What do you think about Doom 3, Yea Forums?
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I like it
That logo looks oddly sexual
Too sophisticated for Doom fans. A great game wasted on the wrong audience.
In Central Processing now. It’s a unique take on the series, without taking too many of the original aspects away
DOOM > DOOM 3 > DOOM 2 > D44M
Doom>Doom 2>Doom 3>NuDoom
Good bait. Doom 3 is as low IQ as it gets. Retard version of System Shock.
I tried replaying it but it just looks so fucking ugly now, what an eye sore
It's mediocre and I can't believe I upgraded my PC for it back in 2004.
Never been more disappointed in a game in my entire life. Not that it's a terrible game per se it's just that I expected something very different from it when I got it on launch day. But then I also haven't played nuDoom because I don't like how that looks either. Gameplay looks ok, but I hate the art direction.
Good game.
Just not a good Doom game.
monsters hidden in non-sensical places
I like to think all those monster closets were just places that UAC employees would use to slack off without being found
personally i hate how shit the weapons feel. the shotgun fires WAY too slowly, the rifle feels like a pea shooter, there's just no weight behind the combat, also the classic doom thing of dodging imp fireballs is not as feasible in tight hallways, it's a weird design choice. i'm only like 4 levels in but really not enjoying it that much, although it's graphically impressive for its time
Most of the weapons, especially the first few, felt and looked like garbage
Pistol went SQUELCH SQUELCH, shotgun sounded like a pipe being dropped, and the machine gun sounded like a type-writer
yeah, closets with doors that blend into the walls
The O's are balls and the 3 is the penis
I hated useless shotgun
It was an alright little experiment with the Doom series. I mean, it didn't fucking work, but at least they tried something different.
On a only slightly related note, why can't devs just call their games Doom 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5?
Is there any known reason for this or is it just some weird industry trend?
franchise fatigue, marketing psychology bs
doom 3 vanilla on hardest mode
doom 3 bfg on normal mode
2 very different experiences. what did you guys think of not being able to use the torch and the gun at the same time? you can use both at once in bfg edition
Marketing and time between sequels are usually the reason
it's an okay game, kinda aged badly tho
Great game, and much more faithful to the spirit of the original than "Doom" 2016
i liked doom 3 more than d44m
>bfg edition doesn't let you skip the cutscenes
If you're a long time fan of Doom 3, than BFG edition is the definitive way to play.
If you're new to the Doom 3 games, then start with their vanilla versions.
It was dark.
wait vanilla lets you skip? holy shit decision made, i'm gonna delete this shitty bfg edition tomorrow and dl vanilla. any essential mods?
I like it a lot. Though the BFG edition muddied it by giving you way too much ammo and fucking up the atmosphere
Last time i tried doom 3 i couldnt change the resolution and uninstalled.
Fuck Doom 2 and FUCK Nu-doom
Doom 1 = Doom II > Sigil > Final Doom = Master Levels = No Rest for the Living > Doom 3 = Nu-Doom
I really liked the Marine protag for some reason. He's a completely ordinary human, who acts like a regular soldier in cutscenes, then when shit hits the fan he just goes to work. He probably could have been possessed at any point when the Hell portal opened, but got passed over through sheer luck. But he still shows some understandable emotion, like visibly shitting shitting his pants for a few seconds when seeing the Cyberdemon.
shoulder-mounted flashlight since its one of the few advantages BFG has over vanilla. D3 didn't have nearly as extensive of a modding scene as D1/2 or even HL2 though, leaving only Sikkmod (a graphics overhaul which makes it nicer in some places and worse in others) and incredibly weird shit like Bubba Lego-tep. The most impressive "mod" is easily The Dark Mod, which turns it into a Thief game, but you don't need to install doom 3 to run it as of 6 years ago
>If you're a long time fan of Doom 3, than BFG edition is the definitive way to play.
It's weird that you would say that considering Doom 3 has been one of my favourite games since release and I would never even consider touching the BFG edition. I genuinely can't think of a single good change it makes.
the new lighting effects look nice imo even if some consider it to be a downgrade
Had a lot of issues, and wasn't nearly as smart or well-designed as it thought it was.
If it wasn't so linear and lacking in actual environment interaction, I would have recommended it as a decent horror-action. As it is, it's just a fairly repetitive shooter with fantastic art direction (credit where it's due), piss-poor SFX, enemies that are all total pushovers compared to their Doom 2 counterparts (the revenant's missiles are as fast as molasses and the archvile is a joke), so on and so forth. They added nice lighting effects to Doom to distract you from the stamina bar.
Still infinitely better than Quake 4 and Prey from the same time period, Doom 3 didn't bore me to fucking sleep.
I only say this, because of the flashlight change. Long time fans are already very familiar with the environments, and level structure of the game. Also the visual overhaul and lost mission pack are quite the nice bonus.
It's just a preference of mine though. But thats how I honestly feel about BFG edition.
You can just mod the flashlight and missions in though, and then the game doesn't look like shit.
>piss-poor SFX
Really now?
If you would ask me, the SFX are what ties the whole game together. All of the demonic howls and atmospheric tones are almost addicting to listen to when you're near them.
Not him, but even as someone who likes the weapon sound effects everyone complains about, you can't deny that every sound is in a bafflingly low bitrate. Like I genuinely think there was a mistake and they pressed the wrong version and just never fixed it because even Half Life has less distorted audio.
I was going to post a video of weapon firing to prove my point about the SFX.
But they sound fine in this video. Good, even. I swear they sounded like halfhearted metallic coughing ingame.
Maybe I'm remembering wrong.
I downloaded BFG edition a week ago and it somehow feels like shit to play, I get extreme screen tearing no matter what settings I try, mouse movement feels very sluggish and it's just all around weird. It reminds me of when I decided to dig up my PS2 and every game was extremely dark and blurry for whatever reason.
Can't be bothered to put more effort into fixing it, though. I just wish every game was made in GoldSRC or Source. Those are god tier engines when it comes to usability and accessibility. They just feel super responsive and crisp.
Its a fantastic game just not a traditional DooM desu they should've did something along the lines of DooM 64...
Idk know what a fucking Desu is but, I meant game...
>Those are god tier engines when it comes to usability and accessibility. They just feel super responsive and crisp.
Exactly my thoughts. While games built Unreal and idtech 4+ and its derivatives might look good, I always fall back to the Source engine classics (CS, HL2, TF2, L4D) when I want to have no gripes fun. High framerates, amazing controls and modability, and a robust client server architecture means that it just feels right.
Great tech demo, okay game, shitty Doom.
>He hasn't played the true tech demo, calls doom 3 a tech demo.
Man, If only you knew what you were missing out on.
There's so much of the tech demo that didn't go into doom 3.
Great gunplay and enemy variety is good.
Needed more consistantly good encounter design but ROE helps this a bit
>but ROE helps this a bit
"Dude here's 8 revenants and 2 barons of hell in a tiny square room, just use your artifact to win".
Lost Missions encounters were okayish, apart from that sewer non-gauntlet. More martian walk stuff to lay on the pressure and no fucking soulcube/artifact.
I don't use the artifact in ROE at all except for like 2 mandatory parts for those obstacles.
There is only 1 part that felt cheap to me where a bruiser spawned ontop of me and I got raped lol
It was pretty good, OP, shame more people didn't play it.
Doom 64s brilliance comes from the consistantly good level design, I worry about the port that is coming because the studio rumored to be doing it dumbs down levels in their ports
Great potential that despite having pretty open modding tools never really got the same love the first 2 did. The core game was meh to alright.
Fun game just not a good 'Doom' game, may or not be closer to 'Doom' than NuDoom based on preference
Is it true you can't skip cutscenes in BFG still?
BFG didn't even add subtitles for audio logs, of course you can't skip cutscenes.
Can't see shit
id should've stuck with the roman numeral III they had originally.
I think you people often forget that Doom 3 was practically finished around the end of 2001. The rest was just level building and polish.
This basically.
It's great example of succesful horror game with compact, straight design choices and best in history usage of shadows in level design. It's only getting shit at because It's part of the doom franchise.
Doom fanboys hate it, and now we have shitloads of zoom-zooms parroting the fanboys. Shame.
>A corridor shooter with scripted enemies literally made as a tech demo for the lighting capabilities of tech4
You dumb bitch
It was alright back when I played it on release.
Never felt the need to replay it though.
I am still amazed at How good looking It is after all these years. Deep dark shadows and dinamic lightning really does a lot.
It was the last engine that Carmack personally worked on i believe
The theme song is absolute ludo
I enjoy it but god damn is there no room to do anything and closet monsters fucking suck
zoom-zooms are the ones praising it since it's the contrarian viewpoint.
It could be that, modern ID Tech engines do not look as impressive event though BFG looks great on a fucking PS3
After seeing halo 2 and more importantly half life 2 (and engine) being the huge converstion peices that year and beyond probably demorilzed carmack.
Doom 1993 was a massive deal, as was quake 1. Doom 3 was suppost to be the most talked about thing that year, and it was being outshinned by 2 other games that were just made for the sake of fun
Doom 3 is fun but it's the weakest of the 3, for PC doom 3 was the reason to upgrade your PC but half life 2 and its mods were your go to for years
64EX > 3 > 64 > BFG
64's strafing is just so bad. The acceleration needed fucks your ass on later missions.
It's a shame about the cut enemies from doom 2, but the level design and added nuances more than make up for it.
I really like the pace it sets. Somehow it goes between slow and speedy, while the old Doom games were never really slow unless you were lost in the level.
This is probably largely because enemies come at you reliably from the front, down the corridor you're walking or on the other side of the door you are about to walk through. When the game decides to get a little Doomy and throw you into the middle of a bunch of enemies of various types, I feel like the difficulty is not balanced well for this.
But I love the game, just replayed it.
Got it in release. The too dark meme was true and all the levels kind of ran together and only a few stood out. Not enough hell. Sound effects are ASS. It got positvely BTFO by Halflife 2.
D1 => 2 > 64 > 3 > 4.
literally everyone knows that BFG Edition was piece of shit. And not only because of lack of skipping.
It's okay. I like the Mars base sounds and design. Becomes much more fun during the Hell levels.
the aesthetic of Doom 3 is really cool imo. It feels liek I'm crawling through a machine, so clausterphobic and specific. The gore and hell stuff is really great too.