What do you think about the dungeon crawler RPG genre? What are you playing right now?
What do you think about the dungeon crawler RPG genre? What are you playing right now?
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Needs more potatoes.
That girl is cute, does she have wings for arms and bird legs
Which EO is the best to start with?
I've started with 4 on some other anons reccomendations and am enjoying it so far. I've heard it's casualised compared to older games though so it might not be the best starting point.
3 is the best, 4 isn't far behind and it's more modern with some QoL changes.
not quite
4 was my first too, not a bad choice really and it's a good game
after you got your feet wet you can try any other game, though Nexus is mostly for long time fans
One of my favorite genres, honestly. Playing Strange Journey (again), keeping The Dark Spire on standby since I never finished it but want to someday. I'm sure the EO games are fantastic but the art style doesn't appeal to me at all.
Pretty bad. I've tried a bunch of games like this, and hated all of them, they just weren't any fun at all
I want an EO game for Android.
I was only ever interested in EO for some reason. Even the FP SMTs bored me.
I was thinking about buying Moero Chronicles H, but with Mary Skelter 1+2 having a release date finally I'll probably wait for that instead.
3 probably.
I've never finished an EO game. I'm totally into it until like the halfway point where you finish all the relevant skills and start to mow down enemies like they're nothing. These games are only fun when every random encounter is a potential game over or devastating resource drain.
Woah bro, you're a pretty hardcore gamer
To me, he is a casual.
I'm going to start EO with the remake of 1. Is this a huge mistake.
and now you are until someone posts Rogue
I can't complete one because I need to load my save again once I failed to get an even exp for all my members. Yes, even in boss fights.
God I hate how much I do this, especially for boss fights because they usually give a ton of exp.
Waiting for this.
It has them. What it needs are more shortstacks, more salads, more fish. Nexus lacking Yggdroids AND Deep Ones as classes was a real disappointment in place of EOU3.
More than good. Excellent. It doesn't have any underaged furfag pronography though so I can see your disinterest.
At least we were able to use the Yggdroid portraits. I used one for my Imperial.
choosing EOU1 first is kind of hard, because the expert classic mode is not for the faint of hard while the other settings are just too easy.
If you're a hard mother fucker go for it tho
I can't think of this being the case for any game except maybe the first 2 since you can rush the OP shit as early as you want. In almost every other game classes take all game to "complete" their builds because of either skill gating or sub classing
I used one for my Hero and had a fun time with it. Still have to beat Nexus, I took a break after clearing the 3rd shrine. Love the game but damn those shrines can get repetitive.
I'm pretty patient. My favourite RPG series is SaGa and I've played some pretty brutal games. What would you recommend first then?
>Dungeon Casual Shit Soup
Sorry bro but Grimoire is a HARDCORE game for hardcore gamers like Blakemore
>t. Sape
EO1U had the best and most varied random encounters that fuck you up when you wouldn't expect it, and the wealth of bosses/bonus bosses in 3/2U will always pull the rug under you
and personally, I like experimenting with subclasses grims etc. even deep into post game. Discovered cool stuff like sho/buc and arb/zod that way.
I've been playing Stonekeep. The game is a complete mess of the best kind.
Children, look at this user. This is how a textbook pleb looks like.
I'm playing Stranger of Sword City on PC right now and being way too autistic trying to get good pluses on the unique equipment.
start with the original then and go release order, no guides
maximum 2007/2008 immersion.
DCSS is more hardcore. Also it rewards skill more consistently than RNG trash.
I like them but I often get bored because there is not enough to do in them. The sense of exploration wears off when you go hours without finding anything and you just sit there maping.
>not RNG trash
Nah, although if you are going for a 100% game file you should do Story and then NG+ Classic mode. Otherwise do whatever, the game is very fun but I think EOU2 is the better game, so you have that to look forward to.
Just fuck off dude you're clearly not getting it
EO on Switch never-ever, what the fuck is shitendo thinking?
Currently playing through Labyrinth of Refrain. It's a NIS game so it's hilariously easy, but has some cool ideas that keep you interested. Dronya a cute.
I played demon gaze a couple years ago and I had fun with that. I didn’t finish it, I levelled up one of my characters wrong and gave up. I want to get back into them, so any recommendations for a beginner? I have a hacked 3ds, hacked vita, and a ds flashcart if that helps.
>dude what if we have a game where everything ranges on a scale of 1 to max
Probably the most retarded system ever conceived.
imo going classic first is better because
>fuck story mode
>when in classic you have a proper challenge, in story mode hl/gun break the game and make it dull unless you gimp yourself
Yeah. I dunno about that. Everything else I've read said the first two are pretty rough.
I am as well. It's pretty fun, super punishing at times.
What does story mode do?
Your gear is irrelevant for the entire second half of the game thanks to torment, hellfire and tier-1 demons in general.
>Muh comfort zone
Go watch paint dry.
Thanks for reminding me that miss tits' doujin was uploaded, even if it was a bit disappointing
Can't get enough of them.
because Himukai doesn't give us sexy children anymore.
Only one game is good though. They've phoned it in and flirted with the casuals ever since.
Gives you quite a different experience as:
>it has a set party (with two classes that are not in classic)
>it has lots of scenes with your characters talking and you as the player insert choosing dialogue or action responses
>it has an additional dungeon with new enemies and bosses
Also I should point out that even EOU1's classic mode still differs from EO1 with regards to things like dungeon design. Its entirely up to you if you want a more traditional RPG experience or want party freedom (although the grimoire system exists to add skills from certain classes to your moveset).
I like the idea of a new dungeon, I don't like the other two things much. I don't play a dungeon crawler or a SaGa game for forced story. I have shit like Tales for that if that's what I want.
Thank you for giving me this. I find a lot of the EO Nexus characters to be somewhat obnoxious with how they dont take the labyrinth seriously, but at least she has her luck schtick, and I cant say no to those tits.
Extra dungeon is pretty fun with some solid tracks, but its up to you. If your deal is party composition freedom and a bit more hands off approach to the story, go classic.
I hate that fucker, he's the most irritating of the dukes.
Can I at least reclass the forced party?
You can, although it will not alter their base stat growth. You can also slot in those extra skills from the grimoires I had mentioned.
Alright it's time, post your
>Favorite Class
>Favorite Characters
>Favorite Stratum
>Favorite Stratum music
>Favorite battle music
>Favorite Boss music
Ren and Tlachtga
Lost Shinjuku
Petal Bridge
Battlefield - Inspecting the Resounding Weapons (2U)
Disturbances - Each Justice (aka Their Own Brand of Justice)
I really want a turn based, grid based blobber on pc with functioning mouse interface.
The thing is that even with story mode the it's not like you're being interrupted every 5 minutes for a skit or something, it's just that any story or dungeon event scene now has characters that talk amongst themselves instead of having a narrator. The anime cutscenes look nice at least even if they're super brief
Yes but characters retain the stats of their base class so plan accordingly. Simon performed much better for me as a troubadour for example.
I see. Leaning classic more and more. I'll see if the party looks likable. But I'll probably go with created party and imagination instead.
Empyreal Bridge
The Withered Forest
Faith is My Pillar
Hoist The Sword With Pride In Your Heart
The party is definitely viable - I've beaten EOU1 on both classic and story mode. You WILL want a medic in EOU1, trust me. Also Gunner and Highlander are both really good.
The characters are fine but they didn't do a good of getting you to like any of them outside of the girls being cute and there's like no party chemistry at all. EOU2 is much better in that regard and they actually feel like they're fucking friends unlike 1 where it's just like "ok we killed the boss time to fuck off"
I can't sit down and finish one.
Tried Soul Hackers, EO1, etc, but dropped them pretty early on
EOU2 does a nice job of it where the party goes from strangers cooperating out of necessity to working well together.
I see, I just looked them up on the wiki. I'll decide when I get there I guess. I have a SaGa game to wrap up.
Strange Journey was pretty fun.
Liked Grimrock 1 and 2 as well.
Beat Nethack on alt.org
Never beat ADOM but it's fun.
Never grew up playing wizardry series, or eye of the beholder or any of those other ones that oldskool gamers mention, but wondering if I should.
As a genre, I'm a fair-weather fan, but I always get burnt out on them. I'm not usually one to complain about RPGs being "Too long," but I'd definitely prefer a tighter, more compact dungeon crawler.
Etrian Odyssey is kinda my case in point. I always enjoy them early on but run out of steam by the halfway mark when my party is basically set in stone and everyone does the same moves every turn for every possible formation of enemies.
It feels weird to ask for "Less" content, but that'd probably be more manageable than asking for more, even more flexible/diverse content.
>still at least another year before any info on the next game
>but I'd definitely prefer a tighter, more compact dungeon crawler.
Just say shorter, because Etrian Odyssey V's stratum design is on fucking point. Tightest dungeons in the series, or at least up there.
But yeah if you want short shit you can rush through go play EOIV. You can change your party as you go with the unlocks, too.
>I levelled up one of my characters wrong and gave up.
I doubt it was actually a very big deal. My stat assignments were pretty sub-optimal for all my physical fighters, and I never felt hampered by it. Your equipment is far more important than your stats in Demon Gaze, and you can always just make use of a good piece of furniture if you suddenly decide you need more agility or something.
Anyway, if you liked Demon Gaze, you might check out the sequel. It has similar mechanics, though for better or worse it has a large roster of semi-customizable characters from which to build your party rather than having you create your own characters. You might also look into Elminage Original, Dungeon Travelers 2, and SMT: Strange Journey.
>Strange Journey
Which version should I play?
Says the casual who plays DCSS.play ToME instead
tome is a fucking awful mess
>wizardry series
Yes. Might want to skip IV.
>eye of the beholder
Ehh. If you love the genre then yes.
>Just say shorter, because Etrian Odyssey V's stratum design is on fucking point. Tightest dungeons in the series, or at least up there.
absolutely disagree, the maps are linear to the pain and have not enough to offer in terms of traps, dark areas etc. like old Wizardry. Instead they have trivial FOE puzzles (which at least used to be hard to detect in the older games)
The best are the DS trilogy, though still not great in the crawler genre and the weak point of EO.
>absolutely disagree
Then that's that, I'm not interested in arguing with you here. Compared to the FOE puzzle->shortcut->FOE puzzle tedium that EOU2 could get wallow in and how braindead IV is, V was the only game that reached III's heights.
Slang for a first-person RPG where you control a party. The whole party, which you never see, moves as a single entity within that single first-person perspective, so the joke is that you might as well be controlling one heavily armed blob with multiple arms and legs. That's how those games came to be known as "blobbers."
>FOE puzzle->shortcut->FOE puzzle tedium
user, that's my exact grievance with EO5 designs. It just never stops being dull until you reach a boss.
This one. It has multiple routes. Your party members differ depending on the route
You picked a pretty bad example then. I expected you to at least take something from stratum 2.
Anyways like I said, not interested in arguing. Empyreal Bridge exists, so I rest my case.
Are there any android dungeon crawlers you would recommend?
This is a fantastic philosophy, if only I wasn't so brainlet at The Millenium Girl that I had to drop it because I couldn't get through like the fourth or fifth floor.
What will Himukai do now that EO is dead?
what, you're telling me those are good examples? Go on, show me what you consider tight dungeon design. Don't be a sourpuss and go nahnah can't hear you.
the first 2 are still my favorites and irreplacable, they are rough but if it clicks for you they're unforgettable
What system
>Go on, show me what you consider tight dungeon design.
Already did, Empyreal Bridge, can you read? Or do you consider that a badly designed dungeon, you illiterate buffoon?
Empyreal Bridge has more value than anything you have ever accomplished in your life.
my god I'm telling you to post a map of a decent dungeon. But since you can't do that, EO5 has shit design.
only the most glorious system; PC
You can google it, shitposter-kun. I'm not into baby play.
you're not ever convincing anyone, please stop spouting stupid shit if you can't back it up like I did.
>filth like this
>good dungeon crawler design
and never come back again
Have sex with eachother
forgot to mention that it has a sequel, so you know it's good
I actually enjoyed the tengu puzzles a lot,
I'm taken, and I'm not into weirdos who have a fetish for getting into shitposting arguments anyways. Its beyond obvious he never actually played the stratum he's arguing about, what a weirdo.
I've only ever played the original and I have no need to try out Redux at this point. Redux has extra content which is pretty good too from what I've heard, they really shit the bed hard with the new character portraits though. Also, I'm not sure what they did with the difficulty but it would ruin the game if they gimped it.
Any good dungeon crawlers for switch? need something to play on the go
Labyrinth of Refrain is on the switch, right? That's a good one.
Omega labyrint Life if you like tits and Pokémon MD.
I didn't, it confounds me that Yea Forums considers dungeon design excellent that is on the level of simplistic FF/Suikoden designs.
thread almost killed by autism
Wizardry 1-4sounds like a S&Mfag's dream
I haven't tried V, though IV is the farthest I ever got in one of those games in part because of how they changed things up from some of the previous iterations.
I wanna get into Etrian since I finished up the SMT games on 3ds I wanted to finish where do i start?
>all girls except (you)
Ah yes, there are H scenes I presume?
>Favorite Class
>Favorite Characters
Either the wolf from EO2 or Olympia from EO3
>Favorite Stratum
EO3 3rd
>Favorite Stratum music
>Favorite battle music
>Favorite Boss music
I love most of the classes in 3, just because of how broken they are and make the game trivial. Couple of stinkers though like Wilding and Yggdroid.
Any of those. Most have free demos that transfer your save.
>DCSS is more hardcore
Bro, it's literally a game where you only press o and tab 99% of the time, what are yout alking about.
I already played
- Etrian Odyssey 1-3
- Strange Journey
- Wizardry 8
- Labyrinth of Refrain
- Elminage Gothic
Are there any good bloobers on pc i missed apart from the super old ones? Could I emulate EO 4?
never can get into these games, they feel too low quality.
im playing EOV but im on pause right now, I get burned out playing the games in this series too close together, since I started with EOIV, then immediatelly went to EO1, EO2 and now EOV, so yeah I{ve been having to take breaks in games
the only way you would get to that conclusion is by being a graphics fag
If it's porn, it's cool.
Nah I just don't feel like playing etrian odyssey where characters and plot are almost non-existent and its all about building the perfect killing machine, when I have really great JRPGs in my backlog like FF 6 or Vagrant Story.
I started playing this a while back, but I got maybe 3 dungeons into it and I got bored with it. The game is too easy on normal, still easy on nightmare except for the bosses that just rape you relentlessly, and the puzzles are bland and tasteless. Which is a shame, because it had a lot of style and I forced myself through a lot of it just to try and like it, but I couldn't.
Actually, the game made me realize that even though I really love the idea of a dungeon crawler, I only really like dungeons with heavy amounts of puzzles like Grimrock, and not so much on the battles.
Is it possible for you to wrap your head around the fact that not every game is supposed to be about the story?
Yes, but I really don't see the point on a single player game when it doesn't have a story, If I'm going to play a game for its gameplay I prefer playing shooters or fighting games.
It's a term used by a really autistic bored on the internet. I wouldn't bother with it unless you want to be outed as a faggot immediately.
the plot is there, just not spoonfed to you and evolves organically with your progression, earning the respect of the town with your rag tag group of bums and figuring out what the fuck is going on is just satisfying.
the combat/party building is leagues higher than either of those games (and most story driven rpgs) in terms of quality, on top of more interesting dungeons and a god tier soundtrack.
i still enjoy both and both styles have their merits but confusing "quality" with "strong story focus" is pretty fucking retarded
Well true, I can see it, I guess I just really don't like Dungeon Crawlers. I'm not speaking facts, I'm just merely posting my opinions and feelings abotu the genre.
And its not like I haven't tried to play these games, I tried everything, grimrock, etrian odyssey, labyrinth of refrain, SMT: SJR
I think there might be other things at play that make me get bored of these games, like me getting dissoriented by the similar textures and the grid based movement.
At this point you are right. It's obvious crawlers are not for you. I suggest not bothering with them
>they feel too low quality.
Oh, but bugridden moviegames like FF6 or unfinished games where no mechanic works as intended like Vagrant Story sure are high quality, eh?
>Yes, but I really don't see the point on a single player game when it doesn't have a story
the same point as playing any other game, having fun? tetris is one of the oldest most popular games and has 0 story.
but i mean judging from your other post its just not enjoyable for you and i cant read minds so i really cant tell you why
I enjoy fighting games too but figuring out if the next dude im fighting is a retarded gorilla brain masher or an actual good player every single time i get a match can get old after a while.
sometimes you just want to enjoy a finely crafted experience that tests your problem solving skills, and can be solved with a lot of different party setups/ skill builds while enjoying a sick soundtrack, and thats where i play EO, also helps that i enjoy exploring and a bit of backtracking never bothered me
The only dungeon crawler I've played is SMT Strange Journey and I really liked it, but I'm under the impression that its simply a "one time thing".
Y'know, like how you were younger and played the fuck out of Diablo 2 but never got into similar games like it before or after.
Bait but I agree. I love ff6 but it's a hot mess. I can only play it with an overhaul mod
Hope you got an Ariadne Thread/Warp Wire
I love it, i have a hard time going back to classic RPGs after getting a taste of dem dungeons. I dunno how EO manages to be so comfy despite constantly pushing your shit in with difficult stuff.
Dark Hunter
Sandy Barrens
How am I supposed to settle on one? Fetid Necropolis, I guess.
First battle theme in 3, can't remember the name.
Hoist the Sword, Pride in the Heart. Any other answer is wrong.
Whoops,accidentally deleted the character line.
Toss up between the barkeeps of 2 and Nexus.
Emulating the 3ds Etrian odyssey games is possible as far as i know.
>First battle theme in 3, can't remember the name.
The first campaign is KINO af.
>My favourite RPG series is SaGa and I've played some pretty brutal games.
Shit's some of the most laughably easy combat I've ever seen in an RPG.
Yeah it is. I also really like the Nexus version.
>Favorite Class
Princess, Pugulist
>Favorite Characters
Bertrand, Arianna, Chloe, Solor, Lili, the pouting brouni in 5's tavern.
>Favorite Stratum
Fetid Necropolis
>Favorite Stratum music
Waterfall Woods
>Favorite battle music
Second battle theme in 5
>Favorite Boss music
Their Own Brand of Justice
I played many EOs but never managed to beat them, I usually stop playing after a while and get too lazy to start it up again, only dungeon crawled I beat is Zanki Zero, which got me more interested in games like those, is Stranger of Sword City any good?, I like the customizable portraits.
Any of them except both 2, Untold 2, and Nexus are good to start off with.
>What do you think about the dungeon crawler RPG genre?
It's fucking boring.
I like them when you don't have to draw maps
>>Favorite Class
>>Favorite Characters
Salad, Bertrand
>>Favorite Stratum
uh fuck me can't decide
>>Favorite Stratum music
Graveyard of Darkness youtube.com
The Vengeful God in the Dark Ocean Abyss youtube.com
>>Favorite battle music
Furnace of War youtube.com
>>Favorite Boss music
The End of the World youtube.com
Calling that detestable name youtube.com
3, 4, 5 are all good. Going back to 4 might be alittle annoying since it lacks some QoL added in Untold and has slower walking than 3 but if you start with it you wont notice it as much.
Untold 1 if you want alittle hand holding and a strong and balanced party to start with. Story mode Untold was my first EO game and what was got me into the Etrian Odyssey games and Dungeon crawler games in general.