Go back through my facebook timeline

>go back through my facebook timeline
>I was posting rage face comics on it in 2011

Attached: 1555011774686.gif (480x480, 71K)

>go back to early steam comments
>I always added ":3" on the end of my posts

Rage comics were awesome

Attached: 02-12-58-x_e9829560.jpg (604x483, 144K)

>look back at decade-old posts on Blockland and SRB2 forums

Attached: 4271128.jpg (719x734, 77K)

Attached: 1555450485.jpg (604x585, 121K)

Oпять ты, дoлбoeб
Я жe тeбя oбoccaл мecяц нaзaд.

Attached: 1555448558.jpg (533x604, 157K)

>used to tripfag in 2010

Attached: 1559994850946.png (456x465, 417K)

Кaк oбoccaл

Cтpyeй eпт

>read my AIM chatlogs from 2005
>want to build a time machine just so I can go back and kill my younger self

Attached: 1500562026930.jpg (345x378, 45K)

He пoнял... Кaк этo...

that is the reason why I deleted it a while ago and started again.

Attached: 1550733835137.png (285x267, 148K)

He eш
A пoдyмoй

>look up my old posts from 2009
>ton of racist and anti-semetic babble
still based to this day

Attached: 1565858198.jpg (807x570, 108K)

In 2006 I wrote lengthy posts about Elfen Lied being garbage on local anime forums.

Attached: 1565858498.jpg (807x484, 75K)

rage comics were great faggot
cringe based yikes seethe rent-free oof onions onions incel tranny cope have sex dilate

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>Be a born hermit
>No embarrasing chatlogs anywhere

Attached: jer.png (355x282, 113K)

>tfw got banned from SRB2 forums for improper grammar when I was in my early teens

Attached: 1550570837007.jpg (739x1081, 241K)

Isn't this from a japanese movie?


>Go back to 2012 forums
>I was a brony for a couple of years
Truly fucking dark times

sure it smells normalfaggotry in here

>google my old user names
>find out I was a pretty based 7 year old shitting on everyone on every site that didn't auto ban me
>now I'm a bald pussy afraid of getting banned from reddit if I don't upvote enough pro tranny posts