Do NOT play Paladins

Do NOT play Paladins.

Attached: io paladins.jpg (859x1200, 128K)


I might not but only if its lewd. I don't like that.

Yeah okay. Was fun when I played a few years ago though.
I remember deciding to try playing for a few matches some months ago too. In my first match one of my teammates started sperging out over items and arguing in chat while sitting in spawn. Good times.

Attached: what the fuck.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>constantly played my nigga bomb king
>khan update made the game crash upon joining a match in under a minute without fail
>it's never worked on my machine(tm) since

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I'll play when she's full furry

I like Paladins a lot hehehe

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I will never touch another HiRez game after what they did to tribes, so you can rest easy

Too bad! Laah Puuh~...

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Snekman > REST

I really like the game but I refuse to play it till they add a solo queue vs solo queue option.

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Go play paladins user, it's fun

Don't go play paladins user, it's boring

how come sfm porn creators aren't making porn of paladin characters?

There's a kid out there that now has a brain seizure because of this.

Attached: SWEET MOTHER OF GOD.jpg (210x240, 13K)

you can't stop me moon bitch

>draw bow
>break wrist

someone post paladins porn

Touch fluffy tail

OP already did

I started playing again recently. Not gonna spend any money on it and stick with NotRoadhog

played paladins once and i couldnt tell if i was in a game with broken bots or not

it puts you in games against bots until you're level 5 i believe