Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
Retards never picking any comp other than 5 DPS and expecting you to play support.
Is that a benis?
I only play during events. People take the game too seriously so it will slowly make you go insane listening to people complain
Aaaaand there we go. Not gay anymore
If I play who I want and say “controversial” things I can’t grind for content abloo
Also no single player campaign/online only garbage should be f2p
Because of this.
i played it like the week it came out and i got fucking bored
felt like the characters were way too basic
I cant really play what I want because I'll just lose the game, so I'm forced to pick meta shit in order to have a chance to win.
Stopped playing before the female reinhardt was added.
OP is a fag with shit tastes
Don’t want to pay for ps4 online anymore. No motion controls
>in game models don't have fat sweaty futa cocks on the girls or any sort of modding support
that's why
Since the early open beta where you could play it for free. It was too slow, too team play focused compared to better games like TF2.
I don't know how people can enjoy this game.
Somehow made it more gay by trying to make it less gay, we all know there's a cock there but now you're trying to live in denial about it
Because it's full of faggot like you
30 tick servers
I want to be d.va's cockholster!
Why does this game get so much porn? Fighting game girls are better
Still gay, but this isn't.
Sigma is sick as fuck
I didn't
Not enough feet
alright ill bite. what the fuck is this?
Implying I ever started playing this shitty game
It is a mystery
I want Dva to have a fat uncut cock down to her knees, so I bully her for having such a useless obscene slab of meat.
bph is the best shit, shame its so rare
kid of hot not gonna lie.
It's truly a curse
What does cock taste like bros?
Same boat. Kind of hate that it's arousing, but oh well.
>angela in meis outfit
im already nutting
pic would be better if she was leaking pre
Roughly 1 month after launch because that's when everyone else stopped having fun and people started getting mad.
I blame whoever made the first meta post that showed which heroes were "good" and which were "shit".
The plot of Jojolion
literal spam thread do not answer
Because Bastion hasn’t been nerfed.
the pic is based though
Remember big penis humiliation is the thinking man's fetish. ESPECIALLY for girlcock.
I didn't notice that massive dildo creeping up from below before. This is still gay.
Never heard of this one before.
Recomendations, please? Futa only.
Maybe it's you who's gay and insecure about it to the point where anything that looks like a dick makes you write it off as gay. With a raging boner, of course.
The the fuck do they only have 3 fingers?
I never picked it up, I'd rather just play tf2.
Would you kindly hook me up with an uncensored version? Searching the filename is giving me dead ends and I want to see those nips.
>see pizza
Oh, so is this a trann...
>notice bulge
Fucking called it.
What is this?
>exclusively solo queue and pick whatever hero I want
>win the majority of my matches
>accused of throwing and being toxic the entire time
>reach grandmaster
>accused of throwing, being toxic, and getting carried
Why are overwatch players so insecure and angry?
>come back from 3 day vacation
>3 OW threads on Yea Forums
I wish 8ch wasn't kill
What a whiny lil bitch you turned out to be
i would unironicly suck her dick dry.I would rip the yogapants apart look at her feminine dick and take it it my mouth pleasuring it with my tongue until she comes into my mouth
No homo though because its a feminine penis
t. virgin
Godspeed, user.
Overwatch is repetitive with no dynamic personality
>play tank
>get dicked over by sr mechanics
>always perform really well but never climb
>always kept in plat
>suspect elo hell exists
>make new account and play exclusively dps, despite never having played dps before
>pick tracer and hanzo
>instantly mid-diamond
>elo hell confirmed
If you're competent at the game and play dps you go to the upper ranks
If you're competent at the game and play anything else, enjoy plat, faggot
Fucking faggots, slap yourselves.
They changed the playstyle of all my favorite heroes and now they're ruined for me.
replace moira with brig or pharah then i agree with this
I want D.Va to lock me in chastity and bully my prostate with her nanobiotic futa cock!
except shrink my pp with nanomachines before locking it up
Played beta with friends, bought the game and realized it's shit without friends. It's a stupid press ult to win game and all the characters look like plastic
u ever play mgr
>Shrink my cock with nanomachines before permanently locking it.
Sounds hot desu. Think D.Va would forcefully feminize her new bf(pet)?
she would probably just install you in her mecha and use you as a onahole as she plays
love this artists style, not a fan with how obsessed he is with ejaculation.
Futa ejaculation?
I really want to be D.va in that scenario
Probably when i realized the game is shit and community is trigger happy to report anyone they deem unfit
Oh and also all the waifubait fanart and pandering can't mend a broken bridge known as SR
>She jumps out of her mecha as it explodes, killing you inside it.
Bad end.
Because the porn isn't as good as the game
That's a good brainless stud.
Not brainless!
Just... more dick than brains...
>community is trigger happy to report anyone they deem unfit
Overwatch community is so hilariously sensitive that they manage to be even more annoying that LoL community. It's just that overfags are passive-agressive cucks unlike lolfags, who are just retarded and loud.
>yet another OW porn thread
I love videogames!
Well, that's all you're good for. Maybe I'll treat you with a new onahole you can fit it so you can pretend you've lost your virginity.
Best Girl
I wish Sombra was my wife!
Her and Symmetra are my brown waifus for laifu
Nn, thank you user. I can at least pretend I'm not a masturbation addicted girl if I had a fake pussy to ram instead of my hand!
What VR game is she playing that she is so immersed in?
The game where she looks down at me slurping on her cock
"Wholesome, meaningful life with people you love".
Short answer? It isn't fun anymore
Long answer?
Well my friend:
The game really isn't fun anymore. Balance is fucking dead and OW team isn't doing anything about it. Events are getting recycled and characters has almost no depth. Skins are laughable and not rewarding to get in the end. The whole game lacks even the fap-bait skins that games like league of legends has. Fucking worthless.
Blizzard pretends the game is "inclusive and diverse", while it has only 1 Eastern-European hero(Zarya) and like 4 heroes from USA(McCree, Soldier, Ashe and Reaper).
The fucking game has 0 Mediterranean heroes, closest ones being Pharah and Ana in fucking Egypt. No Spanish, Italian, Greece etc heroes.
Also all female characters have same body type. Only exception being Orisa. Even Moira is just stretched Mercy body. No hero has big bewbs for example. Male heroes have some body variety which is nice but personalities hit the brick wall instantly.
The reason why female characters looks so alike is because all characters are made from same model. There is some blizzcon video somewhere about that or something.
It falls on its knees right away on diversity and character personalities are as interesting as piece of sandpaper.
Maps are boring most of the time and has horrible environment and architecture realism. Just go and look at windows and doors in Rialto for example.
Then there are heroes and movement that is boring as hell. There is no feeling of weight in your movement, guns feel like using a spray-can. Momentum is lost in all techs(Pharah's concussion blast, Junkrat's mines), you just lose all speed without any reason. Wrecking Ball is only exception to some extent, but the speed mechanic is so lame in that anyway.
Ranked is just a meme. Endorsement system is broken and gives ban-protection(Tested). There is no real reason to try and win. Real """toxicity""" is never handled properly. Smurfs everywhere.
Also, the OW team tries to shift the blame of their shitty development choices on the playerbase for "being so toxic, so they cannot make proper updates because they have their hands full with toxic players :,(((((".
Jeff is a fucking hack
And seriously, the game balance is fucking shit.
So its no fun, the game doesn't work, ranked is pure shit, characters are underdeveloped and are made to be "diverse" when it feels more like filling out a check list with current "hot topics" and it is 40$ game with lootboxes and shit.
There, autism out.
I fucking hate that I spent time on this shitty game.
She probably doesn't even understand what that means and why anoyone would do that.
On more game-related note, why overwatch commnuty is so obsessed with heroes and abilities being OPRESSIVE and UNFUN TO PLAY AGAINST?
Its Sombra and Pharah for me but Symmetra is nice also
>She probably doesn't even understand what that means and why anoyone would do that
That's what makes her perfect: I also hate marriage, but would totally be into an unorthodox "marriage" that's basically just saving up for a big "honeymoon"-style vacation and an oath to always be there for each other. No fancy ceremonies, families, church, or government required.
>Blizzard pretends the game is "inclusive and diverse"
>mexican is a thieving whore
>african man is bloodthirsty backstabbing warlord
>russian is xenophobic and STRONK
>swede is a fucking dwarf
Really breaking the mold here, Blizzard.
There's something strangely arousing about the idea of a person sexually overly developed yet at the same time impaired to the point where anything beyond sex escapes their comprehension. That primality.
I wonder what does it say about me.
She is too scandalous for a marriage, but you will never get to complain, every drop of your sperm will be diligently wrung out of you in a passionate night, and she'll come right back when you're up for round 2
>moria that fucking high
>zarya that fucking high
>anna, briggite, sombra, mercy, pharah, that low
fuck off gay
I especially love it with futas. Should-be women thinking of nothing but getting off with their male organ.
Masturbation addicted sluts with cocks thicker and longer than their arms, trying to live a normal life~
God I wish I was one.
Huh, thought the artist was a she
>the OW team tries to shift the blame of their shitty development choices
>There is STILL no match history
>features are kept hidden (Tracer and Genji's increased basic move speed),
>no pings, so your tank can't ping his team that he has 560 HP left on shield and you HAVE TO FUCKING GUESS, or how much healing Moira has left, or when your game-changing ability is going off CD (Ana grenade, Mercy rez etc)
>literally the only way to have ANY KIND of communication is to stack 6 friends or try and voice chat with randoms, I repeat, TRYING TO VOICE CHAT WITH RANDOMS
>quick play is a torture because of that
Gee I wonder why people are toxic
>an oath to always be there
I don't think Sombra works that way, user-kun.
She may not seem like it, but I'm sure she'd be for it if it was with the right person. Which I'd say could be me but haha who am I fucking kidding?
Because you make this thread daily.
Can someone please tell me why there's half a dozen Overwaifu threads up right now when there could just be one
I love my Overwife but shit like this is why these threads get deleted
Other People.
>haha who am I fucking kidding?
That's why I'm not into waifufagging anymore. Disparity between fantasy and reality is too big. And too much thinking about imaginary girls who were designed to be appealing, i.e. 'perfect', will inevitably make you even more sad because you realise that 'perfect' girls need 'perfect' partners, and no one in real world is perfect, so you will never, ever be that guy she would like to be with.
You have to accept that at a certain point you're just projecting your fantasy onto the character.
I wish that was me
Those are some nice tits
Just waste another day emptying those bull balls instead of having any sort of successful life! No point going to work, or being social when you can't keep any basic urges under control.
Please, tell me there's a vagina edit of this.
without the caption yes
this thread gets posted a lot but it never delivers on the cute bulging futa cock barely contained in soft tights, begging to be touched and a bead of precum beginning to leak
I love my wife Olivia!
Could I get a link?
It's true.. every thought I have is just an idea to best spill my seed... talking to anyone will just end with my hand down my pants! I can barely get through a day without jacking it 10 times, how could I ever hold a job?!
I'll just exist to shoot my smelly sperm in my cum reeking room...
i dont have the link i just know ive seen it somewhere.try your luck on chan.sankakucomplex . com with the filters
Better turn on that webcam, that's the only way you'll earn some coin. All those custom cockmilkers aren't cheap. If you get raping them to breaking point I'll have to take you down the local farm to use the artficial mare. Just TRY and not get too excited on the way there, or everyone is gonna see you bobbing and leaking a trail of that slimy precum gunk.
>You'll never get to play with D.Va's joystick.
Feels bad man
I don't suppose you have discord, do you user?
I'll do my best not to break all my toys, but I'd always have one on my dick.. the wear and tear would catch up to them all...
There won't be much choice but to go to the farm to release all this sexual tension!
Holy fucking yum!
Positively kino.
this is...
but the advertisement...
Hell is forever sodomite
I'm just lewd shitposting at work at the moment.
it's fine, I was quite enjoying it myself is all.
Yikes. Lots of jizzminds in this thread.
Because in all my comp games people are throwing
top 500 here, yes overwatch has its issues but 99% of the people on Yea Forums have never gotten out of diamond and have no idea what the game is like when played correctly
>Still up.
Well then, where can I get more of this?
Same reasons anyone stops playing multiplayer games, why doesn’t blizzard realise it’s not feasible to make a game last 5 years and expect constant revenue
It’s not 2004 anymore
I wish.
>tfw no feminine bf to cum in my skull
top 500 players never gotten out of diamond either even if they lost 5 qualification games they would be 4k+
>screencap of e drama that relates to almost nothing about the actual game
>player death
>sweatshop conditions
>reddit running Dallas Fuel
>casters streamsniping players
>team communicating to their players through twitter only
What in the goddamn.
No surpise with a meatstick like that
I want to break the artificial mare, I'll admit. Just lose my mind when I slip in and start fucking it for 12 hours straight... leave it stained with my stinking cum and threatening to break because of my fucking
Players have a set salary (like 50k a year or something), live in small team dorms and pretty much are under supervision 24/7.
It's insane, and the best part is that the entire Overwatch e-sports scene is completely artificial.
Bought it before it came out because I enjoyed it for the first few hours, then within about 10 hours after launch I slowly came to realize how shallow, samey, tepid and easy the gameplay was, it was MOBA design but from a first person perspective, which is to say there is a lot of illusion of free choice when in reality the way you play to win is quite rigid, while also feigning accessibility by making commands to do 'cool' things simpler, when the real reason it is more accessible is because there is less to it in general, hurting player creativity for smarter players but making worse players feel like they're doing more. The only reason anyone still plays and it looks active is because Blizzard pumps millions of dollars into the e-sports aspect. It was destined to be flavor of the month garbage otherwise.
So, how do you feel about Role Queue being implemented now? Forced into a 2-2-2 game?
stopped reading there. take a shower
Cus I like the "loadout customization" in paladins. Keeps it more fresh than OW
What lesson did I learn here bros?
SJW shit
No new events
Meta meme
Retarded bans (out of meta pick, chat toxicity)
overwatch? more like valve for the love of god update tf2 i beg you
This is fucking hilarious.
Also, I have still have no fucking idea how people are suppsed to cheer for the team that are made up from literal whos. Whole overwatch scene feels like something you'd see in the movie or tv series when people that don't now anything about games try to depict e-sport events.
What about player deaths?
>Also, I have still have no fucking idea how people are suppsed to cheer for the team that are made up from literal whos.
For real. They introduce their New York city team and it has 6 actual gooks who don't know any English whatsoever and they think people are going to care. The NYC team is a mirror to all the other teams in OWL too.
I had satiated my stomach with the tears of DPS shitter numales on both teams reporting me after I cockslapped them all when I refused to heal and then took gold medals in kills and damage from them all, while they all spent the entire game crying that they dont want to switch to healer while I played the game I wanted to play and was better than them while they flopped around like spanked children trying to do their metababy bullshit in their casual-tier "ranked" not scrim matches.
I didn't
The only e-sport that was worse than Overwatch was HotS. No one was able to defeat koreans. Ever. Not even once. It was just so painful to watch, you could see casters slowly dying inside every time they had to commentate koreans vs non-koreans matches.
Still it was more entertaining to watch than some random manchildren dabbing and pretending to be big e-celebrities.
Also, by now part of playerbase was successfully brainwashed into caring what pro players think and how they play. It's fucking surreal to read things like 'Downunder Dickpicks ran this setup against Somali Semendrinkers on scrims, Sombra is obviously OP'.
Thats hot
BASED jannies too busy masturbating to delete porn
Tsk tsk, you'll get banned even from the stables at this rate. Big dumbass stud is gonna have to flood the sperm banks to pay for this, I hope they accept overfertile futa nut!
Every single match I play feels the exact same as it did three years ago.
screenshot this Yea Forums if the mods are not removing this in the two hours it has been up it's proof mods are gay, if they remove my post it's 100% proof the jannies love cocks
Oh no... even the stables would kick me out? I guess I shouldn't break it then.. but I can't exactly control myself!
I'd make daily donations to the sperm bank though. They have a tiny bit of porn so I could spend 20 hours there if they didn't have a time limit...
this. when will they learn how to hook lifetime players?
>not having at least some gay tendencies
bi is the mastersexuality, you hetfag
>feminine features
>gay men don't like traps
user are you retarded?
Don't straightshame people nigger
it's a blue board after all, even if this is a lewd bait thread.
Maybe they'll be kind and install a bunk so you can get some sleep in between all the mindless jerking off! Only fair when you're overwhelming their stock with all the useless fat dicked baby batter