>game features your gunfu
Game features your gunfu
Other urls found in this thread:
and thats me out
I don't know of any games that let me use the Lahti L39 or the PTRD 41.
Here's a close third though.
I don't have a gunfu, but I always liked how the MP5 looks.
World at war lets you use the PTRD
ok, Red Orchestra 2 then
>half of 2000s shooters have SPAS-12 because muh Half Life shotgun
>no love for SPAS-15
>if it's in, it's just some obscure tactical game or mod that already added about every known gun
I mostly play Verdun because of this.
>Lahti L39
FDF mod for Operation Flashpoint only comes to mind.
FPS games are truly incelcore games. What a cringe thread
It’s normie shit. RTS or MMORPGs are incelcore.
Also Dwarf fortress and other hiddengem gay games that nobody plays
That's also a PTRS
S P A S 1 2
I love this dumb shit so much
Is that an uzi?
The good ol' M60
Any variant
For me, it's the Saiga-12.
>you get it later in game
>it's for a special class that otherwise sucks
>someone in the game has it but you can't obtain it
WHY?! Just let me have the fucking Mauser!
>oh sweet, game has Saiga
>retardedly low firerate
>maximum spread
>"no range" meme
that's a FAMAS
Always found single shot or semi auto weapons so much more satisfying the full auto sprayers, what games are best for that playstyle?
>featured in no games ever
Also yes I know the AG-42 is in Battlefield V but its not the same!
Rising Storm 1 and 2.
Day of Infamy.
>it's pump only
>it's semi only
>it's stock extended
>it's stock folded
Fucking dumb, can ONE game have proper SPAS?
is there any games with this bad boy?
Black Ops 1
its a kriss vector retard
Recharger Gun from New Vegas.
Nothing else can compete with it.
LASER RCW has something to say about you BITCH.
i dont know man pretty sure that's a FAMAS
I don't care if /k/ thinks this gun and H&K are gay I love it
Best gun
Fallout 2
/k/-homos literally eat man jizz.
Who cares what those LARPing faggots think?
So simple yet so badass
Most aesthetic pair of weapon of the Cold War coming though. Battle rifle and AK fags get the fuck out.
The M416 is better.
>try to find an original image of the FAL
>keep getting modern shit
what did it look like?
I always thought those caps are retarded as fuck, but then again they do represent the US army so it makes sense.
You're looking for Red Orchestra 1. Alternatively, Peace Walker has both.
For me
it's the BR-15
Uzis and MAC-10s are always my favorite guns in vidya. Bonus points if they can be dual wield. Max Payne made it look cool.
The helmets were much better desu. Late 20th century American uniforms were top tier.
the purest of gunfu
The fuck are you talking about retard?
A real classic
Peace Walker
This is an M41A Pulse Rifle. Ten millimeter, with over-and-under thirty millimeter pump action grenade launcher.
Always massive fun in whichever game it appears
The Ol' Trench Gun.
Is that the gun from Demolition Man?
Don't believe the /k/ memes, most are jelly amerifat mad that Swiss and Germans make better guns than them.
Might as well ask here instead of creating a new thread:
Recommend me some games that do sights and scopes right (ie. not just an impossible zoom that completely fucks your view of the rest of the action).
kinoest gun
Those are marines goober
That's pretty much an original FAL above. Like, there were earlier prototypes, but the guy you're replying to essentially posted FAL v1.0
Is this the AN-94?
>implying it makes a difference
They're just as incompetent.
Good taste club
It's in R6Siege, fun to use
Killing Floor 2
Siege has absolutely terrible gunplay.
What country are you from
Escape from Tarkov has some really nice optics and there's a ton to choose from.
Jagged alliance has a fun spas 15
>everyone talks shit about her so much you start to hate her too
also I know it's airshit, it's part of the bully
What country I'm from is irrelevant when the most powerful army on earth can't even bully a few third world shitholes into submission but makes things much worse instead, for everyone.
Take the VR pill.
>b-b-b-b--b-but VR is a meme!
Then don't ask for most realistic car sims you can play on a gamepad
>can't even bully a few third world shitholes into submission
uh oh the bootlicker is mad the patron saints of amerifats aren't being clapped for their service, keep your distance folks this is a big fella.
>le /int/ maymays
Any games with a P7 in it? I only know it's in Payday 2
>US military is shit because they can't win wars no country can win
Retard. The last time we fought a standing army, we wiped them in 2 weeks.
Simply put; you are gay
For me it's the Recharger Pistol from Fallout: New Vegas with the unique pistol and upgrades it becomes an unstoppable weapon.
It took you nearly a decade and with the help of local Kurdish forces.
>muh civil war
ahahahaa getouttahere
>Muh civil war
Can't think of a single game that actually has it.
Best I can get is model swap mods for CS and some other games.
payday 2 lol
What are some /k/ games? All I can think of is Tarkov.
Yes, US civil war is the last war where you beat a standing army.
Jagged Alliance 2 (1.13 mod)
and AIMNAS mod
Not to many games feature the western classic despite many already having the colt peacemaker or the smithandwesson revolver.
>It took you nearly a decade
But the invasion took one month, one week and four days? And counterinsurgencies always take years to put down?
>I don't know what standing armies are
Based retard.
Wrong but you're trolling so whatever
Squad, Rising Storm/ Red Orchestra, ARMA if you have the autism required, Fallout: New Vegas
yeah but it's almost always the weakest auto shotty
Red Orchestra/Rising Storm series
>can't name a single war
This except it's big brother
This fucking beauty. Too bad it costs over $4000
>>can't name a single war
>He can't see filenames
So how are you enjoying the site?
So mad this wasn't in RDR2, I know nobody would be using black powder revolvers by that time but you can't make a cowboy game and have only 3 fucking revolvers in it.
>PTRD 41.
Forgotten Hope
Red Orchestra
MGS: Peace Walker
Metro: Last Light
Heroes and Generals
>Lahti L39
Devil May Cry 3
20 years later and no game of the genre has better core mechanics.
7.62 high caliber
Marauder/Men of Prey
The only reason Desert Storm was over so quickly is because of your air superiority and arty strikes.
Your ground troops are still useless and always have been. The only good thing they're good at is getting shot or blown up.
What, a war where we beat a standing army?
WW1 and 2 are the easiest, but go ahead and move the goal posts so I can prove you wrong again
>inb4 "soviets won ww2" or "you joined too late"
I only shoot real nigga guns
>Your ground troops are still useless and always have been.
Nigga USA just swept in as clean up squad to claim gibs for themselves.
Oh, and don't forget you had to nuke the japs, twice, to get them to surrender. If that's not a bitch move I don't know what is.
>no game ever features your gunfu
I can't wait for the new """"modern"""" warfare to come out featuring a single "AK-47" that's actually a chinese AKM.
Every conflict the USA has been in ever.
You always bomb everything to shit first with no regard for civilian casualties before moving in.
Whenever you do hear anything about ground troops it's because they got ambushed and killed for being retards.
>The only reason Desert Storm was over so quickly is because of your ability to actually use combined arms
lmao at this cope
Didn't work so well in nam did it.
what's an example of good gunplay in your opinion
H3VR if you're a Reddit poser on /k/.
Now you've woken the dragon
Escape From Tarkov features that gun, along with virtually every other non-knockoff AK in existence.
Rising Storm games
Day of Infamy
For more arcadey shit Titanfall 2 and KF2 are fun.
Gotcha in the inb4 and you still went for it despite being so wrong. Good to know im spending my night talking to a certified retard
Worked alright, you can look at the body count ratio. Vietnam was entirely a political loss
>Whenever you do hear anything about ground troops it's because they got ambushed and killed for being retards.
>US military inflicts so many casualties that their own estimates of communist losses are actually too low and have to be revised after the fact once the North released their own casualty records
It clearly did.
>inb4 "hur dur you still lost"
Since you're a brainlet I should probably inform you that wining wars requires more than good performance in the field.
CoD black ops 1 is the best game to feature this gun so far I think
I wonder why your cunt isn't a world power but mine is.
aaand there are barely any games that have it
the fuck is this lol
>hurr durr loot at kdr
>Since you're a brainlet I should probably inform you that wining wars requires more than good performance in the field.
It's in Chaser but only available thru console command.
CoD generation, everyone.
>Escape From Tarkov
This beauty right here is /mine/
>>hurr durr loot at kdr
Correct. Adding "hurr durr" in front of something isn't a replacement for having an argument, friend.
>>Since you're a brainlet I should probably inform you that wining wars requires more than good performance in the field.
Also correct.
>Zero arguments
>/int/ memes
M4 baby with brain cancer.
t. not good enough to enjoy the best shooter in the past decade
>I wonder why your cunt isn't a world power but mine is
USA is a 3rd world shithole.
Half your people live in poverty.
Having an expensive military doesn't determine the welfare of your nation.
calico M100
also it's the shit version
Not every gun is perfect, but BF1 has the best WW1 weapon animations and sounds in all of video games
>Talking about military power and projection of it
>Suddenly switches the argument to a bunch of sourceless drivel about standards of living complete with facebook-tier image
>a few corporate buildings occupying 5% of total surface area
>rest of the city is brazil-tier ghettos
alright man I'm all for arguing with these seething jealous faggots but even i cant bring myself to defend detroit
The tallest building reminds me of Robocop. That movie is still a pretty fucking accurate depiction of Detroit
Why yes, I am a vaguely European villain character, how could you tell?
i don't follow /k/ shit but is my baby considered a shit gun or something if no one posted it yet?
>Deaths don't matter
Nice argument, tard
>redd/int/ meme
Officially lost
There's memes about it melting because of the plastic housing but it's fine otherwise and looks cool
Welrod in Medal of honor: rising sun
>Deaths don't matter
They don't. You always want to keep casualties to a minimum.
What really matters is actually winning the war you idiot.
Is this concept really that hard to grasp for americans?
Why yea, I'm a chinese villain and my AUG is a laser(?), how could you tell?
>redd/int/ meme
Who the fuck keeps track of where memes originate you double nigger? How the fuck do you even know this?
>"armerican infantry is shit"
No it isn't, we kill a shit load of whoever we're fighting
>"b-but youre not supposed to kill that many!!"
Just give up already
>They don't.
It does in this discussion, brainlet.
>You always want to keep casualties to a minimum.
Which the US did and the Vietnamese did not.
>What really matters is actually winning the war you idiot.
The discussion here is about the performance of the US military's ground forces you literal fucking retard. Again, winning wars requires more than just good performance in the field. The US military did its job wonderfully but other factors meant it was still a loss. Is this concept really that hard to grasp for foreigners?
>Who the fuck keeps track of where memes originate you double nigger? How the fuck do you even know this?
Go back.
This!, where are my matchlock bros? why is there no japanese FPS set in the 1500s? Tanegashima's are cool
You're gunfu a whore
>It does in this discussion, brainlet
it doesn't since how many people you kill doesn't dicttate if you win the war or not.
>You always want to keep casualties to a minimum.
>which the US did
No they didn't, they slaughtered the vietnamese like cattle.
>The discussion here is about the performance of the US military's ground forces you literal fucking retard
Yes, which is still extremely lackluster.
Seems like you need to fuck off there and stay since you know exactly what's reddit and what isn't.
Because the stupid shitty goblino meme spreaded out like /pol/ cancer to all of fucking Yea Forums, you stupid fuck. /int/ is a colony of r/Europe just like /pol/ is a r/The_Donald one.
>Yes, which is still extremely lackluster.
Compared to fucking what?
oozie nein millimetah
you're both wrong it's an Ingram MAC11
You fucking nogunz, it's a PP2000.
3rd world shitholes that still manage to hold their own despite the "most powerful and expensive military on the planet" invading them.
I hope Iran fucks you in the ass when shit hits the fan.
>how many people you kill doesn't dicttate if you win the war or not
>>The discussion here is about the performance of the US military's ground forces
I'm convinced you're just baiting now. Here's my last (You).
This thread turned from being /k/ to /his/ pretty quick (and that's fucking horrible)
>kill more
>still lose
fucking americans, man, how are they so shit at war?
>it doesn't since how many people you kill doesn't dicttate if you win the war or not.
We're not discussing whether or not the US won in Vietnam you dumb motherfucker.
>No they didn't, they slaughtered the vietnamese like cattle.
Sounds like they did their job properly then. Why show concern for lessening the casualties of enemy combatants?
>Yes, which is still extremely lackluster.
>no u
Pretty weak tbqhwy
Still makes you seethe.
Mutts have no tactics or nuance.
They just bruteforce their way through until the bodycount and damages are high enough for the enemy to surrender.
So you've learned absolutely nothing from all this and came full circle after ignoring everything we've said.
I know man i agree, but when seething europoors start shit talking the US i just cant help myself.
No one? Really?
THE most kino modern carbine.
For me, it's the Beretta 93R
Good taste
>3rd world shitholes
Are you fucking stupid? The PAVN was one of the largest and best equipped fighting forces on the planet by the mid 1970s. Hell, their SAM network was second only to the one NATO had put together in Western Europe.
>Why show concern for lessening the casualties of enemy combatants?
They murdered 4 times the amount of civilians.
Oops didn't mean to reply to this faggot, meant for
Yes the communists were quite brutal, as that picture showed.
When you find pick up of these badboys you know its about to go down. Danger close
dunno much about boom sticks but i really like this one
also the FN FAL
Europeans have been fighting and winning wars for longer than America existed. Mutts bought their way into being a superpower with ww2 and industrial revolution, the know fuck all about actual warfare, as evidenced by Vietnam.
>Implying any of those are good
They're all fucking derailing cancer just as you and leddit are. Kill yourself.
>firebombed entire villages
>hurr wedindonuffin
typical nigger mutt response
Screaming steel
>What are proportions
Every village firebombed by the USAF was matched by three massacred by communists by dood.
>know fuck all about actual warfare
And what does Europe know, exactly?
>as evidenced by Vietnam.
Speaking of Vietnam why don't we talk about the French and their German mercenaries?
I prefer the SG 552 Commando over 550, but still kino.
>Americans just suddenly appeared on one fateful day in 1776 and arent the descendents of Europeans
Absolute brain dead post
Man of culture.
G3 is also pretty rad, from modern guns, HK417. There is just something beautiful about battle rifles.
Heroes and Generals features not only the PTRD, but also the PTRS, and the Panzerbuchse.
Also, granatebuchse, m18 recoil-less rifle, and the soviet ampulomet, all weapons that are very rarely featured.
Don't know any games that feature the Lahti short of the Arma series with mods.
America lost Vietnam because of the Watergate scandal though. I don't know how American top generals work since I'm really a yuro who finds colonial wars kino but I believe they need the president's approval to do stuff and America stopped having a president. North Vietnam saw this shitstorm happen and stormed the South.
There are other factors into winning wars that expand beyond muh k/d. For instance, Portugal lost their Colony wars because of political shit going on in their country even though the basically stomped the rebels.
i liked it in the OG splinter cell games
>It's OK as long as we do it not as much as them
fuck off
Mutts are the biggest terrorists.
>>It's OK as long as we do it not as much as them
Huh? Who are you quoting?
Only 1 ak in thread
>shitty single shot rifle with a projectile that were more prone to shatter upon impact than penetrate
Not judging your opinion, but why?
Later, France, a European country, lost another Colonial war so bad it made their country collapse.
Americans in general.
They always like to pretend they're not guilty of committing war crimes and don't realize they're actually the cause of a lot of bullshit today, especially the rapefugee shit and Islamic terrorism.
Ever wonder why the rest of the world hates your guts?
Mainly because you're viewed as a bunch of retarded war-mongering cunts who appease the jews despite them fucking you and everyone else in the bleeding asscrack.
>Americans in general.
>They always like to pretend they're not guilty of committing war crimes and don't realize they're actually the cause of a lot of bullshit today
>especially the rapefugee shit and Islamic terrorism.
Are you suggesting that both of those issues don't ultimately fall on European fuckery in the aftermath of WW1 and continued fuckery in their former colonies that runs to this day?
>Ever wonder why the rest of the world hates your guts?
Why would I wonder about your fantasies?
>Mainly because you're viewed as a bunch of retarded war-mongering cunts
Are you talking about Western Europe or the United States here?
>who appease the jews despite them fucking you and everyone else in the bleeding asscrack.
that picture...
>Americans spend hundreds of millions of dollars to build two bombs to kill a few thousand people at once
>A bunch of cavemen manage to kill 2998 Americans with box cutters
If I was American I'd cry over 9/11 too. What inefficient killers those bombs were.
And mind you, those ratings use to be much more favorable when the nigger was President (and as we all know, Europeans love those). Your collective (though minority) seething is literally based off of "ORANGE MAN BAD."
This is my raifu. She is so cute, and anti chinese too!
I don't see her posted here. Not many games have her, but the ones who do, make her a complete beaut.
>Are you suggesting that both of those issues don't ultimately fall on European fuckery in the aftermath of WW1 and continued fuckery in their former colonies that runs to this day?
Sure, the refugee crisis partly.
The terrorism and hate for the West is not caused by colonialism. I always see pissed off sandniggers burning American flags, not European ones because you're the ones who keep fucking around in the Middle-East to gimp whoever's in contorl of the oil to appease the Saudis and Israelis. Now you're intimidating Iran because they have massive oil reserves and are the biggest threat to Israel and the Saudi as they are the most powerful state in the region.
I don't care if it's shit, I love using it in games
>Game has reload animation that includes smacking the charging handle after hitting bolt release
No it isn't. In reality it's completely irrelevant who the President is since US foreign policy never changes which is to protect mainland USA and Israel against all potential threats.
Simple as.
>The terrorism and hate for the West is not caused by colonialism.
Its caused by imperialism, which Europeans are very well accustomed to, not just strict colonialism.
> I always see pissed off sandniggers burning American flags, not European ones
Because you're god damn blind. Fucking Europeans are always denying this but they're just as bad if not worse than us when it comes to dicking around in the third world. Everyone can see it but you.
> Now you're intimidating Iran because they have massive oil reserves
Fucking kek do you actually believe in le oil maymay? Is it 2007 again?
>and are the biggest threat to Israel and the Saudi as they are the most powerful state in the region.
Yes we defend our allies. If that really an issue?
You should tell that to the 80-something percent of Germans who thought us and Obama were still the "good guys" even when it was revealed his administration was spying on their government and its leaders for years.
>When your company's rate of fire with a bolt action is so high the Germans think they're against machine guns.
>The terrorism and hate for the West is not caused by colonialism but imperialism.
Yes, and Americans are the imperialists of the 21st century. Europe has already moved beyond that point, it's only the Brits who crave for the glory days of their commonwealth hence Brexit.
>Yes we defend our allies. If that really an issue?
It is when you start randomly invading and bombing nations without any provocation whatsoever.
>Fucking kek do you actually believe in le oil maymay?
Nigger what the fuck else is it about then.
Oil = energy. Energy = power.
Whoever controls the oil has the power.
First I'm hearing of it.
I love using this in Rainbow Six Vegas, it feels so fucking nice, does a lot of damage, and has proper umpf. I don't remember if it was this one or USP in the first Killing Floor, but they felt sweet there as well.
>Europe has already moved beyond that point
As I said, you all fucking deny it. French actions in Africa to this day and what European members of NATO did to Libya alongside us is proof enough that you're full of shit.
>Nigger what the fuck else is it about then.
>Oil = energy. Energy = power.
>Whoever controls the oil has the power.
Literal child's understanding.
>At mexican military event
>Wonder how heavy could it be?
>Ask if i could carry one to the soldiers around with them
Its fucking 25Kg.
>Mexican soldiers let you carry some of their rifles around
What in the fuck?
>hurr muh frogs
Yes, the French are faggot cucks who love sucking american dick, at least we can agree on that.
>Literal child's understanding
OK provide me a legit reason as to why USA is messing about in the Middle-East so much if it's not about oil for more profit and to gimp the shit out of Israel's enemies.
I think ghost recon wildlands lets you choose the stock at least
It was in a press event for the new military shit the president is trying to push.
Had to try, he said yes.
Even that isn't free of bullshit because you need to separately discover the other stock mode in the game world.
>He thinks it was only the French
Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Spain and Sweden all participated in UNSC Resolution 1973 alongside the US, France, the UK and several other non-European nations.
>who love sucking american dick
UNSC Resolution 1973 was put forwards and spearheaded by European nations.
>OK provide me a legit reason as to why USA is messing about in the Middle-East
We do it for the same reason you Europeans do. The entire region is far too vital economically to the rest of the planet to allow some rogue or hostile state to fuck everything up. The West learned from Saddam back in 1991 and will not allow that to happen twice.
I should clarify that, yes, oil is a part of this but not in the way you were saying. It doesn't matter who controls some oil field in southern Iran - there is more than enough elsewhere in friendly states that it wouldn't be worth the effort, at least not yet - but that the regular transportation of oil through pipelines (very important for Europeans) and the Gulf (very important for the pair of us) doesn't get all fucked up.
try the Anzio 20mm
clocks in around 43kg, almost threw my back out not expecting to be hit with that
Ecks vs Sever
>I know nobody would be using black powder revolvers by that time but you can't make a cowboy game and have only 3 fucking revolvers in it.
Cartridge conversions were pretty popular for budget guns from that period.
WWI stuff was really interesting.
It was in Bad Company
Is Soldier of Fortune 2 the only game that implements the full functionality of this gun's grenade launcher? You can lase a target and then adjust the detonation range of the grenade.
Can you even walk around with this thing?
Agent Under Fire
My boy
I have never seen my gunfu in a vidya. What are some games with Jerichos?
>really wanted to like it in MW2
>just couldn’t keep up with the other guns
Being the weakest damage and the only AR with noticeable recoil in that lineup did it no favors
since no one has posted her yet
where my sengoku basara boys at
Is this Fallout 4?
>He hasn't played RE4
You mean the game where a Mauser can have a 22 round clip?
Whats her name?
Rising Storm 2
Black Ops 1, Fallout 2
I think Battlefield 4 or Hardline had this, I know a recent AAA game had this but I can't remember which
Battlefield 1
Sumthin aint rite with this Abakan.
MP40 is the sexiest weapon. Just look at these curves!
>nobody mentioning VTM:B
it's okay, the gun is trash anyways and somehow looks like a cheap USAS knockoff
an 94?
>gun is too old and obscure to be used in any game outside of its historical setting
I just miss wooden designs so much
COD WW2 and Battlefield 1
Fucking madcatz
"Ara-ara user-kun, would you really use an old gun like me? Don't you want one of those new younger models?"
Fuck yeah. I came here for this. For me, it's the most aesthetic gun
Maximum Action has it
I have a thing for odd submachine guns or assault rifles, especially if they have wooden designs
>259 replies
>no StG 44
This looks really cool
fun guns in code veronica!
step aside 5.56 big dick 308 or 7.62 coming through
creedmoor memers need not apply
For me it's the CZ-75 Republika
Absolutely based
Shit meant to reply to Also sadly not many games have the CZ-75. It's a shampoo.
What the fuck is this new word-filter?
kino looking gun
looks like one of the guns from wolfenstein the new order
Hello fellow Stargate fan
Any games that have it with the rifle grip?
Yes, I want a Space Marine sequel.
Too little games use this shotgun, when they do there's no feedback. The only game where it feels ok to shoot with it is Day of Infamy but it's a shitty dying MP game
>no game with the SIG P210
I remember it being pretty good in Payday 2.
>Big church
This shit was the tits in BF3
>blasts you into oblivion with frag rounds
Nips have chrsitians too senpai
/k/fags, is there are a reason automatic shotguns aren't actually used? They seem retardedly good, but I never hear about them being used by any real military force. Is it just MIC wank?
Not a /k/fag but before any of them explain I'm gonna guess the insanely high recoil
What the fuck are they hunting in Kazakhstan?
In any game that takes place during the World Wars I usually keep an eye out for either an MP40 or a Madsen
Rising Storm 2's depiction is amazing. There's even a CQC variant that absolutely steamrolls.
>take loads of space
>need to carry magazines instead of lose shells that take less room on soldier's equipment
Militaries doesn't take lots of shotguns for the same reason, the only prupose of a shotgun being present in an military armory is for door breaching or base security stuff, those using shotgun more often are cops because they are the only weapons that can easily switch from less than lethal and lethal rounds but then you need something small enough to not take too much space in the service car
its in resident evil 7
>based fellow WW1 machine gun poster
any games that use this beside Verdun and Battlefield 1, also assuming you're right handed, where would you put your left hand on guns like that, or is that what that handle on top next to the magazine is for?
>Too large and cumbersome
>Too specialized for their size. (military application for shotguns is typically for door breaching and other niche rolls.)
>Magazines typically take up a large amount of space
>Cannot engage targets past 100m typically.
Why weigh down a soldier with an oversized entry tool when you can give him a rifle?
Not really true actually. Their weight and gas operating systems help stem recoil impulse. (Shotguns are relatively low pressure firearms)
>Game doesn't let you do this
Pure art deco
im a simple man
>shooting two of these at once in red dead 2
>enemy sent flying back like 6 feet
The all black one looks a little clunky. The biege parts give its some flair.
Ding ding. Coolest fucking gun ever. Built in double tap for mid-range on target shooting. Other than limited run of parts (expensive machine) the double-tap is 90% or more effective at putting two bullets in the same spot.
>game features your carfu
love this gun
come here nigger
24: The Game
imfdb doesn't have it but I swear it's in there, it's Tony Almeida's pistol
Rate my shotgun.
ruskies be crazy man
i mean just imagine a situation where this would be useful
I've been wanting to get an Ithaca 37 since forever just because it's the closest thing to this. The short stock is no problem but I wonder if it could be modified to have a short barrel without pissing off several 3 letter agencies.
I added RPK wood furniture to it. Google the base gun.
cute feet
Ithaca is cool because it spits the casings out the same way they went in. And if you hold down the trigger and keep pumping the action the gun keeps firing.
fucking hell, only use for it i see is being charged down by a pack of buffalos, everything else is overkill
Any games with a Model 10?
I took it shooting a few times. The 25rd drum is very impractical and heavy. I just enjoy shooting targets.
i'm talking practicability, not enjoyment for sake of firing that i get
this and saiga, literally what are they supposed to be used for other than massacre
I don't know. The Saiga was meant for jamming more so.
It's just a semi auto shotgun, so they hunt with it like any other.
I honestly don't like this gun all that much, but someone on /k/ posted a shop of this concerted to non bullpup form and it was a literal 10/10.
Yeah, they're really heavy though
my fav medgun in bf2, havent seen it much elsewhere except stalker
unimaginably based
I also just purchased this yesterday. It did, in fact, kill Commies.
>the feeling of using the pump action in RDR 2
god damn that's some good shit
>poster for the LeMat but its not in the game
>the Dragoon isn't in the game either
fucking waste of goddamn time
Of course. Most Universal MGs can be fired like rifles if you need, and M60 is one of more comfortable ones to hold that way.
these guys are my niggas.
AK47 / Vintorez are my GOATs. I just love the fucking AK47 so much, you can't name a more iconic firearm. Mauser is aesthetic and the deagle is just a funny gun.
Good choice, my friend.
>you can't name a more iconic firearm
Sorry for PINGING you.
Wait, this is supposed to be a machinegun? From the perspective it seemed to be one of those fuckoff anti tank rifles.
As you can probably tell, I am not a gun person.
>literally the only way to get one is to steal one from Russian special forces
I can only imagine prices collectors put on ones captured by Ukrainian army. All us poorfags can get are vismodded 7.62 AKs
I like Verdun.
>all this /k/ shit
I like my guns being nonsensical and powerful.
Real guns are dull and boring.
Bolters are nice.
Big dick weapon
it's also maintenance nightmare. Command REALLY liked 2-shot feature and approved gun despite AEK-971 being better at every other test. Then it reached Army special forces, and after some weeks they send them back outright refusing to use them. All completed rifles were handed to MVD special forces to serve as sniper rifles, and MVD put them into reserve storage.
I agree, the Benelli is a fucking beaut. L4D is the goat for introducing me to it.
Can you imagine a situation where it WOULDN'T be useful?
it's just M60 with rails and sound suppressor, nothing too fancy
back in the day my cousin and i would play GTA:SA co-op on the ps2 and we found a glitch that let the passenger of whatever vehicle you were in use the minigun as a drive-by weapon. shit was cash, you haven't lived until you're speeding down the highway in a turismo with 6 stars blowing up army vehicles with a drive-by minigun
drums are never practical. They are fun though.
its in insurgency
>I like my guns nonsensical and powerful
>real guns are dull and boring
>posts the most dull and boring "real looking" gun out of a game with lots of nonsensical and powerful guns
also, can't you enjoy both?
My gun-fu is CUTE!!!!
>posts the most dull and boring "real looking" gun out of a game with lots of nonsensical and powerful guns
You do realise this pistol is suffering from "Fallout 3's Combat Shotgun" syndrome?
>also, can't you enjoy both?
No, because most of the time real guns are done absolutely horrible. I want some power fantasy in my games. I want my guns to sound like howitzers upon shooting, and deliver damage that is also on par with a howitzer.
And also i want futuristic guns that shoot loasers, plasma or something else. Just not your regular small metallic balls.
It was fucking busted and one of the best gun in the game until the G36E released.
>the single-fire mode
fucker was like a DMR
i hope i put a cap in your asses with it while gliding to defibl
Thanks for reminding me of that pot luck and giving me a chuckle.
What a bunch of fags.
M1 Garand is the best.
I don't especially care about guns, but if I was going to try shooting and owning a gun, it would be that.
Fallout: Tactics has it. It's jammed though and jams instantly if you repair it.
There's something fierce about the way the SKS looks.
Two of the operators in R6:Siege use it. One of the best guns in the game too, decent rof and easy recoil. I have over a 2kd with the ops that use it.
Mk 14 EBR
most of my gunfus have been posted already. Haven't seen this QT posted yet though.
hotter family than the kardashians
I go with plain SOCOM with rail mod for Scopes
ive only ever seen this in Bad Company 2
>not the collapsible stock version
I even liked the Far Cry versions with the short barrel. I have a hard-on for M1 Garand type guns.
can't get comfy with the stock collapsed, besides it looks like a mini G3 this way
i've seen it in a few stalker mods as well
I'm not a söyböy weeb, so of course not.
Too bad that gun is stuck in the worst Far Cry game.
Fal and G3 are my gunfus, I alwais chose the low cadency, heavy power weapons.
>Far Cry 3 the worst
unghhh UNGHHHH! I love me some jewish hand cannon!
that's why I've been playing so much Insurgency Sandstorm lately. What other games do battle rifles well?
Any game that has the AN-94 but with the 2 round burst properly functioning? I know stalker has it but the burst doesn't even come close to what it's in reality, also it's shit tier
Wait... is it in that one too? I've only recently played 5 and that game is easily the worst in the series.
The G3A3 in Battlefield 3 was a beast.
>scrolled through 350+ posts of bullshit
>not one (PSG-1) mention of my gunfu
Name one and I will be eternally grateful.
Black Ops 4 Zombies
fuck americans and fuck capitalism
Call of Duty 2. You can only get it in one spot in the campaign and it's a beast
Cataclysm DDA
That gun makes me so fucking wet
ever since T2
mah beauty mosin
>He doesn't know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were two of the most christian cities in Japan
>country gave up the FAL to cuck itself by making their own weapon, which was just a slightly modified m16
I fucking hate the Canadian government for making the army do a dance and song to just be told 'no' for the most basic of shit. They might as well disband the army if they hate having it so much.
fallout has it
why do you care what alphabet agencies think
whats that from
My thanks, friends.
/k/ is notorious for retardation and US fanboyism, you don't get the smart gun enthousiasts, you get the dumb rednecks gun nuts
Star Wars Battlefront.
Why did this thing never take off anyway? Can one of you /k/ommandos tell me what's wrong with it?
look inside it
>magazine well is on the grip
What the actual fug
thats a luger you retard
This gun while relatively new (so it hasn't got any game appearence) would be cool to see in some video games
>check again
>it is an actual luger with a stock, handle, barrel and pretty much everything about an AK47
Alright, can you really blame me for such mistake, user?
payday 2
Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow had a rifle that looked like the one you posted and it was one of the best weapons in the game iirc.
"Winning" would have required carpet bombing the entire country and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in the process. Its why counter insurgencies are so difficult. In a war against a standing army america would shit on most anybody.
yes, because what other gun has a snail drum coming out of the grip? and that luger is pretty well known, as well as the other lugers that guy has made.
You could have literally paused the video and just inspected the gun itself instead of goung
>HAHAHAH dude WTF is this XD???? FUgggg
what which one
either 2 or Tactics, not sure now, but its definitely there
it's the main gun in ghost recon warfighter so i'd say it had its exposure
Tarkov's got you covered. 23 inch barrel fucking when
Tactics. It's useless like any 9mm though.
>tfw no gun harem
here's my thick wife
007 goldeneye
>He hasn't played Resonance of Fate
Jagged Alliance 2.