Name a single game with hotter characters than Overwatch, pro tip: You cannot

Name a single game with hotter characters than Overwatch, pro tip: You cannot

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Short hair is unacceptable on a woman


The board you're looking for is

your fanbase having talented and imaginative porn artists doesn't mean your game has hot women. tracer looks nothing like that in game.


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cumbraĆ­n thread


stupid gamer

guilty gear

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Dead or Alive.
There, one game.
Could probably sit here and rattle off a dozen more just from fighting games alone.

9s isn't a game

what a faggot

ez, senran kagura

Yeah but I'd sure love to play with his buttons and grip his joystick if you catch my drift

this is video games
it's right in his opening statement

>not posting the hottest image
op is fucking retarded

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Short hair is mandatory on a woman

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I don't

FGO has some great characters

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Right back at you

>not posting the hottest girl
What a faggot

Attached: Zarya+is+best+girl+_4313075528ac439f1f8bf39fd3dae89b.jpg (670x1191, 119K)

dota 2

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9S is cute! CUTE!

Attached: 9S-ni-Iroiro-Various-to-9S-03.jpg (231x420, 28K)

that's not a game

>He doesn't want to throatfuck a shorthaired pixie androgynous girl that wears chokers and has no gag reflex

It's like you've never had interactions with the opposite sex user

All the character designs in Overwatch fucking suck though. Porn can't even save them sometimes.

this is now the hottest character thread

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isn't that literally what OP said?

This but with long hair

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>A Hat in Time

Stefania Ferrario, wish she would do more video modeling.

no, he posted some low-tier image with some low-tier character

>A Hat in Time nude mod still doesn't exist

Bleached skins when

Nier I guess

Best girl coming through

Attached: casual_zarya_by_monorirogue-da38d3o.jpg (752x1063, 155K)

>no gag reflex
what's the point if she isn't suffering?


league of legends

but he still said to post the "hottest characters" so it's still a "hottest characters" thread

Orbital station status: ready to drop virgin killer

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Text only games where you get to alter your character.

we tumblr now

sure it is

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no, he WROTE that you can't name a game with character hotter than his low-tier game, adding, we cannot. learn to read, fag.

Lmao homogay

Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Dead or Alive

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no, it's an anime based on a virtual slot machine

>Beautiful muscular woman is tumblr now

so he's asking (You) to post the "hottest characters"?

there's gameplay and everything

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no but that character is

Team Fortress 2

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is there though?

Mortal Kombat 9

If you wanna get autistic about challenge quests then yes, but by that metric GFL has more anyways

My wife

Attached: NuBNVV8.png (1080x1680, 1.05M)

The worst girls from Overwatch, Street Fighter and League are all unironically better than any one of DoA's soulless fuckdolls.

I hate that this opinion has been co-opted by Tumblr trannies but it's the truth.


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>One of the most racist characters of Overwatch is tumblr

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does it count when the fanart doesn't even resemble the game?

I kinda agree, but Helena and Nyotengu are cute

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it's a fictional race so tumblr don't care

>Using paged view instead of catalog

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You seem to know an awful lot about tumblr, faggot

seething won't make you right

>those lips

litter apeface

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why is Yea Forums so full of closet faggots?

have you seen the link threads?

That only has one hot character when OP specifically asked for characters in the plural

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It's not unacceptable, it's just whenever I've seen a woman with short hair that looked great it was despite the hair, not because of it.

nigga that's pretty gay

best monk

why'd it gotta be fortnite that included my fetish

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It's either long hair or no hair at all.

i want to play with 9S's winky without his permission and embarrass him

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What fetish?

Attached: fortnite-outfit-rebel.jpg (875x915, 94K)

I have a fetish for having sexual intercourse with females

look at this fag

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gross dude

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absolute mouth breather

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She'd look way better with long hair

Tomboys must be exterminated, femininity is the key to prosperity.


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Is there a fortnite mode that doesn't have the zoomer basebuilding

I just want to play cute robots

Never touched fortnite in my life because I hate the building idea but this skin makes me want to.

This is why noone takes mongrels seriously. America PLEASE try to get a white genepool.


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the pyro

if you haven't noticed, whites are the biggest fags

Oh look, another one of these low quality threads. How about discussing video games rather circle jerk about attractive females.


>Zarya this low
How we know you have shit tastes

based and true

I'd say it's proof he's not tumblr but he also said "Wifey" so I'm not sure

EZ Paladins, Seris alone is superior to all the shit tier girls in Overwatch

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I wanna be tracer

Everything that is not Zarya is tumblr, based retard

Just play team rumble and pretend it's Battlefield or something

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>dyed pink hair
>not tumblr

Proof Zarya haters are low test.

All of her skins are trash

Looks like my butt

Based retard

seething won't make you right

You just triggered me to discover that I have doll-joints fetish now.


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But I AM right. Your mediocre waifu can't compete with someone like Zarya.


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>projecting his own waifufaggotry onto me

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too big

I'll let you spank and stretch my waifu's butt if I can eat yours, user.

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what's the best anatomically correct doll you can buy?

>homosexuality and cuckoldry in one post
you need a break from the internet


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Is let you eat it if you let me spank and play with your cock

>He hasn't taken the cuckpill yet

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>projecting tumblr onto random characters
Stop browsing tumblr

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for the third time, seething won't make you right

I self-insert into a bull.

shiggy diggy

I couldn't be more right