new meme?
>m-muh boogeyman!
That’s cute as fuck
Then desu senpai hurt too close too or what?
Is this the new powdered version Doc? How much water should i add?
It’s clearly being forced. Maybe if you’d a woman or trans it’s offensive or seems powerful. But it’s just lousy and frankly lazy.
Tourists who don't know that other boards exist.
thanks doc
and thanks /an/ poster
only good posts itt
Why filter it then? :)
That doesn't even make sense since trannies love fanservice anime/vidya.
Because spam.
Because it's on topic. OP is asking for video game recommendations.
This. This shithole once prided itself on being The Wild West of The Internet(tm) but now it's becoming like every other site out there.
>tfw even bodybuilding's misc has been forced to ban waycism and wrongthink
Wow you made me mad now user! Here let me record myself to see how serious I am!
I wouldn't know how it's hurtful to the mods' eyes but it must be. why else wouldn't we be allowed to type t b h to be honest?
discord, trannyera, /pol/ you name it
25u of water
Nobody mentioned a bogeyman except (You). I'm sure it was just Yea Forums becoming a bunch of concerned go-gamers, all of a sudden, though.
based and rehabilitationpilled
Every meme is forced here.
Boomer and other wojak edits are pretty much the gold example, when you see one that "took off" like NPC wojak to one that failed like big ears or redesigned sonic, you get it.
Hell, if you force something that can piss people off, of course others will latch onto it. It's just how Yea Forums works now.
>go into random porn thread
>start spamming gibberish
>watch them seethe and try and label you as a boogeyman
this IS fun
Actually, trannies hate fanservice vidya and I can prove it scientifically, historically and philosophically
The idea behind Hegelian dialectics asks us about institutions such as the Church, in which one of the primary goals is to allow it's worshipers to imagine an actualization, in this case "heaven" in which God rewards acting piously while on earth. The worker continues to slave away and labor, every Sunday he is told that his shitty life can be changed by continual faith in God, but every day inches closer and he cannot find the actualization that God himself promises. Eventually, the Church is superseded by reformists and stripped of it's state power. Here the laborer can only achieve his true actualization, that without the Church as an all guiding figure and forced into a secular role in matters of state he is truly liberated.
In the same way, trannies sought out anime as a means to imagine their lives, full of whatever suffering they imagine or mental illness that afflicts them, to achieve self actualization and liberation. Anime promised them stability and a happy life. And when the finally transition, it is anime that destroys them, makes them realize the illusion that they cannot be "truly" free as a tranny, and therefore cast it away, curse it and berid of it. This is why ResetEra and a majority of tranny communities see anime now as "problematic" and usually actually move to censor anime that no longer conforms to their internal dogma. Ergo, the gamer brain meme.
I thought spunkhead was a pretty funny meme when I saw it at first. But then it got forced for 48 hours and people started using it unironically
There plenty of other spam out there though, and it was only being spammed on /e/ threads.
nobody likes faggots
Good thread
Remember this any time you see sex appeal in entertainment being attacked.
Feminists want it dead because if men can receive sexual gratification from entertainment, it diminishes the sexual bargaining power of women. Judeo-christians want it dead because their book says anything that leads to less childbirth is against god's will (don't use condoms, Africans!), since it was written at a time when only a few million humans existed.
Never get it confused. The reasons they give you are bullshit. They are only hiding their actual motivations, which I explained above.
bring back wapanese ->weeaboo
C*mbrain posters are literally just a Yea Forums thing, I checked out popular boards with constant nsfw posting like /pol/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /fit/, /jp/, Yea Forums, etc... and C*mbrain spammers barely exist on those boards.
Has shitposting gotten so bland now that people need to abuse vacaroo to get anyone's attention?
Kids today don't even know what 'weeb' is short for.
in other words, you are starved for attention and act out in order to satisfy your cravings?
Absolute tranny.
Actually I think it should go the other way around these days
Underage posters, except they think Yea Forums isn't for discussion, its just for buzzwords and shitposting, and will use the current state of Yea Forums being rampant with shitposting and buzzwords to use shitposting and buzzwords to complain about other people spamming shitposts and buzzwords
>He thinks people want to destroy fap-vidya
We just want you faggots to stop shitting every thread on Yea Forums up lol
If you don't like the buzzword ruining your threads, you now know how normal, non-sex-addicted people feel about you faggots ruining normal threads.
Cvmbrain and "have sex" and first phrases since cuck too actually make people seethe.
>enlightened centrism
You posted that shit three times now
Yes, keep consuming chinkshit and Jewish pornography, and don’t forget to subscribe to my smut patreon.
You would never see Metroid threads if Samus were male. Samusfags are the most autistic waifufags of all.
They probably think actual Japanese people speaking their language is weeb now.
If it was so classic, then why is discussion here always split between posting art and arguing about the nature of the game as a mainline title
Your masters want to destroy sexually gratifying entertainment. You're not in on the plan, just a lowish pawn who acts predictably according to social forces. Your personal motivation comes from your religious-brainwashed upbringing, your mutilated penis, and your deeprooted social programming that compels you to behave in keeping with norms.
>mentally ill tranny has no argument
>muh feminists
Bring them down by punching them directly into the face if you care that much. Posting porn doesn't change anything you fucking beta faggot.
Don't forget soiboy
I just got done fapping for half an hour, I'll do some work in like 15 minutes and go back playing my waifu games while you loser neets whinge.
>gamer brains have a more comprehensive and rich worldview than gamer brain tranny posters
I'm not a burger, my penis is intact, thank you very much. If part of the Jews master plan is to tell jizzheads to fuck off from Yea Forums, then I will gladly participate in that specific part of their master plan, as it now coincides with my interests.
if you're over 20 years old and side with the cumcums then my condolences on your permanently rewired brain and stunted mental growth.
>You would never see Metroid threads if Samus were male.
This is gamergate 2.0
We're saving the west by talking about hot fat tits and brapp posting and blacked.
We're pwning nazis ans feminists!
But that's speculative, none of it is evidence. All I know is that every Steam/discord tranny ive had the displeasure to come across has had an anime avatar and extensive MAL list filled with awful SOL anime.
Seething tranny mad he got btfo
That's all very good and well, Cletus, but the foreskin envy shines right through your LARP. You can't hide it.
betting it's ACfag
This, it's just faggots butthurt that vidya threads about girls in vidya get far more attention than their shitty off-topic threads.
Gamers rise up, and all that jazz?
I agree but I was a lost cause from the start so I might as well just dwell in hedonism even if it kills me
It's the only thing good in my life
>MAL list filled with awful SOL anime.
Arguably, SOL anime is the protestantism of anime
I don't recall the vocaroo guy saying he's a tranny, but yes he did get btfo.
>tranny weeb
Like clockwork
your masters want you to buy shit low effort games that tickle your lizard brain.
Nice larp, faggot.
Beware: Americans are in this thread.
Right, it would make sense he would be ITT. Must be happy
you're only hurting yourself, user
I wonder if its the same people who post in pokémon vidya threads to fuck off to /vp/ when pokémon vidya discussion is still allowed on Yea Forums and is better to exist here for unbiased opinions
>why is every filter some smug jab at the alt-right?
We don't want to have anything to do with potential mass murderers.
>i i i im not the tranny youre the tranny!
The fact that people have responded to me in three separate posts for calling out underage posters, and are desperate to deflect away the glaring fact that buzzword spammers are underage, is evidence that what I say is true.
Summer's almost over, you guys can't shitpost on Yea Forums and do schoolwork at the same time.
>This is gamergate 2.0
Just like its predecessor, it doesn't belong on Yea Forums.
Prove you’re not a tranny and post a vocaroo :)
All games, all entertainment, appeals to "the lizard brain." The game where you shoot people in the head appeals to the part of your lizard brain that tells you to kill other tribes and take their food. That game is much easier to make, and much artistically simpler, than a game which extrapolates from the human form to create a sexually gratifying character.
How do they do it, lads? How can you create a culture based off of nigger worship, have your eyes constantly bombarded with images of degenerate polygamous STD spreading culture and still come out the other end thinking sex is worse than severed heads?
thanks doc
I'm surprised this shit got so much traction. Could have just been meme word of the month but you have people actually lashing out at it and giving it more attention it deserves.
based levels through the roof
>People like jacking off to girls, big deal
You can jack off without having to spend $60 on a shitty meme game
>uh oh, he caught me, better switch my epic reaction image folder from weebshit to stuff I found on twitter
That would literally go against the point I'm trying to make though.
nier automata
persona series
Yours masters want you to be a hormonal manchild for life that will do nothing but masturbate and complain about video games and cartoons. That way you never reproduce while the shitskins replace you.
They literally mutilate their children at birth to prevent them from feeling sexual pleasure. You aren't talking to human beings. They're something lower. They're cattle who exist for no other reason than to enrich their masters. Branded at birth.
>Thinking summer has an effect on the traffic on Yea Forums
Lurk for a few more seasons, newfriend.
People who have never heard of /c/ or /e/ get real defensive when you call out their waifufagging.
what else could you talk about?
>the lizard brain
Shit gay meme meant to dehumanise you and normalise degenerate behaviour. You have self-awareness, you have self-actualisation. You are in control.
It only took off because it's 100% accurate.
maybe because it was spammed 3000 times in a day? it's a discord raid
Why don't you try replying to the guy who brought the term up?
Yeah, it would be awkward if you posted a vocaroo since it would prove you’re a tranny and all. Nvm then
>being on twitter
yikes f a m tourist time is over time to go back
Most other shitposting is just stupid banter. In this case there's a cohort of people who literally do not want images of video game characters on a video game image board. This is not a joke or exaggeration.
any animu weebshite "game"
Is "gamer" posting just Babies First No-Fap streak?
Who the fuck would actually be proud of themselves to the point where they need to share it with the whole world and let everyone know "Hey guys! Look at me! I DON'T jack off!"
Yeah bro we've all gone without jacking off before, it's not some amazing feat.
Because this is only an issue on Yea Forums. /pol/, Yea Forums, /fit/ and Yea Forums don't have rampant ecchi/h posters like Yea Forums does. Yea Forums and /jp/ are obviously filled with it because they are the dedicated weeb boards.
>even two men kissing is worse than severed heads
I love this country.
All the seething weeb trannies replying. Yup, I'm thinking this post is based.
Prove it
This whole gamer thing is just another wave of normalfags crying and shitting their pants as they try and fail to fit in on Yea Forums. It happens every year now that phones are popular.
The problem is that those images overtake the discussion and make the average IQ of the average game thread on Yea Forums even lower than it already was before the Fappening
trannies with no sex drive or literal faggots who are butthurt about their shit being deleted
How many people who bought Nier: Automata actually care about the thoughtful philosophical stuff. I figure the fanbase isn't *exclusively* based on 2B's ass, but there's probably a markedly high proportion that doesn't care about anything else in it.
this, almost every one of these posters is a phone poster
Keep saying it
As an enlightened centrist would put it, perhaps /pol/ and the people behind the "gamer" meme are nothing more than just reactionaries wanting to fulfill their moral whistling or whatever the fuck.
>He thinks people shitting on jizzheads have never jacked off in their lives
It's normal to eat, but if you see a fatass weighing 900 pounds, you mock him for being a fatass.
Similarly, it's normal to jack off, but if you see a cumcum derailing a vidya thread to talk about his waifu, you mock him for being a semencerebrum
There is nothing to overtake. Those images are part of the discussion. Sexy characters are not sinful and they don't need to be hidden. Extract the mental illness that was planted in your brain and throw it away instead of carefully fostering it and guarding its hold over you for the rest of your life. You only have a few more years before you lose all choice in the matter and just become another religious-brainwashed old person who cannot change his ways.
>Name some shit video games that are liked exclusively because of tertiary bullshit like porn, how cute a character is, etc. The kind of games that have nothing but posters jacking off to the characters and posting lewd stuff on Yea Forums because no one actually cares about the gameplay.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Eventually your body digests excess semen and testosterone as estrogen, release is healthy but likely "gamer" brian posters are addicts who can't do anything in moderation and faggot trannys who need social recognition
>ugh gamer posters are trannies normies /pol/trumpers redditors discordfags
Inb4 he starts spamming pictures of mcdonalds to pwn the nazis and feminists
oldfags use Yea Forums in its entirety. newfags stick to 1 or 2 boards.
Why are you so adverse to talking about videogames on Yea Forums and posting softcore hentai on /e/?
There's nothing wrong with that. It's a nice butt.
Just like faggot and nigger and any other insult people use here. By responding specifically to it you out yourself as being one.
>you're a tranny because you just are
Woah dude you totally got me there, I guess I'll go dilate now.
>Because this is only an issue on Yea Forums. /pol/, Yea Forums, /fit/ and Yea Forums don't have rampant ecchi/h posters like Yea Forums does
Are you retarded? Those boards are full lewd posters, it doesn't matter if it's 3d women or not.
It's only as popular as it is because of how much traction is has generated. People actually get mad at being called a jizzhead, so people spam it more, and more porn threads are created to counter the meme.
>There's nothing to overtake
Is this the part where you argue that Yea Forums was shit anyways, so it's ok if you spam it up with retarded fap images and shit like "I want to impregnate Lulu"? kys your fucking self
>Eventually your body digests excess semen and testosterone as estrogen
full of*
>switches through boards like T.V. channels
>only thing he values in life is seniority on a fucking anime imageboard
You have inoperable amounts of cum inside your brain I’m so sorry
>notice I'm a porn addict and play gamer games
>supposedly that's bad
>do nofap for literally a year+, stop watching porn, stop playing gamer games
>turns out sexual repression (since I can't enter a relationship) isn't healthy mentally or physically
>have wet dreams literally every other night, not even pleasurable, it's like I'm pissing out cum, sleep terribly
>miserable because no true sexual outlet of any sort
I'm not even high T. I get that in excess it can be harmful but trying to repress like you're a homosexual Protestant will only crush you.
Why haven't you realized yet that this isn't Reddit, you have no hall-monitor ability to censor discussions you dislike, and no matter how you kick and scream, you will never have an ounce of power here?
Why is this horseshit so popular and now the dominant subgenre? I want my sci-fi and fantasy settings with lots of action, not "cute girls do mundane shit anime series #5,678,102."
Similarly, you cannot censor people mocking you, jizzhead.
>still no vocaroo
Why even bother replying tranny fuckin lol keep saying it
Just look at the first reply. It was posted literally 30 seconds after the thread was created. This thread is full of larping retards replying to themselves and some dumb anons who fell for the retarded meme.
But weebs ARE trannies.
He's not retarded, just disingenuous. He knows that this wasn't a natural occurrence, the 2 days where it "suddenly" gained traction before it got filtered alludes to it.
It's linked heavily to /pol/ based on the narcissism and antisemitism. They think jews control the world's porn and therefore oppose it while acting like everyone who watches porn is some kind of "degenerate". Yet more proof we need to just hurry up and delete that board entirely.
Nier is literally babby's philosophy 101 class and it's not terribly "deep" so much as it just name drops philosophers with no deconstruction, gamer brain posters are just pretentious trannies trying to make their hobby smarter than it sounds, literally r*ddit's obsession of "gaming as art" circa 2011
"weak willed", "too late", etc. At least you tried your best.
I know something I can do, though! LOL
/e/ dumps aren’t discussions keep saying it
>came for 2B
>stayed for the feels
Just another attack against anime that they do at least twice a year in hopes of "pushing anime off Yea Forums".
No, they are not "full lewd posters". Look at them at any given time of the day and you'll find much more actual discussion than blatant porn posting compared to Yea Forums.
Why did you reply to yourself and basically just agree with what you already said?
Is this mental illness?
kill yourself you literal boomer scum
So, the reddit boomer /pol/ nazi trannies from tumblr and resetera are mocking you for watching girls lick negro asshole... because they believe in a jewish conspiracy?
Please tell me more.
>masturbation is bad
enjoy your testicle cancer
[TL note: "they" means americans]
Bet you dont even visit those boards as you are full of shit
Ugh I agree, can you imagine thinking that Jews are huge in the porn business, what a load of bull crap that is!! Hiro delete pol right NOW
Good thread
I love these vocaroos
I always laugh about the cringe/based guy
let me save your rant
This but unironically
Shitting on porn-obsessed dopamineless freaks is fun
Constant watching of moeshit and SoLgarbage makes you gay. It's literally only these """people""" that say ahit like "I want to sniff X chan's ass!".
Jews are the people who convinced your parents to mutilate your genitals at birth, and to subsequently brainwash you into believing that sexual pleasure is evil.
I'm surprised no one has said Skyrim.
It's overrated, but it isn't shit.
Bros.. my dopamine receptors.. please post more porn I can’t survive without fapping..
you have so much dopamine and fulfillment in your life that you spend a weekday obsessing over people who are having more orgasms than you?
>Constant watching of moeshit and SoLgarbage makes you gay. It's literally only these """people""" that say ahit like "I want to sniff X chan's ass!".
Still doesn't disprove it, they can't handle the fantasy staying a fantasy and consume in healthy doses eventually it comes to harm them mentally, then physically
>mods babysitting this thread
I see they caved in to the spamming shitposters already, the mods of this site are truly worthless trash
no one is telling you to stop. the thing is that you dont have to broadcast your habits on this board. it isnt a black and white, on/off thing where you have gigaincel nofap tibetian monks on one side and deviant 24/7 dick in their hand anime porn fappers. it's a board for video games.
you're the one who's getting shat on, tranny.
I still haven't found a single person who spams this jizzhead buzzword and isn't a virgin.
ffyi the whole nofap didnt start the same.
It started as a no-porn campaign to stop watching porn,there was nothing bad against fapping and it's encouraged to fap with the help of making scenarios in your mind.
nofap arrived when MGTOW shilling came to the board and they heavily discouraged masturbating as a whole
>implying Yea Forums was ever good
Capitalism, my guy. The fate of every art medium is for corporations to eventually figure out how they can get the most money possible from a cheaply made product. All you need are a cast of cute girls and have them do cutesy mundane shit. Lonely 30 year old men will throw cash at it.
I bought Automata cause I liked the previous game.
As a shitposter, I can tell that you're shitposting. Here's your (You), my good man.
You're just a buttblasted faggot who thinks that you can get support from other boards in hope to delete pol.
You're new faggotry is showing I see you fags do that shit also in Yea Forums and Yea Forums it's really annoying
Fuck off and go back to pol cause nobody gives a shit about muh politics other than pol fag
>muh board
fuck off resetera tourist
The bitter irony of this meme is that you pretty much have to be a dopamine addicted troll to want to post it like that. Cu(m)brain posters therefore are, in a relevant sense, likely to be a strain of c(u)mbrains themselves.
I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts
Just spam their threads ans watch them sperg out.
I've been called literally every identity possible.
We need bingo night where we just spam shit and see how many labels we can acquire.
Me :)
post nuts
>Urologist friend tells me the story of how he met a nofap guy that hadn't ejaculated for 2 months and he basically gave him a prescription to jerk off
Nofap is unironically bad for your health
these are the people who are supposedly care about the quality of the board and on topic discussions
I've gotten "tranny", "resetera", "reddit" and "/pol/" today alone. Jizzheads are getting desperate.
Post yfw Yea Forums users post more cute girls than ever.
You can't reason with cvmbrains, man. They literally can't think straight. To them being asked to keep their porn on the appropriate boards is the same as being put under sharia law. They literally need their lives to constantly saturated in colorful ecchi to be able to cope with their existence.
what the fuck I wrote gamers not gamers
what is this shit
we need to overdose on the porn to drive the tourists away
>/pol/tards are hypocrites
no shock there
thanks doc
Jannies please I’m sorry I called you guys hot pocket eating faggots please.. please just let me post my loli.. my dopamine receptors aren’t going to last if you don’t let me..
People are shitting on you because they just want to shitpost and they're bored, sure, but the reason why your kind was targeted in specific is because you're the most cancerous presence on Yea Forums. It's a Robin Hood kinda situation.
>dumbrain gets filtered
>cunny doesn't
I think we know who the winners are here.
Yea Forums is cute AND funny
I agree with
The solution to this problem is to post lewds with every reply.
I'm apparently an incel tranny feminist roastie feminazi poltard /pol/tard redditor boomer Q christian LARPer from reseters...
I haven't been called nigger yet... i wonder why cvmbrains wouldn't use racial slurs... hmmm... really makes you think. It's almost as if porn addicts have a certain affinity for blacks...
Fucking legend, keep fighting the good fight
>lives in ur head rent free
Nothing personal kid
Grasa grows
Birds fly
And brotha I make people seethe
>another "u luk dum" wojak
When will he go back to feels?
fixing this thread
with no survivors
Actually based
nah you normalfags are the most cancerous presence on Yea Forums, this will always be an anime website regardless of how much you kick and scream about it
We’re all gamers.
I unironically started saving lewds just to trigger these freaks
Anime is based
Hell, even ecchi is fine
Jizzheads posting where they don't belong are cringe
except mods now babysit the spammers and delete lewd posts, yet again they caved in to spammers, same thing that happened with the npc wojak spam
>omg, did you hear that sloshing sound when he walked past us?
>lmao yeah, that guys head is full of cum, what a gamer
They really are a nihilistic, hateful, intolerant, and envious bunch. They are quite literally the very thing they hate the most with no self reflection.
>he thinks Yea Forums is video games
that ended a decade+ ago
Yea Forums is cute and funny
Believe it or not Im walking on air
whatever you say liar, your agenda is clear as day
you just hate anime and this is your latest attempt to "drive it off Yea Forums"
Are you okay, user?
>muh anti-anime persecution
that shouldn't be a deterrent.
Yeah, what happened to fucking that unicorn?
Committing suicide at almost twice the rate of the next general population group and I don't know why Yea Forums still heeds their trolls
>/pol/ shit
what a surprise
Spamming anime ecchi is pretty autistic m8
I think this is a pot and kettle sort of situation
>mods now babysit the spammers and delete lewd posts
they're deleting NSFW content on a blue board?? what has this world come to? the spammers caused this.
Brave warrior defender of anime right here
Nothing lasts forever
>I sure love anime fellow weebs ;)
>but you're not allowed to post any anime on Yea Forums
whatever you say
whatever you say newfag
I'm convinced the people spamming this buzzword are all just kids trying no-fap for the first time.
I screw my girlfriend raw daily while also spamming pornbait in threads and there's nothing you can do to stop me ahahaha!
Read Fukuyama's "The end of history and the last man", which covers Hegelian Dialectics in a modern sense
>porn spam starts
>shitposters suddenly disappear
>jizzhead is anti-anime
lol wut, go look at /gif/ and tell me how much anime you see there.
>cunny is a cure for cancer
>it originated from a cancer board
case in point, phoneposter normalfag just hates anime
What a fun vidya discussion thread
post lewds lads, only you can do your part to prevent tourists
>look guys the thread is on page 8 after hitting bump limit we are winning bros!!
it is the latest anti anime buzzword, it's clear as day since it's only ever used against anime threads and leaves western lewd threads alone
cope tourist
Imagine the twins sitting in your lap.
When the fuck are western lewd threads ever posted retard?
3d is not cunny
you're right should have started earlier
n-no! b-but you're a cvmbrain! you can't have a gf and be a cvmbrain! th-that's impossible!
I was told that cvmbrains are trannies!
Imagine having functioning dopamine receptors
hm come to think of it,I barely see any c*mbrain posts in Tomb Raider threads,only horse memes and shitposting on which Lara is the best
every overwatch thread and this right here as well
but obviously you don't care, it's only a problem if it's anime
They're still people. But they've lashed out at anything and everything effectively changing the very institutions that were there to help them. Now they only exacerbate their illness causing them to an hero at staggering rates.
Well you’re right, I am trans, and my girlfriend is also trans. I just hate CB posters lol
>pretending anything other than sex and drugs stimulates your dopamine receptors in 2019
god is dead and we've basically cummed on his rotting corpse
cunny is/was a Yea Forums thing until it spread to other boards.
Imagine needing to avoid porn just so your genetically inferior body doesn't burn itself out.
There were CB posts literally in the first couple replies to that thread you fucking retard
If you believe that you must fap upon seeing an anime girl then no wonder you're burnt out, though I'm sure constant shitposting has a part to play as well.
Nice try but we're both cis and I also have an 8" dick ahahaha owned.
>Seething jizzheads spamming a thread after it hit the bump limit
>roleplaying as other posters
Also she has a 5” dick and loves being on the bottom. Fucking owned lol
(You) for frog
I hate anime but I hate puritans way more
Literally not one person would give a shit about Shantae games if not for waifubait. And the fact that people actually think she should be in Smash is peak gamer. I don't mind waifus at all but when they cloud your ability to see quality you should really try step back and stop being such a fap-hungry monkey.
>frog post
>non Yea Forums filename
every time
>He still keeps a folder instead of just googling the images he wants to post
What a brainlet. sasuga jizzhead
>cumcopers get dabbed on all thread
>hide until the thread dies to spam
Par for the course really.
>admitting to being a phoneposter
not seeing any, I'm just gonna ssume you're lying again as always
Blind retard
I wouldn't be so sure, they seem to be dominating the catalogue right now with lewd OPs so they seem to be getting the last laugh.
>He doesn't have 4chanx
You can link images using that alone. Christ, when the fuck did you jizzheads start posting here anyways? The fappening?
They can't enjoy their natural bodies and have to get a dopamine hit somehow user
lying faggot, go back to plebbit if you get triggered by anime so hard
it's ridiculous. "have sex" ruffled some feathers but this is something else
>he doesnt have a 1TB organized folder full of reaction images
Blind faggot
>using 4chanx for anything other than dumping images
you're really bad at hiding how much of a tourist you are
have masturbation
lying retard
>mfw this thread
What the fuck is with this faggoty new astroturfed buzzword?
Yea Forums was literally founded by moot as a way for him to secure fap material.
r/nofap shitters blease leave
Blind nigger cope
I'm the definition of jizzhead and I think its hilarious. Imagine getting mad over memewords on Yea Forums of all places.
Tourists can't handle lewds, which is why people should post more of it
>You can tell they're seething cause their spamming porn
Keep posting gamers we got you now!!
Keep posting while I just grab my dick here for a second haha!!
The more you post the more lose haha!! Keep posting!! While I grab my lotion here!! Haha!!
imagine eating whatever reddit trannies shit on your plate
cumcopters SEETHING
>He doesn't have a reaction folder for posterity
>letting jewgle spy on you
here, have a vintage on me tourist
it's just the hottest buzzword at the moment because it stirs shit up the most
people who spam the phrase don't actually have an agenda, they just want to shitpost, much like every other buzzword that comes and goes
and today the mods were fags again