Why do people still pretend that his games are good

Why do people still pretend that his games are good

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Why are snoyfags COPING so much?

they are
look at a game like Mario 64 which is still just as TIGHT and enjoyable today simply because the controls and movement is just so perfect.

that's what makes Mario the King, and why so many other games both 2d and 3d just lack that "spark"
Videogames, being an interactive medium, massively benefit from the attention to detail when it comes to movement and control of your character that Mario games always have.

64 is good though, as are most of the others. Odyssey though? Not so much.


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I really enjoy Odyssey
the variety of movement and options avaliable to you is just so vast.
most of the worlds are really interesting and have lots of details, finding the hard to getmoons is a lot of fun and challenging
plus the online features just add to the experience.

I think the success of Mario Maker really was a great thing for the series since it set Nintendo's mind towards promoting shared challenges while maintaining the core singe player experience of Mario.

>and challenging

Hell, Mario wrote the book every other platforming hero has been taking pages from.

I don't just mean platforming, but any 3D action game in general which naturally requires navigating an environment
when a player character doesn't respond how you want to, can;t navigate the environment properly (or worse is stuck in pre-set corridors) and generally handles like shit, the game will not be fun simple as that.

SM64 is a pretty primitive game in a lot of ways but it still holds up and continues to be massively popular simply because of how tight the controls are, and how satisfying the movement/action is; no bullshit, no delays, just what you want.
getting the bare minimum moons is piss easy, getting enough for the good ending is fairly simple
getting all the moons is a challenge.


Mario's the Alan Scott of platforming. He wrote the book on running and jumping, son!

It's the Nintendo cope syndrome, it started in the N64 era when Nintendo got nuclearly BTFO by the PS1 both in the amount of games, the tech involved, and graphics capabilities, so Nintendo kids had to pretend the literal five mediocre games they had were amazing and hyped them to high heaven, and they kept up the charade ever since.

“Tight” isn’t exactly how I’d describe the janky mess that is mario 64

I got all the moons and don't remember it being challenging. 3D World was challenging on the other hand.

lmao PS1 "games"
Crash, Spyro, some other furrybait
garbage games

Got Odyssey last week with my Switch, first Mario I played since the MASTERPIECE that was Galaxy

Odyssey felt fucking souless, moons are handed out like candy so theres no satisfaction in collecting them which is the main fucking point of a 3D Mario game

Mario controls like shit, his jumps are way to low and what the fuck is up with his wall jump?

Odyssey felt like a poor mans Rare collectathon, the only part which I really liked was the New Donk City Festival but after that it became mediocre as fuck

Also the hat abilities are trash, enemies are puzzles instead of being actual enemies.

Was really looking forward to this but man it sucked

>Mario controls like shit, his jumps are way to low and what the fuck is up with his wall jump?
How everybody knows you didn't play it.

is right
post a pic of mario odyssey with a timestamp

His jumps are too low though, compared to every other 3D mario, not including world I mean the proper 3D mario games.

I am at work, but I am currently at the snow kingdom in some blizzard, I am slowly getting through it but I kind of have to force myself

Also why the fuck did they bring back the Sunshine Swimming mechanic instead of 64 which was way better

Anyway why the fuck would I lie about my own opinion of a mario game?

It's okay user, the PS1 can't hurt you anymore

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And every single one of these games is shit.
How sad snoyfags love shovelware!

Why do people still pretend that this bait is good?

how the FUCK did this have so much damn SOUL compared to Odyssey?


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>the only part which I really liked was the New Donk City Festival

What about the final escape sequence?

Sshhh user, it's fine, the PS1 isn't here anymore, you're safe

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Why do snoyfags pretend the ps1 was ever good?
The ps1 classic really proved how worthless that piece of shit really was.

not playing it right


It doesn't. Galaxy is sterile, boring, bland and shallow. The orbits and the gravity physics and mechanics were an innovation for its time, I'll give it that. But overall the game is pretty underwhelming.
Odyssey is more complex, bizarre and fun for a 3D Mario. Luncheon Kindom and Lost Kindom SOUL levels blow the entire Mario Galaxy out of the water.

Both are easy as fuck tho, why can't Nintendo make the whole game with a difficulty level equal to the last worlds of 3D World?

That's what Galaxy 2 is for

are there people shitpost to convince people of OP's lies?


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Dunkey is based

le epic contrarian xd

Mario was literally on the forefront of every fucking genre he was in and did it better than 90% of the competition that appeared later, I hope contrarians like you get shot in the fucking street

grow up, what are you 12

Probably watch boogie too

Another autist for the pile.

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Being a stale property doesn't mean your games aren't mechanically solid.

>not playing it right
i always think this whenever someone criticizes odyssey's movement mechanics, its okay to have preferences but to even imply that its bad is a massive blow to your credibility

your seething won't make you right

Kill yourself
I don’t even like Mario games and I fucking loved Odyssey

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why did nintendo make mario seem so gay now? Was especially since Sunshine I got this shitty flamboyant vibe. I want back to the Italian-American plumber, I mean why even give him the mustache and overalls if they’ve lost that meaning?


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I like wahoo man

I make him jump, I do the platforming, listen to the music and it makes me happy

keep saying it

He is buttblasted Sonicfag, I have seen him post this before

Of course you would like the game, AC trannytard. Now go play Galaxy and try to say you like Odyssey again, I fucking dare you.

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What could have been.
Yoshi also got the same treatment. The fuck is up with that nigger’s nose?

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