>smelee has to ban infinites because it hurts their feelings
Smelee has to ban infinites because it hurts their feelings
Other urls found in this thread:
there should be a rule to take a shower first
When you start banning arbitrary elements of a game, you ruin everything imo.
Why are you so obsessed?
>game is so broken it requires a bunch of tedious rules and autistic techs that need broken controllers
>competitive smash
I don't play fighters but isn't this a good thing? Why would you allow a move that any character can't get out of?
What is wobbling?
This event’s definition of wobbling is a series of moves (4+ pummel effects) by Ice Climbers from a standing grab position that infinitely lock the opponent in hitstun. This applies to Melee only.
Why ban it now?
A long time ago, Big House was one of the last majors to unban wobbling. So why the wobbling re-ban?
* It continues to lead to miserable play patterns and tournament experiences.
Wobbling disproportionately rewards the grabbing player for winning a single neutral game interaction, while invalidating defensive options for the grabbed player with no opportunity to escape using traditional Melee defensive mechanics such as stage positioning and DI. This puts a ridiculously high weight on technical gameplay revolving around grabs. While not necessarily overpowered at the highest levels of gameplay, the effects of wobbling should be considered for attendees of all skill levels. I want to be sensitive to community feedback that it creates miserable playing and viewing experiences.
* It doesn’t fit the skill set criteria that we subjectively deem valuable to test in a tournament match.
Just like how various stages have been banned over the years because they take away from what makes Melee so deep, wobbling doesn’t fit the criteria for what we deem valuable to test in a competitive setting. For example, Hyrule Temple is banned because the cave area of the stage creates degenerate character interactions. Poke Floats is banned because the scrolling aspect of the stage creates a non-interactive requirement to move laterally. A wobbling ban is not fundamentally different from any other subjective ruleset decision, and it forces play patterns that we don’t deem valuable to test our competitors with at this time.
* It’s what the majority of in-person tournament attendees prefer right now.
As a TO, it’s best to balance what I think is healthiest for the game and what the attendees prefer, and in recent months the pendulum has swung back towards a preference by attendees for wobbling to be banned. This wasn’t necessarily the case a couple years ago, but I believe the overall sentiment was skewed for a long time by Evo’s wobbling legal stance — after all, it’s hard for TOs to go against the ruleset of the biggest event of the year, and I’m certainly guilty in some capacity too. As with any ruleset updates, I encourage TOs to think freely and make decisions best for their event. At this point I value attendees’ feedback above all else, and it’s time to go back to our Big House roots there.
Robin Harn / Juggleguy
>It continues to lead to miserable play patterns and tournament experiences.
he sounds butthurt
Because if you get hit or grabbed you have no one but yourself to blame
Hey Meleetards, Smash Ultimate doesn't have this problem, just saying...
Maybe it's time to ditch that old game and get with the program...
>get hit once
>infinite combo
>dude just never get hit once lmao
Yeah man, sounds very fun. The race to be the first person to hit the other, after which you watch a tedious infinite. Seems enjoyable for everyone.
>A wobbling ban is not fundamentally different from any other subjective ruleset decision, and it forces play patterns that we don’t deem valuable to test our competitors with at this time.
Its fundamentally differ t than a stage ban because you're telling a player that they cannot do what their character's kit let's them.
Its like those dumb arcade rules in the old days where they didn't let you throw hadoukens because it "created degenerate character interactions". It was the definition of scrub quotes and was mocked into submission. Yet melee players applauded this
Isn't the current best strat to win smellee to poke someone with Jigglypuff and then run away for 6 minutes? I thought people didn't even play Ice Climbers that much.
Literally all combat games and combat sports is about the adage of "do damage and don't get hit"
Get good. Don't get hit.
there's also an arbitrary ledge grab limit that's being enforced
if you go over it and the match goes to time you lose even if you were winning
Guess what they banned too.
> because they take away from what makes Melee so deep, wobbling doesn’t fit the criteria for what we deem valuable to test in a competitive setting. For example, Hyrule Temple is banned because the cave area of the stage creates degenerate character interactions. Poke Floats is banned because the scrolling aspect of the stage creates a non-interactive requirement to move laterally
is this really how meleefags think?
>yeah but you want to not lose haha
Oh okay, we should make basketball games decided by who scores the first basket. That sounds enjoyable to watch and play, doesn't it user? Maybe ban any smash player who loses from the competituve scene, they should have gotten good anyway.
>pick fox on temple
>hit my opponent with a laser once
>run away during the entire rest of the match
>ez win
I don’t know, you tell me
>TO makes the matchup artificially easier instead of players learning it
>Hardly anyone plays Ice Climbers so it's a welcome change for all the shitty Fox players
pathetic community
>dont get grabbed lol
This is the problem with Melee players, they care more about making an epic performance that makes their game look cool more than they care about playing the game.
Your game has become tv wrestling and it's embarrassing
Reminder that polls have showcased that outside of Ice Climber mains Puff mains were the demographic most opposed to banning wobbling.
>get grabbed as anyone
I fought against an icy at my local scene and he would wobble everytime. The only way I won as doc were abusing pills and cape flicks. I'd rather get pillared than wobbled because at least I have a chance to get out of it.
Good to see Melee still living in people's heads rent free
So anything that makes it hard for another player to win from a losing position should be banned? This is how you want to play your game?
I dont play that shit game and this would just be patched out by any relevant current gen fighting game. Infinites are unintended and are just a pissing match of watching shitty danage scaling, that's why fighting game devs patch them out all the time. They're not fun for anyone involved, people only do it for the chance to cheese a win.
You would be too
Just looked it up and this is retarded. Melee is broken and people who like this shit are retarded. Even brawl doesn't have shit like this.
Better yet, have on-site showers that are mandatory to use before a set. Any soap dodgers get thrown off-site
I don't get it. IC never had a good winrate with wobbling unbanned right? So what's the problem? It's clearly not broken.
Wobbling has been banned at tournaments before for many years. Why are people acting like this is suddenly a new revelation?
Why do smashers gotta make big autistic posts about everything
Why are they so laced with drama compared to every other comp game
Why cant they admit that melee is fundamentally flawed because whenever someone points out a bad trend, they try to refute it using stats and results from nobodies that would never make top 8?
>what is the offside rule in soccer
>what is travelling in basketball
No, because you can't change what Melee is, the game will forever be as it was when released. When you ban rules from it, it ceases to be Melee.
>Puff pisses off smelees
>Puff also is the most reasonable
tournament players don't play link
>they care more about making an epic performance that makes their game look cool more than they care about playing the game.
Imagine wanting a competitive spectacle to be entertaining.
Shit like this is why Melee wasn't included in EVO '19 (and hopefully future EVOs). Pure autism
I can understand old games getting some glitch banned cause it hurts the game enough, like the gambit glitch just breaks marvel, you can no longer continue the match and there isn't really anything you can do but ban it. These excuses though are pathetic, they already had rules in place to make wobbling fair and ice Climbers only ever did okay with it there. What they are doing is like saying scrubs struggle to deal with zoning, so you can only chuck one projectile every 5 seconds. Nah sometimes you hit a hurdle and need to git gud.
>* It continues to lead to miserable play patterns and tournament experiences.
I don't like playing against it so don't do it. They even admit not necessarily overpowered, but scrubs hate it so ban it. This is legit on the level of a no spamming rule, this is how many multiplayer games get ruined as instead of balancing for the top you listen to scrubs.
>* It doesn’t fit the skill set criteria that we subjectively deem valuable to test in a tournament match.
What melee isn't fitting the imaginary view of the high skill ceiling? Quick ban everything that isn't fox. With stages you can at least justify it as many stages centralise every single match, or introduce hazards including heavily random elements. They fundamentally change every match so it can't be competitive. But this is we don't like one, not even high tier, character's gameplan.
>* It’s what the majority of in-person tournament attendees prefer right now.
This isn't even a reason, it is just saying we don't like it. They couldn't think of 3 legit reasons but needed to fill out their justification. And lets be real, it is stream monsters they don't want getting upset. They don't want lower views, jiggs is next.
>Even brawl doesn't have shit like this.
multiple characters had shit even worse than wobbling in brawl you fucking retard lmao
>space them out
>retreat when there's no opening
>kill nana
It's that easy, but no lets change the rules.
Why don't they just mod the game, this is gay.
items on very high, pokefloats
Because that's what makes ice climbers good, just don't get grabbed
Otherwise they are not that bad
Could have just said “When Ice Climbers grab someone that person can’t get out of it so that lets the Ice Climbers hit the opponent indefinitely because melee is a broken glitched game and whoever does it is a big bitch”
Are yhey still trying to make a decade old casual game that is full of broken and unbalanced mechanics into a e-sport? What level of denial is this?
Project M did it, I understand that they can't play that Brawl shit and Ultimate is also pretty bad but they could just modify melee? Some things just start to be ridiculous otherwise
These are some delicious scrub quotes
meanwhile in a real fighting game not played by little bitches
The comments are all raging at strawmen it's great
>muh infinites
Here's what Smash players don't understand
Compared to fighting games, a stock in Melee is equal to 25% of a life bar. When taking this into consideration, not only is wobbling not an infinite but it pales in comparison to the 30%+ combos that are possible in other fighters.
But it feels worse to lose a stock than to lose a 25% of health bar, so wobbling is bad and should be banned.
Ok now imagine if a successful grab did a quarter of the opponent's health every time.
bro ice climbers arent good WITH wobbling
the execution and setup for wobbling compared to TODs in other games is pathetically fucking easy
you just press one button at a certain rhythm after getting a grab which is easy as shit, it's impossible to drop and takes no effort
>f a successful grab did a quarter of the opponent's health every time
Ever heard of Zangief and his combos?
>imagine if a successful hit confirm did a quarter of the opponents health every time
I don't have to imagine
>Ok now imagine if a successful grab did a quarter of the opponent's health every time.
that's often the case in fighting games
Well that one guy is
Did he make a transphobic comment or something so that is why it's getting banned?
Fighters have games based around ToD combos, for years they dealt with xfactor Vergil who just cleans your whole team with the incoming mix ups. But taking 25% cause of 1 set up? nah got to ban it
Was there any consensus on the ledge grab limit rule? Was it really enforced at the Super Smash Con?
>easy as shit, it's impossible to drop and takes no effort
That's smash in a nutshell, what's the problem?
how about all of it
>it's so easy once you've done the hard part
>did a quarter of the opponent's health
Only a quarter? And they get to keep their weapon?
>pathetically fucking easy
Isn't icies grab range incredibly short?
I don't know if he made transphobic comments. Hope someone else can answer your question. Have a good day.
Why are you obsessed with meleefags? Every other fucking day for years making threads bitching about how people you don’t know decide to play a game. Just shut the fuck up already, no one gives a shit
They're upset that people are playing melee instead of their dead games lmao so upset they do it every day
>wobble for a while
>let enemy go
>no longer infinite
you can limit how much a strategy can be used but you can't completely ban it, otherwise no one will use that character
When you start adding unnecessary commas, you're a retard imo,
Are you serious, retard?
Its so fucking sad that Melee apologists regularly spout scrub quotes in their discourse and they congratulate themselves for it. They have no self awareness
Play Samsho buddy or better yet go back to street fighter 2
>comparing a purposefully slow, huge lumbering char like zangief to the insanely quick, small ice climbers
Holy shit you guys are dumb
Why do autists like smash brothers?
>insanely quick
>ice climbers
>insanely quick
Next you will be saying climbers have longest reach on grab in smash.
Meleefags are retarded because the things they laugh about others (e.g. Instant death combos) are present in their game too but point it out and they go all "but ours take skill! '
Because when other games do it, they don't intentionally play for spectacle but something natural from their fight.
Literally no
>Just like how various stages have been banned over the years because they take away from what makes Melee so deep, wobbling doesn’t fit the criteria for what we deem valuable to test in a competitive setting.
This might just be the most pretentious goddamn thing I ever read in my life, I’m honestly impressed.
How long until they ban Jigglypuff players because Hungrybox continues to lead to miserable play patterns & tournament experiences? Or do they wanna keep the illusion that their community is more than Star Fox v. Marth going a little while longer?
And starts being Melee with tournament rules.
second best wavedash in the game behind luigi at a 3f jumpsquat. yeah ICs are actually pretty quick when you learn the basic commands lol
No it doesn't. Smash is literally a game built around the design philosophy of "play how you want" to the point it has an almost unparalleled number of options and features to impact the way you play. The idea that "Smash with a different ruleset isn't Smash" is so utterly absurd it's outright counter to the design philosophy of the game itself.
So quick that they win every game because you can't avoid the wobble amirite
>fgcfags claim that melee players are the insecure ones
>meleechads mind their own business while fgcfags go out of their way to make anti-melee threads daily
mmmmm really makes you think
good move, melee is better off without it
You literally can't play how you want when you place restrictions....
>muh viewers
Fuck esports
>Just like how various stages have been banned over the years because they take away from what makes Melee so deep, wobbling doesn’t fit the criteria for what we deem valuable to test in a competitive setting. For example, Hyrule Temple is banned because the cave area of the stage creates degenerate character interactions. P
Fuck off, this is what makes melee cancerous and ruins a ton of other competitive games
Your job is to come up with a set of mechanics and rules that make an even playing field and that rewards skull, and then let the dice fall where it may and have the meta develop naturally around that.
The moment you curtail the rules and systems so you are curating a specific meta based on how you personally think the meta should be, then you aren't actually fucking playinng the game competitivel, you are playing YOUR version of the game.
>this entire thread
You guys are so pathetic its barely even funny anymore.
Seethe more, Melee will live another 10-15 years while your garbage ass games die and get replaced by the next entry in the series.
you act as if the game hasn't been out for 20 years
Did they send out a reminder to shower and bring deo though??
Then don't enter tournaments with rulesets you don't like you stupid fucking twat.
The user I responded to said "you can't change what Melee is, if you ban rules from it, it ceases to be Melee". I said Smash is designed around letting people play however the fuck they want with a long list of built in rule systems. If you want to play all items on, you can. If you want to play with increased knockback, you can. If you want to play fucking some weird ass silly shit like whacking each other with Game and Watch's Judge to see whose RNG is better, you can.
If a tourney agrees they want to play with wobbling not allowed, then they can too and there's nothing about that that makes it "not Melee". Choice in how people play is exactly what Smash is, on an individual or group scale.
>Or do they wanna keep the illusion that their community is more than Star Fox v. Marth going a little while longer?
Hold on. If their justification is wobbling makes stuff too hard for lower level players, how can you justify any of the top tiers being allowed to do anything? Most of the cast is completely invalidated so by all accounts they should ban stuff until it is an even playing field.
that's not the argument though, guy doesn't know what he's talking about
Moron, next you're gonna tell me to go on YouTube's free speech alternative or something as if such a thing exists. Fuck all restrictions that don't come with the game.
cause pufftards can just fly away infinitely if they want
Armada, is that you?
>no argument
Congratulations for winning the debate!
What's with Ultimate fags shitting on Melee so much recently? Remember how everybody "loved" Sm4sh when it out but once Ultimate came around everybody denounced it and claimed it was always shit? Ultimate is probably going through the same honeymoon phase, and you faggots will drop it as soon as Smash 6 takes it place. It's not a bad game, but it's nowhere near as balanced as everyone makes it out to be.
There's a mod called Melee SD Remix, but it never caught on. Smashfags in general dislike mods and fangames
Yes, had. That got patched out like this would have been in melee if melee was out today. But melee is old and janky as fuck and people cling to it to the point of justifying infinites.
Brawl never got any patches you fucking retard
>It's not a bad game, but it's nowhere near as balanced as everyone makes it out to be.
the reason ultimate will die is because it's mechanics aren't deep enough.
and ultimate fans shitting on melee is just pure insecurity and general toxicity, it's mostly the sm4ash community after all.
>brawl had patches
holy retard
>Smashfags in general dislike mods and fangames
>what is project m
Brawl never got any balance patches, tard. If it did MK probably would have never been banned.
But isnt Armada an SSBU player now? I checked his youtube channel - all Ultimate content. Last I checked, he eliminated Zero’s wolf with his Inkling at Smash summit ultimate.
Does Armada actually even play/talk about melee anymore?
>Choice in how people play is exactly what Smash is, on an individual or group scale.
more like choice in the majority
reminder they're banning something they simply don't like without further justification. I hated when my friends made arbitrary rules in games because they didn't feel like dealing with shit.
They all decided to not let me use a gamecube controller because I played better with it. Would you still be making this argument if all the tourneys suddenly said players had to use non-broken controllers for their gay techs?
I see plenty of people shit on Project M with really nitpicky complaints. It seems like so many wanted it to fail despite being an overall improvement of Brawl. Same goes for a lot of other mods and fan games.
They should just ban the character then.
In other fighting games, if they had a problem with the expolitability of a character, like O. Sagat or Akuma in II Turbo they banned them completely, not just disallowed air fireballs or tiger shot spam.
Banning the character means no one has to limit their play within the match itself, they just have to learn a different character.
Might seem extreme, but then everyone knows where they stand and no one has to feel like they could have won in a match if they weren't limited with their character.
Yes he does in his stream, he just doesn't compete anymore.
And 20xx and unclepunch and ucf and project slippi and more
So the Ice Climbers can spam grab until they happen to get it
Then just wobble the whole match until there is like 10 seconds left and throw kill them
What a fun perfect game Melee is
smelee fags are retarded, what else is new? They ban things they don't like. Jigglypuff is next.
If it isn't fox, ban it.
There was already a rule that you couldn't wobble to 300%
Melee isn't compareable to other fighting games, because learning a character isn't just memorizing a bunch of combos.
by just banning wobbling Icies players still have the opportunity to compete and advance the meta for their character, maybe now that they can't rely on that cancer anymore they'll develop new spicy tech. having wobbling as an easy k.o move might've hurt the character even since IC mains just relied on it, only time will tell.
maybe if your fighting games didn't roll around in shit because its natural they wouldn't be dead lol
So he got wobbled and he's butthurt, that's it
>competitive video games
>because learning a character isn't just memorizing a bunch of combos
you're clearly shit in every game, your opinion is worthless.
seethe more
They'll come for Jiggs sleep next
>banning one of few tools a mid-tier character has to compete
I don't even watch or play Melee anymore, but I still think this is dumb.
>it's ok to ban shit because everyone agrees
Jigglypuff ban when? Smelee players are so worthless, they would ban a fucking pink pokemon LOL
So they ban this and not the stupid move that requires you to have a controller that's broken in a very specific way to do?
Go the fuck away, zoomer
>you act as if the game hasn't been out for 20 years
I don't see what that has to do with what I said.
Lmao I'd never thought I'd see this many wobbling apologist.
>i-it's part of the game
So is every other character's combos, the difference is that there's only one true infinite. The ironic thing is the guy who invented it proved that Ic's can function completely without it and even have zero to death combos with handoffs.
>b-but you shouldn't get grabbed
If everyone can play rps evenly and quickly with universal glitchy tech, but only one character has access to instant death paper, it would make shielding a clear disadvantage and you'd need to work a plan around tediously throwing rock and paper at just the right moments, which is very doable but the Ic's will ultimately be controlling the flow and mindgame with there instant death grab, so the logical step is to camp. Which leads to a boring matchup solution for genuinely broken mechanic. But I'm not surprised Yea Forums has a lack of pride or awareness and think low level play that nets wins is a staple that isn't retarded.
just came in the thread to remind you all that melee players smell like literal shit
thank you and have a good day
can't wait for the jiggs ban
then every tournament can be space furries and captain seething jobber
What is the point in banning tech in a dead game?
> the difference is that there's only one true infinite.
That already had rules in place to control it, wasn't winning them any tournament and actually only takes 1 stock. Even here they admit it is too keep low level players happy. You babies talk about infinites but really it is equivalent to taking 25%. And the character can't even always do it.
>Which leads to a boring matchup solution for genuinely broken mechanic.
You smelees are such babies, you'll be back when they ban Jigglypuff as you try to force the game into being something it isn't. Oh no one match up requires a different style of play, what is this a fighting game or something?
>there's only one true infinite
Not true. This is a true infinite as well. Being harder to pull off doesn't mean it isn't one.
Same reason I'm banning full A presses.
>If it isn't fox, ban it.
Nononono you don't understand, it's not Fox, it's fast fallers that are acceptable. And yeah Jigglypuff SHOULD be banned. I've mained Fox for years, all these stupid fucking floaty mains ruin our game and should go back to Brawl4timate from whence they came, they don't belong. Melee is supposed to be about fast and cool gameplay, low input characters shouldn't exist.
>You can take off one stock with a grab that is so unfair!
Why do brainlets point to jiggs like it's at all similar. Rest has a clear high risk/high reward mechanic, it's a small hitbox that puts you to sleep, and you usually need a combo to get it off.
This doesn't mean anything to Ic's. Ic's are broken, not good. They rely on something easy to get slightly further then they might've. It's pathetic, not frustrating.
>Oh no a matchup requires a different style of play
Tell that to wobblers :')
When game mechanics need to be banned then you have a problem as a competitive game. Melee is a joke.
Because half your community endlessly whines about Puff and the moment ICs are out of the way all their focus will be on Puff? The vast majority of people who want wobbling gone are scrubs mate, you can't expect them to be rational, give them one ban and they're going to ban more things in the future, you'll see.
It's funny, the only one crying here I'd literally (You) lmfao
Okay we turn on items back on so people can enjoy it again as a party game
>RNG is competitive
At least come up with an argument next time.
>Why do brainlets point to jiggs like it's at all similar.
Because around the same time that a wobbling ban came into discussion, so did ways to nerf Jigglypuff. All because people dislike playing against and watching them rather that the characters needed any type of nerf. I believe a planking ban was already tried at an event, though it may just have been discussed.
>They rely on something easy to get slightly further then they might've. It's pathetic, not frustrating.
See, you meleefags don't care about balance but just want to force melee into being something it isn't. You want to act all above everyone but really it is that 1 in 100 matches might be slower paced. You'd have no problem with similar but faster tech, it is just cause it breaks your delusion that melee is some perfect hyper paced game.
>Tell that to wobblers :')
They aren't banning anything, you can play exactly how you want. But can't adapt to a mid tier character.
*Fighting game
Inb4 he tries to claim COD is a fighting game.
You can still do a defensive option in the form of sdi. No fox has achieved consistant frame perfect waveshines to the point where it's a point of contention, also not possible on every character.
>3rd best player in the world just got double eliminated by wobbling
yeah it's just that simple. you fucking moron. you absolute idiot.
>"m-melee is the most competitive Smash!"
>has to ban 90% of the stages
>has to ban certain characters' combos
>makes a laundry list of house rules that have to be followed
This shit's just pathetic. If any other fighting game did this it would be an embarrassment.
LGL was tried at SSC
Unironically this
You know wobbling has been legal at almost all tournaments for 18 years, right?
illiterate nigger
Thread should've ended here.
>The Olympics aren't competetive because they ban moves in wrestling, swimming, or track
Dude do you know how long it took for them to ban Icies? It's almost a decade old and because of one controvertial banning you think they are gonna go ban crazy?
>Listening to scrubs
What about all the other top players that didn't want Wobbling? Who the fuck wants wobbling except the few icie mains like chu and Nintendude? Tell me how this ban has affected anything at the top level???
>Imaginary High Skill Ceiling
It has a very high skill ceiling
>muh Fox lol
It takes skill to play Fox effectively though unlike fucking icies. Icies you just need to learn wobbling which is piss easy but with the spacies you need to learn how shine which could take ages. I bet you can't even waveshine consistently in training mode.
>This isn't even a reason
Fucking up locals is reason enough, pls tell me who's crying over fucking wobbling and they'll probably be surrounded by millions of people who are glad it's gone
>Jigglypuff is next
That will never happen, it took them a decade to get rid of a mechanic, you think they'll just spontaneously get rid of a WHOLE character????
>Infinites are not intended
P4A would like a word
Literally identity politics. Your effectively a SJW.
fuck off faggot, don't clump everyone together.
yes, dumb fox main lmao
>Fags that use infinites and STILL LOSE
Name something worse
How good are Ice Climbers without wobbling?
"What is zoning?
This events definition of zoning is a series of moves (4+ fireballs) by Morrigan from a midair position that infinitely lock the opponent in blockstun. This applies to UMvC3 only.
Why ban it now?
A long time ago, EVO was one of the last majors to unban zoning. So why the zoning re-ban?
* It continues to lead to miserable play patterns and tournament experiences.
Zoning disproportionately rewards the projectile-spamming player for winning a single neutral game interaction, while invalidating defensive options for the grabbed player with no opportunity to escape using traditional UMvC3 defensive mechanics such as screen positioning and advancing guard. This puts a ridiculously high weight on technical gameplay revolving around fireballs. While not necessarily overpowered at the highest levels of gameplay, the effects of zoning should be considered for attendees of all skill levels. I want to be sensitive to community feedback that it creates miserable playing and viewing experiences."
This is what these fucking idiots sound like. And they wonder why their game and its community are considered a fucking joke.
Super shit and worthless lmao
I play ganon dickhead
Good grief watching people try and take melee seriously after all these years is akin to you people thinking you could actively debate and talk about professional tic-tac toe.
Shit, literally 1 trick pony, if they ban wobbling there is no reason to use them, also post over yours
If they arent even going to win, why use them
>i play captain jobber's slow cousin
good for you
lmao seethe more fgcuckz
zoning and infinities are gay and deserves to be banned
this is why 3s is the only good game beside melee, you can just parry faggots who spam fireballs
fight like a man you fucking pussied
Smelle, kek.
This is now a professional tic tac toe thread.
Twitch culture has killed competitive gaming, now every game has to be patched or house rules into a spectacle.
I enjoy starting by saying I'll be going 5 but actually choosing 7 in anticipation of the Rumoldi Bum Rush offensive. Really throws them off.
But then everyone would choose to stay at home instead.
Child's play. The trick is to mark your X's and O's much smaller than your opponent's. Really messes with their conscious flow.
>Ban everything else but goalies because "ball has too much random element to it and defenders have too much advantage."
Starting in 9 and attempting your own bum rush is the best strategy.
Reminder that ICs haven't ever won a supermajor.
That's right, they are severely reducing the viability of a character that hasn't even done that amazingly to begin with.
Reminder to stay on topic and that this is now a T3 thread.
Rumoldi was a hack, he never beat Epstein at World's and killed himself in 87. You people act like he was a divine being or something
But user, if we don’t ban it (your favorite streamer) might get eliminated early! It’s gotta go!
You gotta respect someone that starts in 3 whenever he can. I mean...who does that? A mad genius, that's who. And the stroke of his O's? Perfection!
The only correct way to host a tournament is to use default rules, not ban anything, random map, random picks. Done. If a player can not play every character on every map he shouldn't be in a tournament.
T3 is too much for the children here to understand. It has complexity rivaling that of chess and go. No computer in the world has been designed that can consistently beat a human player, that's how intricate it is.
>newest character finally turns Smash into a party game
I feel as though we're on the cusp of a new generation of T3 players. One day it will have its own board here.
It's way, WAY too complicated for most people here to play at any kind of competitive level. Some people are just genetically incapable of the thought potential needed to play it. Casuals are quite literally incapable of understanding it.
I win every time, it's just that easy.
Why do smash faggots literally worship pro players like Gods? There is so much butthurt in the comments over this set.
Bitch please I'll counter 2/4/6 your ass so fast
>All those spergs either top spell casting or waiting to read the list
Feels good man.
Suuure you will
I 100% believe you're good enough to do that.
if wobbling is so broken how come ice climbers arent tier s?
ITT: butthurt ice climber mains
Its not about balance its about views and keeping fights "entertaining." Gotta bring in the money.
Bitch I'm gonna be here champion, on youtube a champion and everything
T3 is all I do with my life. I have become Rumoldi's dream of a human being that is in fact consumed by the game. I AM the game.
Amateur counter
i was just looking at smash videos and is seems like most of the players, commentators, various others involved and the people commenting on the videos are all retarded assholes
>hurr i only counter toes im so efficient
you waste your time downgrid accomplishing nothing
are they going to ban Jigglypuff next?
Wouldn't they ban characters who overcentralize the meta like Jigglypuff and Fox then?
This is a T3 thread, please go elsewhere.
Yes, soon
Nah, ecelebs play that character
I haven't read the posts yet but I know this is another thread where Yea Forums acts like they know about a game. I guarantee these are all in the thread
>They're banning Jigglypuff
>Ledge grab limit (without knowing what it is)
>Melee is a completely busted and broken game and they have to ban everything to make it playable
>Ironic Ultimate shills
Downgridding is a legitimate strategy, Rumoldi proved that countless times like in 81 against that Russian that played while on fire. And that cat in 84
Who cares when Fox is the most boring character ever invented?
That was a woman commentating. Women don't play melee so disregard anything they say about the game. DJ Nintendo is alright though.
never should have played that cat...ruined is fuckin life
Nobody could foresee that the cat would win, certainly not Rumoldi. sure it beat Tadasovich, but he'd set himself on fire like 10 times before that match, dude was out of it
>People citing Rumoldi as heaven's gift to T3
>Killed his whole family before killing himself
>Lost to a cat
It was never proven he killed his family, faggot. And he's still among the best T3 players to ever live, his strategies will always be employed, just like the cat's. The classic scratch and lick is bread and butter to many players these days.
>An actual cat beat someone in a world championship game
I didn't know this shit, this is amazing
T3 history is
Neither chess nor go will ever be able to compete with a player being responsible for a man's suicide (And potential murder of his entire family) AND get accidentally picked up by a local restaurant and eaten.
Wait, what? Context?
Why is a game with 78 characters more balanced than one with 26?
Only let players win with KOs, simple as that.
Yeah, I don't believe that. And I don't think Rumoldi killed his family, he surely encountered whoever did it and was set up. He was probably asked to take a bribe so Russia could win. They hate the Italians and when he didn't comply they killed him
His 3 start that actually won him matches made people afraid of him. And the fact a cat beat a human probably made a lot of the Koreans afraid. They started to thin their cat herds extensively after that.
Offsides is a gay rule and basketball is shit.
Not equivalent. All video games already have this restriction through their control schemes. Those are the moves allowed for the game. This is more akin to playing golf, but you're only allowed to use a 5 wedge. It's an arbitrary bastardization of what the game was
You act like you could have beaten that cat, bitch
Truth is, the game was dirty from the start
What the fuck man have some respect
This site is shit because of people like you.
Imagine having to come up with 1000 mini in-game rules to make your "fighting" game a fighting game. It's almost like it was designed for something else, like say a fun party game and not fighting autism? Nah fuck it if I ignore 90% of the content in the game it's a fighter
Imagine thinking zoning is a single neutral game interaction
When you get to hell, tell shitler you'll be taking the devils cock next
Unlike the general FGC that calls every other decent read GODLIKE, am I right?
>Rumoldi tragedy results in Italy pretending he never even existed, knocked down his house and everything
>Cat was forgotten about immediately as well, could have changed Korea for the better forever, instead only got worse
>Oscar Davis Jr. quit because it ruined his marriage
>Lena Spil, first female champion revealed to be a cheater
The sport is cursed.
>Lena Spil, first female champion revealed to be a cheater
Women don't have brains capable of processing T3. They can't think all the turns ahead. So it was obvious already.
So what everyone woman thats in T3 league is a cheater?
Dexterity in T3 is important, fag
everybody knows female players at that level trade sex for wins. how else can you explain how they grid randomly so much and win
You're a brainwashed retard. I bet there's little girls that could outgrid you on the daily
changing rules irl and in a virtual game environment are different. If you're using your actual bodies, you have to make rules for fair competition.
in a virtual environment, the game devs can change the game to make it more fair.
Yes FGC players don't literally refer to their top players as "gods" and start autistic doxxing wars when their god gets BTFO'd by trannies on isabelle.
a cat beat a guy in tekken 3 and he killed himself and possibly his entire family
Smashfags are fucking pathetic. Play a real fighting game fags.
This is fucking pathethic
> because the cave area of the stage creates degenerate character interactions
>Wobbling disproportionately rewards the grabbing player for winning a single neutral game interaction
Why the fuck is Luigi not banned in Ultimate then?
The state or Melee is fucking hilarious.
It's not just slowly dying, its plummeting. You can tell the dying fanbase and the players are in full damage control mode.
Jesus fucking Christ saying smash is competitive is like saying Pokemon is competitive
Real fighting games have multiple rounds you know
>August 22, 1984, at 12:30 p.m. Alessandro Rumoldi was found dead in his home in Vernazza Italy. The cause of death was a self-inflicted gunshot. He was found with the bodies of his wife and three children. Debate as to whether or not they were his victims or himself was a victim of a home invasion that resulted in him taking his own life has been debated for decades.
I always find it funny that when people start really digging into smelees, you see them try to completely redirect the thread into some off topic nonsense.
Telling you the Russians had his family killed for not taking a bribe. Then he shot himself in his grief.
I bet mango would do the same shit when he loses to a literal who playing a low tier character
Meh his wife was probably one of those super depressed people and killed their kids and then herself and he found them and shot himself. More believable than MUH RUSSIAN CONSPIRACY TO WIN ALL SPORTS
What rock do you live under, and just how well furnished and comfy is it exactly? Because wow
This is even better when you realize Putin can't be removed from office over there, he legally made it so he can't be removed from power.
They have a literal dictator in 2019
>Wobbling initiates
>The Ice Climber player's 2 or 3 friends in the audience go crazy
>Everyone else in the audience and on stream just groans and immediately roots for the opposing player
If you start getting wobbled, you might as well hit start so you can just SD a stock and be done with it quicker.
We like him tho he good dictator, has YOUR country's leaders inquired on the cost and feasibility to create a secondary pipe system to give EVERY home in Russia alcohol on demand? I think not.
Gosh, no. US has never considered piping vodka straight into our homes before. We've been too concerned with global climate change and getting to Mars.
See? America not so great.
Do you want to sit and watch a game of cat and mouse for 7 minutes?
Why can I find literally nothing on google about this?
>This is real
>Putin reportedly spent like 10 million researching if he could do this
And they brag about using a pencil in space HAHAHAHA
He is just trying desperately to stop people laughing at melee
Okay, then play a relevant game where this could've been patched out. Your minging about a game at least three back in the series.
Italy's shit isn't well documented online, mate. At least not certain parts of it. Vernazza is literally 1000 years old. They have places still over there that get no electricity.
what do you mean by worship?
You Americans are so cocky and proud, yet you look down on Russia's efforts. You forget we were the first into space. And we will be the first to provide every man and woman's home with alcohol on demand at the turn of a handle.
>This isn't a joke
>A human being is actually proud of this
THIS is why the aliens don't want anything to do with us and just spy on stupid asses.
There's some company looking into outfitting every home with that onions stuff the same way.
This is filtered here? Makes sense.
How far was that piece of information up your ass?
What's the other 60%?
>Vernazza was founded about 1000 A.D. and was ruled by the Republic of Genoa starting in 1276. The medieval castle, Belforte, was built in the mid-1500's, primarily to protect the village from pirates.
Vai a farti fottere, puttana! Dumb foreigner.
Since humanity runs on dwarf fort logic this means Russia has BTFO'd the US forever. I couldn't imagine the work world functioning sober
Yes, that's how rules for all things are formed. It's also how laws are passed. It's how most things are handled, actually.
People who want to play the game casually have never been subjected to a rule that forces them to turn them off.
ICs are stifling at the middle level. They carry a lot of tards to the top of their local but not farther
Stocks in smash are the equivalent to rounds within one game of a set in other fighting games. a 0-death combo that removes one stock is identical to a 0-death combo that empties one life bar.
They ban over half the roster and all the stages
Seems completely reasonable to me. People shitting on him just because Melee sucks are missing the point and are biased retards. As expected of Yea Forums.
Ever heard of democracy?
That's pretty much how it works
Yeah they should install a communal shower at all smash tournaments
This is an arbitrary stance. Just like how other sports constantly evolve to address issues with the game, Melee also can make adjustments to keep the game enjoyable and fair.
but then you get RNG determining the winner when someone gets thrown in there as Fox against Bowser or some other dud character.
>t. salty icies main
There's a reason why nobody plays this trash
Wobbling is not like zoning. You can get around being zoned and getting hit by a projectile doesn’t lead to losing a match. Getting hit by a wobble is an instant loss and there is nothing you can do to escape once you’re hit.
Because they know puff will be targeted by ruleset changes and even bans next if they suceed in banning wobbling.
>melee fags were shitting on brawl for years because of metaknight
>they proceed to do the same thing
Fuck melee and fuck melee fags
>What makes melee so deep
It's one of the simplest fighting games of all time you sperg.
>newest character is properly balanced into low tier
How do you ban a move from a competition? Like, I understand banning characters, stages or items, but how can you simply outright ban a combination of button presses?
How does this make sense in the mind of anyone?
This to be honest, i went to SSC and there was a Rosalina player who fucking STANK, like i think he did it on purpose.
Just dont get grabbed.
A closer comparison is getting grabbed in a traditional fighting game, taking enough damage to make your hp lower than your opponent, and then being unable to escape the grab until time runs out, causing you to lose due to time. That’s why wobble is cancer. It’s used to stall until the end of the timer so that the IC player wins due to time out.
True, IC filter a lot of scrubs who expected to win via wavedash and they immediately quit becuase instead of instantly becoming a smash god, they went 0-2. IC will occasionally knock a big player out too who sees it as unfair (They are scrubs themselves). Melee tourneyheads need fresh blood, and wobbling serving as a gatekeeping tool is bad for business. The industry caters to retarded scrubs who fund tourneys, so wobbling will be banned.
The hell are you talking about with banning over half the roster
The only competitions on the planet that don’t care about making it interesting for viewers is the Olympics. Every other sport association makes rules that allow for an enjoyable viewing experience while also making it safe and fair for players.
> real fighting games
> posts third strike
proof you don't actually play fighting games and only watched that daigo clip once
this is common in many real fighting games
melee players are legit unskilled retards
> brawl rehash
>Another retard talking out of his ass
What is it about melee that makes people on this board seethe so badly
I'm sorry what? That's not at all what wobbling does. There's a 300% damage limit to how wobbling, it's used to take a free stock out of a grab and that's it
Taking a party game serioulsy lol
What stupid move?
This. Kick them out if they fucking stink. Don't know why these autist have a hard time hopping into a shower
That used to be why wobbling was done.
Imagine all the gay sex that would ensue in the showers.
spotted the tekkenfag
lmao git gud
Enja speed up move was banned in Samurai Shodown because it glitched the game and often softlocked the round
The problem with wobbling is that most ICs gameplay only revolves around setting up opportunities to grab and play in the most cancerous way possible to maximize their chances, slowing matches down in general, making them unfun to watch or play and that's the exact opposite of what competetive melee is about, that's why it's a good move to ban it.
>While not necessarily overpowered at the highest levels of gameplay, the effects of wobbling should be considered for attendees of all skill levels. I want to be sensitive to community feedback that it creates miserable playing and viewing experiences.
holy shit they even admit is not broken and are just a bunch of spergs.
Didnt realised how bad was the community nowadays.
>slowing matches down in general, making them unfun to watch or play and that's the exact opposite of what competetive melee is about
Heaven forbid a different play style exists. A character focused on grappling? Unheard of, ban it all.
Fpbp, fucking based. Meleecucks smell of the finest shit.
>that's the exact opposite of what competetive melee is about
competitive melee should not be banning weak characters tools just because they don't like them
I'd be fine with "don't get grabbed" if it wasn't 2 literal grabs where you could hit one, but the other one grabs you and sets up the infinite.
You seem to be confused. The tranny who beat a top player was in the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. That community has never referred to their players as "Gods." Melee referred to 5 gods due to each having their own period of absolute dominance and being at the apex of the competition for years. That era is over now that most quit and many players are coming up.
git gud faggot.
I don't have anyone to play any fighting games with. I played Third Strike for awhile but there's nobody to face except for Fightcade. In my region there are 4 melee tournaments every week within an hour driving distance
Personally I am not against wobbling because it doesn't make Ice Climbers top tier and amateur players need to get good and quit bitching. On the other hand I see why because anyone can learn this single infinite in the entire game in 1 minute by tapping a at 200 bpm. In Brawl is took much more skill for ICs to wobble to the point where despite being #2, they weren't played often. Also in Brawl everyone had a chain grab.
they are underage and modern == superior and you are about to die of old age or something.
you kinda prove his point
I was clarifying the use of wobbling. I agree with banning it mostly for mid level reasons, I think top players like Axe should have practiced against it a lot more instead of waiting for it to get banned
Other fightans ban certain things in tournament play already. Usually infinites.
Wage slave at General Motors really kills any motivation or discipline I have to want to get good at anything anymore.
Second and Third shift as a temp was a mistake.
how do you decide the winner?
>meleefags don't like mechanics that make them have to play cautious and smart
>Samshochads pride it's game being a 2 hit death game and hype up careful neutral play
Based. fuck melee, community is a bunch of whiny manchildren. Even worse than the ultishit community filled with actual children.
Eh who cares, melee is fun
>basket ball ceases to be basket ball if you force people to dribble
you're fucking retarded.
Most retarded post of the year.
People would stall by staying inside "caves". It's mind-numbingly easy to camp inside caves. There are a bunch of characters that benefits a lot from staying inside caves
there's a reason why nobody considers wnba real basketball
>who cares
>Jigglypuff getting banned next for ruining ecelebs and stream entertainment
I don’t think wobbling should have been banned but I thought you faggots were against things like this being in the game.
Jigglypuff isn't getting banned though. It was never even discussion that Jigglypuff should be banned. Wobbling, on the other hand, has been banned before and it has been a constant debate every since it was legalized again.
That's a good outcome too.
the virgin melee vs the chad 64
based and fpbppilled
>all the tourneys suddenly said players had to use non-broken controllers for their gay techs?
Didn't this happen at one point? People say there are borked GC controllers because it reads inputs faster than normal or something
>poker isn't competitive
At least try not to come off as sub 110 IQ
The issue from Gamecube controllers appeared mostly in 2016 when shield dropping and dashback became more popular. Some controller sticks would dashback better than others and many would not create a snap back, which is where the controller snaps to the other side because resting back into the neutral area. Also for shield dropping some controllers had better and more consistent angles than others due to Gamecube controllers not being perfect. This was fixed with a mod called UCF that made it so these issues were fixed and all Gamecube controllers were equal.
>melee and ultimate are different communities
all smash fags are the same shut the fuck up retard
Imagine being such a virgin fucking sniveling loser that you try to compare the greatest Athletes in the world with people who shit their pants playing a video game.
This is why smash players and melee players especially are laughing stocks.
Melee and Ultimate are very different communities. Melee players play Melee and the rest of the players move on every single game since Brawl. Melee is so different from the rest of the games that it's like they aren't playing the same franchise. It's the same way for 64, where most people just leave them alone and let them do their own thing.
a little bit worse. Their gameplan(bait and punish) is the same, and they are no better at the "bait" part with or without wobbling. The "punish" part is still ridiculous, as they still have an insane grab game without an infinite
I was at SSC as well, I think I know who you're talking about. Dude had a weird face when he was competing with others, that is if we're taking about one of the main stage competitors.
If everyone agrees then it isn't a problem
Most characters in the game have tools to avoid getting grabbed and separate the Climbers. And after separation, Nana is insanely easy to kill. She rarely defends herself and doesn't DI or really make any effort to survive.
O. Fagat never got banned, only softbanned, aka "you can pick him but you're a huge fag for doing it"
>the effects of wobbling should be considered for attendees of all skill levels.
I can't wavedash so everyone else shouldn't either. Can we ban it?
where can i find this recorded or written down if it's not total bullshit?
Actually there's a mod now that fixes things like controller port priority and the faster control stick requirement.
Melee players want the game to actually be deep.
Hitting the opponent once and running around in a circle isn’t deep and it will just centralize every tournament too, as everyone just picks Temple, gets 1 shot on their opponent, and then runs away, as that’s a far easier and simpler win than learning about frame data, combos, spacing, ect.
You would think this premise would be simple, but NintenGAF can’t have anyone ever question the balance of their precious game that they don’t even play (even though the game lets you customize the rules so that both casual and competitive players aren’t ignored)
Why does Melee make Yea Forums so angry?
They are totally different, because Melee players are in their early to mid 30s.
it takes skill and Yea Forums sucks at video games
I don't know. I don't even watch or play Melee but people seriously take this shit way too seriously.
Holy shit Melee is a joke.
In a game with patches (like Ultimate) infinities would be patched out (like it was in Ultimate). The problem here is Melee can't get patches, so the question becomes, "do we drop the game because of this one infinite, do we drop the character because of this one infinite, or do we drop the move because of this one infinite?" The players came together and agreed on a ruleset that allowed Ice Climbers but banned the infinite.
You play for several hours until one of them has to use the bathroom and/or collapses from exhaustion. Considering Smash players already soil themselves now, it will probably be the latter.
30% are FGC niggers that hate seeing non-SF2T/Tekken clones
20% are other Smash games that are jealous that Melee lasted far longer than its successors
40% Casual Elitists that never once played in a competitive environment, but still believe they can take down the top players with the things they banned on, despite the fact they would be beaten harder with unrestricted rules than with the current ruleset
10% Nintendo apologists that are mad that anyone would question the balance of a Nintendo game
It did, though. Based Mr Wizard killed it.
I can't find anything on this man. What sport did he play?
>space furry shit
>getting banned
No, they are stream monster favorites
Enjoy getting Jigglypuff banned, though
eff pee bee pee
Maybe banning wobbling will get out numbers to look like this r....right meleebros?
Completely reasonable.
Wait, people are actually upset by this ban? Or is it just Yea Forums being contrarian as usual?
Want to know how I know you are bad at the game?
>Wobbling is banned
>waveshine up smash infinite is okay
>Falco drill shine is still okay
>Yoshis buggy ass is still okay
>Marth chain grab to 60% is still okay
>Shiek chain grab is still okay
>jigs spam back air is still okay
You guys wonder why nobody likes melee fags. I don't even fucking know anything about melee and I know about all this buggy ass shit but you want to ban one thing that's been allowed for what 10+ years.
contrarians and casual elitists
>>Marth chain grab to 60% is still okay
Wow! It’s almost like Wobbling can get you up to 300% and be instantly killed with no way to escape it.
Your IQ has to be below the heat death of the universe to actually think Marth’s chain grab is on par with Wobbling.
Yeah you don't really know melee at all
What did you expect from a platforming game tournament?
>ban 78% of the game to make it competitive
It’s almost as if this party game for children was never meant for such things?
ultimate players are the biggest whiners
its not a different playstyle though. you can have a very defensive playstyle and still play a hype set
it's just grinding cheese just to lose in top8 anyway dragging down the quality of the tournament in the process
Y'all are fucking stupid degenerate moves/playstyles are banned in almost every competitive environment. Guess what dumbasses competitive sports/games NEED a spectacle value in order to get more viewerships, if everyone is just wobbling or stalling it leads to extremely boring matches for the audience and for the people playing
difference between Ultimate and Melee players is
Melee players know their game is flawed but I accept it, live with it and enjoy it anyway, they may bitch about it sometimes but love their game. Ultimate players on the other hand cry and bitch about every aspect of their game all the time until it gets patched just to bitch even more afterwards, they may like their game but they don't love it.
Offsides is genuinely dumb, especially if its a videogame and the ref has pixel perfect eyes.
>South Australia
Reminds me of when other arcade goers would agree on arbirary stuff like not allowing people to pressure on wakeup and just let the other guy get up like gentlemen, or others who would outright ban using any kind of special move.
Something tells me you don't play Smash competitively.
And you can reply to me in any smug and patronizing way that you want, your opinion as a non competitive-Smash fan isn't worth shit in the discussion.
I play Smash in tourneys and when I play casually at home, I play online in all kinds of modes and I like non conventionally tournament legal stages because it practice adaptability, but we're talking pro tournaments here. With sponsors and money at stake. As in some people have cash INVESTED in that E-sport. There's no time to be arguing about autistic shit like yours coming from total close-minded outsiders who are only jumping on competitive Smash for an excuse to talk shit about some internet drama to feel better abput themselves. In a pro competitive setup, the environment needs to be as balanced as possible so as to give as fair of a chance as possible for competitors to exploit their own ressources without some random hazard fucking up your shit. Again, because PRIZES are at stake.
If we're talking basement tournaments then do whatever the fuck you want. Set any rules you want to set, but this is professional competition here and if Pro Smash isn't your thing, you should REALLY refrain from entering Smash threads that talk about the pro scene to give your irrelevant, absolutely ignorant two cents.
TLDR: Fuck off you autistic twit and git gud before you run your bitch mouth.
Gentleman rules back in the arcade days were more retarded than anything competitive Smash has ever done.
>don't kill with chip
>no attacking someone's wakeup
>no attacking a dizzied opponent
>no throwing a fireball if the last one hit or was blocked
>no normal grabs, only command grabs for the characters that have them
>no touch of death combos
>people were literally stabbed over the handcuff glitch
the only way Melee will truly die is if you don't make shitty threads like these giving it attention. You're just as much a part of the problem as the cancerous fanbase.
Literally kill yourself.
>waah the game shouldnt have variety
take a shower
>were more retarded than anything competitive Smash has ever done
Yeah I'm not in position to argue about it since I don't play Melee.
Just reminded me of the (shitty) days back in the arcades and people getting decked because they dared to block a super in Alpha 2.
>acting like you're discussing a serious matter when talking about stinky days
>Yea Forums defending wobbling
proof this board's average iq is 70 at best
>Melee players know their game is flawed but I accept it, live with it and enjoy it anyway
Smash turn fix says no. Pissbabies can only play with their malfunctioning controllers or refuse to participate in tournaments, unless you modify the game to accommodate their autism.
what are you talking about?
do you mean ucf?
Yes. The base game and stock Gamecube controller are no longer good enough for you faggots, so you either insist on using malfunctioning controllers or insist on a fan-modification of the game.
That isn't "knowing that the game is flawed, accepting it, living with it, and enjoying it anyway."
Melee causes tantrums like I've never seen before. People will bend over backwards if they think it might make the big bad smeeleetards slightly inconvenienced.
Post you can smell.
There is, it's called social norms.
>that infinitely lock the opponent in hitstun
So if you get hit by this you automatically lose that life without any counter or recourse? Sounds like bullshit to me if NOTHING else works the same and is intended as such.
Why are so many people absolutely ass blasted about a game they don't even play?
We mean an actual competitive ruling with grounds to DQ players, since ""people"" don't seem to get the memo.
Urien could've escaped that at the end, pretty easily.
Sure, that life lead would've been damn near impossible to overcome, but he could've gotten out of that last grab.
>playing melee
okay mikez settle down
What the hell does "penalised" mean in this context? You smell and you get less points than you should in the tournament lmao?
I'm fairly sure this is already a rule at most Smash events. I just wish people had more examples than the "Stinky Day" copypasta.
DQ and removed from the premises on charge of bioterrorism.
They usually don’t, only smash bans infinites.
Isn't this wobbling tech more like a ToD in mahvel? They can only take one stock per life, so it's technically capped at 1/3rd of somebody health.
He shat his pants so he could win the match. Sounds pretty based to me.
They are only banning it for muh twitch views, you are right getting wobbled that many times in a match is laughable.
Thats not some good ass tekken
Shit game desu.
>no more "competitive" party game tournaments
sounds good to me.
When's Jigglypuff getting banned?
Melee can't be a good twitch game if that fucking slow ass character exist lmao
>smelee bans ice climbers (and jigglypuff next)
>brawl bans meta knight
>ultimate bans hero
>all games ban most of the stages and all of the items
when will smashfags finally admit that smash is a party game, not a competitive game?
>Melee players know their game is flawed but I accept it, live with it and enjoy it anyway
no they fucking don't. they all whine and bitch endlessly until everything that isn't fox/falco gets banned.
Trying way too hard.
Proves how baby melee players are, they literally build all their tech around the broken shit in the game to the point they need to ban their own tech because the games fucking broken
this should unronically be a rule for any type of event
If a game has to ban a considerable amount of content then it was never meant to be competitive in the first place
>game is bad
>flip a switch
>game is now good
what's the issue with this
>Don't know shit about Smash
>Start threads after threads for attention anyways.
We both know who's actually the sad pathetic fuck in this story. Not that I'm not one, but even amongst a bunch of sad losers, some are more pathetic than others.
At least when I start a thread about something, it's something that I like and that I know about.
You know that Melee got the idea of calling top players gods from the FGC, right?
Man I actually saw someone get stabbed over Super Turbo and the game was legit as fuck. Guy was just that salty over getting his ass handed to him even without bullshit.
The salt was fucking real back then and those angry compilations of people smashing their chair or stick have nothing on the thug ass arcade era.
One of my friend got thrown out of an arcade in Chinatown because he beat every single regular one after the other. They all surrounded him and told him to fuck off in a very comprehensive manner.
It's been like this since at least 2006 btw. I can still get a 450 post thread going by calling wavedashing a glitch
>s everyone just picks Temple, gets 1 shot on their opponent, and then runs away,
what if the other player gets a bunny hood, then even slow characters will be able to keep up :)
Man I actually saw someone get stabbed over Super Turbo and the game was legit as fuck. Guy was just that salty over getting his ass handed to him even without bullshit.
The salt was fucking real back then and those angry compilations of people smashing their chair or stick have nothing on the thug ass arcade era.
One of my friend got thrown out of an arcade in Chinatown because he beat every single regular one after the other. They all surrounded him and told him to fuck off in a very comprehensive manner.
Yeah and do what? Circlejerk over irrelevant drama with discord retards who don't play the game?
it is a rule though. most tournaments are implementing a hygiene rule
The modern equivalent would be getting kicked out of a discord where most fighters live on nowadays. Not as noteworthy as getting a stab wound for dragon punching somebody on wakeup.
It's a platform fighter, a sub-genre of fighting game. Other sub-genres include 2D fighter and 3D fighter. Its competitiveness is unrelated to its genre.
webm not related, btw
return to your containment website, faggot
No, stocks ARE the lifebars.
Even when Street Fighter IV was in arcades I pissed off some guy by getting a win streak and almost double perfecting him with Zangief. He was glaring at me and slammed his token on the machine as left. I read online later that he was a regular there that hated Zangief players and threatened someone over it once before.
>muh party games cant be competitive
Mario Kart is another example where this doesn't hold true, people are fucking insane when it comes to time trail world records.
Fuck any game can have a competitive aspect thanks to speedrunning
it's true, get good
t. puff and roy main
smash is not a fighting game
it is too good to be pilled up with shit like SF, Tekken and all the weeb fighters
Can you guys stop pretending you aren't in favor of this ban? I guarantee you that if you played Smash, or any fighting game with your friends and a character has a simple move that was basically an instant kill or otherwise guaranteed death you would not want to play with them anymore or that character. Its just common sense.
Oh, you people have seen nothing yet.
Does Project M have wobbling?
Wasn't Akuma banned in Super Street Fighter?
>S-stop talking shit about muh favorite vidya game!!!!
>meleefags banning shit they deem "lame"
>Ultfags banning shit for no reason at all
>Both so far up their own asses they can't see why this is a problem
Is the smash community the most insufferable competitive community to ever exist?
It's been eighteen years and you people still can't accept that melee exists
>Muh glitches
>Muh fox
>Muh items
Rent free for life
Who cares, that's not melee
Tournaments have to entertain an audience, to make enough money to provide any kind of prizes for winning. Seeing Ice Climbers lock another fighter and hitstun him to 999% damage over a twenty minute period is only interesting the first time you see it at most, then it's just boring. Having fights basically determined by whoever lands the first grab will have the audience demanding refunds, and the tournament shutting down.
Banning characters, moves, and even stages isn’t new to fighting games at all.
People just rant endlessly about Smash banning things to bully people.
>Melee article
>Shows a picture of Ultimate Icies
So ban Ice-Climbers. Banning tech is ridiculous, how many follow up grabs is ice climbers allowed? If they can't do it at all, why can other characters chain grab uncontested until specific %s? If there is a limit, do you have to sit and count them? Is it % based, and then you aren't allowed anymore?
Never ban anything that can be done on accident, ban the character.
Smash bans a lot more things though. Granted it makes sense with how different the game is and stages actually affecting gameplay.
No. the mechanic that allows for wobbling was removed, which is not being able to escape a grab if you are attacked during it
Wow, Yea Forums really cares alot about this 18 year old game.
It cant be done on accident retard. Try not to post about something of which you're ignorant.
>If there is a limit, do you have to sit and count them?
The Big House's rule is 4 pummels in one grab. Not at all difficult to avoid doing.
> Is it % based, and then you aren't allowed anymore?
The limit is(or was) 300%. This is only to prevent stalling, as a kill can be secured well below that number
Any tech can be done on accident, that's how they are generally discovered in the first place.
>Not at all difficult to avoid doing.
Until you accidentally hit a 5th time.
it's funny because melee's entire competitive scene revolves around abusing glitches
>okay, i got a grab
>time to throw
How difficult is that?
Only in SF2 where he is a secret character who requires you to enter a code.
>Unironically pulling the OBSESSED card
What next, "Don't like it, don't watch it"?
When you're under pressure you might slip up and hit an extra time, not at all implausible.
As easy to fuck up as literally every game mechanic? Tech chases fail, people whiff, people misjudge or mistime angles, and people drop combos. How is adding an arbitrary count to a move a positive, and how do you punish accidental inputs with rules violations? It's absurd.
>i thought i hit 3!
yes. ice climbers literally get one grab on you and you lose a stock.
it's horrifically unfun for everyone involved and those spectating. the worst part is? it's balls easy to learn, it's not like it's some huge technical affair. you can teach a lot of people to basically master it in 10 minutes
what happened to the days of final destination, fox only? the most balanced games have the same move-sets, etc for everyone
>Ban all stages
>Ban all items
>Ban certain characters
>Ban moves for remaining characters
>Competitive fighting game
>yes. ice climbers literally get one grab on you and you lose a stock.
And yet the didn't and don't dominate the meta.
SC:BW is one of the best balanced RTS ever made and has 3 distinct races, and is still played consistently.
Butthurt retards crying about smash and I'm over here with real competatively viable fighting games no rules because your games barely functions
>just dont get hit
>shield doesnt work
The hat ruins it
then oh well, you slipped up. happens all the time. lose a stock for it
>As easy to fuck up as literally every game mechanic?
let me tell you from experience, it's not that hard to avoid fucking something up and breaking a rule.
Ice Climbers already have a banned tech called "the freeze glitch". Have Popo do a side-b at the same time Nana throws the opponent, and they will be stuck in the air, frozen until the Ice Climbers player decides to set them free. This is universally banned in tournament. You know just how difficult this is to avoid doing? Not at all. Not in the slightest.
This new anti-wobbling rule may take some getting used to, so someone might slip up once. But this isn't some crazy hurdle that's gonna fuck people up for years. It's a very simple number
>i thought i hit 3!
do you think it means they HAVE to hit 4 pummels? No, they can't hit any more than 4 pummels. 1, 2, and 3 pummels are perfectly fine, but 5 isn't.
Those rules were created when designing the game, it's not like SEC schools have a different set of basketball rules than ACC schools.
Nintendo designed the game and had those features in the game, and nintendo aren't the ones choosing these bans
Fox can do that as well in most matchups. Waveshine of the stage and shine to kill them.
>do you think it means they HAVE to hit 4 pummels? No, they can't hit any more than 4 pummels. 1, 2, and 3 pummels are perfectly fine, but 5 isn't.
No, i was saying that it is wildly unthinkable to expect a 100% consistent maximum of 4 to occur, because i guarantee that people will both lie and honestly state
>i thought i'd only hit him 3 times, which is why i did another pummel!