Why doesn't he wear a shirt? He has one right behind him.
Why doesn't he wear a shirt? He has one right behind him
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A most important question is why is he wearing pants?
You always interrupt him before he can put it on. Maybe you should try knocking sometimes.
The absolute chad / skooma addicted imperial agent. Who knows.
Doesn't want to go over the weight limit.
what kind of a fuckin question is that? are you dwemer or some shit
No, I'm just a dunmer outlander.
we are watching you
Skooma makes you sweat.
Why would anyone wear a shirt with a body like his?
Balmora borders the bitter coast, it's probably humid there.
I'm not wearing a shirt right now
Also how the fuck do I get Varro to give me work? My journal already has his quest from rumors but he doesn't tell me anything that updates my journal.
because he's a crackhead
He's gotta maintain his disguise.
Why are homosexuals and trans-degenerates so intimidated by a straight-white-males chest? Is it because they know they can't have a piece? That he will call them "fag", if they even make just a sliver of an inkling of a sexual "joke"? We will never know for sure.
>he's never had that sweet moonsugar before
If you have to ask, you'll never know
can't a man relax in his own fucking house?
>it's fucking hot in balmora
>he just got done smoking a fat skoomie and jerking off
>he wants you to know that he's still ripped
Probably sweating his fucking back off because of all the skooma
i want fags or cunts to fuck off from my board
There are some topics to try:
>Bad People
>Little Story
If I remember correctly the response for finishing and starting the quest are not the same.
honestly one of the most based quests in the game
Imperials dabbing on Dunmers
Only one he has out of those four is bad people and that doesn't update my journal despite him telling me to go out and ask the thieves guild. I tried killing the fucks at the bar afterwards but that just makes them die due to mysterious circumstances which cucks me out of my reward
>Three gods. One true faith
You get to dab on him later as a Morag Tong assassin.
Don't forget to save the five Cyrodil Brandy you find in there so you easily can finish the Imperial Cult quest where you need to find five units for a fundraising dinner.
Try doing in console:
>journal town_balmora X
replace X with 1, 5, 10 or 15 untill you advance .
It's also a decent player house in Balmora, big, close to the silt strider, etc.
You don't need to kill the Bartender and I didn't even get him provoked on my last replay
>Joining the imperial cult
No thanks, I'm sticking with the temple. I'm not one of those fags that has multiple faiths
What does the most recent update for this quest in your journal say? Did you already kill them before talking to him? Normally when he greets you he should mention "work" which is the topic that opens up "little story" and "nice present", both of which should have given a journal update when first chosen.
it mentions him needing to find a way to work outside the system.
Yeah I also didn't get him provoked when I tested killing them before being directed to them.
Because those pecs make every dunmer bitch in town wet.
Also I got it and the previous udpate to the quest through latest rumors of Balmora residents.
>rippling physique
>do u fuccbois even lift lmao
Skooma gets the blood pumpin. Makes you body HOT
Scuma is a crazy drug user
The way the Imperial Cult is written is such that you aren't necessarily faithful to them. You don't join the priesthood but work more as a mercenary. It wouldn't be unreasonable for you to do some of their jobs even if you don't adhere to their beliefs. The Cult preaches tolerance of other beliefs too, though the same can't be said of the Temple.
Do you have any updates mentioning a "bloodbath" listed before that one? You should be good to go if so. There's no issues normally with getting the journal update from rumors after talking to him, unless a mod broke it somehow which I doubt. If that is somehow the case you can fix it with the following console command, which gives you the journal entry that comes from the "little story" topic:
>Journal town_balmora 15
Nope, no bloodbath. Also I know plenty of dunmer join both the temple and the cult but that just seems silly to me.
Why doesn't he sell the shirt for more skooma if he doesn't wear it?
>I'm just an old man with a skooma problem.
>Buff as fuck
Are all Blades agents this retarted or is the rest of the world retarded for believing him?
He's got 70 Speechcraft. Wouldn't be hard to convince the locals with that.
How do I know when to intimidate, when to admire and when to bribe?
Admire if you have a good personality and speechcraft, intimidate if you're higher level than the target and bribe if neither of those work. Do note that intimidate is temporary and next time you talk to them they'll dislike you. Enough failed admiring can also provoke combat, a trick if you're not good enough at taunting.
Is it smart to postpone leveling up to work on some skills to raise an attribute more or am I accidentally neutering myself? I'm a spellsword so I'm trying to raise my willpower, strength and intelligence.
The smartest thing is to use a mod that replaces that godawful leveling system.
just save then always admire, also be aware that the lower their disposition the harder it is to succeed in speechcraft so reload the save if the disposition drops too low
Nah it's part of the experience™
That guy's thinking of Oblivion.
It's not an awful system in Morrowind because the curve is a lot gentler, and only applied to mob enemies. 100% of the tough enemies are at a fixed level from the start of the game, so leveling and getting that health immediately is always good.
There is absolutely no need to min-max, especially since before you know it you'll find how to break the game completely and fly around like an untouchable god.
Bribing is based on your mercantile skill and has a high base chance of success (based on the bribe amount) regardless of skill or other factors. Admire and Intimidate are based on your speechcraft skill, reputation, and surprisingly even the target's current disposition: the closer to the middle (50) it is, the more likely it is to succeed, to the point where at the extremes of 0 or 100 it actually has the minimum chance of success at all times no matter what your stats are. The bribe's base success chance bypasses that as well.
Intimidate has the additional properties of being additionally based on your level (higher level than NPC = higher chance of success, lower level than NPC = lower chance of success) and its effects on disposition only last for the current dialogue session, with a net loss in disposition when you close it. However it also has the effect of permanently reducing their hostility and likelihood of fleeing in combat. As such it can be used on (calmed or snuck up on) enemies to make them friendly, or even as preparation for murdering someone to make it so they will just run from you and never try to fight back when you attack them.
Oh right, other than the advice already given, be sure to ask your targets about their "background" and/or "my trade" to see what class the NPC is. You can also usually get a good idea of what level they are based on what they're wearing.
Like all skill checks, they defend using their own skills. In this case their own speechcraft and mercantile skills are respectively used to resist your attempts to admire/intimidate/taunt and bribe them.
So use what information you can about the target to determine if it's worth attempting to persuade them and which way is best.
Savescumming is for pussies. If you fail persuading too much and get their disposition really low then better start saving some money to bribe them, or move on to some other NPC. Failures and mistakes are what make playthroughs of RPGs interesting, they are a source of emergent gameplay as you must adjust your plans to the situations you find yourself in.
Another speechcraft trick worth noting, once you have more money than you know what to do with is when failing to taunt someone, just give a few thousand gold and keeping taunting them again, then take your money back once they fail dueling you.
Can't you just spam taunt until they get pissed off? I mean it's not like you want them to have a high disposition anyways and the taunt successes don't need to be consecutive to trigger the fight.
Do all Americans have square looking limbs like this?
Taunts are less effective when disposition is at 0.
Since successful taunts lower their disposition, if it gets really low bribing them brings it back to the region where taunts will start working reliably again. You're gonna kill the target anyway so the bribes are essentially free.
I still don't understand why torchlight looks so good in Morrowind.
Which brings me to question, how is the weather in Vvardenfell?
I Like how you barge into his house and demand to know why hes shirtless. What an entitled piece of shit you are.
What's your favorite faction in terms of quests? I'm partial towards The Great House Telvanni.
I have soft bloom in mgex
He trains hand to hand, he has a skooma pipe stashed in his room, he solves gods damn dwemer puzzle boxes. Don't fuck with my man Causies or you fuck with the Nerevar biotch.
I have Ebony Mail under my legally acquired Ordinator Armour. Bitch I watch yo azz. We wuz Nerevars 'N shieet.