It's time!
It's time!
What went wrong?
>big brain troll ops
Just ban guns lmao
I can't believe Trump would turns against us gamers like this. He's loves my vote. paste into comment field
iT'S AcTuAlLy AbOuT eThIcS iN gAmInG jOuRnAlIsM!!1!
Why can't you reactionary fucks just admit goobergate was nothing more than an excuse to harass minorities and transfolk on social media?
Electric Boogaloo?
>You heard me right, ma'am. It's about ethics in journalism.
I know this is supposed to make Anite seem reasonable, but they are still pretty much saying the same thing, the culture of sexism leads to sexism, is no different than the culture of violence leads to violence
Only if you get the Chair.
>Trump targets mexicans
I sleep
>Trump targets muslims
I sleep
>trump targets the most oppressed minority in the world, GAMERS
real shit
>giving a shit about ecelebs
I played videos games during gamergate and to this day I still don't know what it's about
>using gay twitter talk
you faggots deserves 20 years of him you worthless subhumans
Either bait or a lifeless gaming circlejerk invader
>== true
Disgusting, see me after class.
Is this REAL? wtf
What the fuck is this thread
No wonder you are a bitter incel, if you don't have any social medias
Imagine Donald Trump taking part in Internet Bloodsports.
Fuck off and dilate, tranny.
Imagine if Donald Trump was in Undertale
>Why yes, it is actually about ethics in gaming journalism. How could you tell?
what to complain online everyday and have to affect on society
oh whats your snap?
What's the problem with this? Why should he care about shit that has absolutely fucking nothing to do with him?
>Is this REAL? wtf
Don't reply to me incel
Imagine if Donald Trump IS undertale.
whats your snap
i bet shits popin off
Now we rise
3lame should make a video about that
rise down*
This site wasn't meant for you. Feel free to leave when the consensus is not in your favour. There are many more, appropriate places for your kind.
Because he should be in it for everyone's best interest. Not solely the things he gives a shit about. Imagine if everyone debated banning the NFL. It'd be ridiculous.
Else {
If (){}
Lmao, the left is truly retarded
the difference is trump says it as deflection while there was a 5 year stretch of non stop feminist shit in gaming media.
It was the first successful pushback against SJW culture and the regressive left in 30 years
5 year later and still RENT FREE
Don Sargon was right all along.
>he should be in it for everyone's best interest
Even if those things are having a direct negative effect on him?
Yea Forums got him elected. biggest board on here is Yea Forums.