Do energy drinks actually improve gaming performance?

Do energy drinks actually improve gaming performance?

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I tried once but it just made my motherboard crackle

Just drink coffee, energy drinks are literally cans of AIDS

I want to kill that ugly faggot

say what you will but his hair is fucking sick

Maybe for some people. It just makes me jittery and play worse desu

It only increases performance when drank in conjunction with yellow gamer shades and a rgb keyboard set on rainbow

>There are people in this thread right now that don't use monster ultra in their water cooling system

>being forced to drink red salt water and play fortnite for the rest of your life
No wonder why he cried on one of his streams, being him sucks dick

it's just caffeine. coffee is much cheaper

yes but Monster Energy is my preferred gaming beverage

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why the fuck do you still need to plaster your face on energy drinks when youre a millionaire? what kind of trifling this? this lowers.your brand.


>No wonder why he cried on one of his streams
for real?

I always drink a red bull before I hit the arcade for real. I wouldn't be able to 1cc or dominate the Wangan boards otherwise.

>what is sponsorship
>what is promotion
Are you fucking retarded? Red Bull is drunk by people all over the fucking world.

Double-edged sword in my opinion.
On one hand it will raise your energy levels and higheten your alertness, on the other it can make you tense, anxious and hyper-active.
Sometimes it makes me jittery and unfocused, unable to relax and concentrate on specific tasks because my mind races and gets distracted.

Ever since i started drinking Monster Energy Ultra(TM) with zero sugar i became a Quake god.

Coffee does

They help me shit my insides out in the morning so I can game nonstop.

one time I drank half a 5 hour energy bottle (labelled on the bottle itself as the amount for a small dose of energy) and I felt like someone had injected cocaine into my bloodstream and that I was going to fucking die
never fucking again

no but i can't stop drinking them
they don't sell the watermelon flavor in my area anymore...

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never realised how he looks like jake gylenhaal without the beard and with dumb hair


Is he alright?

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r u serious lmfao

Daily Reminder that (((Ninja))) is (((Jewish)))
So that explains why he climbed to the top in no time

The fuck did I just read? Am I having a stroke?

You do turn blue somtimes if you get sick, so its partially true.

Ask the buyer to special order them user....

i laughed.

>So that explains why he climbed to the top in no time
He's been streaming for 8 years, dumb fuck.
He got popular because Fortnite became pop culture.
