/our guy/

/our guy/

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what are the other volcel powerchads in gaming?

Of course, this perfect poster child for the Yakuza is portrayed as a virgin.

Yakuza games are the ultimate incelcore

fuck yokoyama

He fucks up the Yakuza in every game, honestly he’s a menace


if you enjoyed this game... then congratulations. you are officially a retard.


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Yea Forums memes everyone

it implied he had sex with hostess in yakuza 3 tho

>Solid Snake

>Kiryu is like 38 in Yakuza 2.
>Still a virgin
I can't take him seriously anymore. Thanks.


he's too used to jacking off into a tissue

The King himself

Attached: d8d.jpg (310x310, 28K)

He's actually main writer.

Has a daughter
>>Solid Snake
Fucked Meryl

>Fucked Meryl

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Only reason I'm becoming fit is to juxtapose my same celibate lifestyle. No one will give a shit but I can enjoy the fact that I chose this instead of being forced into it.

it's cool to be a virgin. Only incels tell other people to "have sex"

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Is this better?

Attached: 1565365750997.png (454x520, 13K)

Much better. Thank you.

>Fucked Meryl
I don't even think he can have sex

But he bangs that lady cop in 2

>Fucked Meryl
i'll give you auron since that stupid garbage novella is canon but solid snake definitely leon'd her.

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he's 48 in 6 and still a virgin

Fuck you

If you hate wojaks then leave

and yet he dates hottesses and watches porn all the time?

>Fucked Sunny


>watches porn
I'm pussy destroyer then

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Sunny is gay

Dante is only a virgin in your epic maymays. It says he's been laid in one of the novels

I'm implying he has sex drive AND hot girls throw themselves at him, dingus