Has anyone else done it? Swapping your switch in and about 100 dollars for the newer model, was it worth it?
Swapping your switch in for the new model
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I swapped mine for a Playstation 4. Totally worth it.
>Swapping your hackable model for a non-hackable model
Why would anyone do this
No, because I don't do mobile gaming.
Fucking this.Trading away your ability to get free games and emulate a bunch of systems for... What, some extra battery life? Not worth it at all
I bought mine less than a month ago. It’s probably patched.
It supposedly has slightly longer battery life. If autonomy is your concern, just buy a power bank, jeez.
Your Yea Forumsirgin is showing.
Just depends when it was made. Pretty sure there's websites out there where you can enter your serial number and it'll tell you if it's hackable or not
Because I'm smart enough to get games for free rather than shelling out $60 whenever a new one comes out? Fuck off retard
>was it worth it?
No retard. You wasted $200 just so you could get an hour longer battery life than 90% of the time won't even use. I have the old model and I only ran out of battery on it one time in the year that I've owned it and I use it almost exclusively in handheld. Compare that to my phone that's died on me at around 10 times this year.
Not to mention that an actual New Switch will come out next year or the year after that with specs closer to Xbone if we're lucky.
Like fuck, at least check if your old model can be hacked so you can sell it high on ebay.
Wut new model ?
Are you talking about Switch lite ? It's not the same concept.
>increased battery life
Who cares? My Switch is in the dock at all times
They did a minor revision. All it has is better battery and maybe better controllers, been hearing mixed things on those
>slightly longer
Close to double I believe
switches that are vulnerable to a hardware hack have more value by default. Their price is likely to increase in the future.
worse performance though
Substantiate your claims
Well wadda ya know
Thanks you've saved me 100 dollars
i wonder if all the switches will get hackable at some point like the 3dss
The Switch has a replaceable battery
I don't take my switch out of the house, plus it's hacked
I don't think the battery has actually change, it uses a more efficent processor
Britfag here, i've been waiting the past few weeks to get a Switch but held off because of the release of this new version.
Problem is, this fucker isn't available for sale anywhere here yet
Anyone know when the new model will finally be in the UK?