No one loves me.
Fuck off retard.
Because the niggers and jews are getting me down
i havent seen a girl my age since i left school
I already told you stupid retard
I'm playing Pikmin 2 and girls hate Pikmin
Cause im married.
Because I prefer cute boys with shoes
haven't been trying
Been contemplating getting a Tinder but I'm afraid of getting matched with someone from High School since I pretty much cut ties with everyone after graduating
I detest humanity.
waste of time
Unironic sperg that will likely never get better combined with the fact most women are garbage and the few who aren't are quickly taken, also none can come close to seiba
Cause I have a bf
I hope OP will suicide himself at last
Based Pikmin 2poster
Because i am a low value white guy in america.
I had one, it was horrible
Holy fuck. Stop being such a bitch and get on with your life. Imagine being held back by HS insecurities. Yikes!
Register now.
I'm not about to settle for some used-up roastie, so I'll just want to VR or robots to become better.
I do, and we like to play vidya and watch animu after we get back from work, each of us making 60k/y.
Livin the good life.
Honestly, I have no idea where do I meet girls to actually get to know them.
The one time in recent times I got genuinely interested in a girl finds out she has a bf.
Because I am pretty happy with how is my life right now, a girldfriend would mean less time for things I like
Women don't deserve someone as good as me
Girls don't like me. The only female "friends" I have are girlfriends of my male friends.
based pikminposter
I don't have any friends to set me up with someone
I've given up, really, theres a point in your 20's where you just admit you'll die a virgin
why don't the jannies just hash ban images that are regularly used to start shitposting threads?
I enjoy my solitude and wouldn't trade it for the world. True freedom can only be grasped when alone.
As a trans woman, I’m not a lesbian.
oh but i do and she has a cock and it is glorious i tell u!
Too lazy and I'm not desperate enough to sacrifice everything good in my life for status/pussy.
Because that would mean banning frogs and feelsguys, and that might actually improve the site's quality.
New here, huh?