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Other urls found in this thread:



What was the point?

why subscribe to this when you can get gaymer kitsch at gamestop whenever you might want it

money, and they made bank

>made bank
>went bankrupt

just some random trash you pay for.

I never understood why people would order this shit, though Ashens videos about it were sometimes entertaining.


>company goes bankrupt
>all the money they earned evaporates too
>all the employees must return all their money
>all distribution buildings must be burned and replaced with walmarts

were you born without a fucking brain

Loot Crate lasted longer than I thought it would. Why would you willingly spent 40+ American dollars on a bunch of random shit from media you know nothing about when you can just buy merchandise of a series you actually like

Because they were NPCs who fall for tends and happily throw away money to feel like they fit in.

content cop does it again! another one bites the dust

>made so much money they had to default on their debts and shut down the company forever

Just like Google


Are there any loot crate unboxing where the person just got complete shit?

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All of them

>Are there any loot crate unboxing where the person just got complete shit?
I remember Ashens being mad about this particular one with an inflatable crown

Every single one of them

theyre all complete shit - it's the cheapest chink plastic with a logo slapped on

it was basically just junk stock which failed to sell elsewhere.

imagine for a moment that the earth was formed several billion years ago and evolution culminated in... you, trying to equate a basic statement about assets- with the infinitely infungible assets of google

they want to get miscellaneous nerd merch delivered to them i guess. i assume most people just know what they like and dont want random crap though.

Every content creator should be embarrassed to have ever shill for this service

Holy shit Yea Forums is normie as fuck
Only pretende nerds bought this stupid shit, and there has been several threads about it

what the other anons said, it's not an exaggeration or meme
I have never seen a single item in these boxes that I would actually want

>every content creator should be embarassed for accepting free money
>people who make money should refuse to make money from goofy companies

show yourself out

>initial start-up is promising
>founders/directors get greedy
>start producing lines for other shit they don't have the manpower or quality supply for
>oh shit, we don't have enough money for these extra lootcrate offers
>spend extra resources on YouTubers for no fucking reason and little influence

I'm looking at you SkillShare. You're next.

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Everything you got in those was cheap garbage akin to leftover free swag shirts and hats like you'd get at conventions or cheap party store trinkets like in a child's birthday goodie bag. And of course Funko Pop cancer. It was a complete joke. Just look up Ashens on YouTube, he used to do unboxings of these all the time to take the piss out of the junk that came in them. I can only recall one time where I saw it came with a cool Star Wars action figure that I would have been happy to get, the rest was never worth a cent.

A decent sized channel could easily make multiple thousands of dollars from a single, 5 minute unboxing video that took a zero effort to create.

It's easy to insult them when you're probably a neet who's never paid his own bills when you need food it's hard to turn down such a great deal.

the problem with skillshare is that youtube is skillshare but free

All of the internet is arguably skillshare but free

lmfao, i cant believe cancerboxes made it this far


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Good. I'm so fucking tired of hearing about Skillshare and every other company that regularly sponsors Youtubers.

For sure, I just think it's funny that the service they're advertising is hilarious to everyone they're advertising to

To consume product in anticipation for next product.

Literally fucking who



Thank god.

I have a friend that sends me one of these for my birthday every year. I appreciate the gesture but they're full of absolute SHIT and I don't know what to do with any of it.

I actually thought this company died years ago lmao

oh man I keep forgetting that ashens exists

Wow I assumed they had died years ago.

I love the idea of gambling a tiny amount of money for some neat material things, but lootcrate was just horrible. Literally every lootcrate video I've ever seen was just a shitty crossover t shirt, some stickers, and plastic toys. Only an onions lord would want one
The ones I really don't understand are Honey and Grammarly. Both are very pointless services that own almost all of the youtube advertisements

Imagine being so butthurt at some shitty box subscription service's failure that you try to spin them going out of business as some sort of triumph

>ha ha well the company may have failed but it's not like the owners went to jail so really they're the next Warren Buffett!

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At least Nerd Box is still okay.

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The only obvious benefit would SkillShare it is curated and updated.

Not surprised, Ashens was laughing how he would get a lootcrate and would find alot of the contents at 99p stores a week later.
Hell I have multiple lootcrate exclusive tshirts Ive found at thrift stores for like 2 bucks a piece.

How the fuck they didn't go bankrupt after the defective EPIC Thanos oven mitt controversy is beyond me.

The only "lootboxes" that seem worth it are the snack based ones, especially if you arent a picky person they can be an okay way to find new things you might like.

Maybe now the smelly neckbeards autistic enough to buy a LootCrate subscription will switch to Dollar Shave Club.

Holy shit I completely forgot about that, what a fucking disaster. How hard is it to make a fucking oven mitt.

>saying someone made bank implies "tHeYrE tHe neXT wARerERnenn BuuuuuuufFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFETTTT????????"

go restock the styrofoam cups, wagefuck

I'd rather go to the dollar store. Go to the candy/snacks isle and just randomly grab a bag of shit with my eyes closed. Same result, much cheaper.

This AIDS is responsible for Funko Pops becoming popular. They started out as just being a part of these every month and quickly became the thing the onions guzzling redditors that would buy this kind of trash liked best about it, and thus started selling like crazy on their own.

That became an recurring joke for his channel for a while, then Lootcrate sent him a whole box of inflatable crowns with a troll face picture on top.

It's like they have no self awareness.

Ehhh, might be better of at an asian grocery store or something to that effect.

>made bank
>company couldn't cover its own debts, let alone break even

lmao, you actually think a literal failed business, in bankruptcy with its remaining assets to be liquidated to provide its creditors with however many cents on the dollar they can get, is a success just because the owners aren't personally liable for its debts?

Trust me, it's better to run a business that makes a profit.

oh man that I never saw

His latest video about ordering pc parts from wish.com and putting it together was pretty great

They defaulted on a 21m debt, and then some. Highly indicative of not making nearly enough to be actually profitable.
I suspect they didn't have the starting capital to make this venture work in the first place, since it probably would have worked had it not all been based on loans.

it's sad really
are scam sites really the only option youtubers have if they don't want make completely sanitized content for youtube ads?

this is absolutely 100% the case. had an old roommate that got the first 3 months free, fastforward 5 years and he's an avid collector of those funko shits. I can only imagine how many other people bought into that shit, and how many people those people told.

fuck i hate funko pops

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I'm gonna go binge like I always do whenever I remeber ashens. Thanks user

There's only really a handful of Pops that have good sculpting and doesn't look like nightmare fuel. They're not cute to collect like Beanie Babies and also feel cheaper than Amiibo.

>I clapped because I know Star Wars
The funny thing is that was basically their review of TFA.

Good riddance.

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>be rich from meme company
>company slowly starts losing niche market
>revenue starts to slow down
>do i hemorrhage my own personal fortune
>or do i declare bankruptcy to pay off the debt?

you're an aspie fuck

This snake oil horseshit is always advertised on Pandora.

I feel bad for men who are so down on their luck that the end up falling for scams like these.

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holy shit you are one stupid fucker if you equate bankruptcy with success lol

>Subculture of buying useless bad quality junk.
At least you can play games you bought, or read the comics in your shelf.

>literal failure at business is actually a success if you managed to pay yourself first, aka Rule #1 of any business or even side hustle, before the business failed

Get a load of Steve Jobs here

It's better to run a successful business that keeps paying you in perpetuity, then to walk away from the flaming wreckage with no liability.


What the fuck?
Isn't the whole thing just some shitty merchandise in shitty package?

I hope that guy is shitposting


The name alone is clearly meant to target niggers. No self respecting white/Asian/Latino/etc man should ever associate himself with a company literally named from blackspeak. I imagine the only people buying this are dumb fat black women who got it to force on their husbands who give no fucks about their personal hygiene product brands in the first place.

>a subculture around getting scammed

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>muh geek culture

How embarassing.

>suicidal thoughts
>from people shitting on lootcrate
if this guy isn't just a complete shill, then he might in fact be the most pathetic individual to ever exist

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I always saw some youtubers unboxing that shit and saying how cool it was but I never met anyone who bought it, did they just spend all their money on advertisement?


>Snoop Dogg is the spokesman for it on Pandora

Is "hims" really blackspeak? I've heard plenty of nogs say "mines" but I had no idea the stupidity went beyond that.

this fag sounds like he has a hoarder mentality

Do you understand how bankruptcy works? If they own the distribution buildings, they'll be sold off to raise capital to pay back their debts as much as possible, so yes, they will lose them.

I understand Grammarly because internet is now filled with illiterate sheboons with ipads

Isn't that the streamer who fucking died on stream?


god knows my mom could make some use of it. she's a 1st generation Iranian who speaks with very little accent but has totally shit grammar when it comes to writing. I have to help her write emails and stuff so she doesn't make a total dipshit out of herself.

yeah that dude was fucked

I know two people who got free trials of it but never paid for it past that because they realized it was shit by then.

Yes. Typically spoken by black women about their boyfriend/husband ie "I made dinner for hims" or "Hims best not be still on that couch when I get back or lawd help me" etc. There are a lot of words like this in blackspeak that inexplicably end in "s" when not plural.


I hate streamers and think they're fucking knobs. This, on the other hand, sounds delightful.


>make corporation
>make yourself CEO
>give yourself huge bonuses and a massive salary
>corp goes under
>owes millions
>you are not liable for any of it, the corporation is

God bless America and the retards that fill this thread and keep paying taxes lmao.

He was a really paranoid dude that kept talking about a specific day of his death. Then one day he was streaming and wrapped himself in all this protective shit and just laid down on the floor and fucking died

Here is an unboxing of the last lootcrate
It had
>Jaws drain stopper that looks like a broken sex toy
>cheap plastic ghost busters toy
>Book about marvel comics villains
>bladerunner patch
>ghostbusters pin
Just find a gachapon machine or mystery toy packs

>it was SUPPOSED to be the same exact thing again you neckbeard manchildren, what else were you expecting and how can you possibly complain about it?!

My socially inept younger cousin has a lot of black friends, and I heard him say "mines" once and almost lost my fucking shit. It's like hearing them say "aks" instead of "ask."

I can't fathom the rationality speaking like this besides "MUH CULTURE," but even that's a stretch. Like most other shit they probably just do it to piss white people off. Fucking hell, just thinking about it makes me want to puke.

>a lot of words like this in blackspeak that inexplicably end in "s" when not plural.
And here I was plural-izing common words because I watched Homestar Runner as a kid.

>protective shit

...What? You mean like saran wrap? Dafuq?

Some dudes who are very interested in and proficient in computers, math, physics, chemistry, music theory, drama, literature, architecture, writing, or any similar interest
>Nerd culture
unabashedly consume and obsess over mass media. Then proceed to act like some special pariah when people give you an awkward stare for shouting Naruto references in Wal Mart

trump made loads of money and managed to be bankrupt several times.

Going to need a link or more info, hoss.

Wait, all the employees have to return money?! WHAT?!

>Why would you willingly spent 40+ American dollars on a bunch of random shit from media you know nothing about when you can just buy merchandise of a series you actually like

People like surprises. I'm amazed it failed, nerd culture bullshit was on the rise forever and I'm sure they were making huge profit margins on them.

Granted I'm sure so few people wanted to subscribe to them forever. Wanting to buy a monthly box of trash could easily have you overflowing with bullshit quickly.

Holy fucking basedlord

he wrapped himself in hockey pads and then duct taped pillowes to his head and arms. Looked like his ghost just jumped right out of his body when he kicked it too

Never heard of it, what is it and what's it like?

It was always a poor concept for dumb retards.

>hey guys, pay a subscription and everymonth we send you a box full of random shit

You've got to be one hell of a retard to even subscribe to this shit.

Never heard of Honey. Grammarly I can guarantee is actually fucking good. I'm using it right now, it's pretty sweet.

The finer points of the English language are rather easy to learn if you're a native speaker. Spending a few hours reading this website
seems like a much better investment than purchasing software to apply the same rules for you. Such a service would also be useless for any experimental form of writing

It's a decent idea.
Extremely poorly executed.
The premise of the entire business is "Do you like this particular hobby, well we'll curate merchandise and paraphernalia of your interest into an organized case for a cheap cost."
But they lost focus. Instead of focusing on time and effort being the trade-off for the buyer they focused on getting cheap shit on the dollar.

>Grammarly I can guarantee is actually fucking good. I'm using it right now, it's pretty sweet.

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>yfw you're not Loot Crate

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>Grammarly is good
If you're not a native English speaker

>Watch an unboxing video
>Order an item off the internet if it looks neat
>If it's a lootbox exclusive wait a little while for it to show up on ebay for pennies
>Only receive the shit you want and none of the shit you don't, while almost certainly paying less than a lootbox would cost
How they stayed in business for as long as they did astounds me

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An excellent post

NPCs better stay away from my tendies

>not knowing how to speak or write in your native language

You should have paid attention in class, user.

How long until all these other companies that have based their businesses on this same model go under? There are literally dozens, including clothing ones like Style Butler where they send you a complete outfit every month to food ones like Hello Fresh where you get different recipes and ingredients to make various random meals every month.

fucking kek

I have a feeling the clothing and food ones will stay in business longer than that literal garbage-senders

Are you a native English speaker? If not, why do you need a service to help you write? Spellcheck is built in to nearly everything anymore, and such a service seems like it'd kill your personal writing style.

>had no idea what loot crate is
>search in google

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Was the mega crate real?

do actually think it works this way? Do you think no one ever though about this?

user, apply yourself. English isn't that difficult.

God I fucking hate Skillshare

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That same logic can be applied to any business where you could simply do it yourself.
Why buy a burger at a restaurant when I buy the bread, meat, cheat, etc for cheaper and better quality.
People are just lazy.

If you got it on a 50% off sale, it's not a bad deal considering you're guaranteed 12 shirts out of it.

I knew they were having issues months ago when a load of merch was getting delayed, etc. and also when the earlier months this year had great loot for once, they clearly brought it all forwards together.
>Get a year's worth of Lootcrate when it was cheap
>Silent Hill coasters
>Metal Sonic statue
>Nuka-Cola Power Armour
>Sonic Mania glass bottle
>Dragonborn Helmet figure
>SMW coasters
>Earthworm Jim lunchbox
>USS Normandy lunch box

Out of an entire year, besides one or two great shirts like a Conker one, that was all that was notable.

I can see the ones that give you foreign food every month staying in business for a while since the stuff they offer either can't be found easily or you would have to pay a huge amount in shipping just to get one thing you may or may not like.

>dollar shave club is a scam

They were always filled with useless garbage, but they've definetly gotten even worse in recent times (and this explains why).

just buy a safety razor


Shaving cream in general is a scam, I haven't shaved with it in a year and haven't noticed any difference

Way more advanced than up to a couple million years ago though, isn't it?

>chance to get shit from stuff you dont know
>basically gambling
>instead of just letting you order individual items directly

my cousin got them monthly for maybe half a year, and anything she didn't want she would give to me. there were maybe 2 things out of the whole bunch that I actually liked. I know one of them was an Attack on Titan keychain, but regardless it was pretty much ALL SHIT. nothing of value was lost

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A scam in the sense of the business is making way too much fucking money for something so basic.
Buy a packet of good blades for $30.
Buy a quality straight razor $50.
You know have a quality item that will last you a long ass time and be way cheaper than DSC.

Looks like Jerma

>It's a decent idea.
receive random junk, NO

I kind of feel sorry for the people who signed up for the Star Trek Loot Crates. They were constantly going on about how the boxes would never show up and then say "Oh well, maybe next month will be different". I can't imagine wasting that much money on a monthly service that never delivers.

everytime I see someone open a loot crate I instinctively want to toss everything that comes out into the trash

imagine paying $25 a month to have garbage shipped to your house

Because it was novel and some people like surprises. It could even be a cute gift idea.
However most people hate bullshit which is why is failed.

fuck brilliant.com, i will never use their retarded service

Got a link to the vid?

>claims grammarly is good
>demonstrates that its not

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yeah it's kinda fucked up though

Imagine getting a gift for someone and its from franchises they dont know
Like seriously.
Imagine there face
Imagine the rage
Nerdiness is too broad so the statistical chances of getting items you would actually enjoy is low
Maybe if it was a box full of old retro games and systems or a box full of shit from a certain franchise it could work


Almost all of that sounds horrible. What the fuck are you going to do with a lunchbox?

Thank god he beat Dark Souls on stream first. No one has ever done that.

it's not a black thing you dumbfucks, have you never heard of anything called "for her" and "for him"? there's a shitload of products that make this kind of shit you're supposed to buy in a package for a couple, one version of the thing for the guy and one for the girl. it's just a play on that fairly common practice thing that you probably didn't know about because you've never needed to buy anything for you and a girlfriend before. not everything is a race thing

put lunch in it?

When you see what they put in the box it's pretty apparent they just buy large amounts of low cost novelty goods and maybe one or two things actually worth a damn. If they let people order items individually then they would only ever sell the good shit, while the low cost novelty items (with the highest profit margins no doubt) just sit in the warehouse.

It's supposed to invoke the sort of feeling you get as a kid unwrapping an unknown Birthday present. Only issue is that each month they gave similar cheap garbage. It was basically a matter of wondering which onions film they'll give you a funko of next month

Will this affect barkbox?

Now if only the digital counterpart would disappear too.

HIs grammar wasn't that bad. Comma splices are common and the lack of punctuation in the second sentence conveys a stream of consciousness sort of feel

??? You don’t know how a company works?

>good sculpting
user you do know they're just blow molded right?

But as a kid you made a list and gave it to your parents and they got stuff on the list or stuff you liked

Not surprising. They were mostly just shilled by Youtube streamers so they could easily make an unboxing video that people would watch . But now all the streamers are just buying random junk off of Wish since it's cheaper and has more variety.
And the people who subscribed to the service just because they wanted random stuff just got tired of getting stuff they weren't interested in or was crap quality.

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Epic, dude. How long were you waiting to shill this gay shit.

This Pic is saying something

Holy mother of fuck my goddamn sides

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Lot of disinformation in this thread, so I will mass reply to you all. Bankruptcy is when an entity decalres they cannot meet their debt repayments and they sell off their assets. It entirely depends on whether they are a limited company, liable company or individual as people can go bankrupt too.

In Loot Crate's case, it will likely be a limited company, meaning you will get the company going down the drain, it will owe all the debts, not the employees or the owners (no, employees do not give back their cash, although this was likely sarcasm).

If the owners ae personally liable, which is a way to secure cheap loans, by saying you will cover the first 100K in debt if it goes bankrupt, then they will have to pay personally, but thsi is only the CEO or some directors.


You can make bank whilst a company fails. It probably made more than enough to keep going and the execs likely just took huge bonuses until the company was left with barely enough to keep the lights on. You can indeed have serious treasure coming through the door and misappropriate the funds so badly that you still declare bankruptcy.

Then, if you have 1 million in debt, you may pay off 300K or so and the rest is forgiven by the bank you owe money too. You only are forgiven on the proviso that ALL assests become the banks, not fair split, and the IP, all future property and profits, all land or company cars or buildings all go to the bank.

t. a guy that works for a company that makes people bankrupt.


The word "hims" absolutely is blackspeak you dipshit. The company is very much targeted at blacks. You know fuck all about slang apparently.

You do know you can buy discount bulk T-shirts for like $10 a BALE

Do you know how many T-Shirts fit into a fucking bale?

there's no need to be upset buddy

>would you like to buy this thing you like and want
>or would you like to pay for the mystery box?
everyone chooses the mystery box

Wasn't this Trumps business plan?

Make this into a wojak
Former soiboy turned into a depressed husk of a fan,no hopes for what he liked to be good again

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More like disappointed. Who even finds this crap funny.

It's just Dorco blades that are marked up and a subscription that expects you to throw away your blade after 2 or 3 uses even though it's not going to be that dull unless you have some super-strong hair.


i actually bought a few pairs of meundies

How? How could the company that sold overstock garbage from Thinkgeek, J!nx, and Hot Topic go under?



It's difficult to remember someone who has been releasing the same 5 videos for the last ~10 years.

Not that guy, but yeah.
He's just a shady guy in general. Remember when he wouldn't pay his contractors? Or taxes ("that makes me smart")? I feel like this should have been a bigger deal during the 2016 run.

very true

Okay, then think about it like telling someone else in your party decide what Restuarant you go to
At least audible stopped doing it. No idea why they did in the first place. Looking at youtube comment sections is enough to confirm that almost none of the audience reads

Everyone bad with money probably

I used Audible so I can rip the files of books that aren't easily accessible on torrent sites and upload them.

You're welcome, faggots.

We're an overpriced, glorified cook-book that sends you shit quality ingredients hoping you dont realize you could have asked your parents to show you how to cook food instead of being a shitty, distant child.

Wasn't it apart of his plan to smokescreen his controversy with even more controversy? So people just got used to all of the controversy?


You're just a jaded edgy cunt

>Worthwhile books
>Popular enough to have an audio book form
>not in the public domain
Few and far between

Find a me an individual who isn't mentally retarded who finds this shit funny.

Why should I thank you for shit I don't participate in? Go do something more valuable. Like scanning doujins.

I thought you were joking.
What is wrong with this company?


Jesus fuck dude what even is that thing.


Who has a party and lets others decide the place to eat

Would somebody really do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

He inherited hundreds of millions from his daddy and still went bankrupt 6 times.

That's not a good thing, nor is it typical for multi-millionaires.

Yup, and people buy it hook, line, and sinker.
Now people are wondering why we're headed into the next great recession. Gee I wonder if electing the guy with a bad business track record and who literally fires anyone who opposes him from scientists to advisors was such a good idea.

Today I will remind them

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I want ashens to bully me

How do you fuck up making oven mitts?

You could tell this was coming for months. I bought a shirt subscription in February by the time I got a refund a few weeks ago they managed to only ship one shirt. No to mention they spam the fuck out of my email every day with 50% off coupons.

The regular boxes are so bad now that even the YouTube shills are shitting on them

bold of you to assume we're the shitty ones and not our parents.
also that our parents know how to cook.

Are we sure it's supposed to be an oven mitt and not just a stuffed toy infinity gauntlet?

get the fuck out

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Nigga the site lists it as oven mitts

Excellent response

>we'll curate merchandise and paraphernalia of your interest

That's the thing, it's not specific enough. If it were just a loot box of specific shit you cared about it'd make more sense. Like a loot box of anime merch would be cool to me.

But no, the box could include anything from TV shows, movies, anime, video games, cartoons, books, comic books etc. So it's very unlikely that anyone is well-versed in all of this which means that it's more likely they'll get shit that they don't want or even care about.

Ashens videos where basically this is shit but they paid me to review it

>In 20 fucking 16
What were they thinking?

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the only people I know who actually had lootcrate subscriptions were people who unboxed them on youtube for easy content that nobody watched anyway

I really never understood what people do with all that junk. Really I only have interest in video games, some anime, and sci-fi and fantasy movies and TV shows and even then I can't be bother to watch literally everything out there.

How do people find the time to be the sort of nerd who has an all encompassing interest in EVERYTHING?

I love couponbug.com!

I wonder why they went bankrupt

user, are you not playing Raid: Shadow Legends™ yet? I'm playing the game myself and my personal favorite champion is X. You should play this shitty mobile game too!

Hope you and your parents have a nice stock pile of money man, because come December you'll need it.
Hope you keep your job.

why do these companies pay these people to be so obviously unenthusiastic

They likely don't.
I imagine that most of the people who order these boxes just want to show that they're a fan of videogames, anime, comics, etc... so it doesn't matter that they don't know the specific series it's from since they can just add it to their collection and show off how much of a they are.
Or they're just a Youtuber that orders it so they can make an easy unboxing video.

>About 360,000
Jesus christ what the fuck

They're not into all this shit, moron, they're into zeitgeist, trends, "identity". They watch the surface level shit they know others are watching because they know others are watching it.

>Hazard: The oven mitts lack thermal protection, posing a burn hazard to consumers.

Holy shit, that's so goddamn pathetic.

>it's fucking jerma

>not recognising the "is this the streamer who x?" meme on sight

I don't understand what you mean by this, my dude

I actually tried Raid when a bunch of people from work got hooked on it, and I just didn't find it fun at all. I'd rather stick with Opera Omnia.

MeUndies is unironically the most comfortable underwear I've worn. If there's a cheaper alternative, though, I'd go for it.

Kek I knew who it was gonna be even before clicking it.

Away luggage is the only product I've heard Youtubers shill that's actually worth buying.

Attached: editors-picks-away-carry-on-EDAWAY0519.jpg (1600x1000, 289K)

How do you think the original mold shape was made?

>watch ashens loot crate videos
>subscribe to it for over a year
why did I do that?

i know what minox is and that it sort of works, but what are the others? isnt fin the only thing that properly works anyway?

It took advantage of the early "cool nerd" culture the one that aren't ashamed of their Nintendo Switch in the background

>t. a guy that works for a company that makes people bankrupt.

funhaus shills this

this is what happens when you treat ebonics as a distinct language and not just slang from ghettos

Yeah, always thought that was weird. I don't even have the time or interest to take part in all the "surface level" stuff out there. There's just too much of it. Sometimes I actually feel alienated form other nerds because my interests are too focused and niche.

I never understood the appeal. You get the exact same stuff as 10000+ other people. At least you can be somewhat unique when you buy things individually to your taste.

Cow Chop has shilled practically everything listed ITT, kek.

Surprise bags for "adults", I'd guess.

Alright, Yea Forums, what would YOUR winning idea be for a monthly loot box?

Mine would be an original card game like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc. Each month or week or something, whomever is subscribed gets a pack of random however many cards. Certain commons, rare, etc.

The thing is, the people that miss out on months might miss out on certain cards or whatever and they will instantly become worth a bazillion dollars.


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For writing shitposts on Yea Forums it's useless, but try writing a novel. Grammarly is great for that, when you have dozens of pages to go through.

Man. I love learning stuff.

8:40 best part

WoW, that's a big dragon

celebrity bodily fluids

More like poop crate

Good. They were literally ledddit trash

A mass replier wasn't a faggot for once.

I have written my grad thesis without any support like that, except for basic spell check.
My intuition generally is: If a service needs that much of an advertisement budget, then it cannot be actually that great.
I mean, I'm glad they pump that much money into ads. Finances the services I actually use.

Horrific case of Kool-Aid overdose

>grad thesis
That's different though, you don't do much prose acrobatics in a thesis, at least nowhere near as much as when you're writing something that is mainly conveying emotion.

Also it's not like you have to use it, it's just a massive time saver compared to manually going through a few hundred pages of text (which you'll have to do anyway, but this way you can make almost sure you didn't miss anything).


jerma is reddit overrated garbage


Well hey, maybe some of their collectables will actually be collectable now.

getting a funko pop from a lootcrate, i supposed

This is exactly where it all comes tumbling down, like even with the specific ones. Because they do that, you can get a vidyacrate or an animebox or whatever. But it's still far too broad. It's like a kind of lame Collector's Edition except no guarantee it's even stuff based on an IP you're into.

>hey people, subscribe to our service and we'll send you boxes of random shit eveymonth
How it could even build a business seems amazing to me.

The only item I ever wanted was DOOM shotgun shell shot glasses


I remember reading somewhere a few years ago that it was supposedly one of the fastest growing businesses ever at the time. I guess it was all just hot air.

You can grow fast without being profitable.

I ordered one from a japanese sweets/snacks importer in my country, and it wasn't a great idea. Maybe japs have shit taste, but aside from a few things which are pretty nice (umaibo, melon pan, weird flavors of kit kat), some are borderline disgusting. But price-wise, it wasn't too bad, at least not really worse than just getting local snacks.

Lootcrate is cool, BUT HAVE YOU GUYS HEARD OF NORD VPN????

I remember a website but I can't find it now and I'm not sure if it still exists.
it was a blog called "loot crate sucks" or something like that and he would review every loot crate and complain about how much he disliked it and then argue with loot crate fans in the comments but after 3 or 4 posts he said he didn't want to spend any more money on loot crate because he hated it so much and just left the almost empty website up




has modern marketing been perfected?

Fucking hate YouTubers shilling this shit

>your brain on /biz/

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He had a few of the hundreds of enterprises he owns declare bankruptcy to cut losses.
That's an intelligent decision, not a black mark.

Ah Dork Cube, truly the king of lootcrates

>no fucking idea what are you nigger talking about
>google it
>it's basically real life overpriced lootboxes
>they always come full of garbage for normie nerds like socks or pins
What the fuck? I seriously can't understand how this shit was popular for starters.

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Can I use GREAT COURSES PLUS with it?

Fastest way to spot a poor: they think a company going bankrupt is bad.
Companies are made and unmade all the time, they mean nothing, if it already made you money and now is going into the negative, just end it. People have dozens of companies, why would one closing down be a big issue?

The aim of a company is to make money, not last long. If it made you money, it did what it needed to do. Also, a successful attempt at breaking into a certain market will net you hundreds of times more revenue than a failed attempt costs, so making a new company to try and then closing it down a year later if it didn't pan out is a non issue.

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It wasn't

This. Every time I see an unboxing video of this shit it was always a huge disappointment.

As a general rule of thumb in business, if someone else has to actively tell you something is fast growing, it probably isn't.


It works the same way that nigger nation "growth" does - i.e growing from 1% to 2% is a lot more impressive on a spreadsheet than 101% to 102%

The box probably cost more to print than the garbage inside was worth

member when they shipped oven mitts that werent fire retardant?

Sorry guys I was super busy so I will answer what I can now. I don't know about the Donald's specific business interests, but if you mean his tax returns, that is a bit different.

He essentially doesn't spend all the money and drive it into the dust, but what he does is write off his money as loss.

Every mile he drove in a comapny car got the cost of the gas taken off his tax bill, every time there was money left over, it got spent on new PCs and stationary. Every chance you get to submit a receipt, you submit it. Even if that means big performance bonuses or employee benefits (I am British so I don't know about NY state law, but here you can give your employees phones and you get to write them off your taxes).

He isn't actually spending money like its going out of fashion, he is just submitted anything that is called an expense against his profits. There are even more clever ways of doing this than just finding what is a technical loss, such as charitibale contributions and paying himself a dollar a year but owning 51% of the business and getting paid a dividend (a low tax cut of profits given to shareholders for having investign in a company, rather than owners or employees who keep it running).

If you ever start your own business, look into making it a private limited company and giving yourself 100% of the shares. You can get a cut of the end of year profits as a bonus which (in the UK) have a flat rate of 10% income tax on them. You can pay yourself a shit salary and bouy it up with bonuses in many clever ways that pay less tax.

Cheers lads, glad I could help.


Apparently it didn't lol

>I feel like this should have been a bigger deal during the 2016 run.
Well, he is also a master of spin and basically said "Hey I told you the tax system is broken, look, I lived large on it for years when the subway runs on a shoestring budget" and people replied with "well he is scummy, but he is not wrong, the guy played us like a fiddle, I wonder who else is playing us, maybe we should let him go at it with a hatchet".

if jewtube didn't pull the Adpocalypse and fuck over literally 80% of its content creators we wouldn't even have these companies.

It probably was a big deal during his 2016 run, however you have to look at the utter failure he ran against.
Trump having scummy business practices doesn't equate with Hillary having multiple assassinations and years of foreign policy disasters under her belt. And he was (somehow) running as a working class anti-corporate while Hillary openly ran as a corporate shill while also supporting open borders. Her entire campaign was just a mismanaged disaster.

>Multiple assassinations
Let me guess, she's still pulling the strings at the FBI too?

I had an AUDIBLE laugh ot your post

It's very cool.

This user knows finance. Some things are slightly different here in the states, but most everything you said was correct. This is why the common man will always have shit finances, because our tax law is so obtuse.
t. CPA

I really don't see a point of this stuff. What's the point of paying a monthly subscription fee to maybe get some merch that you might enjoy? Wouldn't it be way more fun and sensible to buy the things that you know you enjoy, without this dumbass gatcha aspect?

I'm glad that the geek culture fad is starting to fad from the main stream.

Dumb gacha aspects are in at the moment, people like the surprise of maybe getting something they like I guess.

>He inherited hundreds of millions from his daddy
[Citation Needed]

Good. Nothing of value was lost.

Thanks user, yeah labrynthian laws is true jewry. People like Ben Shapiro are actually right that too much government interference is deadly, unfortunately they think it lies in minimum wage, not a tax code that lets you pay literally zero income tax.

Now that its dead, Geek Crate and Nerd Box shall share the spoils.

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Actually most inheretence billionaires lose all their cash without a few years. The fact he made it all back several times is impressive, and is stil a billionaire today. I couldn't become a billionaire once desu.

Also, ask any business owner who is remotely successful if they think Trump is a shitty businessman and they will say no. Every businessman knows that failure is part of the life of a businessman, and it is no sign of a poor character or ability. The fact he is still a billionaire is astounding.


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>newfags get jebaited
haha fucking boomers

If people were ordering this shit, they wouldn't have gone bust.

Someone who used to get them on the regular for about a year, and I can say most stuff I sold off. Had one ASSFAGGOTS Figurine of some red head bitch I sold and got about 100 for. Some figurines are actually very sought after because they are truly exclusive.

Best box I got though before I stopped was a DOOM box. Fucking Doom Tshirt, Doom guy Figure, Shot gun shell shot glasses. It was legit a perfect box, never happened again

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I hope FunkoPop is next.

>1st gen company expected to pay severance.
Are zoomers this entitled?

Nah, they won't be, there products are obviously cringe, but they have a market and are sufficient quality to demand their pricepoint. They are gonna keep fucking going.

What the fuck is boogie2988 going to sell now guys?!

Got some bad news for you user

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>241 burn injuries
>make oven mitt that literally lacks any thermal protection
how did that not bankrupt them right there holy shit

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>smart enough to write a small paragraph
>dumb enough to forget the word 'his' exists


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>correcting grammer on the internet

I know fren.... I know.

Obvious bait

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You clearly dont know how any of this works

>make lots of money
>give lots of money to owners and shareholders
>have two bad years
>oops the company is dead

>paying $50 for a box valued at $20
Not even once

YouTuber bait

Ashens can make anything entertaining

But that box has a $60 """value"""

I have no idea what this is, so I can see why.

>owes customer 20 million in crates

But considering these stupid crates were basically worthless isn't that infinite crates?

never heard of this before

>Jaws drain stopper looks like a literal dragon dildo


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>youtuber reaches the shill section of their video for audible/raid/lootcrate/dollarshaveclub/whatever
>skip ahead 1 minute and don't even see it

Haha take that.

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What' s a loot crate? Some reddit onions shit?

this is what this man does every day

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>all 4 people who were going to testify against her mysteriously all died around the same time

I call them cuckboxes.

The only thing I will miss from lootcrate is the Ashens videos

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Ashens could review used needles and I would watch it.

>that time Classic Game Room reviewed a banana
>that time Classic Game Room reviewed the New Jersey Turnpike

Just buy bulk shit from AliExpress how are you having suicidal thoughts over cheap Chinese plastic?

>that time Classic Game Room asked his viewers for money since youtube adbucks were going to shit and they responded by giving him over 10k a month on patreon but this caused him to release less and worse content until he started making multiple kickstarters for shitty comics he was making that nobody wanted and his fans got angry and he got angry and started posting even less video game content and more shit about his comics and weird spam uploads like truxton vs bag of chips until he went full butthurt and disabled comments on all new uploads and then completely stopped making content

sadly it seems literally no matter what any youtuber I like goes to shit or stops making content.
hopefully Mumkey can recover.

He still makes shit.
its just that he fully dedicates his time to his poorly drawn comics and discussing 80s shit nobody really cares about.

>Stopped making content
He's on Amazon Prime now.

>It probably made more than enough to keep going and the execs likely just took huge bonuses until the company was left with barely enough to keep the lights on.
Now hold the phone. I actually also work for a bankruptcy law firm, as it happens. What makes you say that they "probably made enough money to keep going?" This just seems like a huge amount of speculation. And also, if you DID work for a bankruptcy law firm, you'd know that this kind of behavior can get you totally fucked. If you make preferential payments before filing bankruptcy (this includes to yourself from company funds) the trustee can absolutely make you pay it back.
>You can indeed have serious treasure coming through the door and misappropriate the funds so badly that you still declare bankruptcy.
I mean, yeah, it's possible. But that's the reason you have to submit bank statements for months back and stuff in a bankruptcy. You can't give yourself a huge bonus, declare bankruptcy and just walk away scott free. You will get absolutely turbo fucked by the courts.

>nothing of value
They are going out like the things they sent you.

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Just because you like things that are considered nerdy or pop culture doesn't mean you like EVERYTHING that falls into that category.
I never understood the rational behind lootcrate. The chances of you getting things you have no interest in are astronomically high. Some of the spin off specialized crates that are just about a specific theme, like games or anime, make more sense. But even then, you approach a similar problem where just because you like certain games doesn't mean you like ALL OF THEM.

It's like the lottery. You'd be infinitely better just taking that money and buying something you know you want.

I have this oven mitt. It could be better insulated, I wouldn't hold it for too long, but I've had it for a while and it has yet to fall apart or injure me. Used it in temperatures up to 450°F. Surprised this dude didn't sue.

>watch stupid meme gameplay video on DMC5
>long extended shilling for Runescape as a gag

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>Just because you like things that are considered nerdy or pop culture doesn't mean you like EVERYTHING that falls into that category.

Because there's actually people out there who have a shallow interest in everything "geek". And that's who these services cashed in on

Imagine being such a redditor faggot who bought this gay shit.

>I never understood the rational behind lootcrate.
It was pretty simple. Lootcrate essentially buys a bunch of stupid merch that isn't selling well at a reduced price (like Star Wars socks or whatever) and bundles them together with other similar-themed things to trick nerds into buying it. You can have a "space-themed" pack with like, Star Trek trading cards and shit
Thing is, people kinda wised up to lootcrate's shit fast. Even a friend of mine that liked it for a while stopped when he realized he threw away 80% of the crates

The shit wasn't even similarly themed, one of the problems with lootcrate is you'd get like a king kong piece of shit with a gremlins toy in the same box.

Well, themeing was a thing early on (at least I think so, I never actually bought a lootcrate) but I'm not surprised they dropped it later. The point was ultimately to sell worthless shit to people after all.


>the Ashens video previous month
>"They're just... sending in the old stuff these days. Are they - are you in trouble guys, because this is getting a little cheap now, isn't it? I think perhaps the twilight has fallen on the subscription box."

Why would anyone want to fill their house with plastic crap they will never use? The shirts is all I ever hear people talk about, but you can get graphic tees online (and not have to guess as to the design) for a couple bucks. Bulk shirts like Hanes (which are extremely comfortable and I wear nearly every day) are even cheaper. Everything else you just wouldn't even use once.


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>irl gacha fails
at least normies and manchildren managed to not fuck up ONE thing for a change

They're fucking everywhere at conventions and shit: The problem isn't the idea, but that literally anyone can do it and just get the one reasonably specialized crate for fun.

Sad part is I got this lootcrate. I didn't get that crown though.


to rip off dumb ass gamers

So, new NerdCrew episode about Nerd Crate tanking when?

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I went to Super Smash Con a week ago and there weren't any of those LootCrates when for the past couple years they had an entire section for them. Guess I now know why.

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>Ashens stops doing Lootcrate in favor of random Wish items
>Lootcrate goes out of business a few months later

>Or taxes ("that makes me smart")?
Holy fucking shit do you not understand what not having a tax liability means?

Time for some boring ass tax talk.
You know that "deductions" thing that people occasionally talk about? It basically means "I spent some part of my income on some approved thing/business expenses, so I should owe that much less on my taxes."
You add up enough shit like that and it means you don't owe any taxes, aka not having a tax liability, which some retards interpret as "not paying taxes".
Normal people take what's called a "standard deduction" of $12,000 instead of having to itemize all their deductions (which would probably add up to less than that anyways)

How did they got bankrupted? their entire thing wasn't just selling excess stock at a premium for gullible people? The marketing spending was too high? it wasn't giving anough profits so the shareholders simply gave up on it? Or is one of those meteoric growths financed by debt that explode completely?

>There are a lot of words like this in blackspeak that inexplicably end in "s" when not plural.
Rednecks do it too, when I worked at a convenience store I always had to make them fucking clarify whether they wanted one can of snuff or two

Any good light novel/manga based lootcrate, I remember how the only thing I was looking foward to was getting a book from these crates (fren bought me a 6 month membership.)

I can’t wait for dollar shave the gays club to go bankrupt as well.

>Gone, reduced to atoms

They were made for a specific sort of basic nerd, the kind watches every capeshit movie and loves Ready Player One and follows Wil Wheaton on twitter. Which makes sense as it's the only way a general subscription box can work, but even said basic nerds have specific preferences and aren't gonna love a Game of Thrones pen and a Doctor Who toilet scrubber equally.

If Patrick Bateman was a geek, he would have subscribed to Lootcrate.

>Have one crate with general paraphernalia
>Turn it into two or three crates with different themes and price/quality
>Turn it in to thirty crates, each based around different franchises
Gee, I wonder how it could have possibly failed.

I have this thing. Never shredded mine like they required for the replacement. Turned out the replacement was somehow even more garbage.

I heard they doin good and they actually ship on time, did it change?


>12 nerdy shirts
>Silent Hill coasters
>Metal Sonic statue
>Nuka-Cola Power Armour
>Sonic Mania glass bottle
>Dragonborn Helmet figure
>SMW coasters
>Earthworm Jim lunchbox
>USS Normandy lunch box

how embarrassing for an adult to want, have or use any of that crap

I feel like that'd be too niche for the retards that buy into these services. Anime I can see because you just watch it to consume media but READING? Get that shit away from me.


>real life loot boxes died faster than in game loot boxes
what a fucking world

I'd take the coasters

>smelly neckbeards autistic enough to buy a LootCrate subscription
this was never their target audience.

Is NordVPN bad?

>not even mentioning Squarespace's obsession with restaurants and gyms

>YouTuber is sponsored by Full Sail Academy
More like Full SALE Academy amirite

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>Geek Crate and Nerd Box
Even though those were parodies they weren't much different, the garbage in them was very similar to the real thing.

How do I grow the reverse Hitler beard?

No, that was Mike's response. Rich was neutral/kind of negative, Jay was more analytical and seems to have a crush on Daisy Ridley (She is cute, so I guess I understand). Anyways they did end up revising their opinions after the initial hype wore off and basically admitted that "It was better than the prequels so we got caught up in the hype"

The review itself isn't very good and it is definitely obvious they fucked up. At least they changed their opinions later. They're still Hack-Frauds though.


>A company tries to attract more customers to grow their revenue base. This obviously means they have nefarious intentions


>hundreds of enterprises
no, he licenses his name out to be used.

He can't keep getting away with it

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oh wow I havent even noticed that hahaha

People used it to create content for youtube channels. Do you remember the faggot star wars guy who cried at seeing the trailer? One of his recent videos was a lootbox type video he did with his wife.

I've been hearing some youtubers/streamers shilling for Door Dash lately. As someone that works in a restaurant that uses their services, just don't bother. They're late about 90% of the time. Use GrubHub instead.




This was the only box i ordered. Never again.

didn't popeye also speak like that too?
for some reason he popped into my head while reading your post.

>inherited millions
>is a billionaire

Turning even 100 million into a billion is harder than turning 10k into a million.

Of course you sound like you're on the fuck grump train so it's no surprise you don't understand how money works.

user, did you know that Blue Apron provides full meals straight to your door? And with no leftover ingredients! No extra onions or vegetables you'll never use clogging up your fridge. You can even pause your meals for a while while you're on holiday, or even if you just want to take a break, and as an offer just for our listeners, you can get one free Blue Apron meal at blueapron.com/eatmyass. That's Blue. Apron. Dot com. Slash. Eat my ass. For your first meal free. Blueapron.com/eatmyass.

if it was just being clever with deductions, I don't think he'd be so adamantly against sharing his tax returns

answer honestly user, have you ever used a company that advertises on podcasts/Youtube channels, and you ever been satisfied with the product/service?

>tfw never fell for the loot crate meme but can't get off the moba loot box ride
how do we make digital loot boxes go bankrupt and/or find a way to give everyone buying them (including myself) self control

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My sister orders Hello Fresh, it's okay, not amazing most of the time but I'm not sure if she's picking dumb shit or if most of their dishes are dumb shit

Is there anything more annoying than youtube videos that unceremoniously start shilling something? Like 30 seconds in and they without warning launch into the advertising spiel. I'm sure the youtuber not being able to give a warning is part of their contract

At least Simpleflips tried to work around that to give people a heads up when he did it


>I never understood why people would order this shit
there's a certain novelty about a surprise box, but people soon realized all they were getting were bargin bin crap

If you're writing a novel, you should be reading and correcting it yourself. You should not be letting a computer algorithm butcher your work into a tepid, repetitive mess. Grammarly is a fucking scam.

I've had an Audible subscription for the past 4 years.

irl lootboxes
gacha was already originally an irl thing before mobages.

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>not leaving your kinds of mistakes in your work
>not fucking grammar up on purpose in specific ways for even more flavour

Overdrive provides essentially the same service except it's free and you can download ebooks too

no fagget

I want to strangle that guy

Lie about what? Blacks talk like retards all the time.

Not him but I bought some raycon ear buds and they're actually pretty nice. Only gripe I have is they don't save whatever volume you had them on after powering off so I have to adjust it every time.

The end of an era
I'm glad to have seen this one go

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I get ridiculous razor burn without shaving cream, it's just that the generic name brands are trash. I started using Cremo, it's like goddamn magic

>People can't lie
Maybe that's why he doesn't want to release his taxes, because he probably isn't a billionaire.


I always love going to a video that I'm specifically watching to learn a skill, and then having a skillshare ad. Part of me wants to try their free trail just for ideas of subjects to learn next and then utilize youtube for those subjects.

Why did you let this die? I thought you gamers loved nerd culture.

Youtubers will finally stop pestering me with it

why would anyone support this on the first place?

Is it too much soul if you spell something wrong, but the letter that's wrnng wasn't adjacent to the correct letter?

Microsoft word has a spell check, you know.

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clearly no one actually did

why the fuck did nerd "culture" start meaning to eat up corporate slop?

it was a pretty clever way to sell all the excess inventory from gamestop no one wanted

>No aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, physics, stats or other science classes
>It's mostly programming
Huh, I guess there's always Great Courses or whatever that's called.

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No, I'm agreeing with user here. Are you literally 14? I don't mean that offensively, I'm genuinely curious and won't report you if you are. This is...really not funny...like, not even in the slightest. My little sister who's 8 years old watches this kind of stuff and laughs, but she's also at the age where Steven Universe Youtube Poops are so hilarious that she vomits from laughter.

Pretty disappointed. I wanted to see someone die.

Marvel movies and the big bang theory

You buy them from alibaba at $0.01/piece

How will I get poor quality merch for characters I'm not interested in now?

was 07 truly the beginning of the end?

BBT came out in 2007, Iron Man and The Dark Knight came out in 2008

>Dislike Funkos
>See a Blue-Eyes White Dragon shirt that comes with a Blue-Eyes Funko
>Buy it

It honestly feels wrong, but the shirt looks nice and pleases my Yu-Gi-Oh autism.

Shoutouts to best boy.

and? how does that change what I just said?

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Post shirt

couldn't you just bought the shirt online?

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it depends on which one you consider the true beginning. Did BBT blow up because of the two superhero movies, or did the two superhero movies blow up because of BBT? Or was there just some general nerd zeitgeist waiting under the surface to ooze out like the Blob?

I thought it was a chibi Blue Eyes shirt, then I saw it came with the Funko.

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>a service that sends you boxes monthly
>99% of them are geeky shit that people aren’t buying that’s clogging space in a UHAUL storage bin and need to get rid of fast
>going out of business
Gee, I wonder why. Also, some vendors at (insert anime convention here) do this too.

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In your defense, the inhuman funkos look say better than the regular funkos.

I'm subscribed for a pair a month and absolutely love them. I'll probably unsub after like 10 pairs

>Peppa Pig nearby Shin-chan and Chibi Maruko
This feels unsettling

Nice shirt, would wear.

>all these stickers
>in Goyman
>that face
Someone send this guy into a predominantly muslim neighborhood.

It's always weird when you wake up and the thread from last night is still alive, especially on this board
I meant the other definition of party