Was Marche right?

Was Marche right?

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No, escapism is the only way I can survive.

No. I'm not escaping from others, they're escaping from me.


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Escapism is only good if you do it by yourself without hurting others.
Escapism is bad when you drag everyone arround you into it without their consent, hurting them, which is what Mewt did.

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Yeah, wasn't he kind of a tyrannical king? What the fuck was his problem?



Also, what are some good tile games like Tactics Advanced and Advance Wars?

daddy problems

"All of my friends are happy and my brother has working legs now! Better put a stop to that."

It wouldn't be that bad if the books weren't so shit

>nevermind that everybody that aren't my friends are turned into literal NPCs

>going from a world with Viera's to one without
He was 100% wrong.

His parents named him Mewt I'd be pretty mad

NPCs are just people you will never know.

The random person that said 2 line to you at the 7-11 is a real life NPC and you are a NPC to them.

Complete bullshit spouted by a sociopath who thinks he's special.

>hehe what a retard
>well time to jerk off and play video games all day
>wtf I'm not a cűmbrain fuck off

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>have a beautiful family and goals in life
>some kid found some magic book or something
>whoops, time to turn into some lizard with no friends and give that kid gifts cause he's some prince now or something

My cripple cousin got every upset with that game. He said the people who made it probably never met a cripple in their lives.

As I understand it the game focuses on a cripple kid who goes into another world sorta like Narnia and while he's in Narnia he's not a cripple but that guy forces him to leave Narnia and live out the rest of his life as a cripple.

Butthurt much?

Are you 12?

>As I understand it the game focuses on a cripple kid
No not really, the cripple kid is just the lil brother of the protagonist and he shows up just a few times. The rest is kinda true tho, except that the kid wasn't the only one to travel to narnia, people in town traveled there too, but they didn't get to maintain their memories like the kid and their friends, the rest of the town got their lives randomly transformed into something else, like nu mous, lizards, moogles, etc...

Yes, and most people browsing this place do not agree because they are targeted by this.

*V i r t u a l l y happy.

1. Not politically incorrect;
2. No argument;
3. What they suggest is reasonable. (finding refuge in fictional stuff too much & wanking all day isn't good for you)

If living in a world full of cute bunny girls and dragon girls is wrong, then I don't wanna be right

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You can go back there too, /pol/tard.

Make me, Resetranny

I'm the complete opposite of these stupid jerks. Black, don't believe in "it's always the jooz" & I don't see minorities as a mistake.

Hurting them? He gave people free legs, the hair color they want, strength and magic, freedom from bullying, etc.
Marche was the one hurting people.

You're thinking about Mewt's friends, not the rest of the town.

They're useless NPCs, who cares about them.
'sides, they weren't exactly having bad lives. Maybe beside those that transformed into monsters (like the bullies). If marche took the time, I'm sure he would've figured out that people transformed based on their heart/soul/whatever and this is why the bullies became monsters while most people became citizens (bullies are evil after all).

You sound dumb enough to be black.

>They're useless NPCs, who cares about them.
Stopped reading there.

t. NPC

The bullies are still just kids, man. They still need a chance to grow up and become better people, it's ridiculous to sentence them to being monsters for the rest of their existence.

You judge someone's moral character not by how they treat people they like, but how they treat people they dislike.


Bullshit. People NEVER improve, they only get worse with time. You're too young if you don't know that yet.

Sound? With text? And you talk about being dumb? (For your information, english isn't my mother tongue neither)
Also, that's what /pol/ people would write.

>You judge someone's moral character not by how they treat people they like, but how they treat people they dislike.
Oooh nice, I'm definitely keeping this one.

That's just an excuse you tell yourself to avoid putting in the effort to become a better person. Kids are dumb, this is a well known fact, and plenty of people who were bullies when they were dumb kids grew up to be above that shit.

>'sides, they weren't exactly having bad lives
't was still going from normal human to lizard without their consent, thus hurting them.

It's not healthy.
but it's the only thing i can do that make me happy...

It's not like racial discrimination was really a thing in ivalice though, which is much better than can surely be said about their world. Also job opportunities were ripe and there seemed to be endless ways to live happily, while we know for sure that the economy and job market were mediocre at best in their original world (with all the bums drinking around and beating their wives).

>plenty of people who were bullies when they were dumb kids grew up to be above that shit.
My fucking sides!

You're not getting the point here, no matter how good you think things are, you gotta ask people first if they wanna be separated from their families, getting their memories replaced and turned into a lizard.

>They're useless NPCs
So were Marches friends.

What I'm saying is that even if they had a fulfilling and happy life before, it doesn't mean they don't have an equally fulfilling and happy - though radically different - life now. Unless you can show that their life has gotten worse (especially if you can show their life has gotten no better, which seems to be unlikely since cripple got legs and so forth, so the world seems to have gone in a positive direction if it has an exact direction), then at best you can say their life is different, but no better or worse. Because of that you cannot claim they were hurt.

That's a good way of putting it. You are free to drink yourself to death if that's what keeps you going, but as soon as that starts affecting those around you it becomes a collective problem.

But you can't claim their lives were better than what they were just because Mewt and his friends had better lives, of course they were going to get a good sweet deal at ivalice, they were there reading the book together and those who weren't there, like Mewt's dad, he was close to Mewt anyway so he got a sweet spot too in the fantasy, they getting good deal at fantasy world does not mean all the rest of town got an equally happy life, the very proof of this are the bully kids, no matter what mental gymnastic you come up with to say they didn't deserve a happy live, they're the very proof that what you say is wrong. These kids lives weren't better, so its safe to say others might have gotten some shit deals too. Besides, it is not up to Mewt to decide on that or on anyone's life, not even his dad, he has no claim on no one's life.

>it's ok to kidnap people as long as you don't hurt them
Seek help.


you're thinking about this too hard, the game itself says that ivalice is only an illusion so that whatever evil bad guy can get what he wants
marche is morally justified in any case because eventually ivalice would turn into some nightmare world

Yes. Incidentally, I played FFTA for 8 hrs yesterday trying to escape from real life.

How do you know the previous world even existed still, or that this world is any less real than the previous? Or that everyone in this world comes from the previous? Without answering these questions, the parallel (that is, marche's premise), is wrong.

>But you can't claim their lives were better than what they were just because Mewt and his friends had better lives
Correct. So by default you should assume the lives are randomly changed, i.e. some got better ones, some got the same, some got worse, equitably. This changes as you explore the world and see that people are mostly living good lives (except in the jagd or whatever they spelled that), simply knowing that people in the other world weren't exclusively living good lives means that on average it looks better than it was before. Still far from enough to make any assumption, but if you were to weigh the hypotheses "their lives got worse" vs "their lives got better", the latter would obviously have more weight (while we can't exclude that their lives aren't just changed regardless of good or bad just yet).

>they're the very proof that what you say is wrong.
Aren't they rather proof that what I say is right? It takes the disappearance of criminals for crimes to cease.

They weren't kidnapped.
>it's okay to genocide several species to get a handful of people back to their homes where they don't even want to be
Seek help

Living as a cripple that's bullied on a daily basis and parent is dead or living as the ruler of a kingdom that has magic and fantastical creatures with your parents alive.


If you have to ask the question you either didn't fight Li-grim or are a fucking retard.

Sometimes the truth is fucking boring. That doesn't make Marche any less right.

>They weren't kidnapped.
Oh I must have missed the part where they went around town asking if everyone was okay with going to Ivalice and everyone was fine with it.

In today's shitty world, escapism is king. The dream of raising a family and growing old with your soulmate is fucking over. The only true option is to just immerse yourself in your hobbies and friendships. Still go ahead and get that six-figure job, but use the cash to build the ultimate man-cave instead of losing it all to the vaginal jew

what if one of your hobbies is being married and raising kids?

>I lack empathy and am a sociopath, who cares?

Oh my god just shut the fuck up

Not even gonna answer the fist line by myself when the wiki itself says which world was real and which one was a fantasy illusion.

>but if you were to weigh the hypotheses "their lives got worse" vs "their lives got better"
The whole point was wether people were hurt or not, even if just a few people got worse lives, it is still hurting people, thus what Mewt did is wrong.
Whats more, you claim that everyone who got good lives in the fantasy world weren't hurt, how can you be so sure of that, did the game shows an scene in which every townfolk got asked, "hey did your feelings got hurt when your simple life got turned upside down and you got transformed into a lizard"?
Of course not, you can't claim for shit if they felt hurt or not, so your whole "most people's lives were better in the fantasy world, so its safe to say most people weren't hurt", is bullshit, because even if you make their lives better without their consent, they're gonna be hurt when they realise what was done to them without their consent, is a normal reaction to get mad when people change your life without asking you, no matter if its gets better or not.

>But everyone i dont know is a monster and the world's reality is controlled by a demon who could slaughter/eat souls without reprise if it so chose

It's so fucking Faustian, i cannot believe you're this dumb

Tell him he's a faggot and no one wants to turn into a monster or have their life uprooted just so he can walk again

*claps hand on your shoulder*
Now son, that's not just a hobby. That's a life commitment.

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You know what's REALLY not healthy?

His retarded huge-as-hell Cowlick/ahoge.

Come on man, just cut that shit off.

>They're useless NPCs, who cares about them.
>Implying you're not the NPC too

People who say he was wrong seem to forget that a fucking demon was behind everything

>wiki says something so it must be right even though game doesn't say until after the world was destroyed
OK kid, we're done here.

You're not going to find happiness in escapism

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>they weren't exactly having bad lives
You watch a guy get shipped off to the clink for the heinous crime of drinking a potion to heal his wounds at the wrong hour.

but what if it's symapethic villain tier and the drinking was caused by being wronged so much while being so indifferent

*lasting happiness

Kill me Pete

Yet if he had not drunk the potion to try to win a game-tier fight (remember: he can't die), it would not have been a problem. Nothing could have been done against him. It's really his fault no matter how you look about it. He was perfectly aware of the active law, it's not like he forgot or something like that either. He was willfully trying to bypass the law. And he wasn't drinking the potion to save his life either because again, the laws make you immortal.
The world also establishes that the penalty he pays is minimal at best.

>t. Judge
Don't you have a bribe to be taking?


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To be fair he was never in any danger, he was in a magically sanctioned fight. What he did was straight up cheating