The actual state of Dota esports



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You need the perfect world chink numbers.

Is that supposed to be bad for a game that's six years old (nine if you count the beta)? And it's not even the finals or semi-finals, it's the group stages, for the English stream when most English speakers are asleep.

who the fucks whatches group stages

chink game

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You sell to chinks, you pay the toll

league is higher than this on random matches and its even older

>it's a weekday
>it's a workday
>it's the first day of group stages
>tour lasts more than a week
>it's during Chink times

Riot is a notorious viewbotter, all of their numbers are 100% suspect.

Well compared to fortnite it's literally nothing (1.7 million avg or so)

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you know the game is trash when russians streams have more viewers than english ones

i agree

dota died after they introduced talents
you can't convince me otherwise

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Based on what evidence. The fact that dota fans say it all the time?

as "evidence for this" or is it just the numbers. I find it strange too. No way the game gets more views every year and worlds than the year before. The game had to have plateaued by now and declined.

most people who bought the ti pass thing is probably just watching the game on the client

english people are sleeping due to the event being held in China

its 9am in moscow and 8am in western europe

> electronic sport

It's Chinese v Chinese Dota, I'm sure even more people are asleep when this happens.

>imagine playing dota in 2019

Ahhh yes yes remember allthe threads we had in the last 5 or so years from literally stinking Steamdrones running around on Yea Forums claiming DoTa 2 will kill LoL?
Every single time something came out on Steamaka Dota 2 would kill LoL:
>This last patch will kill lLoL
>With modtools Dota 2 will just be emulating LoL and it will die!
>Dota 2 has the biggest tournament IN DA WORLD (because we retarded faggots actually pay the momey for the tournament prize LOL)

And now its dead in the water way behind LoL and the drones till cant accept it

mobas are dying because league and dota were so popular nothing else was able to enter the market even if they were better or offered some variety. Same reason why BRs will probably not exist in 10 years and why RTS are pretty much dead.

Putting it in chinkland was a terrible idea

>mobas are dying
That's what people said a year ago with fortnite becoming big.

Feel bad for you, don't even think of, etc.

It's a slow death but they are falling off. At least in the west. Also it's not like literal actual death but death like how SC2 is "dead" but still has players that make a bajillion dollars playing it somehow.

>lolbabies and overfaggots mad that their game doesn't have a sticky during a major tournament

Its not the main event yet.

> video game tournament
fucking manchild
that's the cringiest shit you can do

t. riot gook

>yuros at work
>burgers asleep
Besides the game is dead

But for real it's kino, muh viewership

>not playing the superior moba aka League
cmon now lads

They have like mulyiple streams going you retard. Not even adding and in-game client.

Why don't Asians like DOTA?

hope it burns and dies

catering to fucking chinks rip white people u are no longer the main consumer

chinks do apparently, and SEA too
it's just that chinks watch on their own platforms and those platforms all have viewbotted and inflated numbers for every game stream

>not counting the other 4 main streams going on

Gayben is a subhuman, Fortnite a game that is made with the help of chink money doesn't give a shit about chinkland, Dota made by valve on the otherside is chink dick sucking the game.
>E-epic sold to chinks

Chinks don't watch esports on twitch
most SEAshitters dont have the money to afford home internet and have to watch in big groups at internet cafes, thus they barely contribute to stream views
Nips and gooks don't watch dota at all

So what? League is a kiddy game that appeals to all ages. It's literally the fornite of moba. Back when I was in HS, everyone played league but the college students played Dota.

yeah because chinks don't give a fuck about fortnite
nobody cares about your ironic epic shilling


Why aren't you shitposting with us dotards?
Is Yea Forums really that soulless now?

Russians have a way way way better education than Americans, not even close

t. American with Russian friends

I'm watching on
we got 50k here too

when I go in game there's like 140k in game watching just 1 game but I don't know every game

youtube has like 3 million viewers spread out in all those restreams

who am i rooting for this year

>muh viewers
league is entirely watched by chinks, played by chinks, run by chinks, chink company, chink orgs, league is as chink as it gets

dota's vast majority of tournament winners are white males
even this TI, which has always been dominated by white men, is once again, dominated by white men
so seethe more chinky league player cause whitie is playing for 32mil while you're paying $10 per hero for some achievement system

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Talents were a decent idea poorly implemented that were trying to solve a problem too big for them.

the fuck is

Russia's got a massive presence in Dota though

>league is entirely watched by chinks,
so, just like dota 2?

this because I like happy doom pics


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>The most popular game on the planet has more viewers than DoTA
Holy shit dude I would've never guessed
Retarded butthurt dotard

Someone PLEASE unironically give me one fucking reason to watch any DotA tournament, let alone the WrestleMania of DotA, on fucking Twitch when I could watch in game and have control over the camera and which commentary I'm listening to?

DotA Twitch numbers don't mean Jack fucking shit.

I don't know, I watched a couple tournaments a few years ago but the games are like an hour long so it got boring quick.

Gabe, calm down. I'm sure icefrog will return and fix your game

Go schedule some forced diversity meetups

they were bad and bland at the start, but it's just an extension now of 'everything is overpowered' design methodology.

By the way, LoL will always be a shit game propped up by the dreaded female audience that white incels hate that flocks to the game because of cosplay opportunities and a low skill barrier.

Are they revealing new heroes?

Also it's kinda stupid to compare numbers when the entirety of China is watching this desu. Don't they use their own streaming plat?

DotA, much like real sports, is unironically better watched than played.

It actually looks like a good game when it's 10 people who know what they're doing, and its fucking HORRIBLE at anything but the top level of play.

>paying $10 per hero for some achievement system
LoL finally introduced a battle pass / relics?

I wonder why LoL lacks monetiziation. They literally could copy things from Dota (again) like announcer packs and map skins etc. I guess they're too retarded though.

Hurr its boring.

okay, league baby with your fucking 2 kills 40 minutes in.

But league has hour long matches too. Why would I like league over dota?

Who are you quoting?

They use their own streaming client, we have multiple streams going, People in NA are sleeping unless they're like me without a job. many many people would rather watch TI or even just the groupstages in the Dota 2 Client where we can do our own camera movements, check statistics on our own accord, get prizes/item drops and many other features. these LoLfags are just stirring shit like they do every year. and i just remind them of how fucking boring their shitfest a game is where pros do fucking nothing but poke for the entirety of the game until 1 or 2 kills happens and ends the game.

>pre-main event
>only checking the numbers for the region where it's 4 in the morning on a weekday
Hmm I wonder why the numbers are low
Fucking retard

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Nah the numbers are gonna be low the whole event in the West because it's taking place in China, at least until the weekend when you get to the important shit like Top 8 and Grand Finals.

for one, league has a much better artstlye even if you hate weebshit.

Good. Fuck NA.

Those cucks don't even have good teams anymore.

literally just scroll down to the viewers during LCS and you will see about 40-50% of all viewers are random jumbled letters and numbers.

>Noooo why isn't Valve viewbotting like my favorite company Tencent does all the time????
Did you get BTFO so much in your previous thread that you had to make a new one?

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I just opened a stream and I can't hear any of the crowd so I have to assume they're still in group stages and haven't even reached the part of the event where they're in the arena.

Why would anyone be watching groups?

Groups is hilarious today dotard.
Liquid and EG trashed.
Mega creep comebacks.
Support Invoker.

>Why would anyone be watching groups?
For the upsets of course.

>Support Invoker
Not seeing a problem

dota is dead get over it lol

>Liquid and EG trashed.
>Mega creep comebacks.
>Support Invoker.
any vods of this i missed this all cause i was asleep.

prefer a highlights or something desu

>Liquid and EG trashed
>Falling for the upper bracket meme when lower bracket is better

Every popular e-sport is complete trash both as a competitor and as a viewer. Fighting games are the only watchable competitive game and for some reason nobody watches them

>Watching TI when GSL Vs the World is on.

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hahaha why arent you watching fortnite? : )


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I keep thinking that if Blizz would have made Dota instead of Valve it would have been way more popular.

>starcraft 2

And way more shitty. Look at Heroes of the Storm.

Don't people normally watch it in-game?

Activision's Blizzard is incredibly anti-consumer.

I don't like Auto Chess but if it was made in a DotA made by Blizzard Blizzard's shitty policies on modding would stifle it and force the people who made it to bow to them.

I know, that's why i said dota, ie if they had just hired Icefrog and just made an update of the current dota in wc3.
And it goes against their interest. They lost the moba market. OW league is dead. They are just lucky that WoW is the monopoly of MMOs.

That's the multicast stream for dumb normies. The actual dedicated game streams have 15-100k viewers. Plus it's in China = retarded hours for NA/EU

>announcer goes "uh oh, spaghettios"
I fucking love dota
If a LoL caster did that he'd get fired

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Puppey more look Poopey lmao

I'm new to dota (10 hours). If i'm straight and want to explore my curiosities of sucking cock, which hero do you guys suggest I play? Keep in mind I only want to suck cock (and not get fucked in the ass) so if there's a hero that encompasses what I'm feeling then all the better.

Im glad they stole talents idea from hots but they need to be more than stat buffs

there are unique talents that can change heroes and make them more fun.

that and Viper's name is "small retarded fish"

>not having him filtered
>giving him (you)s

fucking jej
his whole team would get disqualified if this were LoL

Reminder that Yea Forums's old TI threads were absolute kino.

What happened dotards? Too busy having fun in d2g now?


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The game became shit.

I'm really confused

Why is Newbee not a Chinese team

Their main chink team didn't qualify so they got the qualified NA team.

>Watching Dota 2 outside of the client

Dont worry retard will be a forbidden word soon enough.

If I'm full time watching it I do it in the client, if I'm watching it while doing something else I just pop the stream on because it's a lot lighter.

I was wondering why chat exploded in NA Lul spam once Newbee lost, they had most of that game in their favor though, so why is that still a thing?

>newbee is NA dota now
what the fuck?

literally read the thread

their lineup is Great Value cloud9

The russian casters are way better though, they're passionate as fuck about the game and about their teams.
t. cykablyat expat

>so why is that still a thing?
Because NA is a bad region when it comes to competitive dota.

What the hell is this?

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Ach Kevin.

it's ponies, dad

You can high-five your teammates now.

the fuck is Arena of valor

well russians are the superior dota players so not really.


mobas are a miserable viewing experience
the only good spectator esports are CSGO and rocket league

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You should count dota 1 user.
The old guys like me taught kids about dota 1 and they left after the mass migration to dota 2, theres a huge ammount of lol refugees and common people waiting for dota 3 (with good and non cringey graphics)


How the fuck do you highfive Winter Wyvern or fucking Viper

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Agreed. I stopped after talents were introduced, tried the game again a few patches later and got one shot by PA's dual crit daggers when all she had was a bkb and deso. Talents made the gap between carries and supports much worse and in some cases there's zero actual counterplay because the talent is so out of control

t. user who used to be in the top 1% mmr bracket

yeah but no one cares about that asian tranny game

I had my doubts but this confirms it. Really pathetic too since they're already guarenteed to be the top stream without botted views, this is just to please investors and duping people into thinking the game isn't on a downward slope.

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just press the button dude lol

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It's a week day
It's a shitty hour
It's the first day of group stages
You only showed one of like 4 streams there are multiple games going on at the same time
These are the english only stream there are more viewers in the russian ones
Twitch doesn't account for the people that watch through the ingame client which is a better experience

>googled the high five animation
>it's just shitty floating symbols

>The most popular game on the planet

Yes actually.
Fortnight is second most played game on the planet.
I know it hurts.

>there are people with numbers in their names it means they're bots!

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Someone should pay e-sports team members to show up with t-shirts about June 4th 1989.

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numbers and random letters are used a lot in asian people usernames
come back with actual proofs

cursed trips


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Trips of truth.

motherfucker not only is this the groupstage, this is one broadcaster.... you spweing lies faggot you know there are like 2 games at a time with 5 fucking broadcasters on.

Based and fuck Communism with Chinese Characteristics pilled.

exactly. people are outside right now living their lives instead, you fucking NEET.

why are russians not outside living their lives

the chat on twitch is being spammed almost constantly with the tianamen square massacre pasta, its glorious

theres another chernobyl going on out there, not a good idea

Just fuck my league up

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>non cringey graphics

>Dota 2
>WC3 remake

>implying Dota 2 isn't OBJECTIVELY the best-looking and least-cringe

Real chink hours

replying in an epic bait thread

every baiter deserves a reply! baiter rights!

>Implying Icefrog ever leave or will ever leave Valve.
No other dev would let him pull the shit he normally does.

csgo major is a better show and both deeper and a better show overall than ti

biggest dota tournament + biggest prize pool for esports in the world vs random lol streamers and gook league

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Unlike lel, dota has never had a e-celeb/whore culture.

rtz, bulldog, for starters

>tournament is in china instead of PNW
>shitty viewer numbers because nobody is fucking awake to watch it
who would have thought?

alright ivan back to low prio

>Out of them only bulldog can be considered a true e-celeb
>Meanwhile at lel

i don't watch either game, but dota even has a tournament made to be eceleb bait (summit).