Make this Yea Forumsidya related

Make this Yea Forumsidya related

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Smash bros is a fighting game

video game violence and sexual content are responsible for real world rape and murder

Undertale is a bad game

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The fighting game series "Super Smash Brothers" is not a fighting game series.



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Breath of the Wild is masterclass in game design.


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Where is this screen? I'm fairly sure I did everything there is to do in tyavgame but I don't recognize the library. I guess it's in Snowdin?

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and there it is

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>I hate tripfags, stupid attentionwhores!
>proceeds to giver them attention
all of (you) should be in the third panel

>this triggers the underageds

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>no sneed

Have we looped back to the 2005-2009 era of unironic tripfags?



Go back to your containment board, realnigger

Why isnt the rest loading wtf every other pictures works

No. Gladium isn't hated/seen nearly as much as LancedJack. There's a few other recognizable tripfags that pop up every now and again but it's obviously just for (You)s like me

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it was a glitch. ftfy.

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Genuinely a 10/10 user.

Srfago is such a shit comic. Literally just repackaged reddit opinions from the front page. It's worse than ctrl alt delete ever was

I dunno, he seems like a pretty funny guy

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>rayman is political
how did I not see this bros

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too pure for this world

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Ubisoft know people hate political games so they say the games they put out aren't political when they are, they said it for division 2 and watch dogs 2 legion too.

They just use that special magic called lying, then all the shitspunk channels like quartering say they will pre-order the game cause it's not political when they are.

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what about rayman?

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Stop giving tripfags special attention. You're only encouraging them.

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You just needed to post the first panel.


>shitspunk channels like quartering say they will pre-order the game cause it's not political when they are.
I fucking hate these people so god damn much. There is literally nothing wrong with a game having political themes or messages because literally any games story is going to have conflict and that conflict can be interpreted as it being political.

These people CONSTANTLY say, "Get politics out of muh games!" but what they MEAN to say is, "Get politics [I disagree with] out of muh games!"

Just like these fags told the SJWs to, "go make yer own games!" then so too should these "anti-SJW" retards. Oh wait, they're all non-college educated NEET retard children. I don't even know why I'm on this website anymore.

Piss off.

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A post of such quality, my goodness. Thank you sir

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thats retarded, if you make them anonymous then you might accidentally reply to one.

I blame dishonesty-culture, people are grasping at cocks to see every piece of fiction or even general statements as being either on their side or not, an urge created by a root of either being unsure of one's own principles, or fear of making these principles known, this breeds world-shattering levels of suspiscion and distrust.

Yes, it's in Snowdin.

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You cheeky cunt.

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It's so good I don't even mind the dumb cropping.

Go away

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I feel the "You're clearly dumber" line is too on the nose and unfunny as a result. He should've said something like "You're crown, sir" or something along the lines.

OP slain.

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>No loss edit
Way to go, thread.

This is why I come to Yea Forums, now let enter Reliable Echi Deliverable Sniper so i can tell the cunt to leave and i'm Gucci

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Well met.

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Does REDS even post anymore?

pretty sure he died or something

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i'm not a fan of these types of comics.
there's nothink witty about saying how much you don't like a thing

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best edit in the thread



>no have sex
> no incel

Why do people think this shit is funny

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Holy shits thats gold


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Who told him he was the dumbest man alive?
If he actually was that dumb he would not be able to determine if he was the dumbest, let alone whether the other man was dumber or not.
This comic's joke is poorly thought out, and this thread's is no better since it manages to be even lower with its entire premise being yet another 'unpopular opinions' thread.

Climate change "action" is pushed by very rich people who invested in "renewable forms of energy" and want a big return on that investment.

delightfully devilish

And vice versa.

The US was the main pollutant since 1945 to 2015.
Literllay 70 years unchallenged on Top. Literally polluting the world like nobody else. But suddenly they arent Number 1 so the responsibility for everything vanished again in thin air lol.
Just like with the American Natives.
Or Vietnam.
Or giving weapons to Taliban and Al-Quaida.
Or ever military push in South America.

Once more thn 5 ears passed the US dont feel responsible Amazing

have you considered the reason you keep hearing that might be because you bring up politics in every thread?

And we are being pushed now more than ever before to ruin our economy to combat climate change, when doing so would have almost no impact.

Climate change is ALL or NOTHING.

>i think these characters are poorly written and are just half-assed attempts to virtue signal
People take the path of least resistance and, since dropping all pretense and just saying "this character is a stupid queer faggotnigger" is an easier path to getting tourists to rage, people are gonna make half-assed posts.

The USA could cease to exist today and it would do almost nothing to combat climate change.

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I mean the US is in big part responsible for the climate change but it seems unfair to pin all that blame on them and leaving aside EU when they are the biggest consumers of US things, the EU is so hypocrite, and while they "push" for green energy they aren't trying to save the world but getting good boy points and act all smug.

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Fuck you


people focus on CO2 but methane is 25 time more efficient and is produced mostly by rice farming and rotting feces, pushing China and India basically as the only culprits


Hashtag made of Game Freak apologists who are mad at those who criticize Sword and Shield from removing the National dex

why rice specifically

Fun fact: the hairy guy doesn't actually exist or he's a consolefag.

OP rekt

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Literally proves America needs to do more about climate change.

The only reason tripfags like GT exist is because it makes all of you seethe.

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>had 4 tripcodes over my 15 years on this site
>every single one i somehow fucked up in some way
>with the last one being a secure tripcode that used a relatively common passcode so multiple people that werent me had the same trip
>dont even want to go for a 5th round anymore
i love you all, keep shitting on tripfags. its the right thing to do

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I unironically enjoy all of Tonitrua's thread.
I think he's actually based and the fact that he will read this post with a smirk on his ugly face warms my heart

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Bark bark that's rough

disregard that I suck cocks

Underrated post

China doesn't give a shit, if anything they are increasing it.

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Sure is vidya


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Only here because my tripfag omnifilter doesn't work in catalog, their posts just don't exist for me.

Impersonating someone and saying they suck dick...
You're the absolute epitome of mutarity.


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the dnc won't allow it

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hello newfag

>These people CONSTANTLY say, "Get politics out of muh games!" but what they MEAN to say is, "Get politics [I disagree with] out of muh games!"
Except each and every time that's stated, you eventually get people affirming that's not the case, and in fact it is the injection of their brand of politics, constantly, that's wearing thin.
It is not a statement of "No politics should present" it's the practice of injecting their current year political inclinations irrespective of the actual merit to their presence.
Quartering and his ilk are tremendous faggots however, I will accede that.

>That post
The fact that that is now considered a quality post just shows how terrible the post quality has gotten.

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pretty good

Its first place or nothing for the USA

I always thought anyone complaining about lewds on Yea Forums are too retarded to be on the internet.

>R*ddit comic

Pretty the total carbon input from USA is way higher than just ‘total combustion of fossil fuels’

Rice doesn’t even produce methane unlike fucking cow farts

Your alright white boy

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Man-made climate change isn’t even real.


What list is this?

God, do I hate these stupid meme templates. They're basically always the same fucking comic.

Oh it's a imgur