Why havent you got past Gold rank, Yea Forums?
Why havent you got past Gold rank, Yea Forums?
Because I'm bad at video games, and over half of everyone I fight online plays Akuma and that character gives me fucking chest pains
I haven't even touched Silver rank yet
I'm trying to get better at Dbfz while I wait for Samsho on PC.
I spend more time fapping to the models than actually learning the game
Because I'm playing Tekken 7
Ive gotten to super gold, does that count?
I didn't really play ranked after hitting it years ago. Just casual and battle lounges. Getting back into the game now after not playing for like a year or more, but there's so many new characters it's like learning a new game.
Okay, so why haven't you gotten past yellow, you dumb fucking waifufag button masher neanderthal?
>Try to get back into SFV
>Set connection to 5 only
>Immediately get the same 3-bar, frame dropping Bison, Urien, Ken
>Uninstall and go back to Tekken
>uninstall and go back to tekken
>get mashed on by laggy pauls and kings and alisas
Exactly what I thought. Go back to jerking off to Julia NTR doujins, scub.
lmao seethe harder
>Uninstall and go back to Tekken
>start matchmaking
>wait for 5 minutes
>finally get a match going after half an hour
>it's a laggy Noctis player who fishes for launcher hits
>see through it after two rounds
>he ragequits
Cool game.
My big brother was ultra silver I think as Vega and we played a bunch of matches together and it was pretty even despite me literally only playing with just a few normals, most prominently those forcing a getup so i could read his getup option and punish it. He tried & switched to Ken which made that process even more obvious
Is Ultra Silver still that bad or is my brother a fraud
What is your personal investment in what I do? Are you so self conscious that you have to make shit up on a basket weaving forum? You're weak.
You're a walking stereotype.
Cry me a fucking river
Solid fundamentals will get you far, and anything Silver isn't far at all.
Jizz yourself a river, cumbro
A silver player is someone who doesn't have any plan when he gets a knockdown. Seriously I have a friend that's stuck in that league and he thinks doing a meaty sweep is a good idea.
Nah he's gone beyond seething. The poor thing is smouldering.
80% of my matches are laggy, despite my wired connection and forwarded ports. And it always feels like I'm the only one lagging, like lag in my opponents favor
Because SF5 is trash. SFIV with vortex characters is more tolerable than this. What a way to crash your own brand.
t. parrot
Because I play Menat but I havent practiced her optimized stuff... or have any idea what they are
>No defensive options
>No proximity normals
>Gimped invincible reversals
>Children level execution and no combo variety that's actually good
Yeah a parrot. Half the fun of fighting games is doing something hard and showing yourself to be superior.
Because I'm a literal brainlet. Everytime I reach Bronze I lose multiple matches in a row and get bumped back to Rookie again.
>>No proximity normals
proximity normals are dogshit. why would I want less control over my character?
i was at plat and then they nerfed guile, the only true zoner in the game, if they get 1 good jump in and put in the corner its over, being offensive guile is hard as fuck, have no ideia how daigo can dash in and still do s.mp c,mp into flash kick, shit is impossible
because I played SF5 at launch and was super gold when the only plat in existence was Arturo Sanchez
I stopped playing because the game has no depth and I didn't feel like mashing medium punches and throws anymore.
this guy gets it
I'm stuck at silver and super silver atm but I've only started playing a few months ago.
Capcom have gotten a lot of shit over SFV, but the free trial has genuinely made me get into fighting games seriously for the first time ever.
>tfw i’ve been stuck between super-ultra gold for over 400 games now
I’ve switched mains 3 times because I usually get bored after playing the same character for 100-200 hours.
I played on free weekend recently but couldn't dragon punch. It always came out as a fireball, weird as I could do it in USF4 but in SFVAE it just wasn't working.
I can't commit to learning a single character and jump to a new one every couple days. I'm happy in bronze rank.
I'd probably play more if the connections weren't ass. Either way, I'm garbage and only made it to Super Bronze.
The 1k people playing make it kind of hard.
I don't play ranked mode in games.
But I did, I got over my ladder anxiety right after Evo and finally climbed to platinum, doesn't really feel like much of an accomplishment though when it still leaves me at about top 50000.
Imagine if someone cosplayed that outfit but didn't wear underwear. How embarrassing
Because I only play against the CPU.