12 days lads
WoW Classic
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm going to play a sub-optimal race and class combination and there's nothing you hardcore trannies can do about it.
>tfw you don't have to put up with all the NANiggers
Based Arugal.
it's not going to be as cool as you remember it
I'm also going to do this and take my time levelling and have fun enjoying the experience with my friends.
Because reliving all the expansions would just get us into the same mess that retail is in right now...
Acceptable post phase 6 content:
>Dungeon/Raid/zone/questing content that doesn't invalidate original content
>Barber Shop
>AoE Looting
>Pet AoE resistance
>New, lore friendly races/major cities
>Taunts for Paladins
>New Battlegrounds/World PVP content
>New Reputations
>Events such as the pre-wrath Zombie Infestation event
>Progressing the story(good)
Unacceptable post phase 6 content:
>Level Creep
>Gear Creep
>Profession/Consumable Creep
>Cash Shop
>Progressing the story(shit, see:literally anything post vanilla)
Anything missing here?
what does Yea Forums think of bigbrain Athene joining classic? Did you know that he's smarter than Einstein?
didn't this guy run some kind of scam or ponzi scheme or something
He made a giant cult consisting of wow-players that all legitimately live in a mental hospital in Germany
I'll invite you to my group
>t. friendly pally
Pretty sure he's a cultist. Or at least has a cultist following.
Makes me wonder if they'll diverge WOW Classic from retail in the same way Old School Runescape did with its retail version.
You WILL be hunting down streamers in Classic, right? Even if they threaten to have you blacklisted from other guilds for it?
>streamer eceleb
Fuck off zoomer
there will be no ffxiv discussion in this thread, we don't want to play final destination bosses and cutscene simulator, take it to your containment thread before janny deletes it
sorry if this comes off as begging to be spoonfed but that sounds really interesting, got any stories/blogs/etc that go into more detail?
wojack shit
thread hidden
I thought this guy was dead. His girlfriend was hot
Your contributions will be a big loss.
Its either that or going back through all the expansions again. not really something we will need to worry about for a long time though.
I'm going to level Resto shaman on PvE and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me!
rent free
I'm too lazy to type it all out.
Essentially he got famous for raising a lot of money for charity with WoW streams, called himself the best paladin alive, and then with his new fame made a cult.
He think's he's a literal genius, he unironically claims to have united quantum mechanics with classical physics while also claiming that Einstein supports him. His fans believe him.
based RichTurpin
kill yourself
you first tranny
>new tool album and classic releasing at the same time
boomers won
/OURBOI/ RichTurpin at it again lads
wtf, i remember that early athene video from 2005 or whatever where he's sitting in a shitty room with his friend/gf or something playing WoW in his underwear that was supposed to be "funny" but, i figured he kind of faded into obscurity. so these vids are unironic and he actually started a cult?
fucking based richturpin
>really wanna sub to wow to camp those assholes, but on the other hand that means skipping a $15 donation to my boy, and less time chatting up with the asmongang
What do i do, Yea Forumsros?
Money is tight but i can't let my streamer friends down
yes we did
Fuck off faggot, nobody cares about your youtube channel.
Okay, you've piqued my curiosity. Spoonfeed me user pls
it's kind of funny how this stupid nigger is supposed to be le /ourguy/ anti streamer!11!! but ends up shilling his shitty youtube channel and by extension his shitty twitch channel all over Yea Forums.
really makes you think...
I'm pretty sure the game will stop you lol
>what does Yea Forums think of bigbrain Athene joining classic?
I don't care about irreverent people. Theres a reason he doesn't matter anymore.
roll stalag for EZ r13
just watch you'll what this guy is about
I like how some private server virgin defeated all the rank 1 gladiators from retail.
They suck ass in classic.
god you are so fucking retarded it hurts.
>hunting down streamers in Classic,
How the fuck am I supposed to take on 2 fucking full raid groups? have you seen how many faggots follow these people around?
t. sodapoppin sub
The dumb faggot doesn't understand we hate him just as much, but we will enjoy his ganking of streamers.
holy priest or frost mage?
>picking anything other than the objectively best race for your class
Don't expect to get invited to any content, roleplaying fucking retard.
Good Ideas
>Dungeon/Raid/zone/questing content that doesn't invalidate original content
>New, lore friendly races/major cities
>New Battlegrounds/World PVP content
>New Reputations
>Events such as the pre-wrath Zombie Infestation event
Iffy Ideas
>Progressing the story(good)
>Pet AoE resistance
>Taunts for Paladins
Not Good Ideas
>Barber Shop
>AoE Looting
Sometimes I want to shake you like an infant Satania-poster
A raid group who will be lv20 after 3 months and that's being generous, they'll be too busy watching their streamer daddy farming for the wintergrasp tiger mount to actually level up
>mrw Mom says I can't play WoW all day long and need to look for a job
It's okay Rich, your e-celeb fame is just around the corner!
Why would they? Classic and the old expansions are there to fill the space between retail expansions.
There's a reason it's being released as BFA is ending.
i will be playing male orc restoration shaman on the pvp server known as stalagg
What's the extent of Lore Friendly Races?
>Ogres and Gobbies Horde
>High/Blood(?) Elves Alliance
Don't say neutral goblins that's gay as fuck.
12+30 days until I can start laughing at all the retards that fell for it
>le contrarian edgy anti streamer
congrats on being the asmongold fan equivalent of the other side
>blizzard will develop two different world of warcrafts side by side when they don't even have enough people to do one
I hope you're playing on Herod, Rich. Some (2 I think) fucking nobody small time streamers don't know their place. Gonna have to teach them that streamers can play on Farlina ONLY.
me.. me too
soon they will see
neutral pandas
>2 wow's
Classic requires basically no content development, just GM's. And if blizzard didn't want to pay these GM's, they've shown in the past they're willing to work for free like on private servers
I don't understand how you can think that new races is a good idea but the barber shop and aoe looting are bad.
people think it's going to be it's own seperate wow though.
>tfw no panda waifu to squeeze me dry and cook nice food
>implying I like any streamer
>implying rich is not streamer-tier cancer
i'm so bored bros, wish private servers weren't so inaccurate so i could practice routes
>NOO stop making videos and stop getting more attention than MEEE
>can you define philosophy for me?
destiny: Philosophy, the study of philosophy
The only reason people GM for free is so they can play with the commands and do shit like leveling and gearing characters instantly or fucking with other players.
t. former p.server GM (for free)
If I had my druthers I'd do a whole neutral faction including Goblins, Naga, Pandaren, etc. But if I were in charge of Classic+ I'd say the best bet is to go with Goblins and Ogres for the Horde; High Elves and Draenei(Lost Ones) for the Alliance.
>tfw favorite class has been Death Knight since Warcraft 3.
>tfw they only had a brief window of playability before everything truly went to shit.
>tfw no backported Vanilla Death Knight that starts at level 1 as just a random guy that picked up a spooky sword, that can summon a skeleton for every mob killed and has class quests where they make runeblades and secretly work for the scourge against their own faction. That also actually competes with warriors as a pure tanking class but leans more on mitigation than DPS but is still able to do good aggro.
just got to this part, I nearly feel bad for Athene
>Wrath DK's were awesome
>Cata prepatch rolls around and guts the Rune system
>Every single expansion has consistently made them worse and worse
>DK's in current retail are an absolute joke, about as viable as TBC ret Paladin
DK's have been memed on nearly as hard as Shamans.
assuming blizzard takes the classic+ route they should honestly swallow the OSRS pill and start doing community polling.
that way the community can decide what it does and doesn't want added to the game and keep blizzard from creating BfA 2.0 and destroying WoW a second time.
maybe after phase 6 but expecting blizzard to do anything competently is pretty naive
Where were you a gm at? Fucking Molten or some other trash? Nostalrius/Lightshope have shown that people will actually do it for free without fucking around.
classic, tbc and wotlk will be content fillers for retail so people don't unsub when an expansion is over
you are delusional if you think its anything like OSRS
Goblins should stay unplayable. It was an asspull to make them Horde in the first place. Hard maybe on High Elves and Ogres but I would just say fuck new races, eight is enough.
golemagg or shazzrah bros?
Reminder that all Rogues need are Agility and FUCKING HUGE +Crit on items and anyone who wears +Hit or uses weapon skill is someone coming 29th on the meters.
Shazzrah of course
>wanting to play a shit game
It has a shit story, shit world, intrusive PvP with an engine that doesnt support it and barely any content. Why do you want to back to an archaic age of gaming that has been improved upon,
>actually wanting shit graphics
>shit gearing progression
>meaningless "stat" depth
>garbage music
i thought shazzrag was the tapas containtment server?
please just go away
>the community
bro sane people are outnumbered normally let alone all the newfaggots that would be voting
Yet for some reason FFXIV has over a million players. Really boggles the mind.
based and richturpin pilled
unholy was fun in legion at least. summoning an army of ghouls constantly was a blast.
>corridor dungeons
>cutscene return to waking sands cutscene return to waking sands etc for 100 quests
>boss on final destination platform
>""""""story mmo""""""" where the story doesn't get good until the expansion content
The only problems with classic pvp is the factions and not having any loot drop on death, makes it very casual and handholdy. Warcraft has always had a shit story and shit world though.
Ah, so you've proven yourself to be an attention-grabbing faggot, the exact kind of faggot I expected you to be. I look forward to your reply :)
Here's my question. Will Classic+ Death Knights be able to play any race? I always thought it was lame. Only races that had a large presence in Northrend or fighting the scourge should be able to be Death Knights. Like in my version of a Classic+ Death Knight only Humans, Dwarves, Orcs, and Undead would be able to pick them.
satania poster with a brain wow
Its always safe to assume blizzard will go the most retarded and simple way which is rolling out TBC servers are classic
It’s already dead
>BFA is ending
It still has a whole year left
I cant wait to pick up where I left off
Being an obnoxious retard and annoying the entire server
>meme face
Good non-argument
I know right? WoW has dropped the ball and some of you fags have realized how it has perfected the MMO formula and is saving this genre. Classic-fags go on like Emet and hope that recreating their past they will save themselves from the future. Move on already.
>this is anons room... he plays on whitemane, he's quite the pvper
What if there's a requirement on voting like how you used to have to own land to vote. Like what if you have to be a certain PvP rank to vote or have certain raids completed and marked on your account to vote?
Hey, it's me John H Blizzard and I want to ask you guys about this new change to Alterac Valley we'd like to make. Go ahead and vote below. (Voting requires Rank 9 or higher on the character that you vote on.)
>classic wow in like a week and a half
>apparently archeage is doing something in a few days too
fuck bros I can only nolife one what do?
A year of no content while they develop the next expansion yes, thats the room classic releases are meant to fill. The next retail expansion is getting announced this blizzcon.
Watching Athene in current year is depressing. I thought he was a genius a decade ago and he looks like a mental patient.
is that you in the picture? I like ur hair and pigtails
>level to 60 in classic
>play archeage until phase 2 rolls out and there's actual content in classic
>He's not quitting his job for Classic
the wow community is fucking garbage so that wouldnt work. it'd be better to allow them to elect not-insane representatives sorta like eve online does.
>Good non-argument
I have been dealing with you people since fucking Highschool. Me and all my friends enjoying ourselves on wow, yet there was always that one autistic kid BEGGING us to play finalfantasy with him. I shouldn't have to make an argument at this point, just give up already. No one wants to play your shit game
>*your account has been suspended due to problematic toxicity*
Man I hope we get Ogres next expansion I want to be a big fat ogre female death knight
>enjoying the experience with my friends
Wrath DKs were op as fuck
Only with an absurdly high percentage to pass, I would say 90%+ so basically unanimous approval. God knows the only people capable of fucking up WoW as much as Blizzard are the players.
>he thinks using deathgrip on someone riding a boat and slinging them across the entire world was overpowered
>Me and all my friends enjoying ourselves on wow
>muh autistic response debunks yu
Keep on with those shitty ad hominems user.
I would love to watch a video where it's just Payo getting ganked continuously.
His rage is pure comedy gold.
Yeah, NElves, Gnomes, Tauren and Trolls don't really fit Scourge aesthetic. Though there is definitely a lot of Troll Death Knights due to Drakkari those aren't player Trolls. I imagine Nelves, Gnomes and Tauren would have the common sense to sniff out a cursed artifact that's going to eternally bind them in service to a demonic prank gone horribly wrong anyways.
i mean it works for osrs so, why not classic? i have a feeling after the hype dies down the core demographic for classic will be mostly people in their early-mid 20s who played vanilla/tbc, not zoomers. also as said, like in osrs there should be a level requirement to vote (hopefully 60) which will hopefully keep newfags from having any say in classic+ content.
>Only with an absurdly high percentage to pass
also this.
>wow osrs
Go make your own thread and post in it with the tranny freaks that play final fantasy
This thread is for homeposting basedboys
>I thought he was a genius a decade ago
you better have been a twelve year old a decade ago or you should unironically kill yourself.
The best you can hope for with classic is that they make retail gameplay more like classic, there is literally no way they are making this an OSRS.
I hope when classic turns out to be a massive hit, they go ahead and do the original plan that they had for the emerald dream, its viable to be level 60 content and was planned to be in vanilla anyway. If any of you zoomies aren't aware originally when you died you didnt get to do the corpse run, but instead you would respawn in the ED which would have been like a new continent with quests and content to do there, you would talk to the spirit healer's to respawn to the normal world.
>16 debuff limit
its obviously exaggerated so I always roll my eyes when theres clips of him
So dead they are opening additional servers before the release.
>garabage music
>muh epic jrpg anime music
massive pleb. wow's ambient shit is way more atmospheric than anything in ffxiv
wow is very easy and many of the competent players are still retarded assholes who have no sense of what would make a good game or keep things in the flavor of classic so the voting prerequisite wouldn't be great either and everyone would complain of elitism anyways.
I think the smoothbrains over at blizzard need to sit and figure out what the core design principles of classic+ would be before they even begin thinking about how to poll the players. because i doubt they have a clue as of right now.
Man I hope that idiot gets hit with the reality hammer soon, can't wait to see the look of despair in his eyes when he realizes he's an absolute fuckin' imbecile.
That or just physical harm, he deserved a good kick in the teeth at the very least.
I wonder how many guilds are gonna poopsock to try and get MC down in the first week only to get fucked by Waterlords rep
>based boys
>when their MMO is dying and FFXIV has created one of the highest rated RPGs to date with an expansion
You'll only be chads in your dreams
>can't wait to see the look of despair in his eyes when he realizes he's an absolute fuckin' imbecile.
but you can see that right now
but muh classic+ !!
blizzard wouldn't just release classic to get us subscribed until there is content in retail!
What a dumb idea for a class that EVERY player has found some cursed artifact
based big dick turpin
Holy mage or frost priest
Haha get it
>and FFXIV has created one of the highest rated RPGs to date with an expansion
It's still FF
Classic wow will be more popular than ffiv
Nice samefagging.
>tfw had no idea what I was doing when I played originally and leveled as a fire mage
Man I was dumb
>Getting ready to start teaching for another 180 days
>Game launches on a god damn tuesday
I can't unleash my maximum autism
Same. I'm going to play a human mage instead of a gnome just so I can filter out private spergers.
You're right actually. Should save the spooky stuff for later, but not too later. It's not like every single warlock doesn't summon an imp at some point. This doesn't impact what races I think it should be available to at all aside from being a little iffier on gnomes and trolls.
>people finally get the wow game they want
>zoomers start talking about developing it into a new game
>until there is content in retail!
Damn must suck playing an MMO with no relevant content. I still have Relics to make, mounts to gather, a house to decorate, glamours to make and Triple Triad Tournaments to win. That's not even mentioning the raiding and crafting aspect of the game. Christ I feel sorry for you WoWfags.
And FF will always be better than WoW. You say that as if it's a bad thing.
>being this delusional
You're just as bad as 1.23b fags and FFXI fags.Your game and era is over, MMOs have moved on and improved on your design. No one wants that archaic garbage anymore. Once again I'm convinced Shadowbringers predicted this Classic shit since Emet fits Classic fags so well except he's likable.
nah man cus he's still goin. I want him to admit defeat and accept being dumb as fuck.
>Try and talk to my retail friends about classic
>They all laugh at me and say I'll quit in a few hours when I remember what mob tagging is like
I guess if they stuck with the game through WoD they'll never ever leave.
warlock bros are suffering
Reminder this is what FFXIV fags defend on top of their 450+ item cash shop.
>Premium Subscription App
>Still makes you buy the premium currency
>Offers item sorting when the sorting is dependent on PC client rather than servers
[A] @ Golemagg PvP. Naxx 15/15 previously.
Raid 1 time is 20:00 CEST. Raid 2 time TBD. Currently recruiting all classes but lowest on hunters and paladins.
Loot system = loot council.
discord / gXFTkVP - If you intend to join dm your class/spec to manlet#6994
find better friends
Hopefully the first thing to go in Classic+. Bosses would need to be re-tuned but letting every class have a debuff or two would go a long way towards making unviable specs more viable.
FF is gay weebshit for losers. Its population is neckbeards and trannys.
I dont know anything about the gameplay, nor do I want to. The aesthetic is so bad it keeps anyone who’s lost their virginity out
pls whisper me that in game so I can avoid you and your autistic retard guild mates thanks
>Should I just level up on a PvE server
Are they not reverting to the old style where you can only transfer from PvP to PvE and not from PvE to PvP?
My friend says theres no point in playing classic because it wont lead anywhere
But he still thinks theres a point in the endless progression grind of current wow
it might not be a problem now but eventually most players will have full/near bis and have no content left to clear. at that point what does blizzard do? if they do nothing the game will simply slowly die and lose it's player base because people will grow bored with farming naxx every week.
>releasing classic right after school starts
I don't know what the fuck Blizzard was thinking.
tranny guild
Retail will always have the things you grinded for and will keep making expansions
Classic is content filler for when they are developing the next retail expansion and mostly exists to mess around in
could a rogue fuck up a warrior?
These are my old friends from retail, I don't hang out with them much due to not playing retail. I just thought I'd ask in case any of them would be joining me but they seem to get quite upset when you mention it. I've had more luck talking to my FFXIV friends about it actually, there's still few people interested in playing it over there but people are curious about it and ask questions and go "Oh that's cool huh" but they're still happy where they are, they just don't get angry hearing about Classic.
They're all still my friends though and I don't fault them for enjoying what they enjoy.
>Relics to make, mounts to gather, a house to decorate, glamours to make and Triple Triad Tournaments to win.
>And FF will always be better than WoW. You say that as if it's a bad thing.
Yeah you are totally not a weeb faggot
>the game will simply slowly die
It shares a sub with retail-wow, blizzard doesn't give a fuck if classic dies or lives
>at that point what does blizzard do?
release tbc while they work on 10.0, it's not meant to be played as the main wow.
12 days lads then these threads will stop and the disappointment will start
XIVlets shut the fuck up.
>Try and talk to my friends about Classic
>They all laugh at me and say there's no reason to go back, essentially give all the "You think you do, but you don't" arguments
>argue with them and tell them that those inconveniences add to the game
>they are willing to give it a shot
>they all played the stress test and most of them have done a complete 180, got to 15 on the stress test and didn't want to stop
I'm glad I have the friends I do. They're ambivalently ignorant and are always willing to give things a shot even if they don't initially agree with something.
Why do people think we’ll be disappointed. We’ve all played pservers, it’s not all nostalgia goggles
bfa cope
90% of the players playing classic arent private server poopsocks
Retail players do seem to get pissed off when you bring up Classic don't they? What's wrong with them anyway?
I don't agree about FFXIV players, they start autistically screeching at any mention of Classic too. See: Could it be? Do they feel threatened?
>argue with them and tell them that those inconveniences add to the game
Yeah I didn't even consider doing that. It's pretty clear that they all wanted nothing to do with it and I'd be wasting my time, they just kept listing the bad things about Classic and I'm sitting thinking in my head "Sounds great, sounds great, sounds great!"
69% of all statistics are pulled straight out of your ass.
Of course, though beyond a certain point of gear warrior starts to become unkillable (in this match up). At that point the first overpower will probably kill you
even the biggest private server wouldn't have enough players to make a wow server go from low to medium
Druid or Pally?
You have no idea what you're talking about.
>I don't agree about FFXIV players, they start autistically screeching at any mention of Classic too.
Well, not in my FC. There's a few ex-WoW vets who just aren't interested because they've settled in XIV now and a few newer MMO playerss who ask questions about what it was like back then when someone brings it up. Nobody gets angry about it in my group at least.
It's no joke that a lot of XIVs population now is WoW refugees.
Paladin, at least you'll be a good healer. With druid you'll just be shit at everything except flag running
>What's wrong with them anyway?
If classic becomes more popular than retail their dumb store mounts and bought gold will be devalued into oblivion
Rogue can kill any other class easily you just have to wait until they're at low health from fighting something else.
>posts image of a cat
I think you know...
Latest screenshot
If you have to ask don't fucking play Druid. You will regret it.
But Raids still need a resto druid, regardless of their performance, and druid has more utility/fun shit in general.
If classic becomes more popular than retail they would implement the things people love about classic into retail.
>implement the things people love about classic into retail.
This would require me to type out a fucking book to explain but that's not going to happen nor would it be a good thing if it happened.
Just trust
i played wow for about a year in the cata/mop days and never went back
should i give this a shot or is it the same "rush through the early game to get to the good shit and then grind for eternity" shit
>actually posting evidence that you picked a PvE server
How embarrassing.
you type like a fag and your shits all retarded so no you shouldn't give classic a shot
>release a modified version of TBC after vanilla
>no flying
>no arenas
>no horde paladins/ally shamans
>no belfs and draenei
Dwarf or night elf hunter? I don't give a shit about looks and just want the best racial for pvp.
I'm guessing nelf is better since you can hold flags in AB and gank people much easier?
enjoy being ganked
If you think about it, thats the best choice. Its literally the only way to avoid the streamers and their zoomer fanbase.
Vanilla is much more slow-paced and RPGish, as well as being much more community oriented than later iterations. You played the game as it was degenerating. Try it in its pure state.
Based shadow priest
nelf for wpvp and bgs, dwarf for 1v1
most hardcore pvps take nelf since its better at the highest skill levels
TBC killed WoW, fuck TBC. The only people who like TBC are the zoomer faggots who were 7-9 years old in 2004 and missed all of Vanilla
Does anyone remember the WoW music video with the French song about the perverted Dwarf? Can't remember what it was called
Either make it it's own thing or don't release it at all, TBC zones are designed with flying in mind and it was also a shit expansion that literally introduced everything that makes retail bad today.
They were thinking that none of the school children would like it anyway and they are right.
I will. Enjoy blowing through all the PvE content in a month and having nothing to do until they get around to adding battlegrounds.
Still has the problem of obsoleting all old content
Spliting the players across old and new zones
Linear dungeons
enjoy missing out on one of the critical elements that makes the game interesting
Unironically a lot of people myself included thought it be like that but it not. I thought it was all nostalgia and that retail was better (which for raiding it mostly is but thats beside the point because raiding is only a small part of the game), then i decided to roll on a pserver to decide which class to play, and i havent been able to touch retail since.
So I'm conflicted on whether to play DPS Orc Warrior, or Troll Shadowpriest
help. I just want to kill things fast, and focus on crafting, exploring and story.
>The only people who like TBC are the zoomer faggots who were 7-9
Everyone likes TBC, the only people who didnt like TBC are the people who have spent the last 8 years playing with insects and slavs on dodgy private servers
Nost has 20k players at its peak
>all that raid logging WoW trannies
Maybe one day Blizzard will listen to you and make your shit game half as good as XIV
I will.
If I consume all the content I'll stop playing until I feel like playing again.
Why do you treat this game like it's meant to be a lifetime committment?
>100+k players
>not enough to bump low to med
Considering old servers were 6k max until WotLK, they'd take a low server to full 17 times over
They have different benefits. Night Elf hunter + cat both stealthed in range of a flag is a huge advantage. But dwarves can break rend, blind, and crippling all while gaining armor. Plus, they can find treasure. Personally, I'm a bigger fan of dwarf, but they're both viable and interesting.
no u
thanks, the interactive part is a lot of what draws me to mmo's so i'll consider it
>being ganked by a max level makes this game super sophisticated!
im just excited to play as an undead on an RP server in a time when the forsaken weren't misunderstood pariahs and were legitimately corrupted evil husks of their former selves that hated all living things and only allied with the horde out of convenience..
Play warrior if you just want to explore and kill shit. I leveled as shadow priest in vanilla and it was slow.
How the fuck do we stop this from being developed
>Tranny Fantasy 14
I'm already there, bros. Why haven't you joined us yet?
shadow priest is a breeze to level compared to warrior
>It's no joke that a lot of XIVs population now is nuWoW refugees.
And warrior would be faster? lol wtf? retard?
ok thanks.
Is it possible to be a shirtless tauren warrior with a big totem like in WC3?
where were you when retail players destroyed classic
No, I was just playing it on a private server fully knowing my levels are pointless (as if they aren't on any vidya) because it's just fun to play.
Because you stink
Not entirely, there's people who have been playing WoW for various stretches of time and just had enough of how the new game is being developed. I know some XIV players who were active during vanilla/TBC.
Yeah it would. DPS warriors can kill shit in seconds and move on. Shadow Priests will have to drink or wait if they want to cut through lots of mobs.
it unironically does though, the potential for escalation from that ganking is crazy, it can easily grow into full on battle from there
I can tell you're a zoomer because the thought of having friends/guildmates to call on for help in world pvp or even to go out as a group to world pvp doesn't even cross your mind
I'm trying to help you, you're missing out on a whole major aspect of the game if you skip it
Steamers already ruined it so who cares
If you don't know this guy, you're the zoomer
He was a fucking scammer & fake persona. It was hilarious that he got away.
>actually let people focus on playing the game
why don't these retards understand that interacting with other players and co-operating IS part of the game, if not the biggest part
The best thing about no dungeon finder is you can't just leave the minute things aren't perfect because of the time it takes to find a new group.
This is always the argument and only rarely the reality. Yes, you will get ganked by a higher level player. It only rarely happens. Most of your world PvP experience will be carefully sidestepping the opposing faction and playing risk assessment. Sometimes you go blood and thunder red is dead, but sometimes that undead mage sheeped the extra target you pulled and /waves at you. It adds to the world dynamic and makes the world infinitely more interesting as you learn friend from foe, coward from hero, and build relationships with horde and alliance along the way. Rivalries are formed and friendships are built. I can't do PvE servers. They're too sterile and if that's your game, have fun, but it's missing that critical element I need.
Imagine being so fucking oblivious and unwilling to do even the most minor level of research, you become this faggaroni
holy fuck how can one man be so wrong
>Horrible constant eye twitching from staring at screens all day.
>Have to find a way to stop it before classic.
Fuck this it's only on my right eye so I'm just gonna wear a gamer eyepatch.
I leveled both in vanilla
>50k players at 60 on the biggest one
>dead alts don't count this late into the server
so I was right, thanks.
>Doesn't have friends
>Doesn't have guildies
>Doesn't even use the Blizzard chat or Discord chat
What a fucking Melvin
We don't because it doesn't matter. It is literally LFG from TBC.
>Not entirely, there's people who have been playing WoW for various stretches of time and just had enough of how the new game is being developed. I know some XIV players who were active during vanilla/TBC.
Sure thing weeb
Streamers are only on one server retard
okay buddy. i agree with you now.
>undead rogue beats you in PvP
>"Heh, sorry doctor-sama, but I have to go all out... just this once!"
>take off gamer eye patch and still lose to the undead rogue
he's talking about retail where you can dual wield arcanite reaper heirlooms at lvl 1 and one shot everything up to lvl 60
They bring the zoomers to the game even to servers they dont play on
I'm one of them. I've played WoW since TBC but I have no interest in the modern game anymore. But I'm sure you won't believe me so I won't try too hard to convince you, it's a trivial point really.
>being developed by some zoomer faggot with an anime girl avatar
zoomers are truly the worst people alive
I have this problem too and only in the right eye
Try getting something for dry eyes and look at something far away for a minute once in a while
>But I'm sure you won't believe me
Yep because you are playing clone of the game you aren't interested anymore
i can't believe she cheated on that poor bug.
Honestly it wouldn't take much for me to consider retail again but I don't think Blizzard would make the changes that I want at this point.
They just need to add master looter back, make the classes fun, remove open world scaling, remove AP grinds and remove titanforging.
It's very simple things like deterministic gearing and fun jobs that keep me playing XIV instead.
>deterministic gearing
curious, i've never played XIV, what does this mean
>It's very simple things like deterministic gearing and fun jobs that keep me playing XIV instead.
Then what are you doing here, tranny?
it just means the gear has fixed stats instead of random stats
>look at source on github
>he reimplemented redux in lua
what the fuck
You know, how WoW used to be before they fucked everythang up.
They are too afraid to make big changes to the game at this point
Class design, gearing, ilvl autism and cross realm shit ruin the game so bad. I guess cross realm had to be done since faction balance is fucked and basically every server was 90% of one faction except defias brotherhood.
Just end it already, Pete.
>spamming for a group for two hours
>faggot with an anime girl avatar
If you don't like anime avatars then why are you even on this website, user?
>he said the t word again
Based and Redpilled my good sir! Epic!
You can like something without being an obnoxious sperg about it.
Did you play WoW during Wrath? It's that, there's two tiers of badges, one you can grind infinitely for a base level of gear, one that has a weekly limit that gives better gear. You can work towards a goal and be rewarded for your endeavour without luck playing any part in it.
I'm excited about Classic. It's a different game entirely and I like it for completely different reasons than what I like XIV for.
I feel like titanforging is purely just designed to retain people and keep them running content indefinitely. It must only work on people who can't control themselves because for people like me it's just frustrating, you look at what your chances are of getting a socketed titanforged piece that you need and you figure you might as well give up and your gear is never going to be optimal regardless of how hard you work and some asshole who got lucky is going to get selected over you for groups because his ilvl beats yours. It sucks. And it's terrible to hear the lead dev say it's a good system that he thinks is working well.
>tfw leveling a mage with a warrior tank friend and a future resto druid
>that feel when I'm going to get into asmongolds raid and funnel all of my loot to him that I earn with dkp
He's using loot council, not DKP
based zoomer containing himself on the streamer server
its literally a glorified /join lfg , at least shill with something real like layering or streamer cancers ruining economies
>I'm excited about Classic.
you clicked the boomer image when you meant to click zoomer. common mistake
G-guys is rolling on Gehennas a good idea? I want to avoid massive queues at launch but also want to play on a non-dead server.
None of those are me.
I don't think I said I speak for all XIV players either.
Its going to be fun when idiots download this and find out it doesnt teleport you.
Or when people start blocking the guu who posts the inevitable stock LFG message.
>play dps in classic
>do well and don't fuck up
>add tanks and healers to friends
>when i want to do a dungeon, hit them up first
>sometimes they'll all say no
>ask guild if they want to do dungeon
>ask discord if they want to do dungeon
>maybe they all say no
>lfg in orgrimmar
>if i haven't found a group in 10 minutes /who warrior in the level range of the dungeon i want to do
>indiscriminately whisper every single one of them with a copy pasted, "Hey, I'm starting a group for X dungeon, you wanna tank?"
>retry on every healing class if that doesn't work out
>while doing these steps, continually repeat earlier ones
>eventually find someone who says yes to one of these and the rest of the group clicks into place almost instantly
Eventually you'll find your group and the better you preform and the more you do this the easier it will be to find groups. Also, do shit that sets you apart. Hey, we're doing ZF, I got the mallet. Hey we're doing UBRS, I got the key. Hey we're doing Mauradon, I've got the scepter. Don't worry about this boss, I'm an alchemist and I brought a potion of free action. If you follow these steps then you won't have a single issue finding a group. Fucking, sometimes you'll even get whispers from tanks who you've played with before asking if YOU want to do a dungeon.
>community polling
That litteraly how WoW ended up being shit.
There was no polling but they listened to the retard on bnet forums so that's pretty much the same.
Gamers don't know shit about game design, they want instant gratification.
imagine playing classic again and tainting your good memories with zoomers
Sadly I don't have any zoomer wojacks
But he would appreciate it if you enter raids that aren't his and ninja loot things and sell it then give him the gold.
He needs to you ninja loot molten core at least 5 times a week so that he can pay the bounty hunters who will camp stream snipers for hours while he levels up.
>streamer cancer
>server queue
>reddit high pop servers
>bfa devs in charge of future content
>flavor of the month
cant wait to see the tears when you realize you couldve done everything you did for free on a private server
you are giving money to the very developers who fucked your game up how stupid can you paypigs be
>2 hours to find a group
I played in a mid pop server through Vanilla, I never struggled to find a group or a guild, and I played hunter.
With these layered server you will never spend more than 5 minutes looking for a group. Even a 2-3k pop server there is no issue.
>Wrath DK's were awesome
Until they got nerfed
>consult your entire extended family to do something as simple as a single dungeon run when you could just play tank
hurr durr who ever heard of such a novel concept as FINDING A GUILD that helps you out with all PvE content so you don't have to pug?
>cant wait to see the tears when you realize you couldve done everything you did for free on a private server
Fuck off Chang
It's $15, I'll live.
but I thought you wanted classic? this is your community
bunch of zoomer faggots who were never hardcore and only want in on the bandwagon
everybody who mattered already beat the content 13 years ago and anyone hopping on the classic train is a retarded boomer or a streamer kid who wants to pretends he's hardcore
you're nothing
>you're nothing
Nice postmodern deconstruction ZoomZoom
>It's $15, I'll live.
>12 months later
funding the cancer that killed your mmo in the first place dumb fuck
Who the hell stays subbed to an MMO year-round? You poopsock for 1-3 months at launch then just resub for a month here and there when there's no good games coming out.
>"I love fake reactions!"
9 times out of 10 your fantasy scenario doesn't even happen. It's just some asshole killing a lower level and making him run to his body, until the ganker gets bites and moves on or the low level player gets on a different character. Your le epic guild fights aren't going to happen as a result of 99.9% of the ganks that occur.
gets bored*
Fuck. Phone posting sorry
i made the same character on all three realms, will pick at launch
Well you're right that it definitely won't happen to friendless zoomer retards who can't figure out how to use the chat window, such as yourself.
>he never icy touched spammed in pvp
>he never popped army of the undead in arena
>he never summoned his dead arena pal back as a ghoul
>he never went frost and obliterate crit entire healthbars with an easy to get naxx25 weap
>he never went unholy and summoned gargoyle for a guaranteed pvp kill
>he never popped lichborne and became immune to almost every CC in the game
>he never popped anti-magic shell and made mages and warlocks cry like little babies
>he didn't ignore armor with 90% of his damage as a melee class
>he never spell locked a caster just to follow it up with a blanket silence
Wrath DKs made everybody look like shit, and you missed out if you never played one then
>wow imagine having to make connections and network to do non-necessary group content in a Massively Multiplayer Online RPG, how dreadful
I am so happy these faggots will never touch classic
daed gaem
What server he playing?
The problem is that the community is what caused the descent into Wrath and beyond. Originally, Vanilla players wanted a few QoL upgrades and things like grinding to be less of a pain in the ass. This lead to TBC, which by and large handled them well.
The problem then became that new players introduced by TBC wanted their own QoL improvements based off it rather than vanilla, and things spiralled out of control. Every new player wanted something to make it all easier and more convenient and Blizzard never put their foot down.
If they ever were going to add community polling, the mandatory thing would be to add a list of features that would NEVER be introduced or changed. Cross realm BG/LFG would be the most obvious.
>paying for classic means you want retail
dumb fuck
2 weeks. I give it 2 weeks and majority of people will stop playing this shit. Only boomers will feel nostalgic but the feel will disappear sooner or later. Zoomers will complain about the lack of lfr and many other QoL changes so they will return to retail or stop playing it completely.
god thank you for reminding me how disgustingly overtuned dks were on launch, fucking blizzard baka
Good, I don't want to have 80 IQ mouthbreathers on my server, playing classic just for nostalgia is very stupid.
Confirmed idiot or baiter
50k players = like 5-10 full blizzservers
>tfw suffer heavily from the grass is always greener on the other side syndrome
>tfw i'll never be able to enjoy classic 100% because i'll always feel like i've picked the wrong server
This. What generally happens is
>one guy is ganking a specific area
>after a while, someone will complain in general that there's a ganker
>if there's a 60 in the zone, he might come over
>if there is no 60 in the zone, one of the ganked guys might bring their main
>if the ganker is a rogue (90% of the time this is the case), he will simply stay in stealth and either wait for the 60 to leave or he simply changes spot
>if the ganker is not a rogue or he gets caught regardless, he'll go somewhere else, hearthstone away or simply log out
Now assuming that more people show up regardless (won't happen), what will happen is
>one side is outnumbered
>gets slaughtered in seconds
>and again when they res
>losing side loses interest and fucks off
But, but you know that this is the reason why many people are returning to wow? They want to feel the same way they did 10+ years ago. Some people want to know how it was in those days because they started playing years later.
Tank life isnt for everyone.
surely WoW players couldn't be so retarded that they would vote in favor of the same "QoL" updates that killed WoW originally... r-right?
I've also picked mirage raceway, don't tell it'll be a dead server and pyrewood village will be the most popular pve server
They should've just only added 1 pve server
I'm playing it for the game design and world, I don't have any nostalgia because I skipped it when I was younger
Stop asking for "Classic+". If you want to play a version of the game that got ruined, retail is right fucking there. Who the fuck would "Classic+" even be for? All the shit you want in it is right in retail right now, how about you get the fuck out and play retail and let classic be exactly what it is meant to be, a 1:1 recreation of an almost 14 year old version of a video game
Ogres, goblins, pandarens for the horde
High elves, some night elf-related race for the alliance (dryads, furbolgs, whatever)
You think you do but you don't is damn real.
I start law school the day this shit comes out. Fuck you blizzard had you not jewed out with your """"""summer"""""" 2019 release date i would have given you my nostalgia bucks at least for 2 months but since you did fuck you
So is the group finder tool in? Not LFG, the manual tool.
Pls be
If anything we need a third pve server by the time classic launches.
Jesus, take your meds.
Are you people that dense.
There will be nothing but Burning Crusade "classic".
There will be no continuation to vanilla.
Get this idea out of your stupid little heads.
The 2 normal servers are almost always at low pop, though
Go hard early on and you will have plenty of downtime to focus on your school studies. We still don't know how fast Blizzard will roll out phases. There have been speculations that the phase releases will match major patches of the original game, meaning phase 1 could last for three to five months. That's five months of no pvp ranks and farming molten core and onyxia.
Guys will i still get invited to raids as a retribution paladin?
They look so cool and in my opinion fun :(
what u mean the chat? or u mean the meeting stone?
>t. never played vanilla
OSR fags already proved that if playerbase is put in charge of voting they will inevitably vote back all the cancerous shit which originally ruined their MMO in the first place. What makes you think that wowfags would be any different?
>very interested in playing the game
>realized you need a bunch of addons installed for enhanced gameplay
>also need to tweak your macro settings
>also need to look at guides on everything
Fuck it, too much work for me.
based, maybe even redpilled.
>also need to tweak your macro settings
You also need to tighten up the graphics on level 3.
>surely WoW players couldn't be so retarded
Zoomers gonna zoom.
That shit’s insidious, which is why so many people are firmly vanilla only. In theory there would be no issue if everyone was there from day 1 and knew the limits.
The problems all occur when latecomers join and want their own changes. Consider how many retailfags legitimately don’t get why cross realm LFG/R is such complete and utter cancer.
Having said all that, the fact that people know full well where it leads ought to help stop the issue before it becomes cancer
by playing a rogue
just one-shot a guy when he's low and vanish the fuck out of there
Definitively no
>tfw playing a reckoning paladin
horde cucks lookout
A huge loading screen whenever you release spirit seems gay.
Especially ret pala, getting that extra holy damage debuff on a boss would boost dps by a bit
>best mate is going to roll a warrior despite not playing since legion
>ask him why
>"lol because they're the best tanks and top dps bro i'm gonna kick so much ass"
>try to explain to him that he'll have to suffer through the worst leveling experience out of any class then have to compete with 12 other warriors in a raid for a chance at loot
>"heh yeah but i'm gonna get rank 14 and be a bg king"
>try to explain that he'll need to resign from his job if he wants to do that
>"dude why are you trying to talk me out of playing a Warrior lol you don't know wtf you're talking about"
I'm with your friend, stop being a faggot
put on the dress and heal you faggot!
he's right though, if he wants to play warrior then stop being autistic and let him play warrior you sperglord
i dont even think addons work unless someone updates them.
Kill me please
>Coolest plate gear
>Sweet ass 2h weapons
>Dope holy light
>Coolest class quests about smiting undead scum
>Totally useless
>That fucking anime avatar fag who made the automatic LFG addon
Fucks sake
I want to play troll priest but I played undead priest during the original run and devouring plague too strong.
I wish they would push through a balance patch. Although knowing blizzard they would make it worse
this is the level of autism this board has reached.
making fun of degenerate streamers and at the same time begging to able to pay some retards patreon
Anyone here going to grobulus?
>inb4 low pop
>old high school friend got in touch with me after 14 years
>wants to play wow classic with me
is it still worth playing if i know that i cant no life raid anymore
no races next xpac it will be a class
How in the fuck will he be known if he doesn't advertise?
jesus Soda, at least think this shit out in your head
Thank God I don't have to play with EU faggots anymore. Good bye private servers.
>submit app to "casual guild with raiding ambitions"
>denied because "your keybinds aren't optimal"
Yeah, I applied to the guild and entire thing felt like job application. I got in but shit, that was too much for a game.
Lmao, this is why you nerds fail in the real life as well. You don't need the creds, you just need to be cool, I literally trolled the whole guild application and they took me imediatelly.
I'll play with you on Mirage, buddy.
I'm too old to care about PvP servers.
>*doesnt invite you to raid*
ok what ever
Let's all pick some old shitty F2P mmo to play together until Classic launches.
I vote for Tera.
I just hope pyrewood village won't cuck us
How painful will leveling a priest be?
stop spamming this
you forgot the fear glyph on death and decay aoe
One of the easiest to lvl actually, just get a new wand every 5 lvls
as a bit of a wow paladin vet (i autistically played them in vanilla to end of tbc, wotlk, nost and lights hope) i can tell you that they're far from totally useless. will you be able to dps and tank in raids? no, nor should you. your strength lies in healing/supporting, and let me tell you that the bar for entry for healers is the lowest out of any role. you can rock up to raid nights in full greens and still get a spot and be funneled tier gear, provided you aren't a cunt (no one wants to raid with a cunt). you can tank strath/scholo faster than a warrior once you get some gear, making farming orbs a lot quicker. aoe farming packs for gold, surviving wpvp, ranking up by making horde just straight give up once they see a dedicated healer keeping everyone alive etc.
I could go on, but desu the more people who buy into the rhetoric that paladins are useless means less competition for me.
Except for drinking all the time, not as bad as warrior or rogue leveling desu.
you guys got your top pick of names right?
Not painful at all.
I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times, but Spirit Tap and Wand Specialization mean you will always have near full Mana.
And you can heal any dungeon in the most basic gear. So if you find a good tank you can spam certain dungeons for easy XP.
I'm not at all interested in healing, only DPS support
Have you seen the Class polls? Paladins are trending at the lowest of any class. with under 6% on some servers.
We're gonna have it made, brother.
actually horde druid is the least played by far
Yes on both the EU servers
filter by alliance
paladin is third most popular at almost 14%
literally zero drinking required, learn2wand kid
you can absolutely do that in pvp. paladins shine in that role, especially if you spec into holy/reck or holy/ret. you only have to hard support in premades to rank up, and even then 99% of the time your team won't be fighting shit, just fast capping while the horde afks
Because paladin is exclusively played by private server tryhard healers and it's not a very fun class since every hybrid is forced into that role
No normal person can stand auto attacking from 1 to 60
I'm more surprised hunter is that low
you sound like actual cancer
Why yes, I do play a male night elf druid/priest. How could you tell?
This. Paladin are fantastic healers in PvP, and when geared can be powerful brawlers too. Paladins are actually quite versatile, you just have to accept that tanking and dpsing in raids won’t be a thing you can do.
horde or ally
Where was this posted? Every other poll is horde favored
orc hunter master race here.
Night elf male hunter master race
>and when geared can be powerful brawlers too
This is very accurate. They have a lot of staying power and even if their damage is erratic they can hit pretty fucking hard with the right weapon and when the stars align.
night elf warrior super master race (female)
Mother fucker I'm playing XIV right now and you gotta stop this falseflagging shit. There's not going to be a console war for MMOs. Fuck off with your pathetic nonsense.
>people still make this retarded mistake
Hint: you need to double paladin and shaman numbers because they're exclusive to a faction
delet this
Paladins are very powerful in PvP, and the absolute bane of warlocks, but to get that gear you need to put on the dress first and earn it.
All them disgusting accents getting BTFO. DELICIOUS!
I fucked up major league bros
asked out this hot babe I wanted to fuck since forever, she actually went out with me and we fucked the whole night
wtf am I supposed to do with this gf now, she hates videogames
>see palacuck farming mobs in the distance
>drive-by and instantly put a bunch of dots on him
>watch him struggle and consider moving in for the fear2kill
>paladin is pondering whether he should get the fuck out
I laugh every time
nice fantasy btw
>wpvp engagements are not balanced
shocking, truly
Ghost her man, you already got what you wanted
>doing anything but wpvp
meleecucks LMAO
>and the absolute bane of warlocks
All these people rushing warrior with the vision of being OP at T3 Im literally going to dab on all of you poor fuckers with my hunter get ready to get ganked again and again because during the leveling process YOU are the fucking bottom tier laughing stock of the WPvP hierarchy and 95% of you will never get to T3 anyway, so you're literally playing the game only to get smashed during the leveling by chads as me lol
hunter gankbro could you give me some tips against ur class, I struggle with hunters a bit
do I kill the pet? do I kill you?
Prepare for assblasted streamers.
Nice to see that Zandalar tribe is medium now. I'm going RP pvp but I'll sub on the 26th because I'm not autistic
lmao, you dont win against a hunter as a warlock, you gonna get feign death into frost trapped and watch as the hunter prepares his aimed + multi combo with iron grenade to rape you with his pet into OHKO
try being frost or fire mage and you might have more luck tho
Just buy a nightfall axe or craft one yourself and you're a solid addition with SotC, more Paladins is never bad due to blessings
>still can't decide EU pvp server
Go on Gehennas so you can be in Grims new video.
This. All these retards just looking at maximum DPS output, as if that is the only thing that mattered in vanilla raids. The mechanics are easy as fuck anyway, it's not about the DPS at all and literally every class will be viable and taken into raids.
that doesn't sound like what's been happening to me
I put the same dots on you and the pet, get nightfall procs out the ass and spam bolts, usually works ok
just dunno whether I should murder your cat first
There's been stupid cocksuckers advocating for dumb bullshit like transmog and QoL shit since day one, even before it was announced.
Then you only fought huntards so far, get ready to get dunked on my boy
>ff14 trannies are still entering classic threads
can you imagine how "fun" their game must be
Ran out of shit to do in FFXIV.
I've never played classic before, so I have some questions regarding the mage. Do they need to downrank their spells in raids for mana management, or can they use their max ranked spells without any worries? Is having tailoring and enchanting as my professions a good call, or should I take something else?
now that I think about it, most huntards win by being ahead in levels its got fuck to do with your spells
and then there's you, too uppity to admit how a dead pet affects you
>running towards a warlock like a retard while he puts his dots on you
>finally get close enough, he death coils you
>try running towards him again
>finally get your freezing trap on him
>start running away
>die while trying to do the one set piece you know
You seem like 90% of the hunters I ran into on ND. They only know how to do that one thing. They scatter, feign, trap, and do their aimed shot shit. But the moment it fails, when I skull their trap, when I grab a random mob to break the trap, or when I sit on a campfire, they don't know what to do, and simply start backpedaling.
>playing with a LGBTI guild
Any advice? I'd like to raid with them while avoiding as much drama as possible.
tailor enchant is good
most people are pretty sure that with layering AH jews will get jewed in the ass and most shit will be cheap
Try not to kill yourself.
>"QoL" updates that killed WoW
>QoLs can kill games
Fucking faggot
Enjoy your old shit game while all the money you spend for it go to retail
>Do they need to downrank their spells in raids for mana management, or can they use their max ranked spells without any worries?
Depends entirely on your gear/spec/raid/spell.
> Is having tailoring and enchanting as my professions a good call, or should I take something else?
It's good, but enchanting is expensive at the start. I recommend getting skinning/echanting. Disenchant all the stuff you don't need and put it in the bank, and auction the leather. Then once you get to a reasonable amount of gold you can drop skinning and take back tailoring with all the cloth you have saved up.
>while avoiding as much drama as possible.
I take it you're being sarcastic yes?
>Enjoy your old shit game while all the money you spend for it go to retail
Lel, they probably spent more on the Classic servers than they have on retail in a whole year. The servers in retail are beyond shit, and their revenue is assured by the constant flying mounts/tokens. Why do you thin they introduced shit like a mount worth 5 million? Plenty of normies are selling tokens to get it.
anyone else hate gathering professions?
I like to make shit even if it's the "suboptimal" way to play
Or maybe they tried to reward people who play the game a lot, instead of faggots like you who buys every expansion and subs now and then, then unsubscribe because they can't appreciate anything at all?
You'll sub to Classic, quit after 3 weeks at best and buy next expansion pack as usual faggot
Technically 11 days since it launches on the 26th in North America
Play retail for a day so you can see how abhorrent the game has become
Enjoy being NTRd in any multi person combat
In fairness, betting that a hunter will be retarded is a pretty safe bet
Yeah, I'm going skinning + leatherworking as a hunter to fit the class fantasy
fuck the eng noise
>Enjoy your old shit game while all the money you spend for it go to retail
Thanks for buying 25 dollar mounts a trannymogs to bring our classic servers online cuck.
>multi-person combat
>doesn't know that I'm a UD warlock who only 1v1s with SS, HS, VW up
I haven't bought an expansion to WoW since WotLK. I just buy a sub once it gets added into the freebie mode, play the zones, and move on. I have zero interest in retail. As for Vanilla, I doubt it, I basically played it throughout the whole time that it was out.
who here gonna sell gold and make a fuckin' fortune?
imagine actually enjoying spamming curse of shadow and shadow bolt in raids just because you think you will have better DPS, when in fact, you're relying on private server values which were all fucked up. most people are in for a rude awakening to how their class actually worked in 1.12
crafting your own gear is always great but I hate how your quest gear will often outperform crafted gear if you don't go out of your way to grind extra mats.
gonna go herb/alch to GROW STRONGER with elixirs
>Yes, I'm playing warrior! How could you tell?
The whirlwind axe, of course!
past 30, it gets pretty close
you can get stuff like headbands pretty early as well, earlier than quests give them out iirc
warriors are gonna have literally the worst time during the launch lol getting dabbed on by literally everyone
Any chance I can run this on my amd 7400m toaster? I seem to remember they upgraded the graphics somewhat.
>There are little baby wannabe naruto faggots who will pick some shitter race for their Rogue, instead of being a FUCKING MAN AND GOING DWARF
Ok, thanks for your input, lads.
Imagine playing an Alliance Priest or Paladin and not being a dwarf. You know the human paladin is some poor sap who thought he'd get to raid ret/prot and has had to settle for something he didn't want to do, probably doesn't make good use of sac to break blind either so he sits in it and can't even stoneform out of it. Don't even get me started on priests.
>Implying Classic maintainance takes that much money
I could probably afford it with only my own fucking salary dumbass
Nice sharding by the way buddy!!!
>imagine being a paladin
I know dorf priests have fear ward but what does dwarf paladin have above humans?
I was planning to be dorf anyway
Tailoring is pretty good. You can craft a badass mage only epic chest that is bind on pickup (meaning it cant be sold on auction house). It's very strong to have early on and you won't find an upgrade for months. The recipe is also easier to farm than the priest and warlock epic chest since you have more chances per run to get it.
As for enchanting I wouldn't recommend early on to pick it. Start with skinning so you can skin leather and sell it to vendor to make more money while leveling.
No. I'm aware there will be drama, but I'm hoping I can personally stay out of it.
It will run the same as 1.12 on same settings for you. So bench original client on some private server.
Would you guys recommend classic to someone who never played wow before?
xiv was my first theme park mmo
Nothin’ personnel kid
>you dont win against a hunter as a warlock
>relying on a trap that can get dispelled by devour magic
the only way a huntard would win is if they're already at max range and are kiting gods. locks have enough survivability to get close enough to dead zone and by then you're probably close to death anyway.
classic wow isnt for kids you fucking zoomer
The guides are out there
Only if you're a NEET
I made pretty good money selling wands to people early
Ok, NA or EU?
stoneform to clear all rogue poisons/viper sting/plague and stay immune to them for a while every 3 seconds. Can clear blind while blinded. Not as big a deal as it is for Priests but shows poor taste because there was no reason you couldn't be a dwarf (aside from thinking you'd get to DPS with human weapon skill) but you decided not to be one anyway.
Reputation and starting in elwynn is a pretty big temptation for anyone
Yes, they just have to play like a complete vagina and kite or hide whenever they don't a stun or cooldown running.
WoW is literally babbys first MMO, so yes.
Come to stalagg bros. Its the only streamer free, brazilian free, rebbit free, east coast pvp server. Its ours.
dont mind me. will just need on that blue mail armor. will beable too use it once i reach level 40.
>want tailoring/engineering for my mage
>need to start with mining to get materials and some extra money on a fresh server
>both friends im lvling with are also mining
fuck fuck fuck
Are the spanish mongs fucking off from shazzrah?
skinning/leatherwork yes?
>going tailoring/enchant
>friends levelling with me know they'll get free bags from me cause I'm not a jew
lmao warriors on suicidewatch
>Yea Forums server
Too bad most of Yea Forums plays at a garbage level, so it's not like they're gonna beat warriors. You can see how much finesse the rogue requires, while the warrior has to do very little to win.
I'm a Troll Warrior
I'm thinking I want to do Mining/Engineering but a lot of people have always suggested two gathering professions instead. I like the goofy shit from Engineering.
True, but that is actually the interesting part about playing classes like mage, hunter or rogue. You have much more depth and there's a scary difference between a good and bad player, while warriors are pretty much the same
what? dot dot mindflay/wand. Spirit tap makes sure you dont have to drink ever
“Never” I doubt that, I think they know they either have to rerelease expansion up until the gravy train ends (cataclysm prepatch) and then go down the route of classic+ that’s probably the most realistic even though I hate the following two expansions after vanilla anyways
people who level with gathering profs are jews
you can always grind out more gold, if you wanna have a good time levelling take what you want (as long as it fits your class obviously)
I wish I could do this but engineering is just so important if you care about PVP
stuns you while you're fighting 2 mobs.
Me and my premade intend to unironically invite meme specs into dungeon runs instead of min-maxers turboautists
The real red pill is to forget professions and do them at level 60.
He is balding
This is my first time playing WoW and I'm really interested in Shadow priest but
That's so much information to take. I'm not sure where to start.
don't play shadow priest in classic
don't play warrior in classic
Shadow priests own at PVP but are dog shit in PVE, there will be one (1) if any spots for you in a raid and it will be to buff the warlocks with shadow weaving
>I'm not sure where to start.
>mfw i lelved TWO warriors too level 60
i have no idea what drived me too do such a thing.
Do alchemy
Drown in health regeneration
That's not true, Warriors if anything require even more maneuverability between stance dancing, rage management (which is a bit more complicated than 'hammer this button until I have enough to use it') and positioning to stay in range as much as possible.
>roll orc
>level with UD
anyone else?
Don't play shadow priest, lmao. Make a hunter or warlock or paladin if it's your first time.
>be a Paladin
>never lose a fight to a melee ever
lmaoing at your life nonpally cucks
shadow priest is good for leveling and pvp, but expect to be forced to switch to healing the higher you get in level.
Tirisfal Glades is unironically the best leveling zone, then Silverpine is a strong contender for best afterwards if WC didn't exist in the Barrens
That doesn't sound too bad, is Alchemy valuable at 60?
I quit playing the game back before TBC came out. Can anyone explain to me why current WoW is so bad? What's so terrible about LFR?
it's valuable for levelling a warrior
ud priest vs ud warlock vs ork shaman, what to do?
Shadow is a perfectly fine leveling spec that you can still heal dungeons in up to at least your 50s once Blackrock Depths starts entering the rotation, if you want to be the single meme spot for it in formal raids though you will need at least prebis gear and will probably need to put in some time healing first. Having a single Shadow Priest in your tank group in a raid can really allieviate the pressure though.
I'm over WC tbqh. Might run it ONCE
Alchemy is very valuable, it's the only way to create Arcanite bars and also makes hugely important consumables for raiding like Elixir of the Mongoose, elemental protection potions, and of course, Flasks.
orc warlock obviously
>without fucking around
you know those guys all took cuts from the gold selling chinks right? They gave chinese gold farmers their gear and sometimes mats to sell
Lightshope GM's are scum
true, but the quests leading up to it, and the in dungeon quests are too good not to take up
Silverpine is very meh compeard too the barrens. SFK is nice though.
So once you hit 60 and you want to raid, I need to switch to full healing priest with different gears to match such talents?
So I need to have two sets of gears if I want to switch back and fourth between Shadow and full healing?
it's impossible to lose and bosses have tons more hp so everyone stands there half afk ignoring mechanics for 10 mins until the boss dies dropping items that have the potential to titanforge up to the best quality items in the game, ensuring that pure base level retards can keep up in gearing with real players
If you're trying to level fast, SPF is far more condensed and the quest chains are shorter
If you want negligible item upgrades and more of a hang out session with friends, Barrens all the way
It completely neutered the social aspect of the game.
It's pretty expensive to swap specs back and forth, what you generally do is work on a pre-raid healing set throughout your 50s/early 60 career, get in as a healer, accumulate good DPS gear when people don't want it or you can justify taking it for both roles, then switch up to Shadow when you have a decent set and work out your DPS. You can save up on consumables in the meantime, I recommend doing Morrowgrain turn-ins in Thunder Bluff/Night Elf land for easy Elixirs of Shadow Power, as well as Cenarion Circle rep that will come in very handy later
now people are going to be forced to read thier quest log too know where too go.
imho the 1-15 run is best/fastest done in tirisfal/spf
you can do barrens after that, I think that's what I did last time I was following joana's
and yeah, tirisfal is just way too beautiful :3
>implying everyone isn't just going to download questhelper or something
>that feel when I have absolutely no interest in playing classic
Is it because I played vanilla while growing up? I also loved playing on private servers. But for some reason I just don't want to play. Why?
so how are warlocks in wpvp while leveling? everyone keeps saying they're good once geared, but does that mean i'll be a sitting duck while still leveling?
Thanks for the insight.
not at all, kid
your faction?
you'll be OK
meet your new best friend
death coil at 42 and grenades help a little, but not much if he's good
Better be horde because 3 out of 4 horde players will be forsaken
>tfw you're the ugly duckling in your "friendgroup" that has played together for years but nobody wants to level with you because you're the least liked one and it makes you feel lonely but it's the best you have
does wotf also make you immune to succubus seduce?