>Stupid kids playing with their games unlike me doing nothing at all heh
Stupid kids playing with their games unlike me doing nothing at all heh
Actually you're posting on Yea Forums instead of playing your shitty toddler trash.
I bought SMM2 because of the hype but haven't touched it since 2 days after it came out....
touch it then
No, I don't wanna get dust on my hands
How aboutplaying it you du bo?
Haha, you're black. Happy now?
someone gave me 3H, its ok i guess. only other ones i played were the GBA games and shadow dragon and i think i like all of those ones better
>several years old at that
Seriously question, what new PS4 game worth playing has even come out in the last 3-4 months? Only thing I can think of is that shitty zombie game.
give them back jamal
>lemme borrow yo game. i give it back. don't be racist.
Does anyone have the picture that says "when Yea Forums takes a picture of something" and it has the nigger hand?
i guess this is the last resort...
You sonyfags need to die already.
Touch the game
Do it now
you can't be serious
>shitposting about other people shitposting about other people playing video games instead of actually playing video games themselves instead of actually playing video games yourself
Correction he's falseflagging as a shitposter posting about other people's shitposting
>playing games designed for childern
-*charges you 60 dollars for cardboard*
unrelated, but what's that movie in the pic with the guy holding the hammer
Fuck off Gladium.
*charges you sixty dollars to use your own internet*
>didn't even use the sony beanie
I wonder if people reply with the same shit ironically at this point, or it’s just new people every single time.
Also, based black bro.
thanks, user
Look guys he's black lol!
gross, i hate black people
I barely see SMM2 threads anymore.
you are 30+ years old and create threads like these. you also don't have a job and live with your poor mom.
if I were you I would have killed myself a long time ago
idk, man. Blacks can be alright, but judging from his taste in games he might just be a nigger.
I’m still enjoying MH World faggot.
You know, that franchise that you thought would be on the Switch?
Lick shit
>this games are bad because I say so
Stop posting on this board
WTF is that thing?
Interactive media is different from other media
Mh is on the switch
>This is what the average Nintendork looks like
Nigga, I like 1984 AND Harry Potter. Bite me.
This is what that average snoygger looks like.
I'm gonna touch your games you fucking slut
I’m not talking about ports
Nintendo will never see new monster hunter game again
Not with the sales Capcom finally got by releasing the game for real consoles
Lmao this much in denial. Enjoy your port too I guess
>Projecting that hard
Hey if you want to move goalposts so you can say nuh uh doesn't count, than I can move the goalpost too
>multi-plats bad
Shut up you retarded nigger. Unlike switch,pc whatever garbage you are using, ps4 has exclusives PLUS multi-plats to enjoy.