I hope ProJared is having fun playing video games these days.
I hope ProJared is having fun playing video games these days
Other urls found in this thread:
Confirmed "undarage" girls were lying about their age
Doesn't justify trying to use his position to get the pussy, but he's legit clean
Why doesn't it? People get horny.
Nice try, Jared
Now he's turned himself into Spoony. I mean, he already was, just look at his face, but he needed something to finish the transformation.
>you can't use your position to get laid
this makes no sense, it's the perk of the privilege.
So now that the dust has settled, can we agree that this was just another smear campaign by a crazy bitch who used her pussy power to destroy her ex?
Projared is innocent - Matt "The Noob Dude" Watson
His 5chin wife knew everyone believe her because she's a girl, girls never lie hurrrr
pretty much.
If your gf ever so much as mentions an "open relationship" dump the bitch ASAP.
Where the fuck did this idea come from that men using status to get pussy is rapey to women?
That's like saying women using their tits to get dick is rapey to men.
ProJared is a cheating rat. And his gay lover is that greasy sweaty smelly bear TheCompletionist.
>finds some other guy she wants to fuck
>pulls the "open relationship" shit, confident her husband wouldn't be able to actually pull any pussy anyway
>ends up pulling tons of pussy
>rages and throws a fit about it
That about right?
You dont become a doctor so you can make it easier for you to fuck some random bitch. It's pretty much abuse.
>"Hey hubby we should have an (((open relationship))) so I can get side dick. You can fuck other women too I GUESS (lmao good luck with that goblin)"
>"Ok whatever you want my dear. btw this is my new side gf like you said I could have."
Jared did nothing wrong.
>It's pretty much abuse.
>"wow your high status position and access to resources that comes with it are attractive to me, this makes me want to have sex with you more than I otherwise would"
>"MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Stupid WHORE! You've fallen for my devious plan! Yes, that's right! I've become a doctor so I CAN HAVE SEX WITH YOU! As you know, a women having heterosexual intercourse is a fate worse than death and essentially rape!"
Says the non-doctor.
his penis is so small
No user. Of course this is abuse. Don't you know that we live in a (((rape culture))) perpetuated by men? Anything and everything is about abusing women.
>Anything and everything is about abusing women.
What about bras? They support women
kill women this is why you stick to jerking off or fucking sexbots when that comes up.
Turns out this whole things was failed viral marketing for his new sponsor Wife Share.
Is he playing Super Hydlide?
I'm not disagreeing with you that the girls actions were bullshit, but just letting you know it isn't always wrong for someone to be uncomfortable with their partner being with someone despite being in an open relationship. Some people want emotional monogamy but physical polygamy. Sex isn't always some intimate connection
Sounds like Jared was starting to like this other girl differently and his wife wasn't with it. That said, her response was bullshit, and really it was a simple situation of both of them wanting a different relationship and should've ended in a mutual break up.
You can be emotionally mature and in an open relationship, his wife was neither.
That's a lot of mental gymnastics here.
What the fuck is this stuff, zoomers? Why do you retards become so obsessed with twitch personalities?
>open relationship
What a joke
Nah. Quite simple really: different people want different things, find someone who wants the same thing. If that continues cool, if not resolve it.
People do it all the time
they're the most abusive. have you ever worn one? they're uncomfortable and hurt after a long day.
Don't post anything if you don't even know what you're talking about
is he ever coming back
And it's a joke for fucks sake just admit you want to fuck instead of having a relationship.
Because zoomers are retarted. They have the mind of a child nothing more nothing less. Kill them or ignore them.
That's the world we live in nowadays. Any random whore can ruin your life forever.
Have you noticed AVGN threads never get taken down?
I can see the blue hair and horn rimmed glasses emanating from this post.
Or I could just get with people who have similar ideas about relationships as me? Just like you can? I like having someone I care about deeply who I can have intimate relationships with, but I know I can't do that with every person in my life who I find physically attractive, and there's not really a reason to force that situation either.
>it's been 3 months
It's like he just fell off the face of the earth
My sides!
Maybe you mean in terms of pushing your power in the position to get laid, it would be abuse. If you're just using it to be an impressive person and using that to get laid that's pretty normal to me. I have no idea which way PJ's case leans because I ignored that entire situation.
it might be a comedy show but it seems pretty true
>become a doctor to get money
>use money to pay a hooker
is that abuse?
Did we ever get Holly's nudes?
>I care about deeply who I can have intimate relationships with, but I know I can't do that with every person in my life who I find physically attractive so I'm gonna run out and fuck 10 niggers+ a Asian because i can't control myself also the person I'm with is not good enough.
Fixed that for you stacy.
>bitch never leaked Holly's nudes
fuck this planet
Yep. I had my suspicions, but didn't want to say anything, in case I was wrong.
He was irrelevant ever since his house burned down and his content output completely died. His drama was the most relevant he's been in years.
Jirard is actually on Heidi's side... the fucking soiboy cuck
His wife's a whore.
You know all the good shit you liked when you were growing up? Then all the bad shit that came after it? That bad shit is the "good shit" zoomers liked when they were growing up
>a large breasted woman will never rape you with her tits
Life sucks
Probably not. Hope that gives him some leverage in the divorce proceedings.
You have to side with the winners in today's environment, lest you have hordes of some crazy cunt's doormat bootlickers "cancel" your career too.
>A women will never touch your junk
I'm ok with this.
If you have to ask you know the answer.
>Holly took a "break" from Twitter and returned, everything peachy
>Jared became a pariah and vanished
Is that what you tell someone who gets mad at a cheater?
>Ree stop doing your side of the monogamy wrong
LMAO, love the assumption that I'm a girl. I've only ever been with two girls and it isn't that hard to wrap your head around.
This wouldn't happen if we just killed people or better yet i think it's time for a war. Go send every fucking zoomer out to die and we have less faggots around.
What the fuck is this stuff, zoomers? Why do you retards become so obsessed with twitch personalities?
Hell, he's probably dealing with a criminal investigation. I don't think he's got time for the vidya.
>a winner
we shall see, but it ain't looking good for the blabbery bitch
>I've only ever been with two girls
The only person that was "confirmed" by is Holly, and she's literally just repeating everything he tells her.
no I don't, that's why I'm asking. If I already knew, I wouldn't have asked.
He's with Holly laying low
>LMAO, love the assumption that I'm a girl
You might as well be a women. You act one gold digging cunt bag whore! i bet you even have a pussy LMFAO!
Just saying the idea that only someone seeking massive numbers wants to be in an open relationship is incorrect
But back to Jared, sounds like his ex was terrible and all around manipulative, a bad partner no matter which way anyone spins it
>it ain't looking good for the blabbery bitch
Oh, I didn't follow all this stuff that closely. What's happened? Last thing I know is that she rode this train to massive online popularity.
>Holly laying low
>open relationship
no, no. I obviously meant HE is laying low.
I know youre browsing this thread jared.
I miss you.
Oh fair enough. Yes, we got Holly's nudes. They've been posted all over, and it's really amazing you haven't seen them. Even main stream news sites were hosting the rar files.
i think he can, just gotta wait a while.
jontron's stuff didnt even affect him.
The person claiming it was a mentally ill tranny however.
Dude had the entirety of the internet on fire and out for his blood like rabid animals for like a week just from cheating on his wife.
There's no bouncing back, he's done. Court of Public Opinion has completely and absolutely fucked him beyond repair.
After Jared made his statement defending himself he mentioned stuff that Heidi "forgot" to mention and had no choice but to confirm that she was being a big manipulative whore
and then she doubled down when people called her out
she's basically where she started except now more people hate her
Going back and watching his videos you can just tell he’s not a bad guy deep down. I never bought into the accusation stuff but I don’t trust women as far as I can throw them
This. It's absolutely in accordance with the #metoo debate, where one word of a woman can destroy a man's entire existence.
projared is fucking cool.
nice "I'm not mad" cope
you may not be a woman but you respond like one
there's also the fact that he's a pedophile chatting with minors but ok
Someone post them please.
A minor is not necessarily a child, you imbecile.
pedos should die tho
It's kinda scary that we live in a world where mistakes that could be personal and not meant to go public (not necessarily this, he started it) or simply not falling in line properly can get you "canceled" in the court of public opinion.
Now I see why those billionaires were so goddamn scared of having their Epstein shit get out, all the money and power in the world can't protect you from people deciding you're utter shit and bombarding you with everything possible to make your life worse like how Weinstein got crucified. I'm surprised there's no vidya, or any kind of media really, that's tried to deal with how overwhelmingly horrifying the idea of ever-present and ever-judging social media is.
Me too
I dont care much about that drama, dude made me laugh too often, nobody is perfect
yeah but your 40 year old ass shouldn't be talking to kids
>married to crazy bpd cosplay thot (a lot of redundancies right there)
>wife proposes open relationship
>bangs not-so-but-still-crazy cosplay thot
>first thot bitches and moans when she realized she lost him emotionally
>got nudes from underaged girls just because he's an eceleb despite being ugly as sin
>publishes pics of himself cosplaying as a woman
The absolute balls on that guy
there's a point of fucking up and owning it rather than denying everything and preying on teens
That really only came out after the whole cheating thing did, and it was pretty much just fuel for the fire
Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it. Right is right even if no one is doing it.
>she had her first period! she's not a child anymore
haha oh wow
kill yourself you disgusting delusional freak
Jontron didn't fuck up anywhere near as bad as Jared. He just said some things that others found disagreeable, and just dropped it after the debate.
Is this from a game or something.
oh no poor rapists
All the accusers either retracted their statement, saying they lied to him about their age, or fucked off into hiding, refusing to talk about it anymore. So yeah, he did get nudes from minors, which is still a crime, but whether he did it intentionally is up in the air.
Why not? Talking to children is no big deal. Unless you imply implications, which says more about you and your own line of thinking and how you see perceive kids. In which case you should seek help.
See above.
both of those people deserved it
good job undermining your own argument with those examples
>preying on teens
Fuck off Heidi, we all know they lied about their age
it's a shame tcap isn't on anymore, half the cunts in this thread could have had their 15 minutes of fame with the mental gymnastics going on
Persona 5 had a good go.
You build yourself up by doing genuine good, then you get "cancelled" by a false flag. Feels bad, man.
>but whether he did it intentionally is up in the air.
That doesn't matter since those kinds of laws are statutes. There's no legal defense for it.
talking in context retard, it's a thread about sexual conversations with minors
>she had her first period! she's not a child anymore
Huh? Oh, I get it. If I repeat a true statement in a funny voice, that means I don't have to deal with actually coming up with arguments. Phew, close one.
>but ok
>your xy ass
>snarky "oh no"
>all posts in the same all lower case format
I think you need to add "sweety" or some shit like that into your posts, fucking tumblrite zoomer piece of shit.
To be fair
Why would you not
I mean he's not got much else in the way of romance, I seriously doubt ANYONE on Yea Forums would refuse being sent nudes, hence the age-old tits or gtfo thing.
Everything was his own fault and he deserved all the backlash he got. Suck it, zoomers.
Was Weinstein ever convicted?
We're going in circles now. See
And thus, the moral puritans and prudes of old are proven to have gotten it right all along.
Why didn't we listen?
>it's a thread about sexual conversations with minors
But it isn't, fuckface. You're trying to spin it that way with your samefagging.
Install Gentoo.
>Siding with literal pedos just to stick it up to the ebil wahmen
>Unfaithful woman is a bitch, unfaithful husband lol who cares
Holy mother of inceldom!
Have sex.
In the eyes of the law, it is the same.
>he's got not much else in the way of romance
He had a fucking sidepiece while being married and his wife even proposed it.
>true statement
oh wow, please be shitposting
if you aren't but you still have something good in you left, please do the world a favor and end your life
you will hurt a kid sooner or later, so please just do it
You missed the point, yeah actual scumbags got what they deserved but what about when shit happens to someone innocent? System's not infallible. Fucking Aziz whatever-his-name-is almost got #metoo'd and he only stopped that when he came out, gave his side of the story early, and stopped the shit before it really got started.
Are you not following?
I said he's not got much ELSE
Give it a rest Heidi, your crazy bitch mentality only works on twitter
Except that's objectively wrong in most places of the world. The US is one of the few notable exceptions because they're scared of anything sexual - the puritan spirit still going strong.
well projared runs a gaming channel, his private life doesnt need to come into it if he plays it smart.
Having a wife and a sidepiece is like 200% than you'll ever have, incel-sama.
Stuff your fake outrage, pedo. Biology disagrees with you, so you're wrong objectively. Besides, you are projecting so hard right now, you might actually be the real deal.
Not even in all states.
>I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as pedophilia is actually hebephila, or as I've recently come to call it: nature's intended age
It's Ephebophilia my mentally stunted friend.
just because she can have children doesn't mean she should
we're not in the fucking jungle anymore
And I'm not saying she should. I'm just saying calling her a child at this point would be inaccurate.