Is this still accurate in 2019?

Is this still accurate in 2019?

Attached: guaranteedreplies.jpg.png (369x358, 35K)

Almost made me reply

based and quite possibly teampilled

it's bait, but literally just switch these 2 circles and the chart is actually accurate

Attached: 1565850607913.png (369x358, 41K)

>needing skill

Attached: 1554226133152.jpg (1024x862, 156K)

How the fuck is strategy not skill you bumbling fucking retard

Alright I'll bite
>Switch Spy and Demoman
>Switch Sniper and Soldier
>Switch Engie and Medic
T. Medic main

just because you have a good plan doesn't mean you have the actual skill to do it well

I forgot
>Switch Heavy and Scout

ITT: retards

>God aim Spy tries to fight Soldier
>Hits every shot but still dies
>Skill that doesn't pay the bills

>Potshots from distance instead
>Might miss if they're not skilled
>Doesn't die and "can" achieve something more constructive

There is a big difference.

Actually accurate.

>implying spy doesn't take skill
found the shitter

>Sniper & Scout
Pick one

Attached: 9hj2e0kj5lb11.png (899x570, 161K)

>More skill and strategy than soldier

reverse it, then it's accurate

>Backstab hitbox registration
please tell me you're joking

>abuse lag

how is being able to aim properly and being able to shoot and dodge at a fast speed not a skill

Swap Soldier with Heavy then Heavy with Pyro.

>Raise cl_interp to 5

>letting a spy anywhere near close enough to you to do that to begin with

most of the classes are slow as shit in tf2 making sniper braindead easy to use

Attached: matchmakingfags.png (600x500, 14K)

Heavy definitely requires a lot more strategy. They have limited options in terms of retreating with such a low movement speed and lack burst movement. They have to pick a good time to go into situations because they won't an exit strategy.

In terms of skill you're not wrong but Soldier doesn't even have to hit their targets just around them. Fine tracking on a constant firing weapon is a huge skill. Soldier takes no skill whatsoever.

I could never get into this game because of the pacing, 90% of the characters move slow as molasses and most of the combat is taking place from relatively short distances.


One of the main issues of the game is that if you're not playing with a reasonably component team, it's a complete fucking slogfest, you'll be spending most of your time waddling around looking for health pickups. Things like having to worry about ammo and health not regenerating OOC makes it a lot more difficult to just pick up and play. This also feeds into the teamstacking and steamrolling preferences of the community.

i haven't played tf2 in like 8 years
why the fuck did they add matchmaking

>abusing exploits
>get good
lol. You do realize cheaters like myself choose spy BECAUSE it has so many vanilla exploits that players are used to? It makes actually cheating not suspicious whatsoever.

>"Okay, their medic has uber but hasn't popped it yet, I, the sniper, will take the medic down and stop them from using it on our sentry nest."
>Headshot scout
>Headshot other sniper
>Headshot pyro
>Headshot hear spy uncloak and turn and shoot him
>Uber'd player kills you because you didn't prioritize the medic
They're 2 very different things to have.

because f2p
actual brazilian monkeys too brain dead to find servers

those fucking earbuds, man. the day i started seeing fucking ipod earbuds everywhere, i knew the good days were over.

are you the same type of faggot that gets mad that a sword beat your gun?

No I'm the guy who appreciates objectivity and facts.

Attached: 1548488036072.jpg (743x747, 62K)

On the day of the rope, interp niggers will pay the same price that scripting demoknights paid long ago, and I will be waiting to have the biggest laugh of my life.

Attached: 1562953329405.jpg (400x416, 9K)

>Almost made me reply
this hurts me

Direct rockets do much more damage and take more skill to hit, and rocket jumping takes a ton of skill and time to master.

The extra mobility afforded by rocket jumping and all the different ways you can rj make soldier's skill ceiling much higher than heavy's.

Even with cl_interp 5 you still need to memorize the hitboxes to backstab

You fags are so easy to bait when you can't even read filenames.

Attached: not this one yuo are silly.jpg (633x427, 78K)

rent free

> medic
> skill

I don't care about the rest, I just completely agree with Solider's placement.
Seriously just a fucking huge, black smudge blemish on an otherwise a well-rounded, balanced game.

In close combat the projectile speed, the blast radius and the damage makes it so even an inexperienced player will never miss and guaranteed kill in 2 hits (for most classes).
Mix this with every map being close to medium range (or at least having large areas of close combat).

I should say you can do some skilful shit with the solider if you can actually direct hit people consistently, I tip my fedora to you.

I just want a tf2 thread to start

He's right except Pyro taking skill