music in this game is fucking godlike bros
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Where's the recipe for Juice?
dude gives you it if you ask him
I want to make a melee build if i should use sledgehammers, spears, or machetes what's the most fun?
These locust battles sure are a lot of fun
was it on sale recently or is someone just shilling it today
there have been nonstop threads for like two weeks since the expansion dropped
machetes have the most glorious highs but also the most crushing lows
would recommend
I made a deal with the muties but talking to the doc on the comm he said that it will cost our supplies. Reading around I found out that expedition dlc has some sort of timer where if you run out of supplies or men you won't be able to see the ending.
Is it true? Is there anything I can do to get more supplies or men? Can I stop this timer?
How long actually is?
Should I even bother delivering the supplies to the muties?
You can still do most of the Expedition stuff even if you fail the "main" Aegis quest.
you can just murder them all to gain access to their facilities. But losing some of your medical supplies is not a big deal PROVIDED you don't go making any deals with pirates later on. You can make a deal with the pirates that absoultely FUCKS every single part of the aegis expeditions resources. after making that deal I only had about ~5 aegis sec soldiers remaining in the base after constant native raids when I finally completed the DLC.
So yeah deal with the muties you'll be fine, just don't deal with the pirates if you plan to side with Aegis sec.
What's the other faction?
Does it still have a timer?
How do I activate the Faceless Recon mission in Foundry ?
I have killed the beast already and nothing is popping up
how do i get the next mission from eddy after revealing the wormhole to him?
it's from the chief not the mayor
if he still doesn't have it try doing the evelyn quest or the quest with the couple that wants to murder eachother
the other faction is the pirates
i haven't played it yet, but i dont think it has a "timer" in the same was aegis sec does
also a note about that "timer"; its very forgiving (at least it was on hard) and can be stopped permanently by doing certain things around the black sea, before you finish the main DLC storyline
also you'll always have a sense of how far that timer is ticking down just by talking to Briggs and asking about how the camp supplies are looking, its not some hidden 15 hour timer that just kills the game when it expires or anything
talk to the chief security guy. if he doesn't have anything new to add, check your notes. you might have already picked it up since its a pretty small starting dialogue.
That's the last mission. You can also kill Blaine and bring his head but I don't think it shows up in your journal. It's a tough fight at that point and all you get is couple hundreds of coins. You chose the wrong side lad.
i did black eels on my first playthrough so i wanted to try scrappers this time
I have done the evelyn one and failed the killing quest by beeing a brainlet
so balor it is then
howd you fail the killing quest?
I/m lvl 15 pure psi and keep getting absolutely asswhooped at the mall. Sure i can wrek a few guys but then some more show up and kill me in like 1 turn.
Am I underleveled or missing something?
by just blasting the bitch with my plasma pistol and then walking two zones
What's the minimum level requirement for Black Sea?
There isn't one but you have to prove yourself worthy before. That means killing the beast at Foundry, getting sponsored by an oligarch or becoming Invictus. However I'd personally wait around level 20 before going there. The fights are really fucking tough and it's full of 100+ lockpick and hack checks.
This sounds like something from Susumu Hirasawa.
what difficulty?
Go there if you're certain that you can handle a horde of 300+ HP enemies with rare poisons and high DPS.
That's perfect, I'm currently 18 and half, I was planning on going before heading to the Tchorists, after I wrap up all the other assignments and Oculus. Hope the checks don't lock me out of a lot of content cause I'm a locklet with only 50 skill and as far as hacking goes I've got 0.
Short of going to the wiki, is there a way to see what items some blueprints can use? What can you shove into the optional slot of the boots, for example.
Where can I get some siphoner leather before depot A?
I wanna make some siphoner leather for sweet sweet acid resist.
There are some near the junkyard. Go explore, zoner.
At Junkyard Gate go West, then go to the Northwest corner and go North, and it should take you to a lake with Siphoners that pop out.
Well no, but you can read the item descriptions to get a good idea for what they can be used
Guess that'll have to suffice. For a while in the early game, my eyes just skipped over some items that looked like junk, but were actually useful crafting parts.
Doggy leathers are better zoner-kun, kill a few by the tourettes to the east and craft your boots and armor right there
Is it worth to make energy weapons for when I gotta fight robots?
I'm doign a STR gun run with shotguns and assault rifles, but I can craft energy weapons easily.
Where the fuck is my super steel? It's been two times that I gave 3k charons to the melter and it doesn't produce shit; i wait 1 IRL hour then when I talk to the black dude he asks me for 3k charons like nothing happened.
What the fuck is going on?
I'm at 70 hours into the game and far from completion but I must say something that many reviews completely fail to mention: the devs always push their (imho shitty) engine to its limit trying new gameplay mechanics and it's awesome.
Of course the biggest change so far it was in the dlc with the comm relay and the jetski but even smaller things like disguises or the gauntlet are great.
The devs of this game are awesome and kudos to them for sticking to their principles and not watering down the game even if sometimes I hate them for this. They stick to their vision and that has immense meaning.
The amount of compression on this song is cringe worthy. All that work destroyed by constant peak dipping.
I dipped my peak into you're mum's asshole and she wasn't complaining.
It all comes down to personal taste user.
It's not taste dumbass.
try changing zones
also the message that you actually gain the steel is not too big
I like it, you don't
That's taste
Say hi to your mother for me
Please respond!
Ah yes, stylized compression. You don't know what you're talking about.
Do you use an energy shield? Also did you try to los cheese the living fuck out of them?
Not really, if you can make energy weapons you can make emp grenades. If you really want to make electro shock pistols.
Can i get to the burrower area without persuading Gorski at the beggining?
talk to quentin in Agronomy & Penis
Sorry but I can't answer your question. I haven't even played underrail before. Just scrolling down and saw your question. Wishing your luck, try asking more Anons. Surely someone knows. Keep your chin up kid and don't give up.
Maybe. I know for a fact your mum takes a mean dick though.
Yes i do, until some psi nigger runs up and two-shots me with a neural overload
I tried to stealth my way in but two main guys (I can kill them easily in like 1 turn but then get gangbanger by like 10 lunatics) spot me 2 steps after grabbing the statue. Maybe 1 more level with some points in stealth will do
yes, you can
A: Pickpocket Gorski for the card
B: Talk to Quentin
Well I'm dumb, I just realized my tailoring is only at 5. Guess I'm doomed.
you can always craft stealth gear to boost it
if you have throwing you can always try to deathfunnel them with incindiary and gas grenades
Locust of Control + Rage is also always an option
Reinforced or Laminated for a Psi Beetle Tac vest?
[Intelligence] Only complete faggots use sledgehammers
Seeker or adaptive googles?
[strength] *Grog bashes egghead brians in* ;D
[Perception] samefag
I played this for about 4 hours and it felt kinda dull. Got bored and started playing Planescape, and having a lot of fun. Does Underrail get better? The art direction and atmosphere is excellent.
[electronics] Not this time fag
Nah it doesn't get better, gtfo
you mean the mall for the tchortists statue quest?
just abuse line of sight and locus of control into enrage, get into the room at the bottom of the map, start combat run out to trigger the niggers, run back to the room, then just move slighty out of ther room to cast some spells, when you see them getting close to you force field the door so they cant enter, sit for 4 turns, they then should stack in one place and then you just rape them with loc into enrage and your enter spells
laminated you wanted sweet sweet threshold
Yes. Seeker to be dominating in combat, adaptive to spot shit.
Where is Dude after doing his quest? The one with the cats. He's not in Rail Crossing
I am the Invictus and there is only one Invictus.
in the room where you met his sweet cats
>I am the Invictus
Yeah, right. Nice try, but Invictus is way taller than you, little zoner.
I left the room, entered it again and he was not there. And after I finished the quest I could not speak to him
And he keeps on saying "Just keep searching man"
Then you haven't done his quest and need to keep searching.
IIRC there's a hidden footlocker under his bed. Did you check that yet
did you drink the juice yet?
You're not trying hard enough
>craft gear
I made a mistake of investing into biology instead of tailoring/electrics
What good crafting hypos does if I have thousands of money to buy them
Finally finished this game, who on earth thought deep caverns was a good idea. Most miserable gaming experience ive had in years, took over 20 hours and i had to constantly savescum to conserve resources. Truly shit experience considering rest of the game was 9/10... Except expansion that felt somewhat incoherent and unsatisfying, barely 7,5/10
>Luring enemies with noise is designed to be a viable tactic
>No option to just bang the wall with your sledgehammer, have to waste an explosive
Not him, but the problem of crafting hypos is that they often require obscure components that are only obtainable by fishing, which is not something I'm willing to pour a hour on it, as is fucking boring
Besides, not like health hypos are that expensive, the main reason to invest in Biology is to craft Psi Boosters that are stupid easy to make
Are explosive rounds a meme? Are all special rounds a meme? The lack of DR/DT bypass really c.f. I plles their damage
>Luring enemies with noise is designed to be a viable tactic
It is, it's called being resourceful.
>No option to just bang the wall with your sledgehammer
Dont you think I tried that? Everything was smooth and dandy until 3 Though Controler mental breakdown'd me and got 4 doppelgangers shoved up my ass, nothing I can do to counter it.
>have to waste an explosive
HAH! -an- explosive?
Bitch I used 2 magnesium incendiary grenades, 1 gas grenade, 4 burrower caltrops, some bear traps and my tele proxy, with electric imprint and force field
Get creative, thing outside the box
Do you know where is the CoreTech Research Facility in the Drop Zone?
I can't find it.
>that thing that can happen on the last Protectorate mission
I bet some mad fuck has beaten the game after this.
Leaving the train on Core City, take the entrance to Core City that is on the north, east edge of the map
You have entered drop zone, continue north
After that, that keycarded locked door to the left is the entrance to the research lab, you will need to either hack it or complete a core city factions quest for it
>>that thing that can happen on the last Protectorate mission
You can simply murder them all beforehand and nobody will mutate
Simple as that
>beating tchort as a mutant
Now THATS a playthrough
Is there any specific reason you couldn't do this? Do you have some kind of debuff making you die slowly? or maybe Six would automatically aggro against you, making it impossible to proceed past the entrance to DC
>I bet some mad fuck has beaten the game after this.
Nah, not possible. You can go on a rampage and murder almost everyone though, except the Institute, DC, and those parts of Black Sea you can only reach with a jet ski, since you can't ride one.
The Institute won't open the gates for you, so you can never even step inside Deep Caverns.
>tfw you save Maura just to off her at the Free Drones base
fucking lol
What about rifts? Is there one behind the door?
I wanted to see what would happen if I gas the Free Drones and then save Maura. Same result, she just waits there in the bar covered in mutagen gas.
That's depressing, girl turn mutant forever waiting her friends that will never come
He meant beat the game as a mutant.
Isn't there two rear entrances to the Institute?
Crippling strike or heavy punch? How is heavy punch's damage as the end of a combo?
It's not worth it. There's like a gazillion Burrowers and Spawns, 1 Obsidian Shard and mediocre loot on a dead guy. If you want to slay Burrowers, go to Camp Hathor.
>Pack Rathhound, Lifting Belt, Regalia and 5STR still not enough to carry shells, grenades and biology crafting stuff
Goddammit why are shells so fucking heavy.
Thank you, I was so stupid I clicked on the door instead of clicking on the electronic lock
No. There are four ways out, but only one in, and that's the main gate.
Don't listen to this guy, he just doesn't want you to find the vault of treasures.
Only losers don't go cave diving
Jesus Christ user, i bet you only play games to show your "cheevos" for bragging rights too.
Some of us just want to explore and kill shit for the hell of it, keep that in mind next time.
>thought the Core City would have enough vendors for me to be able to buy whatever tailoring materials I want, whenever I want them
>there's just three of them and they barely have anything
This place zones.
Holy shit swapping from pistols to a knife build has made things so much easier,
I can actually hit things and do decent damage to them now.
Burrowers are fucking insufferable to fight and are plentiful, I'm just saving you the headache. At least Stalkers are fun in a chaotic way.
>At least Stalkers are fun in a chaotic way.
>Pricky stickys you
>Stealths and runs away
Heh. Nothing personelle, kid.
They aren't so bad after Depot A. And if you get the keycard from Gorsky and actually ignore everything he told you, immediately opening that door, you pretty much deserve to be raped by roaches.
>Furiously injects Focus Stims, Adrenaline Shots and Contracts while licking my lips
>there was a dozen others behind you
>as well as around the corner
>AND behind the one you just bumped into
Forgive me master, I must go all out, just this once...
>Bullheads oneself and Flashbangs the ground below my feet
You win this time, junkie. But know that there's always more of them around every corner. Whenever you least expect it, there WILL be more ceiling scorpions.
Burrowers are cute as fuck and fun to fight i want to die covered in burrower spawn
Boooooring. I only use napalm for the war criminal role play.
i persuaded Gorsky and dabbed on them right after GMS but i was still a faggot PSI user back then. That's when i realized i was using a boring snowflake broken ass build.
Doing a sniper+pistol build with stuff into crafting. I regret not investing more into intelligence, only have 6 points and just cleared depot A. Bear traps have been saving my ass.
Fell for the pistol+sniper meme too, changed pistol to shotgun as backup weapon and so far so good, crippling strikes are kind of a bitch cause i'm running with 5 str but nothing adrenaline can't usually solve. This is in DOMINATING
An option to sort by weight would be nice
>9001 hours after stealing a jet from Ray
>had no problem with Core City, all neutral as normal
>come back to check Ray shop
>All of Core City turn hostile as soon as im spotted in Ray's map area
I dont even know why
Is it the cameras that saw me and they recognize me when I go there??
>Not just using pistols
Spotted the fag lords.
Firearm pistols are dogshit though, easily the worst focused build in the game now that throwing gets Spear Throw.
>Want to craft -that- 150 quality tungsten plates metal armor
>3 points off
>Ran out of Under pies
What's with that table underneath the Institute of Tchort where, when you examine it, it just says "it's a table"?
Only cowards and shitters think that.
It's just a table bro
It's a table
Can i kill that k2 mutt without consequence? Fucker gets on my way every time i want to shop and it's getting on my nerves, sometimes blocking me for a good 3 minutes until the retard decides to move out of the entrance.
Are you coming back on the stolen jet ski or on foot?
You realize clicking on dogs forces them to move, right?
>SGS gets its own map
>Foundry gets its own map
>Core city doesn't
under pies do restock though, just wait for some to be in the shop's inventory
I think it will aggro everyone on Junkyard
Not K2, it's a dog in Junkyard that gives a dialog when clicked, and doesnt move unlike the rest of critters
Click on it and move out of the way you moron.
This one doesn't.
Petty matters not important.
You dumb fuck, read and think before you post.
Fine, whatever, I was mostly impatient, in a hurry since I have been burning through my Juices
On the other hand, I got myself a whole +100 quality TiChrome metal set, and I'm ready to do the Nevil mission on DOMINATING
>get told by free drones to go to their hideout
>door is suspiciously left open
>go down, try to enter room but it's barred
>take out my spying endoscope
>see this
hmmm, what could have possibly happened here
>half way through expedition
>urge to restart and do a .44 slot machine build
On foot, I was just doing some shopping and decided to sell some jet parts I had lying around
It ruins my immersion tho
How many bladelings will come until the Beast? Getting tired of it already
Dirty anarch scum fuckbuddies got assfuck cucked in front of each other
From what I remember, it's 3 waves then the Beast
tin cans were dump enough to get ambushed while trying to set up an ambush
I must have had like 5 already
yesterday was my first day at Core City and immediately thought the same thing
Styx should add maps for it, coolest city/soundtrack in the game so far for me
is fist weapon tank build viable. feels like the core feats of fist builds is lighting punches and i cant get that as a tank
on hard I fought at least 30, the entire slope is littered with bodies afterwards.
What is more important, dodge or evasion? I know everybody says evasion because 'muh reduced aoe damage' but my character unironically has 3 con so if a grenade hits me, I'm almost certainly going to be dying anyway.
Not saying evasion won't be more useful still though despite that, long range attacks could be more threatening than close but I'm still not sure.
i will do a crossbow build
>What is more important, dodge or evasion?
mercantile and electronics
>relying on RNG
How do I save this? Using a plasma pistol.
I know restarting is the best option but I already played for ~20 hours.
>enter Boneyard
>can't save
>cautiously digging graves, collecting fish and caveman powder
>shield on, NV on
>use combat mode to peek through every corner
>8 will
>6 dex pistol build
bro either restart or change your stats with cheat engine
>20 hours
that's nothing, you can rush the early game in 2 now that you know it well
>implying you need mercantile to make that
You can salvage this build by swapping to a sniper rifle early game and use hit and run tactics, cc with psi and caltrops. If you have the parts you can also try making circular amplifier + electroshock pistol for maximum aimed shot power.
Also put some points into throwing (35) so you can use grenades which solves every problem in the game.
mercantile or pickpocketing is a better investment TeeBeeH
>end of the game potion 30 points higher than everything else with no crafting bench nearby
Must depend on which difficulty you play on then, I was only playing on normal
is there a way to activate equipped items without dragging them to your action bar?
neither, both fucking worthless. I have 40 dodge on my 3 con sword guy for fancy footwork and I'm at level 23 right now. just learn to not get hit in combat and be smart
Some have default hotkeys, Energy Shields are N for example.
Is the Black Sea only place to get advanced catalyzing belt?
good luck getting the parts without it
Acid hunters retard
>Pistol builds are bad guys wtf I keep doing the same old crit pistol build that got nerfed years ago and now it sucks, no I didn't experiment with anything else, you HAVE to do crits if you go pistols there's no other way
Meanwhile, I'm sat here on my what? 12th hard mode run, having made crossbow, assault rifle, sledge, spear, throwing only, thought control only, shotgunner and a bunch of other shit I can't remember characters but this pistol guy is wrecking shit and I readily admit, even I underestimate the raw strength of this character constantly still.
I'm still early into the game. I haven't done Core City, I haven't done Foundry and I haven't done Rail Crossing yet. I've just done the Burrower quest in in Camp Hathor. I'm on my way to end the Ratking and do you know what I come across while I'm fighting in the cave area where there's like 10-12 rathound alphas? My first Deathstalker of the run. I've already used 2 grenades to wipe out the rathounds, this thing is right next to me. I 1 shotted that shit. Can't remember the last time I merked a Death Stalker so early on in the game, especially not in a single hit.
Why did you call me retard?
Is that a problem, nigger?
What are good starting feats?
Just interested why you act like that.
too bad, floss the faggotry from your teeth with my pube hair, baby nut bitch.
any tips bros on where to find Hornet assault rifle frames?
All depends on your build, bre
Do the pirates ever actually assault the camp, if not what's the point in asking for pirate activity? Just talking about pirate jet ski spawns?
Also how the fuck do I get them to permanently fuck off? Already killed their whole camp but yahota always says there are lots of jet skis around.
My religion forbids me from making posts with less than 3 words
You have some latent homosexual issues you should deal with.
Depends. Opportunist and Paranoia are pretty good feats that have no requirements.
Pack Rathound because I'm a hoarding bitch
Quick Pockets if the build is using slot-less belts
Aimed shot for any gun build
Throwing or Traps? How much of an investment is needed in each?
You can get away with 0 points in either, HOWEVER, putting some points into traps is definitely worth it because they're useful for a lot of builds (particularly things like bear traps in chokepoints)
Throwing is pretty shit though, put either nothing or very few points into it (just enough to make your grenades a tiny bit accurate)
You dont need any trap skills to use bear traps though and they're the best traps
I've found that you don't really need throwing. The margin for error in throws tends to be much great with short throws, whereas long throws don't really seem to have critical fails like trying to throw a molotov exactly 1 hex from your feet and setting yourself on fire.
30 for Grenadier, 50 for Three-Pointer.
30 for Quick Tinkering.
>tfw Mr. Autoturret, your faithful companion through many defenses finally bites the dust
do the opposite of what says
handful of points into throwing for accuracy, stop with whatever makes you feel comfortable. 0 into traps, bear traps are the only ones you need.
If you don't put any points into traps, enemies can see them and they'll just walk around them tho
>Throwing is pretty shit though
Worst advice you could take from this man
Does it matter if I do the black eels quest or finish the depot first or can I do them in either order? The way the dockmaster is talking makes it sound like it's something I need to do at a specific point.
how high should I be getting social skills?
Not if you funnel them down.
They'll still walk right into them if you fill an entire choke point with them.
Dorkmaster Silas running to his death just for fun.
there is no reason anybody in this game should ever put points into throwing
grenades are accurate enough without any investment
>Actually using grenades in combat and not just to open a fight with (+ savescumming)
30 Throwing should be mandatory for no Psi runs. 50 if you specialize in Chemistry.
>grenades are accurate enough without any investment
Is that what you say after you reload the game 20 times because you naded your self?
Doesn't matter, but planting the explosives while at depot A saves you some backtracking.
Please stop giving bad advice, your f9 key is a mangled mess by now and we all know it.
Seeing 15% on anything outside of one square is embarrassing. throwing should not be this difficult or require this much investment from any human being
I think 30-ish is still needed so you can throw close range grenades without it going 3 tiles off and blowing up in your face
>He doesn't throw grenades at his feet
Such is life in the underrail.
Come on someone must know the answer to at least one of these.
> The U.S. Army will drop its hand grenade competency requirement for graduation from basic training because getting recruits to pass it is taking “too much time” trainees just aren’t strong enough to throw the grenade far enough away – and simply can’t be taught to properly throw a grenade “if they haven’t thrown growing up” – Maj. Gen. Frost
So I did the Tchort quest to find Mateo, turned it in, but the dude didn't take the head out of my inventory.
Can I just dump it on the floor of his office or is there some sort of place I'm supposed to be taking this severed head?
t. Ghost "no throwing" Reloadfag
>He doesn't pull the pin and swallow them
Get out of here zoner
I kept it in a locker for safe keeping.
Go watch Chinese military training videos of grenade tosses. Shits hilarious
>not just throwing grenades at your feet for 100% accuracy and tanking the damage with evasion / evasive maneuvers and let your armor absorb the rest of the damage
enjoy your save-scumming trash tactics when your 70% accuracy grenades fail
if your build is so bad that you need to F9 just because your grenade goes awry and takes off most of your health on turn 1, maybe you should go back to the drawing board
Noob here, I'm focusing on knives, throwing, traps and sneaking. Mechanics and tailoring for crafting as well.
What feats should I get asap?
Exactly, that's why you have 5 people calling you retarded.
Fetid Marsh kinda sucks. Killed about 30 snakes and at least a dozen of hives, walked back and forth along the convoluted paths to fully explore it and all I got out of it is a slimy tablet, keycard that leads to some trash and 3 crates with suboptimal parts, of which I took none. And then the shortcut door was useless, because anybody would have to walk all the way back through the marsh to their jet at the marsh entrance.
I didn't have any throwing until almost the end of the game and I got a lot of use out of granades until then without blowing myself up. Grenades will never land more than three squares away from the targeted point, so as long as you never target anything near yourself all you can lose is 10 AP.
>under pie does not specify what innards it's made from
>largest amount of lootable under pie is located in the lurker base's freezer
>lurker chef is a cannibal
if knives are your main, expose weakness, taste for blood, vile weaponry. take a serrated knife as your main weapon. maybe consider some crit feats like recklessness and weaponsmith.
>Everybody else sucks
Alright then
>constantly nades self
>"your build is bad bro!"
I wanna do the Gauntlet for that 5 oddity XP, but it looks so tedious
Nading yourself is unironically the big brain tactic
Recommend me a build, please:
I like crafting
I like using consumables (grenades, mines)
I don't like psi
I dunno about you but 30 points into throwing is a lot less of an investment than 10 con and 160 evasion.
>Get to Rathound King
>End his life
>Get two ancient rathound hides
>1 level fucking 64 and one level 88
I've tried reloading and killing him again but the quality doesn't change. If this is something that is set from the start of the game without being fixable then I'm just quitting now. Absolutely trash tier luck based garbage deciding what quality loot I get on enemies that apparently don't appear again until the Deep Caves, a place you can't even get out of and it's fucking end game anyway, I want some quality armor for now, not for the last few hours of the game.
Meh, took me about a half hour of trial and error to get through it.
And here I was thinking that my quality 59 drop was good.
also: every food type gives you a bonus associated with what it's made of
what does under pie give you? Skill Points
animals do not have those skills
If he's doing heavy armor I understand, but he never really stated that to begin with.
try reloading the zone. quality don't matter with decent super steel.
How do I amuse Sophie?
Those are good fucking drops for mid-game enemies you fucking zoner
I started this game yesterday but I'm kinda lost. I activated one generator and killed some guy that had two rats but I feel like I explored that entire area completely. The only other place I can go is the mushroom caves but the psychic beetles there kick my ass so I assume it's an area for later. Where the hell do I go to find more generators
Give her a caged animal
hitting yourself with nades is a valid strategy, especially for flashbangs as shaded metal helmets make you immune to incapacitation
by reloading the zone I mean load the game from the autosave where you enter the zone. that determines most random events and whatever else triggering, but there's some cases where even items are "re-rolled" the quality is a constant so I dunno.
After the generator, you turn on the light switches in the bunkers in that area.
ravage her anal self
she's bored
so you need to give her a boring animal
Non-DOMINATING peasant spotted. On DOMINATING there's at least a dozen of ancient rathounds in Underrail. Why do you want to get your peasant hands on high quality stuff anyway?
I got quality 111 ancient rathound hides on my crossbow character. Those are shit.
My last auto save is where I enter the area, I did try that too and it got the same results. I'm going to run from Camp Hathor (my last save point) back to here and try again, if it doesn't change from that then it can't be changed period I think.
Dominating is a meme tier difficulty mode.
no really, you need to give her a caged borer
Yeah for flashbangs and burning man.
>chem pistol character
>group fight with allies
>Allies on the field
massage her feet
Just take an irongut pill and flash yourself
>My last auto save is where I enter the area, I did try that too and it got the same results.
like I said, even then quality could be a constant. I know because when you "re-roll" a shopkeeper that way, the available items will change but the quality is constant. it might be tied to the shop inventory timer or animal respawn timer, see if you can wait those out at 5x speed and report with results.
speaking of respawn timer, do the ancient rathounds in his lair respawn?
I know, that's why I laughed. I'm not the dude asking.
This is some advanced shitposting.
>do the ancient rathounds in his lair respawn?
Definitely not.
>thought I finally found the Foundry
>it was just ANOTHER Ironhead roadblock
I should've stayed in Core City instead of looking for some dump...
dude just take the train
>Dominating is a meme tier difficulty mode.
>the difficulty where combats are at full strength in a combat game is meme tier
Psi build 10 int 10 will 8 con, put everything in will
Then just dab on everything?
peasants btfo
Not him, but it's meme tier when it becomes cake because everyone uses the same few min max builds.
>ask for directions from essie
>or just follow rails from core city
>or spend whole 25 shekels
>"The way the game is meant to be played."
Ummmmmm dominating bros what did Styg mean by this???????
Also, what are the differences between normal and hard?
Shotguns do area damage?
But that shit's for zoners, man. My autism compels me to first find the place before just fast-traveling to it.
>>ask for directions from essie
I did, but as usual I just get sidetracked into a gorillion Ironheads or Lunatics before finding the place.
Obvious casual bait for game reviewers. If you saw that shit and clicked on it you are the eternal casual.
>Dude just abuse traps on every single build
>Dude just use these same few min maxed builds
Dominating is a solved difficulty mode that only a few builds can beat. It's a meme.
Obscenely huge area damage at times yes.
>he thinks that "the way the game is meant to be played" is anything but a pat on the back for normalbabbies to not feel bad for picking it
Normal is actually the most balanced difficulty because you're neither health gimped or healing item gimped.
>Dominating cucks getting laughed out of the thread
>Some are still trying to save face
>use burst mode
>select enemy to far to hit properly
>kill everyone around him instead
pretty hilarious
>only a few builds can beat
>N-no Styg doesn't know what experience he wanted for the players!
You do realize dominating is the autism containment difficulty, right?
Everything is relative.
>stray cryokinetic orb shard hits ally
>Dude look at how skillful I am, I covered the place in bear traps so the enemy can't move, based high IQ plays only viewable on DOMINATING mode
>try this
>end up missing everyone
What he means by that is trying not to trigger the normietard consumer and shitter journo reviewing the game. Just like his public stance on oddity babby mode.
>tfw started the DLC at level 15
>got my as kicked
>ignored it for almost the entirety of the game
>going back at level 26
>burst fire
>explosive bullets
>tfw the ally characters do this shit to each other and even kill one another constantly but the moment you accidentally step on someone's toes you're fucked seven ways from sundown
Ran from my Camp Hathor save back to Rathound and killed him again. Same quality leathers.
Styg is a fucking hack.
Calm down dude, there's more ancient rathounds out there to kill
Based. Only psi queers or "people" playing below DOMINATING try it early.
there's nothing wrong with doing the DLC at level 20+ on a melee build
Spears don't benefit from Dexterity at all do they?
>When your build is so shit, you wait till endgame to do it
There isn't until Deep Caverns which is the end of the game anyway which means it literally doesn't fucking matter.
Are steel plates the only thing I can use when crafting bear traps? Trying to make sure I have a nice stock of them but metal plates seem rare and expensive.
Side with PraeSec
If you plan on throwing them they do
>There isn't until Deep Caverns which is the end of the game anyway which means it literally doesn't fucking matter.
There's one in the Arena and one in the animals pens in the Institute
>inb4 Jookhela is already set in his game to always drop a 60 quality leather
Oh no no no no
But dominating is a meme tho, right?
Yes. Challenge yourself and don't let shitters here dissuade you.
>But dominating is a meme tho, right?
yes, you straight up can't complete the game on dozens of builds.
It's fun if you like challenge and actually using consumables and tools.
I don't want to side with Praetorians, nor should I need to. There is literally no reason why you should have to side with a certain faction just to get access to another A. Rathound.
There's also no reason why reloading shouldn't change the quality you get on enemies that are limited to this degree.
Do the sormbairen spaeters have true sight? I'm at 100 something stealth and they instantly spot me
Yeah, very.
there's also no reason to autistically focus on one fucking item
I cry evrytiem
>Samefagging domicucks
Y i k e s
Fuck off back to /vg/ with your inane nonsense
well too bad buddy because there's no more than just those 3 outside of DC below dominating. just infuse the ones you have with super steel, the quality of the leather barely matters when infusing, it's something like only 20% of the total quality. that or get the feat for working leather.
>limited to this degree
Dunno what you're talking about, mate. They're all over the place with infinite respawns :^)
Of course there fucking is. It's a 1 off set of items that you never get access to again until an hour or two before the game ends, at which point nobody gives a shit about them.
Having RNG decide if you get a good quality one or a shit quality one with nothing you can do to change it is trash game design.
The head priest has true sight.
she's a dirty rat. she entirely deserved to have her brains slapped out her eye sockets with a baseball bat and get gangraped by the bois at JKK in some core city back alley.
Cringe. Dilate domicuck
sexually tortured, raped, murdered, necro fucked, chopped up, and fed to dogs
And do you need that fucking item to progress ? No ? Then who gives a shit
So your entire build rely on getting a high quality piece of rare leather? Sounds like a very 3int thing to do.
Speaking of him, where do I need to go if I want to get the stuff from Dudes vision?
Rail crossing has no east exit.
So what is "THE BUILD" for dominating?
Is Neurology worth it?
My pure waifu
just got to this part myself too and i need to look no further for love
Psychosis+Survival Instincts
Only if you've taken meditation, may as well go for it if you bothered going tranquility.
>So what is "THE BUILD" for dominating?
>So what is "THE BUILD" for hard?
>So what is "THE BUILD" for normal?
Psi + traps
No psi if you're a chad. Brainlets won't understand.
Pistols or knives (throwing)
>And do you need that fucking item to progress ?
>So your entire build rely on getting a high quality piece of rare leather?
Yes, and it isn't rare, it's an RNG based 100% drop rate item aka absolutely shit tier game design.
>but my character unironically has 3 con so if a grenade hits me, I'm almost certainly going to be dying anyway.
With enough evasion you literally take like 10 damage from plasma mk3 grenades.
Is there a fixed location for psyscho temporal contraction?
>the way the game is meant to be played
>absolutely shit tier game design
oh no no no no no
Rail Crossing.
Foundry, I think. Either that or Core city. Check with the doctors.
I killed all pirate scum, including Port Crag and the lieutenant dude on the jetski. Yahota says there's no activity at all. Maybe you missed somebody or need to advance the plot.
But what precisely?
I've never done this quest, what's the deal with her?
what the fuck, i had 170 evasion on a previous character and regular mk 2 frag grenades from ironhead grenadiers still killed me from full in 1 hit on hard mode
i like your style, mang
Why are you ignoring the people telling you that you can get ancient rathound leather in several other places even before you do the rathound king quest?
All of it.
Because they've been debunked.
One forces you to side with Praetorians.
The other is arena only and you only get 1 shot at that too and the quality can vary for both of these two as well, meaning if you get shit rolls you're stuck with them until DC which is when they stop mattering anyway since the game is over at that point.
literally who?
JKK storyline exclusive waifu
Coretech spy infiltrating JKK. Bitch should've signed on with the based Praetorians.
Btw, if your build manages to beat Depot A taht means its viable for the entire game, right?
I started my playthrough on normal with a CON 3 psi sniper hybrid, but Im not really sure of it
Did they slice the monolith with mysterious disk?
>JKK storyline exclusive
Oh the one only 1% of players will ever see kek.
Maybe, there's no special interaction with it and the monolith, though.
Psi sniper is strong. Shouldn't have any problems. Just remember to craft a spearhead with rapid reloader.
Who is selling laminated vests?
Bump your merchantile.
how to deal with mele and psi retards as low con sniper, how is it strong in those cases mnn?
gun shops and the odd general store
Having some decent rewards for your trouble would be nice
>Gorsky has at least 3 other armed men with him and is too afraid to fight some bugs
This always cracks me up
What an absolute fucktard
Get some fucking super steel.
>What an absolute fucktard
That is pretty much his entire character beyond being an oonga boonga "Protectorate baaaaad!" anarchist ass.
super steel SUCKS
Isn't he supposed to be a super soldier or some shit? He sure talks the talk and acts all tough but a few burrowers? NUH UHH
I'm finding the toxic 12.7mm rounds are absolutely pro and work in almost any situation
But then I'm only level 14
>>Gorsky has at least 3 other armed men with him and is too afraid to fight some bugs
>This always cracks me up
>What an absolute fucktard
>the DOMINATING Gorsky vs the normal user
>5% more penalty
no way jose
Nah, that's just some shitty fanon someone made up because they never explained where Gorsky got his military training. He's just an overrated gangster. Balor's a real fucking super soldier.
What special kind of autistic tard are you?
Anyway there is another ancient rathound in the arena.
Still kys pls
>shitty fanon
I kinda like the theory desu.
ayyoo hol up...
so you be sayin red dragon reaches more than 10x crit bonus with fully specced crit power and cheap shots feats?
I have to make a retarded build around this that is useless for 95% of the game and shits out quad digit crits for the last part
super steel a shit 5% more armor penalty for tac vests and 10% for riot gear? no thanks.
It doesn't make any sense
Unironically don't bother
Her brother is outside the arena and will just let you in if you're a gladiator or woman, saves you a trip to foundry that you have absolutely no reason to make
Why is the best jet ski called the Devastator instead of the DOMINATOR?
Reminder that you need >=6 IN to understand this powercreep.
literally who again?
Oversight made by Stygg.
So I was sailing to my next target in the black sea when sniper chick called me. I hoped she finally wanted to get some hard rod working and instead it was savages. Again.
I went all my way back, helped the chick and now it's time to dominate the shit out of these dirty mongrels.
While I was venturing north I found a cave with a lone friendly savage. Yngwar or something like that. I completed an intelligence check but then he got mad about the ferryman story. I guess I miss some quest or something.
The point is: can I stop the raids if I kill all the savages except this Yngwar guy?
Do I even need him alive?
>the best jet ski
>60% speed
it's trash, you're not gonna be fighting on jet ski 99% of the time, so go for the fastest one.
Rich girl. Bored as shit and bratty as fuck. Would be amazing to break in during bondage sex.
>146q ss with regen vest and nimble
>26% armor penalty
Missing out bre
>ancient rathound in the arena
damn, nearly forgot about that one
>2 from rat king
there's quite a couple before DC
also for the 20th time to that user just fucking infuse it the quality doesn't fucking matter at all I can get 100+ quality infused pig with 25 quality base pig leather
it does though, considering tanner's an ayy lmao, ezra's ex-biocorp, vera's just got protectorate ties, and gorsky is a councillor and head of security because... he's just a back-alley thug?
most the people at SGS are very powerful individuals as a matter of fact. Old Jonas has seen the unthinkable. Mordre is... yeah. There's a handful of naturally talented psionics who can tutor you. The entrance exams are renowned for their difficulty. And then there's Gorsky? Just being an idiot? He's more than just a thug.
Keep up motherfucker
you don't have twin XGs do you? Mine feels a lot faster than that
>pain, sorrow, frustration, lack of skills points, endless f9, poor as hell
Chem Pistol
>smooth sailing, more than enough skills points, always rich, only f9 if cooked shot/grenade yourself
>Would be amazing to break in during bondage sex
Well sadly that's not an option in this game.
>You can simply murder them all beforehand and nobody will mutate
I never considered this before, but I guess you could just go up the ladder without deploying the canister and slaughter the entire base, right?
Fuck, I should have done that, I bet there's a whole bunch of oddities in there I missed
I can literally just hit + a few times and be sanic fast thats fucking pointless
Try not to be too jealous of my SIZE 3 SUSPENSION, you fucking peasant.
q ss with regen vest and nimble
% armor penalty
FUCK that's sexy.
I do, might be the equpment load, I'm at 100.
>there's quite a couple before DC
Also one in the Institute's basement
You have a lot of flexibility when dealing with anything. A lot of times you can just drop two enemies immediately and then haul ass and drop combat to reset. You have throwing, traps, forcefield, etc. The biggest thing lacking is a strong AoE since grenades aren't enough and you can't really afford the int for stuff like locus, so I jack up metathermics to turn someone into a bomb that kills everything else when it dies. The new psi school also has an ability that reduces cooldowns on use (aimed shot, snipe, stealth, grenades!), and one that gives more action points that if talented and spec'd into will let you fire 3 times with a spearhead without adrenaline.
It's one of the strongest and most flexible builds, short of pure psi. The worst part is needing a crafting-only gun where the frame is only sold by two vendors + finding a rapid reloader and decent smart module.
>power management
>gun nut
Any of these worth picking up?
No you can't speed up doesn't work on jet ski.
>he's just a back-alley thug
He's an overrated drill sergeant. Just because there's a lot of special people in SGS doesn't mean every single one of them is. For every Ezra, there's a Newton.
>Old Jonas has seen the unthinkable
Oh wow, he got a peek at Tchort. How fucking special. Did he kill it?
Power Management.
aw fuck I thought that was only when you had too much weight
I REALLY don't need more than 800 engine power though, there is absolutely no reason to go faster than I already do and I am PREPARED for LEPER SERPENTS, MOTHERFUCKER.
that's only 1 int up from cheap shots and expose weakness
the real retard stat choice is going to be 9 constitution for survival instincts
>also for the 20th time to that user just fucking infuse it the quality doesn't fucking matter at all I can get 100+ quality infused pig with 25 quality base pig leather
I was going to infuse it anyway, in fact the whole point I want it is to infuse it, but the quality of leather matters in order to get the type of quality I'm looking for. I need quality 100 ancient rathound leather at bare minimum.
just make a tac vest you flaming fucking faggot jfc
>making a fucking rathound armor in a first place
I dont give a fuck if it's some special rat who lived for hundreds of years a rat is a fucking rat and if you wear it's leather you better not fucking show up in this thread.
Why is Yea Forums and presumably RPG codex the only place that talks about this game in any capacity?
Because rest of the world thinks divinity is a good game.
as opposed to?
How do I get to this ladder? Checked the entirety of the areas above this one via the every ladder I could find thinking that there was one that brings me down to it but nope, I don't see shit.
I have 10 Perception btw.
you tell me
Tactical vests are for homosexuals. I want quality 300 infused ancient rathound leather. I have 3 int but who gives a fuck, I don't need int, I just need leather.
Nigger shut the fuck up. Infused A. Rathound Leather is the best armor in the game and I want it.
what if you enjoy both divinity and underrail?
>"Tactical vests are for homosexuals." says the man enraged by a rat not having nice enough skin for him to make a gimp suit out of
It's an okay game. I still think OS1 is better, even though I really don't know why.
Divine Divinity is the shit though, I still replay that occasionally
Are any of the special bullets besides W2C worth using (shrapnel, shock, etc)?
Divinity is a good game though
>pic related dabs all over 99.99% of all armor in the game
Daily reminder to raise INT as STR and CON are dump stats.
Just don't lower CON below 5 on DOMINATING.
Contaminated Bullets will fuck up anything you fire them at
War 2 Craft
What sort of quality on mats should I expect? Can I force high quality mats in any way?
>shrapnel, shock, etc
yes, all of those are very worth using
>very low 15
>low 45
ooof thats gonna be a yikes from me
Tungsten Carbide
Do they not teach chemistry in schools anymore, what the fuck guys.
Literally anywhere. Even on youtube the only video published in the last year or so is the expedition release video. Even gamefaqs only has three whole threads. It's basically a black hole.
>unstealths behind you
>electromagnetic bursts you
Nothing Personel Kid
The meme smg build using 5mm shock bullets is cool.
There's literally nothing wrong or homosexual about enjoying the feeling of quality leather against your skin.
With burst, incendiary and acid are good for biological targets with little armor.
The fuck does that have to do with anything lmao
Based war 2 crafter schizo
How good are energy weapon builds in this game? played this on release as tincan rifle. About to start it up for expedition. I cant remember much talk about energy weapons at launch.
ah yeah well it is a pretty obscure indie game
Reminds me of a cult classic movie that didn't get much attention on release but has a really dedicated autistic fanbase.
Maybe some eceleb will make videos about it and get the zoomers into it but Styg & Co. don't really seem interested in paying anyone to advertise for them, so someone would have to take the initiative on that I think.
Look at Starsector though, nobody talked about that either outside of /indie/ and occasional Yea Forums threads but its blown the fuck up in popularity since some chucklefuck made videos about it
my chemistry curriculum had us learning about boring stuff like potassium nitrate and sodium cloride instead of the fun stuff like napalm, iron oxide, and W2C
lol, take your peashooter back with you to the museum you took it from
I'm doing it
I'm going to make a throwing only DOMINATING character
>brainlets not alphastriking everything in the first turn
> not using the perfect defense for every enemy
they're okay
Can you play Song of Time on burrower ocarina?
>moving the goalposts this hard
not every build is centered around stealth, even those that are can't oneshot everything in a single turn
Where do you get a Sword? Closest I found was a Machete.
that is your sword
there's a couple unique ones that aren't machetes
Sorry mate, I can't move anything as my STR is 3
Real niggas only.
you wanna abuse corners eh
I'll bash yer fuckin' head into a corner 'til ya stop twitchin' ya cheeky cunt
Anybody? ANYBODY?
redpill me on why every single person in Oculus dresses exactly the same way when they're supposed to be secretive
Holy fuck this game is so fucking scuffed Vera has no reaction to drones completely wiping Protectorate out of SRO, NOONE CARES, you can't tell Silas that whole junkyard belongs to them, And how come the Eels didn't get rid of Scrappers much sooner? They have the fucking Rig and shit they're much bigger than scrapper fags, honestly there is so much of missing interactions to everything. ALSO how come i can't talk to drones at Nyx station? I can't ask them for help at epitone or anything. Pretty gay.
bre, if you joined oculus you can't possibly join protectorate and take yourself seriously. Protectorate would wipe out Oculus if they could and you're Freeing A fucking drone for the Oculus.
>smart amplified electroshock pistol
>aimed shot
>everything dies, including yourself if you stand too close
It's a lot fucking harder is the difference. Also psi starts off pretty shit and kind of boring, you don't reach BIG BRAIN ELDER GOD TIER of bullshittery until you're level 15+ when you have access to an assload of powers and the right feats.
You also don't really NEED 10 Int, but it's nice to have. You might want to put some into whatever so you can get Sprint, Sprint is top tier.
Do you just not understand the concept of illumanitesque secret societies or what
You can't bash my skull if you can't catch me, you 95% armor penalty subhuman brainlet.
Did you know that armor user are genetically predisposed to have lower initiative than stealth users? When the combat starts, I bet your turn comes after turrets.
It's not confirmed but it is very possible. It's roughly the same size as the one described
I'd rather know what the actual fuck these monoliths are and what their purpose is though. Biocorp is confirmed as having fucked with ones before, even cutting them up, but none of them did what the shadowlith did
No but you're not loyal to Protectorate at all dude. Why join the Protectorate if you're Oculite? Oculus will have much more power if protectorate is gone. Also half of the missions is fucking over protectorate in one way or the other.
zip zip zip zipzipzipzpizzipzipz
>Did you know that armor user are genetically predisposed to have lower initiative than stealth users? When the combat starts, I bet your turn comes after turrets.
don't need initiative
ignore all damage first turn
simple as
or you know, you joining the protectorate is the first step of a plan for the Oculus to take control over the protectorate from the inside out?
>why would a clandestine secret society want a stable, beaurocratic system of government thats easily controllable rather than a bunch of disconnected anarchist bandits spread out all over the place?
How the fuck do I sell a spare jet ski? Is there a way to get back in the black sea after leaving it without fast travelling?
But if Oculus wanted that why would they help Drones? Turn on your brains retards.
Is the Oculus confirmed for being aligned against the Protectorate? I know you free Maura, a Free Drone, from prison, but the Oculus does a bunch of shady, random shit for various factions just because they're getting paid, they even stole the cube for Tanner in the first place even though they should technically be against Tanner
Holy shit, is it even possible to keep Nevil alive during the fight with these robots?
I want to try and keep him alive, but he's so retarded
They're records left by the Godmen. The Shadowlith is something left behind by a Leviathan.
Do flares reveal hidden objects or does it only show hostiles?
The Oculus seems to help anyone who can pay. They're mercenaries.
who are you even referring to
one of their leaders is sitting 5M away from Azif in the hanging rat completely out of her goddamn marbles and he doesn't even bother with her, they obviously aren't too concerned about the FD
A job's a job.
Six hired them to get hired by Tanner
It's coming for you.
You cant run because you literally have no movement points
You can't hide lol stealth in metal armor
It's gonna gettcha and there's nothing your high STR score can do about it.
So are they mercenaries or a secret society? You can't be both. Protectorate doesn't know about them. They're merceneries for people like Drones which already means they are not in any way willing to help Protectoreddit.
have you ever considered that Maura is also working for Oculus
neural overload
that's where you are wrong
I simply HAMMER WIZARD BIATCH SPAM NEURAL OVERLOAD with my 10 constitution.
>You can't be both.
But you can. What are professional hitmen today? Their work is illegal so they're very hard to track and very hard to hire, but when you do they cost a lot. That's basically just what the Oculus is.
>trying to complete Silent Isle as a Will-let with this shit tailing me
What's the point of sting ball grenades? They're just worse flashbangs
no one has ever answered my question but can you interact with a lot of the environment in this game? i'm talking computers, desks, shelves, crates, vehicles, etc. i love that shit.
you do know that you can just stand near the mushrooms to avoid it right
But if you help Protectorate she dies. Not a very good thing for Oculus is it? No honestly i haven't considered it because she isn't presented in such a way. Is there any implication that she is?
Nigger Mindshroom glow is enough to keep the stacks from building up.
In what sense? You can loot basically every desk, shelf, crate, etc in the game, but you can only ride jet skis.
>Lunatic Assassin is coming in for an assist
cant wake from a stun
Yes there are computer terminals you can use and hack, most if not all desks/shelves/crates are lootable and can be used as storage, there are a few stat dependent environmental things (lots more in the xpac) like needing agility to hop a fence, strength to move something heavy, etc.
The Expansion also added Jet Skis as vehicles you can own, there's a shitload of different models and you can customize them all with batteries/engines/suspension
Absolutely thank you
The absolute state of PSIshitters everyone
>This kills the crab
anyone ever try heavy armor with fists? is it doable?
No honestly I had just assumed she was Oculus or at least an informant since Abram wanted her out so badly
They don't do anything that directly helps the Drones as a whole as Maura doesn't really seem like a vital part of the organization herself and they keep tabs on them on the Oculus terminal as if they're a potential threat so I figured it was a pretty safe guess.
I would assume they'd also have people inside the Protectorate but you obviously have no need to bust their asses out of prison like you do for Maura or the dude in Foundry
yeah it's possible that Drones only know Abram and not Oculus as a whole. IDK. Oculus doesn't say what they prefer Drones/protectorate. I'd say it's easier to gain power in chaos and not in unified military faction. It's easier to convice some gangs to do some shit. But yeah there is more gain if you manage to gain power within so big organization. But we don't know what Oculus wants so we can just guess what would be better for Oculus. Whatever.
What the fuck is with all these crits. I always get crit by an enemy on the first hit but I always get a crit when the enemy has like 1 hp
Can I do anything with this?
I tried listening to the 4 channels it gives me when I right click but they're all static.
I assume it's for a quest to fuck over black eels if you join the pirates.
just in any way interactable. like, what % of things in a given room are not just static detail?
this sounds awesome.
How are knife+stealth builds on Dominating? Viable?
oh, FUCK pirates
I didn't realise ferrymen were british.
you can use them with 0 throwing skill and not be worried about stunning yourself if you have good DT, its clearly meant for tribals and animals
Sounds like a soul malfunction. Return it to the store and hope for a replacement.
This might just permanently kill you though.
melee in general isn't very fun in DOMINATING
How much detection would i need to detect crawlers and death stalkers somewhat consistently.
Man, even explicitly making a throwing build, grenades just feel even more cheap.
wtf bros do the tchortlings instant respawn or something?
Curious if they are just for crit memes. Is it basically just stack int?
They keep coming so long as you're affected by the Eye of Tchort debuff
Kevlar or Alluminized cloth?
Make sure you assist the crazy old man that you may find east of the warehouses.
Blast cloth.
Its a zoomer twitch meme.
like about 800
Do you get more AP or stuff that reduces AP costs? I have a .44 pistol and it does good damage but I feel I may as well use my sniper rifle if I can only shoot out one shot.
I think I have more bullets coming my way than explosives, even if all those bombers and demolitions hurt like a bitch.