Hey, this game is good now

hey, this game is good now

Attached: No Man's Sky Screenshot 2019.08.15 - (1920x1080, 2.03M)

I don't believe you.

have a free bump though so post more screenshots

Every update since launch has been a huge step in the right direction. Still has a boring gameplay loop that I hope they fix

>want to play VR
>uncomfortable as fuck and can't play for more than an hour
how to fix this

>still has a boring gameplay loop
So they didn’t fix anything?

explain what you do in it that makes it good

Its a comfy af space game with building.
What else do you want?

People seem to really like nms' game loop for some reason

It is but it still has the same issues it's had for a long time. Extreme Sentinel planets are annoying and unfair and usually aren't worth dealing with unless your being forced to. Solar Systems don't feel legitimate at all because of a mixture of things but mainly a lack of climate variation on any planet and how many planets are clones of others with a few minor changes.
Everything seems changed for the better but it still feels a little stale from the amount of time I've put in from previous updates.

They're not doing anything at all with proc gen. It really seems they're taking the game to a different direction since it's basically space minecraft at this point

Yeah, that's how I see it which is fine considering what it was on release, but it still feels so repetitious and I feel like I've only seen 5 different biome types but most often, desert, snow, and grass with lakes and everything's always identical.
I guess that makes the unique planets all the more special when you get to them, but it's tiring when you play something for over 100 hours and rarely see anything unique.

Nah. It was acceptable before (though shallow as fuck and it got boring fast), but this most recent update basically made almost everything in the game worse.
Other than more inventory space (which doesn't matter because they added more junk clutter items) they didn't add a single thing that actually improved the game this update. Infact most of the shit they added just makes the experience worse. If it's not more grind, it's more annoying inventory management or shit just being straight up worse now (building got so restrictive you're lucky if you can place a floor, 4 walls and a roof anymore).

Yeah, broken as fuck though. Give it a good week or two for the bug fixes to trickle in.

They haven't played spengies/empyrion/E:D, so they have neither grown bored of empty repetitive space nor saw how awesome it can sometimes look.

I still can't fucking stand the fact that to craft ONE basic and essential item like Antimatter canisters you need several slots of inventory space where you are already stressed with micro-management. Give me a Terraria or Starbound style of inventory or just refine the crafting.
Every time I play the game I get stuck in a solar system with none of the resources I need to progress and I drop the game there because of how tedious it is

can confirm, started a few weeks ago and didn't experience any crashes. after the update I crash after 10 mins every time, think it has to do with the nexus hub.

yeah, the people who stuck with it, because they liked it in the first place, what a fucking surprise.

lol no
They turned it into a base-building simulator. By the way did they ever unfuck their dreadful inventory system?

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how do I balance base building and everything else though
seems like a direct conflict to the core gameplay intent

They messed something up with the performance in the latest patch though.

I don't know how you balance base building and everything else. See, I haven't played No Man's Sky. Hope someone else can assist you. Cheers.

For a second I thought you were talking about X4.

>base-building simulator
For real? Sounds perfect to me then, I have to check it out.

>Says they made it worse, three times no less, and doesn't actually explain what's worse about it

so what i gather is this is almost fun if it wasn't nauseatingly tedious to build stuff and fight the inventory management

>base building simulator
Wait how the fuck does that work, i thought the entire point of the game was jumping between planets, wouldn't that mean you abandon your base every time.

I like playing in creative mode because the base gameplay is so fucking tedious and unworthwhile that I would rather just explore space with 0 challenge whatsoever.

there are teleporters but it's still against the core gameplay

E:D is pretty fucking amazing desu in vr if you're into astronomy

>hear no mans sky has good vr support
>decide to look up some gameplay because I have a vive and want a cozy space game to play
>it plays like shit and has teleport movement

Why the fuck are these idiots still wasting everyones time with fucking teleport movement?

Why lie. I played it. If you see a fire Frost or fungi or radioactive planet you don't even have to land on it as you've seen them all. All they do is just swap the sky colours. Only Kush planets have variety and even that all looks the same

The fucking caves to have something. Crashed freighters to have something better than 6 warp cells. The Sunsets to not be just orange. The planets to have variety like in atlas Rises. The shit from all the pre release trailers like desert planets. Planets with minimal shit on em. Stars that aren't a sky box. Animals with good ai and generation. If I have to see bobbing dildo. Crab thing or squid flying thing one more time I'll shoot myself.

so did they fix:

fire at rock > run out of energy > wait for energy > fire at rock > inventory gets full > have to run back to ship to dump stuff because you have so few inventory slots > shoot at more rocks > wait for energy to refill over and over > finally get enough materials for ship fuel > fly around for 5 minutes then realize this is the entire game and uninstall


have sex

then play rimworld or kenshi instead, both far, far better games than this turd

plus you wont be giving money to sean

get E:D but it has smooth loco as well.

I got it and the early game is a major turnoff
>20 minute long cutscene
>run around not being able to do shit cause your life support discharges insanely fast, your sprint recharges super slow, your scanner takes an real time hour to charge and you're stuck running around looking for oxygen and sodium while looting crates and using menu is slow as fuck
>cant rebind controls ingame

why are you a retard who cant settings

Turn off CA you retard.

>this game is good now
Haven't you fuckers said this with every single update they've put out?

Have to admit it looks pretty interesting now, is singleplayer any decent because I really can't be bothered with faggots who make it their life's mission to fuck over other players.

I'm not really a fan of NMS but it would seem that the game has indeed improved since launch

Like anything, do it more and you will develop a immunity to the shitty effects.

You can change controls so not to use teleport. I don't use teleport, I use smooth motion with snap turns.

Single player is decent, yes. Lots of crafting for basic items, though, and you're expected to hit all planet types for many resources, but there's a lot of crafting recipes and pieces to make if you like that sort of thing. Past that, it is relatively neat to have a little universe at your disposal to just roam around in, too. I'd look up gameplay, but for $20 I got my money's worth easily.

Salty as fuck.

NMS Base building is based as fuck.

>shilling for free

I'm sure it's all shilling, user. Nobody actually plays games and then talks about them on Yea Forums right? Don't you have another Smash thread to stink up?

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Tbh Im liking the new update.

Found a comfy star system I called my own and just starting to make a base on one of the planets.

Fuck going to the centre.

>30k people with irredeemable shit taste
>shilling for free instead of playing

Alright thanks gonna wishlist it and wait for a sale.

havent even made my base yet and been exploring
found a building and when i (reloaded) till i picked the right answer i got a choice to pick 2 items as a reward...
they showed all the items i could choose from, most locked from a tree path so i got atlas pass 1 and 2 already!(well i need the stuff to make them still)

man was i fucking surprised
also items in a slot in your suit doesnt max out at 250(500 in ship) now a slot/stack holds a full 9999

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>implying I'm not playing the game as I work from home
Stay mad, NEET, I get paid for my NEETness.

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I still need to check out how that progression and craft tree system works now.

>tfw working from home
>tfw dont feel like playing games doing work is only thing that makes me feel like life has a meaning

>sandbox open world western trash

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i had done a couple other buildings that gave me a tech from fixing them but they didnt give me a choice of what to pick
when i got that item tree from one i was surprised as fuck

Is the gameplay loop still the same? Land on planet, stay stranded there for whatever reason, mine and grind, fix the ship, fly off, rinse and repeat? Cuz otherwise, the game is still a piece of shit, but with a bit of polish.

Can I just be a comfy farmer on some planet and sell my crops to visitors now?

They haven't changed a thing about the gameplay.


>I eat shit therefore u mad
Huh? Are you OK user?

Even if the game delivered on all promises it still would be shit because its a shit premise.

Everything promised is a side-dish to a main game loop that doesnt exist. If they did something like elite dangerous but where you can visit planets and do all that stuff then it would good, as it is it will always be trash for people with too much free time on their hands.

I used to feel that way too. I loved my work, and I worked hard as hell to get where I am today. I'm respected and trusted by everyone at work, and until recently my work morale could rival the fucking Japanese.
Why can't things just stay good?

Maybe it fills a niche that shit like E;D doesn't. I bought Elite in it's godawful beta and the niggers tried double charging for the privilege of landing on empty planets you can't even explore on foot. So far, at least, NMS scratches that singular itch for me in I can land wherever and walk around anywhere I want to. If Elite did that instead of locking me firmly in the ship 24/7, I'd likely play it more. And Star Shitizen is still vaporware, and Space Engine isn't a real game (as in there is literally no gameplay), so I'm at a loss for options.

It could be burnout. I know I've been sick of just about every job I've had the last two years. Working day in, day out for other people to make more money than I do has gotten very stale. Good luck user.

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So this.. is the power of a gorillion planets

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>You can build a base and do 200 things on the planet surface!!!!
>But you have to change planet every 20 mins

No, the idea of the game was dumbfuck from the beginning, now they just added more retardation.

Thanks m8.
It's not burnout though. It's internal politics on a soap opera level of drama. I just hope that it will blow over, so that we can work normally again.