Prove me wrong.
Prove me wrong
You tried this retarded shit already, everyone knows you've never stepped foot in 6v6, take this (you) and begone
>top tier
Spy, Demoman, Pyro
>mid tier
Sniper, Heavy, Soldier
>low tier
Medic, Scout, Engineer
6v6 is for fags, but op is also a fag.
Don't make me laugh. COD has an older demographic than this trash.
sniper takes way less strategy
>a good representation of tf2 classes in anyway
you're doing this wrong
tf2 classes should be ranked skill floor - skill ceiling
it's hard to show what i think without a graph but im lazy
heavy has a very low skill floor and skill ceiling, he has the smallest delta
medic and pyro have pretty low skill floors but decend skill ceilings
engineer has a higher skill floor but a pretty short skill ceiling since there is not much you can do after you learn to play him
snipers skill floor is high but also very close to the high skill ceiling which make a delta similliar to heavy but on the opposite side
spy has a medium skill floor and a high skill ceiling
demoman also start in the medium but his skill ceiling is higher than sniper and spy
scout is in the middle
and soldier has the biggest delta, his floor is very low, barely above medic-pyro, while the ceiling is the highest of them all
Yeah, nah. Fuck off buddy.
Don't tell them. Just keep telling Medic mains how good they are so no one else has to play the class.
Actual skill and strategy involved
Brainless button mashing for instakills
Someone needs to tell these retards that they are credit to team for playing the healbitch class
The amount of people shitting on Soldier in these threads is genuinely really confusing to me. It's like they don't know how the game is played at higher levels. Even in Highlander and 9v9 matches he's still one of the most important classes, and one of the best picks for when to make a push or cap.
Maybe this board is just retarded.
>requiring any kind of strategy
>higher levels
you might be the retarded one
Okay, all other levels except for "just started playing the game".
>he hasn't taken the soldier pill yet
you'll get there eventually.
Why the fuck does this work better than the OP
tf2 is older than you
because OPs image is just plain wrong
its just shitters who hold W while rocket jumping, ignore them
Advanced play requires some real skill, but most of the animosity comes from people playing against pub stomping soldiers thinking their hot shit for playing a class with a very low skill floor, and whining every time they're countered. That, and the fact that the community overall shits so heavily on the pyro, people feel the need to throw some dirt the soldiers way.
i agree even though you are a fag
Sniper and Scout should be swapped
Heavy and Solly should be swapped
Pyro and Heavy should be swapped
>do scout vs scout
>we both respect each other and have gay moments
>scout vs anyone else
>constant trashtalking
>do sniper vs sniper
>just toxic trashtalking
>sniper vs anyone else
>they remain silent
Community culture, a relic of older shooters (not sure how well this carries into modern shooters as I haven't kept up) but it's most likely an ironic extension of MLG nonsense. Between two snipers, most experience I've had (roughly 8 years) the shittalking is just fun banter. While scouts will avoid shittalking and get genuinely angry on occasion after a scout v scout because the fighting is quicker and more panicked