Cute Tiki.
All Tiki's are cute. Even Rhea who's a sort'a slightly-evil-Tiki is still cute!
Do you enjoy doing this? I see it every night and I just want to be sure.
MY FAVORITE THREAD OF THE NIGHT HAS ARRIVED but unfortunately i have not been drawing ol lucina lately
i'll make sure to draw some right now
This thread gets me into a fapping mood when it shows
Shamir is also very cute, if you get her and Catherine all to A support she talks about how the three of you feel like a family. Adorable.
Yes, of course.
Based. Except for not drawing Lucina.
Cause I jack off to Lucina daily
That's very cute.
I'll play 3H someday
You can't stop me
new lucina drawing 60th lucina so far inspired by my favorite picture of lucina did my on version of it gotta draw more ol lucina gotta draw more these threads are a test to see how many lucina drawings i made because this thread does not come very often so it tests to see how many lucina drawings i made so far before a new thread is made and i will make sure to make as much ol lucina drawings for the next one
i'll make sure to share my favorite lucina drawing here it is the favorite
Based, always jack off to Lucina
It's really good man. Join the Blue Chads and you get to literally destroy the leadership of an evil cult (and then dismantle the remnants) without even realising you're doing it. You crush them and their ambitions on your way to fulfilling your actual goal. Without ever noticing.
Very sweet drawing.
T-Thank you Lucina user. I'll do what you say.
Favorite girl in 3H?
I want to feed Lucina until she's as fat as a cow!
Flat? More like FAT
>Favorite girl in 3H?
I always like Dragons in every Fire Emblem game, so without giving spoilers, I married one of those. But there's a whole pile of great girls
>Mercedes has the very kind motherly vibe, great if you like soft girls
>Leonie is a tomboy who considers herself your rival, very fun and great if you like tomboys or wante Sully done right. And you can force her into a dress and make her dance for you if you enjoy breaking tomboys
>Catherine and Shamir are fantastic for older women. Experienced, resolute and a little harsh in how they do things, possible setup for a threeway ending
>Dorothea comes across like a slut, but really comes into her own in Part 2 and sells just how tragic the events are
>Hilda seems like Serra 2.0 but is instead the smartest girl in the whole cast. She literally won't even interact with you if you're in the BE because she sees right through Edelgard's shit
>Marianne is shy, quiet, has massive breasts and is secretly suffering greatly. If you don't recruit her, she commits suicide during the timeskip...
There's even more I could mention, the supports are great, the girls are great and there's a lot of good fun guy characters too. It's honestly a really, really great Fire Emblem game, far better than I expected/dreaded it would be.
Thanks again. I just really wanted to know what you thought.Personally I don't mind spoilers but it's good. so it's appreciated. Now to choose who.
I'm gonna get some sleep now. See you next thread.