The game let you choose other pronounce than he/she

>the game let you choose other pronounce than he/she

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They or them!

>OP is a wojack poster


Unbased esl

name one game

>implying this kind of typo isn't a prime example of american retardation

Which is why you're calling out Americans right now, right?

>games translation is utter shit

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Based ESL retard

Don't pull the ESL card when it's something a person who learned to speak and write at the same time wouldn't do

but spanish is most americans' first language

I agree, most esl have better grammar than actual americans or bongs


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it's actually spelled "wojak"

>real life ideologies in vidya
kill yourself, your developers, sissy fans and all their families

Native speakers learn to speak first
ESL learn to speak and write simultaneously

Well I'm a fucking moron then.

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what are some games where you can play as a CUTE and FUNNY boomer who has to go back to plebbit so he can dilate and cope with the seething cumbraĆ­n zoomer from resetera who a cute, CUTE!!

Couldn't care less what gender people what to call themselves in a video game. Be a unicornkin for alI give a fuck.

My problem is when you start bringing your video game fantasy gender bullshit into my real life where I have mortgages, pensions and children to worry about. That's when you and your social movement can get fucked you attention whoring freaks

>It's another linguistic prescriptivism thread

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>accepting his mistake

>the brain not let you pronounce basic grammar

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Is there actually any game that does this?

Why are you so fucking obsessed with trannies