Good Soulslike

I'm up to the Worshipper and I like how fat it feels and the Demon's Souls-style puzzle bosses, Yea Forums you told me it was shit but it's good.

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>I like how fat it feels
thank you for your input american, but this is now a Dark Souls thread

Attached: dork souls.jpg (1920x1080, 420K)

Fat fighting is better than rollspam fuckfests because you have to think ahead and plan. Late stage Souls combat was ruined by rolling.

>I like how fat it feels
You do now. But it gets old, man. You're gonna have to start using the big heavy slow weapons soon, like the scythe greataxe, just to do significant damage to crossbow fatties and tower shield dudes.
3 second charge time heavy attacks get painful.

Dodge rolling doesn't belong in anything other than ninja games

>But it gets old, man
i dont know dude, this game isnt that long for a gameplay to get old

Lords of the Fallen have better combat approach than Dark Souls series.

A total letdown the game doesn't have Multiplayer like DkS, always loved how can ram with the tower shield mobs and bosses.


>Lords of the Fallen
No. I paid 60 dollars for this shit (because I was stupid and didn't bother looking up reviews at all) and it's one of the worst games I've spent money on. The combat is horribly unpolished, as clearly demonstrated by the guys with the big shields where even if you manage to parry them and try to attack, your attacks will still be deflected because the hitbox on it is absolutely gigantic. People are just trying to act like contrarians by saying this trash is any good at all. I'm glad I was able to at least get 20 dollars from Gamestop for it.

>he doesn't know
You can break the big shield guys guard just by running at them with a medium/large shield up. And it sounds like you were normally attacking them instead of riposting them. Did you not know you could riposte enemies after a parry?

>You can break the big shield guys guard just by running at them with a medium/large shield up

Cool I new I was missing something with them, there's a DaS1 kick but I couldn't tell if it wasn't doing anything or if I was just whiffing. Some of the animations are rough, dialogue emoting and weapon swapping the most, but otherwise even the presentation is impressing, me and I usually don't do for the hulking shoulder warhammer aesthetic.

>start game
>bit shit but okay
>invest in that one ability which I forgot the name but then I looked it up and i think it was "quake"
>one-shot everything including bosses
>stroll through the game at the speed of light
>Oh look another shitty boss
>one-shot him with said ability
>this was the final boss
>less than 4h played

>How fat it feels
I understand now, the reason LotF feels like shit is that it was designed for those vegetables who "played" through all of DS1 in Havels set while tanking everything with their face.

You can't though, heavy means planned, spaced, deliberate combat.

It's shit bro, no questions about it. barely playable mess.
didn't try the next one though, The surge, seems to be better if you go by the user reviews

Heavy in both games means not having to bother spacing, planning or responding to animations because you have enough damage reduction and stagger resistance to just ignore enemy attacks and swing blindly into everything.
What do you even think you're planning? Planning which hand you're going to jerk off with while you "play" the game?

I just beat the Worshiper, I planned when to lure him to the shrines so he'd break them to get stunned to maximize the damage I could deal before he does his huge aoe, I broke off attacking him to kill the pods he spawned before they hatched into enemies, and the ones that did hatch I tried to lure into his warpath to get clocked by friendly fire. That's more mechanically engaging than a lot of Souls bosses.

I guess it makes sense that you'd enjoy a weak clone of World of Warcraft encounter design if you're playing a game with a weak clone of World of Warcraft's visual design.

Attached: Lords of the Fallen 2.jpg (300x248, 30K)

good for you, have fun then
and let the devs know someone like it if you can, that'll warm their heart

Literally the only game I ever deleted from Steam. It's horribly bad.

I've never played WoW but yeah the Warhammer shoulders are silly, especially when the characters themselves are proportioned realistically.

Just want to point out that this kind of boss fight exists because their animators were garbage, so adding a variety of properly animated boss attacks that require the player to respond differently to each attack was too much work. Putting little shrines on the floor or making the boss do a big explosion or filling the room with adds are cheap MMO tropes to save on animation work.

Most of the game is decent, last 2 bosses are complete trash that kills the game

>Lords of the Fallen 2
In Lords of the Fallen 3 they upgrade the spikes

Attached: Lords of the Fallen 3.jpg (566x433, 88K)

I think this game is horribly underrated. Everyone just wanted more souls, instead of looking at what LotF did right they nit pick every minor difference from souls.

The Magic is top class fun, the combo system for the Dex scaling weapons (Duals/Staffs mostly) is interesting - and most of all the Prominence of Shields in combat feels really authentically great. Bash shit, whack it. Shields OP.

It was an awkward first attempt from a small studio, and it'll unfortunately only be remembered as the Failed Souls clone instead of the unpolished roughshod passion project it really is. It had such good ideas with admittedly mediocre execution. It's a goddamn shame they'll never get the budget they deserve for a Sequel after The Surge flew under the entire radar.

They must've broken a mill sales by now I'm sure they know it scratches an itch, I'm just glad to have found this 7/10 hiding in my backlog that scratches an 8/10 itch.

it broke million sales in a month after release or even less
it sold really well

I found the game terrible because of the enemies.
The massive tower shield enemies that can rotate 360 degrees with infinite stamina. Parrying didn't even stun them long enough to get more than 1 hit in, but they have tons of health. They were literally cancer.
They were easy once once I rerolled my character and focused on rogue spells to cheese them. But I still do not how I would even try to fight them as melee.

they are making The Surge 2 though

You use Quake

Square pegs for square holes. The game provides options to deal with each mechanic but they don't fit together into a general combat system because too many things can't be handled with simple timing and spacing. You can compare to Dark Souls where almost everything can be beaten with almost any set up, not by using the developer mandated "trick" but just by using your most basic tools well.

I was so hyped for this especially because it was developed in my country. Then I played this and when I beat some of the enemies I didn't feel happy I was fucking tired because it was such a drag fighting some of them.

Attached: WO4RH10.jpg (750x1334, 770K)

Please tell me you can kill the irritating woman.

This is now a soulclones rating thread.
Lord of the Fallen: 2/10
Ashen: 6/10
Nioh: 5/10 overall but get a 1/10 for the environments / level , the worst I have ever seen in any game ever
Hollow Knight: 6/10

You're wrong. With any weapon and one single spell you can style on anything. And it's not one specific spell you can pick your poison from the schools. Quake is retard strong. Stab/Shift is the most 'assblast this mob' available. Punishment/Prayer turns entire mobs into fodder.

You can use various forms of the Gauntlet to whomp enemies out of existence.

Fact is you were shit at the game and fault it for your lack of understanding

What are we rating them on because it looks like you're rating them on visual design.
Nioh looked like garbage while Ashen looked cohesive and controlled well. But I have like 600hrs in Nioh and 50hrs in Ashen because Nioh has a huge amount of build and weapon variety and Ashen has fewer real RPG options than fucking Sekiro.

Attached: AshenSlice.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

>With one single spell
Great fundamental combat there bucko

I just couldn't get into Nioh; tried a few times. The bare bone levels killed it for me, while they are for me a major point of Souls games.
Maybe I should try again now that it's on PC, and focus on gameplay instead.

most people that shit on the game went unga bunga 2 hander and heavy armor and got fucked all game because its kinda sluggish.
Playing the Rogue spec with light/medium armor and dual wielding or using 1 handers is where the game is at.
Using a shield is fun too. you can fucking hold it up and charge into enemies and even break walls for shortcuts/secrets. the earliest wall to break has Spiders that are literally "this is where the real Dark Souls begins" tier.

fuck Yea Forums can be completely wrong so often so i don't even take anyone here seriously. you all have completely shit taste.

Nioh's gameplay is a deep dive and once you dive deep enough you realise there are some really broken mechanics that you can abuse the shit out of, but the journey into those mechanics is fun if you're the kind of player who likes to minmax and mess around with different ideas.
Your early options are minimal so you need to progress a little into the game before it opens up.

I really like the main theme.

was that the one in the graveyard?
fuck that asshole, made me switch off to light gear and a stave

just felt a clunky and unpolished but it's okay. 5/10 game

>RPG gameplay focus
Lords of the Fallen: 3/10
Ashen: 5/10
Nioh: 7/10
Salt & Sanctuary: 7/10
Hollow Knight: 4/10
Death's Gambit: 5/10

Attached: SSKraeken.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

I personally kind of enjoyed The Surge, it was like Dark Souls 2 mixed with Half Life's setting. It's by no means nearly as good as even DaS2 but it's still fairly enjoyable if you can get it for $20.

it's alright, I'm still glad I didn't pay more than 5 euros for the "goty" edition

Monster Hunter World is a decent souls-like
Im pretty sure Monster Hunter is the OG souls game

salt and sanctuary is the best one ive played

and somehow the story is more ambiguous than any Souls game

LotF with a 3/10 is a little harsh
Personally I enjoyed becoming overpowered so early in the game

Ni-oh is great

>people in this very thread consider hollow knight a souls-like


that's just soulstards for you, anything that has darkness, grey bricks, swords and skeletons is soulslike to them. Legit the most braindead fanbase out there.

this really activated my almonds, but i guess if ur not doing sports or not have a gf there's something you need to brag about huh?

I only played S&S for 6 hours or so, beat a few bosses and I didn't enjoy the experience much. I didn't like the exploration, the visuals or the floaty combat

Gameplay-wise it's just a metroidvania. However it's the only game since BB where I felt absorbed by the world I was exploring. The atmosphere of the game is great, but sometimes the parallels are so strong it feels like a rip-off

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Nothing in souls is quite like this beauty

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Actually this thread made me load it back up because it's been some time since I played it and I'd like to take that score back.
It's much worse than I remember. My god, just the camera shake and movement animations are unbearable. What on earth were they thinking?

Every animation slides every bodypart around at one single speed like the animators had no concept of motion or weight. Instead of anticipation frames into a burst of movement with a moment of impact, enemies swing weapons around like they're dancers twirling a ribbon. Everybody is also on roller skates and glides forwards as they wave their arms about at a constant rate.
This isn't just a visual complaint, this matters. In a game where reading and responding to animations is most of what you're doing the animations are gameplay. You can't make a Dark Souls clone if you can't animate weapon attacks.

Attached: LotF Camera.webm (640x360, 3M)

Instead of i-frames I'm fairly sure LotF uses a dice roll system to decide whether or not you avoid an attack when rolling.

I like the gimmicks in bossfights to get special weapons

its much better than rng
i member speedrun strats in darksouls 1 where you would just reset 10 minutes into the run if you didnt get the weapon you needed

>Spiders that are literally "this is where the real Dark Souls begins" tier.
I do hope you aren't talking about this joke

Attached: lotfspiders.webm (854x480, 2.92M)

>This Is Where The Real Dark Souls Begins.webm

Not exactly Soulslike as it also heavily borrows from Ninja Gaiden and Diablo but I loved Nioh. Amazing gameplay especially if you're a minimax autist and the story is full of cheese kino.

Attached: Oda-Nobunaga-2.png (1232x634, 1.56M)

The one thing I remember most about this game are the stupid enemies that would jump at you and immediately magnetize/home in on your fucking soul.

I'm honestly excited for Code Vein, even outside of Io

Attached: Flying girl.webm (1280x720, 808K)

Isn't The Surge 2 coming out soon? First one was nice, but it's kind of a hit or miss imo.

September 24th. Two Souls-likes within a week of each other

and goodbye healthy sleeping schedule


The Surge is the best Souls game.

Waiting for The Surge 2.