>Cuts through your Diamond armor like fucking butter and almost as fast as you sprinting
Cuts through your Diamond armor like fucking butter and almost as fast as you sprinting
Other urls found in this thread:
*it has to be this way*
*shields his literal "run into you" attack*
Wow so hard
>completely, utterly and irreversibly destroys your game
thats granite andesite gravel and the other one no one likes, redstone is fun if you know what to do. Although im biased as i've never used it
>redstone is fun if you know what to do
No it fucking isn't, all this garbage serves to do is make people waste time and resources doing stupid shit for no fucking reason
that would be cool and all if it were even a good system but notch was too much of a dipshit to not make it riddled with spaghetti code for people to play around for years
fucking read and understand this page, I dare you
>Chaingun the Ender Dragon away with macro button
Crossbows are the absolute best thing the Swedecucks added to Minecraft. Now if only thry could add more weapona for melee besides sword and woodcutting hachet like maybe a battleaxe or daggers.
>for no fucking reason
what is the purpose of Minecraft
Maybe it's just because of the level you're equipped at by the time you're at the enderdragon, but it kind a fucks me up that the new skeletons have honestly killed me more than both end bosses.
Why the fuck does a basic level enemy have fucking perfect accuracy and clip you for a forth of your health?
>for no fucking reason
>he doesn't like 3x3 piston doors or slimeblock aerial bombers
Sandbox building autism where you have to go out and obtain the resources yourself is the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT of Minecraft, you absolute fucking brainless troglidyte. Focus on the """"survival"""" aspects are what ruined the game.
many people find it fun to make things with redstone. you don't have to do anything with it if you don't want to.
absolute brainlet
they are
they said they were going to tweak combat again and add a lot more weapons, the weaponsmith table for villagers is proof that it's still WIP
It just means the current jumps a block. Redstone just gives a structured and more robust way to do things than the hacky boat/block update ways we did it before and with a lot less lag involved.
Builders like them. More blocks give more variety of variation you can add.
>play mobile
>keep fucking up between putting and mining blocks
Good. About fucking time they actually atick to something for once instead of constantly adding half assed updates with shit pooely implemented. Hopefully they put Daggers that you can dual wield and apply poison to. Short range but they have supee fast attack damage output and a proper spear, the hoe as a weapon is fucking retarded.
I'm not alone here, on the skeletons thing, right? I get making them behave a little more like players, but jesus christ.
T-They're fast
Using a fucking shield, how are people STILL shit at Minecraft combat of all things? Skeletons are piss easy because you sprint, approach with a shield or snipe them back with a power 2 Bow. The only timee you should theoretically die in Minecraft is by getting Creeped or having a Witch throw poison on you.
>no clear indication that it's stronger than any other illager
>attack it thinking there's no risk just like any other illager
>fucking kills you in 2 hits
Nice game design, Mojang. Fucking dipshits.
>Vex vexes
motherfucker I literally only need a shield because new skeletons exist with their fucking nonsense
They aren't in patrols anymore.
Also they're piss easy with bows
shields are unironically OP right now
they can tank a full charge Creeper on Hard
Never even see these things because the sorcerer is spamming the mouth attack and dies before it can spawn them.
Shields give you room to breath if you get swamped by zombies, spiders or Endermen and even protecting you from a point blank Creeper blast not just for you being shit at fighting Skeletons
When are these swedecucks fixing the fucking Nether already? Embarrassing that in the year of our Lord Current Year+4 Nether Fortresses still don't spawn right and there's no ore to mine besides the xp quartz. Netherex fixes everything yet Mojang does nothing but put in more stupid fucking flowers and Pandas that you can't tame and can't get anything useful from killing.
use mods you brainless nigger
Have fun taking more then a second to smelt glass
Have fun running out of food
Have fun not having a secure base
Have fun not having a sorting system
Have fun not having tnt dupers for a tree farm
the problem is not that he cant use mods but the fact the devs do nearly jack shit and he has a problem that they wont for example fix nether.
get some reading comprehension
Post weapon ideas
>sling shot that can launch blocks
>a wand with random effects like summoning zombies or shooting tnt or striking lightning or instakilling the user
>a hammer that breaks 5 blocks infront of it but has a long cool down
Fuck off scar grians raiding area 77
>the fucking end has 4 biomes
>nether still only has one
It's stupid
>Nether Fortresses still don't spawn right
They don't? What's wrong with them?
Just use jumping attack, it crits and work on every enemy
>add grey andesite which is completely pointless when smoothstone already exists
>don't add something like basalt so we can finally have black stairs, slabs, and fences
Most broken enemy in minecraft desu, maybe aside from blazes
They're suppose to spawn over the Lava seas with an open top. However because of the untouched generation system they clip into the cavern ceiling which is why there are so many terraces and staircases leading to Netherrak.
What would they even add that isn't redundant? Only thing I can think of is different types of sword
Andesite is comfy. I wish we'd get basalt though.
after Tridents were added the sky is the limit
tridents are probably one of the dumber additions into the game
Battleaxes, spears, daggers, a mace or hammer. Versatility would be fantastic and improve on the half-assed rpg shit they added all the way back in Beta 1.8 and didn't touch until now.
>tridents are probably one of the dumber additions into the game
how so?
they're powerful, useful and fun
but also quite expensive and rare
Tridents with channeling are the fucking bomb. Brown mooshrooms ez
Based hermitposter
also Riptide is fucking worthless, just use Pearl/Elytra
for travel yes
for fucking fun and just swirling in the air like a god? no
Yeah. Loyalty+channeling is nice though.
Riptide/elytra is pretty neat for long distances though
Why not just firework + elytra? That's how the end autist on my server got out to 10k
Who the fuck has time to grind up hundreds and hundreds of gunpowder and paper to make Fireworks?
>end autist
How the fuck did he get out?
Of all the fucking games to become hard as balls, I really never expected it to be Minecraft. Fuck Phantoms, especially.
i fucking hate these noclip niggers so much and i constantly wonder how anyone at valve ever thought they would be a good idea creating an enemy that is
>unaffected by blocks
>can be summoned endlessly
>and wields a fucking iron sword
the only saving grace is that they're really rare unless you for some reason actually want to do a raid, but they're still bullshit through and through
I've given up on the other dimensions getting fleshed outside of mods, Especially after how they handled The End, Not only are you expected to travel across floating islands devoid of any real resources to find end cities, But its likely every city within 200k blocks are raided in every direction in SMP, Because instead of the strongholds leading to their own generated ender dragon island arena in the infinitely generated End, It's all funneled into the same place.
>Who the fuck has time to grind up hundreds and hundreds of gunpowder and paper to make Fireworks?
This guy.
>How the fuck did he get out?
Portal on the main island.
He traveled 10k blocks through the End then left through the main portal on the main island that just takes you back to either your bed or spawn? What the hell was the point?
Getting as many elytra and shulkers as he could.
>Those bots that invaded 2B2T are now learning and can perform combat techniques
>They can perfectly catch up to a player and gang up on them
>That footage of a 2B2T player getting lured by one bot them getting jumped by ten
There should be a gigantic mansion with a huge hedge maze that spawns in ice mountain biomes that randomly spawn one of these every 5-45 minutes.
Minecraft really isn't hard, you'd have to be a clueless dipshit to die from things like skeletons and blazes. Granted I'm a veteran since 2013 the only acceptable deaths that you can't control is having a Creeper sneak up on you, a Witch manages to poison you and you get hit with something else or the Wither.
2b2t is flooded with bots?
>Jump attacking a skelly with an axe
If I could use an axe designed specifically for combat I'll be happy.
Ah yes I too watxhed the recent FitMC video. Who gives a shit 2b2t is aids. THE OLDEST ANARCHY SERVER IN MINECRAFT full of spergs and aspies who name anybody new "Rushers" and proceed to kill them without pause with their duplicated sharpness 5 flame resistance and shulkee boxes full of golden apples and totems of undying.
I think a mace or warhammer would work much better smashing skeletons to bits.
the fun comes from how autistic it is to take something like a minecraft server that seriously
but I have an SMP with friends and I know for a fact one of those tards is gonna use this shit when they get the chance
They need to put in a napsack recipe or something. A way to sleep the night away for relatively low recourse investment, but it's limited or one time use only and doesn't set your spawn. It'd help not only with phantoms, but also give you a way to sleep through a night before finding your first elusive sheep. Because holy shit I have had times where I go several real life days without seeing a single fucking wool covered bastard.
You can't fucking explore anymore because after 3 days you're hounded all night by those fuckers. They aren't even all that dangerous, they're just obnoxious and have absolutely no place in a game like Minecraft. Complete boneheaded move adding them in.
>kills you in one hit
Nothing personal.
I just don't see the point. Yeah it'a cool you can use hacks and dupe shit but to have your builds get completely fucking griefed with no repricussions to the people who do it is kinda shitty. And the elitist "Veteran" autists who think they run the place, wow congratulations you've played on vanilla Minecraft since 2011 your so fucking special. Plus the dumb fucking wait timer to join is a big turn off
>bow with arrows
As I said clueless dipshit that lacks foresight can only be killed by this.
Of course there are ways to counter it, I'm not saying there isn't, but the Minecraft of 2019 is not the Minecraft of 2010.
Just go to 30k or so and your build will never get griefed
I think it's more like this site where people who are lucky enough to escape spawn go off somewhere and lurk for a couple of years before finally being able to puff out their chest with their gear
at first glance the idea sounds fucking cool, in a bedrock wasteland on a server that's been around since the very beginning once you escape spawn all of those ruins, hidden bases left untouched created by people who stopped playing years ago, gives it a feel I don't think any game has been able to replicate for me but that falls apart when you realize how long it takes to escape spawn and how many times you'll die trying to escape the Swastika roads were cool though
though when I played for a brief time the wait times weren't that bad
>granite andesite
I will never understand why people hate these and diorite so much. It's so nice to have an alternative to stone.
>muh inventory space
Just throw it away.
If they were usable interchangably than stone it'd be less of an issue, problem is though, all they can do is make building blocks, and that's kind of a problem before you pick up your Mending Unbreaking III diamond pickaxe
Two-Handed Melee weapons that restrict the use of off-hands when equipped on your hotbar, Higher damage with slightly longer wind-up.
>i am an absolutely worthless brainlet
That page isn't even confusing. Are you just a retard?
Ok kid
this item is completely broken and removes all challenge from the game
>literally 2 years after beta ended
vindicators disable it
pillagers with piercing go through it partially
The "Challenge" from the game was nonsense from skeleton, it's fucking dumb like the shit with blazes, where the things that only really exist so you can get shit from them to make potions to not deal with their bullshit anymore.
>tfw you make an artificial village and are constantly paranoid of accidentally hitting these fuckers
there's still one stuck in one of the houses that''s pissed off at me
how many cobblestones do you need before you go hunting for diamonds?
3 for pick, 8 for a furnace, fucking and? Don't tell me you're making a mansion before heading down. Or that you're having trouble finding iron.
Maybe my house iron blocks, stupid
>playing on a big server
>there are STILL people autistically devoted to this game's PvP
what the fuck
it's not even raiding or some other fun shit, these niggers are duelling
When you can't make cool house, you whack.
>make sure every block in your house is well lit
>let a spider in
>put a nametag on it
If you chug an eight minute fire res potion blazes can't even hurt you.
>Survive single raid
>Half a dozen totems
Congrats, you're now invulnerable to everything except the void.
>Not making a giant Nether portal, grabbing a ghast with a fishing rod, pulling it through and keeping it in a glass case in the overworld
damn, you should stop shilling epic store for a while user
They stop being mad if you let them kill you
>waste time and resources doing stupid shit for no fucking reason
Having had a shitty laptop to play Minecraft on in alpha, I couldn't maneuver myself to click the button at my house's entrance to and walk through the iron door in time before it closed. A redstone circuit solved this issue, powering the door with a button-activated toggled. Shit's useful.
imagine being this retarded
>Out swimming
>Hear Drowned
>Suddenly lose 3 hearts
>See a trident fly past my face as well
>TWO Drowned with tridents
Fuck these guys so much. They rarely show up, but they leave one hell of a mark when they spawn. Worst yet is that they don't even drop the damn thing every time. The headache they give and the droprates don't match.
Minecraft autist are pretty retarded
But you make them look much better.
Fucking retard.
>create a new world
>spawn on a small peninsula, decide to make it my base
>two trident cunts spawn on the first night and repeatedly gib me every time I try to work on anything in my base
>What if we let regular mobs spawn with a diamond sword with the range and accuracy of skeleton arrows
Then when you're actually equipped to deal with them and want to get one they never spawn
I like to refer to this as "The Enderman effect"
When you are looking for a particular enemy, item, esc.. Which you normally see all the fucking time but as soon as you actively try looking for them they are no where to be seen. Can apply to many games, not just minecraft.
Who even plays this horrible looking garbage
>gets in front of a blaze taking your hit
That already has a name. It's the desire sensor.
>Sweep attack makes you accidently hit one right next to a blaze
Literally the best selling game of all time and one of the most played games right now? Yeah I imagine quite a few people.
>newfags cant understand redstone
lmaoing @ you
Why the fuck wont this lazy fucking fucks making the game just add things from mods or even pay the modders to buy their mods
>tfw vanilla Minecraft wont ever have things like Immersive Engineering Tinker Thaumcraft HarvestCraft Aether Twillight Forest in it.
Vanilla MC is so fucking barebones even in 1.14
>MH flashbacks
Fuck that shit
Fucking nerf those cunts
Even having diamond armor is useless, what in the unholy fuck nujang was thinking?
Make a spawn limit of 3 and for the love of fun, stop making them slide at the speed of light like phantoms, not even a shield can't help for shit since they even drift to hit you sideways
Fuck them, even the enderdragon is easier
And last note, travelling more than 20 000 blocks to get to a woodland mansion is fucking trash
Choke on my 18 cm dong, nujang
These morons have one of the biggest piece of media ever made and they barely do anything with it. I hope Hytale butchers this game once for all
>fucking ghast sounds heard in your base 24/7
No. Just fucking NO.
>mobs are not affected by attack cooldown bullshit when players are
this is the only problem with illagers and mobs in general, change my mind
>explodes before even going half his sound clip instakilling you with full armor
tfw I'm actually considering buying the game and play it seriously due to Pewd's influence.
But they are
Why doesn't Grian just build another time machine, go back in time and kill Scar? He'd have two time machines and Sahara would have no competition.
Why the fuck are ghasts so god damn loud?
So you can hear them from a mile away and take them out before they spot you?
You're just stupid. That's it, accept it. There's nothing wrong with being born stupid, but being an obnoxious asshole who thinks he's better than others when he's actually really fucking stupid is pretty bad.
>it tales 1.1 seconds for an iron axe to recover after an attack
>an illager with an axe can attack you with .5 seconds of delay and deal 2 attacks worth of damage
on normal they deal 13 damage per hit. that's 6 and a half hearts. their damage is not affected by weapon cooldown, and is not consistent with normal damage an iron axe does (9 dmg or 4.5 hearts)
as long as mobs do not respect the rules of combat that the players are forced to respect, i on't think anybody can call the game good.
It looks like trash, I think you're lying
Playing local coop with my gf has been comfy af
Women are garbage, though.
nah shes ok
Unless mobs can do everything the player does there's no need for that kind of balance.
no, co-op
My nether experience is usually
>Enter nether portal
>Go about my business
>Never see a single ghast, but hear them pissing and moaning about how shitty the generation in the Nether is constantly
>Leave with my quartz n rods
>not resource packing your ghasts to say lines from LittleMaidMob for that authentic fat asian GF you keep locked in your basement experience
come on, it doesn't even need a mod. it's so simple anyone can do it
So imagine this
>roll for Looting III
>get Knockback II as a bonus
It's happened twice now, on the same world
>call it minecraft
>everyone just automates the mining part
>they really only ever craft things in creative mode where mining doesn't matter at all
I don't get this, why would you not want more variety in your buildings blocks? If you're really running low on cobblestone, just build a cobblestone generator and you're golden. I want them to add more blocks, not remove what's already been added
Redstone is half the reason I keep playing. Everything from toggleable nether portals to automatic furnaces or hidden stairways are exactly what I want out of my base building fantasies. What else does the game even have to offer after you've killed the Dragon and Wither?
>letting yourself be influenced by e-celebs
i will not judge you, but remember: when the game becomes boring there's always mods. most of the worthwhile mods are stuck on 1.7.10 and 1.12.3 tho, so good luck backmodding your favorite 1.13+ features
are they weapons or toys
>can't break blocks
>game lets you build defenses to include water, lava and redstone devices
It isn't hard to make your villagers unkillable and it isn't hard to make a small tower to fight from within.
That mods makes all other weapons and tools from other mods useless. Why invest for a Immersive Engineering drill or the Thaumcraft wind sword if you can make a min/max tool that does everything, and is piss-easy to maintain it's durability.
Creepers are literally only a problem because of lag. Jumping towards one, swinging, and missing because the fucker randomly froze up for 0.5 seconds as the Java VM decided to have a stroke is the fucking worst. I don't know how many holes I've patched thanks to lag (and my autism)
Creepers would be half as awful if they just made it so exploded dirt had a 100% yield rate. At least give me enough back to throw a thin patch over the top without having to deepen the hole just to get more dirt.
It's just a baffling design choice.
Honestly it makes sense that they leave scars behind, they're supposed to be an annoyance after all. Once you have shulker boxes you can carry around all the dirty you'll ever need, so that's not my main problem either. It's the complete lack of consistency that makes every Creeper a fucking coin flip as to whether you're going to have to put down your ender chest for a quick repair work or not. At least they made TNT drops everything, since it makes excavating underground rooms both quicker and a lot more fun. I guess the lag is inherent to Java, and I'm not about to switch to the fucking Bedrock version where skins cost money and mods don't exsist
>least they made TNT drops everything,
They finally made tnt useful?
Exactly; 100% block drop rate. Though I guess it might still destroy entities in its blast radius? That shouldn't be an issue though, if you're just using it to excavate. I wouldn't have made my underground base as large as it is without TNT
>"A world where even children replace their toys with weapons... I thought peace had returned..."
That explains why your mom was garbage at raising you, incel
>graphic, graphic, graphic, all that matter is graphic
Ohh, sweet, sweet contrarian zoomer tears
tetris looks like trash but everyone has played it at least once in their life and they liked it. what's your point?
The problem with mods (the popular ones, anyways) is that they add too much autismo shit, like dozens of new ores and recipes that do nothing but waste your time
autism is wasted on the weirdest shit
Is industrial craft alive? I've only played it on a server once, kinda liked mining with lasers but got my base nukes after a couple of days.
>install mod pack
>like 15 different rubies, saphires and bronze ores from different mods
I don't understand enchanting
How am I supposed to know whats good or not on what
This is why I wasn't able to deal with Thaumcraft. As cool as the idea is, why are there so many different elements? Earth, plant, life, beast, animal, monster, etc. At some point I just get lost, especially since every single feature in the game has to have a unique /original name. Even the fucking sky had like 4 different directions and 8 phases of the moon. There's too much filler to dig through to get to the good stuff
more level = better enchantments
more bookcase = higher max level
It's actually not that hard. Protection is great on armor, Efficiency is great on tools, and Unbreaking is great on everything. It all does exactly what it sounds like. Beyond that, try to get Fortune on your pickaxe for extra diamonds, and Sharpness on your sword for extra damage. There's also Mending, which repair a tool or a piece of armor when you collect XP (at the cost of XP, but the cost is way less than manual repair at an anvil). Efficiency, Protection and Sharpness goes from I to V, Unbreaking and Fortune from I to III, and Mending only has one level
>No dark forest nearby in my world so I'll never get to see the mansion
Remmeber when the nether was released and Ghasts took lava damage and you'd hear constant screeching
I specifically picked a dark forest this time, since I wanted the dark green grass color in my base. I think the forest is too small for a mansion though. You could always "cheat" and use a calculator, because fuck looking for a jungle for 3 hours only to realize the closest one was generated literally 20000/20000 blocks away from your spawn: chunkbase.com
When is minecraft about mining again?
We get tons of villager shit, enchantment shit etc but nearly no new ores to do something new, no new stones like basalt or some shit, no we get andesite wow thanks for nothing mojang. Better call that game villagecraft
give me the entire tinker's construct arsenal
>playing meme versions
cmon now
Hopefully that's what they'll be focusing on going forward. The two areas where the game is lacking the most right now is combat and mining, and I can't even imagine what else they might be working on that could possibly be more important than those two
Tranny and gay villagers
>he doesn't turn his redstone, coal and lapis into blocks during his mining sessions to conserve inventory space
never gonna make it
>make clay blocks
>oh wait I need clay to make bricks
>can't craft clay back, gotta use a shovel on blocks
Two time machines would break cause a paradox where they intersect locations in time and end up destroying everything
Also beacons are hard to get
>spots you from a mile off and starts raping your kneecaps in long grass
>faster than regular zombies
>half the size of regular zombies
>same HP as regular zombies
That doesn't make any sense, when there's only one sex in Minecraft. All animals are lesbians, judging by the cows, and all villagers are already gay, judging by their voices
What's he thinking about
>talking to friend how its annoying trying to carry round a usable supply of potions without eating up your entire inventory
>his response is basically "use Shulkerboxes retard"
>an item, which you only get at extreme endgame
>when you would no longer have need of stuff like 90 percent of potions
like the only thing they are useful for is if you are a builder and need to carry around and ungodly amount of blocks that you intend to place aside from that you have nothing else worth continuing to play that world for
You need more than 755 inventory slots? How? Don't tell me you're trying to tell others how to manage their inventory when you don't even have an Ender Chest filled with Shulker Boxes
Calcium and stuff
To make killing children a top priority
How do you make a village?
My problem with vanilla is there's nothing to do for me. I'm not an engineer or a builder and Enderman barely ever spawn so I never got to the End.
I love Mystcraft and Twilight forest though for exploring and combat
Curing zombie villagers, throw a splash pot of weakness to them, feed them a golden apple. Wait 5 minutes and it's a villager.
Being a cunt
I find these two posts soo close together in time hilarious
>talking shit like i wouldnt find out
Ocelot shotgun.
Wow so all those minegoblins have finally grown up
Why are you playing the game at all? Probably to have fun, right? If inventory management is annoying to you, get an ender chest as quickly as you can. Not enough space still? Make shulker boxes a priority. With full diamond armor, a diamond sword, a bow, and a few slow fall potions the dragon isn't much of a problem. And diamonds are easy to get once you have fortune. End cities aren't the "extreme endgame", unless you account for the fact that most of the game's progression can be done within a few hours
Shulkers and end cities are extreme engame since once you reach them there is nothing left to do in the game other than build and not everyone is the type of person who can just sit in the same world and endlessly build stuff, there is like not even killing the wither counts because usually you get the stuff to do that long before you get to the end due to how annoying it can be to find a stronghold.
Like seriously, if you are not a Builder, or playing multiplayer then everything inside the end aside from the End Dragon is just not worth Jerking off over since you don't have a reason to use it for long at all
But if you're not a builder, wouldn't you be working towards the end game in order to beat the game and be done with it? Why fuck about, killing the same boring zombies over and over, when there are tons of games that provide a much better experience when it comes to combat, exploration and basically everything else that isn't building/reshaping the world? I get that you don't want to hurry along, but the only thing that makes me come back to Minecraft is new projects that I want to build. There literally is nothing else to do in the game that tons of other games don't do much, much better
clink clunk
Some people Like myself like the journey and like building while working towards 'beating the game' but don't like building random things for the sake of building them
and once they run out of Goals to Drive them forward they lose interest in the world and start over from scratch so they have something to work towards again
That's basically how I play it as well. I set up a goal, like "build a small base", "build a melon farm", "build a super smelter", "cure 2 villagers to create a new village", etc. Often times these goals take me out into the world to explore and/or fight monsters. I wouldn't consider a world done just because the dragon is dead, since there's probably more stuff I want to add to my base, be it an aquarium in the basement or a minecart track roller coaster. Minecraft is a game of goals and distractions, where no one goal marks the end of the journey. You keep going until it feels right to hang up your cape and settle down
And I want my shulker boxes because they make everything inventory related 10 times more convenient
Did they make this faggot more obnoxious around the combat 'update'? I know there's shields now but still.
>why is magic complicated
gee, i wonder
Gentlemen, how do we fix phantoms?
HARD MODE: Can’t remove them
Make them spawn every night, but they’re more passive. The longer you go without sleeping the more aggressive they’ll be.
stick them in the End or Nether and forget they exist
Play on 1.12
my favourite solution
Have it attack only the players that haven't slept rather than all players.
Have a set amount of them spawn per night, instead of endless waves. I don't mind their design, and it's a good reminder to sleep if you haven't set your spawn yet, but they should stop spawning after, say, 4-8 in one night
Also, skippable days when? Give me a chair I can use to go straight to night
Why in the FUCK isn’t AT-2 making more gijinkas?
Is MC becoming popular not enough?
Like these two
these fags are impossible
Sleeping does not set a spawn point
artists lose passion in media they like, it's very common.
>tfw you find a Badlands biome and a woodland mansion within 200 blocks of eachother
based world gen, time to expand my nether railway network
I'd like this if there were a reason to have more than one base in different biomes for whatever reason, so you're "supposed" to build roads/minecart tracks between your homes. Otherwise it would just punish people who like exploring before they build their base
Just add dungeons that are surrounded by bedrock or an indestructible material, I know they don't want to put cool dungeons because faggots will just cheese them.
What texture and shader
imagine being this much of a brainlet you cant even understand basic redstone mechanics
Better idea: actually add Adventure Mode like they said they would years ago.
thats basically minecraft dungeons at this point
What was that about? I don't remember well.
it's a mode where you can't break blocks. that's it. you can find tools in villager chests or do trades with them, but unless the tools have a "can mine blocks" NBT tag, they can't mine blocks.
it could've been fun if the underground cave/dungeon/etc generation was revamped and expanded, but as it is right now, it's extremely unfun
I'd like that. Wolfs are nice, but some variety wouldn't hurt. Perhaps you could even "harvest" items from some enemies, like free gunpowder from tamed creepers if they like you enough
>all these 500 hour contrarians replying
You aren’t crazy, don’t worry.
I consider these to be the worst thing ever added to Minecraft
>Quasi connectivity is still exclusive to Java edition
>each mob would require specific and pretty hard requirements on how to tame them
>endermen can bring you back useful items such as melons
>creepers would scare away enemies
>ghast would allow you to ride them
>spiders would also allow you to ride on them, can climb walls too
>skeletons can help fight off enemies with their bows
Would be nice
Any servers you miss playing on that are gone now?
Use to play a lot of free to build plot worlds, biggest one being legendary craft before they shat the bed.
Also Project Ares, pvp and building fun with 20v20 steves mucking about. They've been replaced with stratus network after dieing out now.
>who has the time to grind up hundreds and hundreds of gunpowder
holy shit I bet this guy manually harvests his crops too hahahaha
>build farm
>literally everything is worse than meat
Based mod user.
>the reddit show
go back zoom zoom
Don't worry user, I agree wholeheartedly. I've played the game for years and redstone has and always will be a big waste of time
>Unbreaking is great on everything.
wait wait wait, that's a thing now? last time I played, granted that was like in 2013 or something, there was no enchant like that
Nice buzzwords user
You use farms to breed your meat.
hard no. If you want to have friendly mobs there absolutely needs to be a limiting factor to getting them. especially with skeletons and zombies becuase you can give them full enchanted diamond gear and power V punch II bows/sharpness V fire aspect II swords
I had a concept for how this would work way back when though. it was a necromancy system where you needed to "craft" the mob with certain ingredients along with a non renewable loot item from nether forts and exp levels
How good of a PC do I need to run minecraft with shaders?
Also can I import a bedrock world to java?
I dropped the game like 5 months ago after playing in a realm with my friends. Then we had another run but we put up a rule of no redstone shenanigans or automatic farms of any kind. We had so much fun this time around.
Fuck these guys on servers, they always hit you AT LEAST 3 times before you can even get to them
>TFW modded playthrough
>Amplified world
>Find an island with a village floating in the water just next to it, naturally connected by a sandbar
>Live on the island and subsist from all the fucking CORN the village grows
Corn is amazing given I get stacks of the shit from 1-2 planters and then cook it up and each one is 4 Hunger, 3 and a half saturation.
amplified is amazing
especially late game when you have an elytra and rockets. Flying through the shattered landcape is so much fun
Some sort of potion that allows you to get rid of the insomnia effect, so away to prevent them from spawning without sleeping.
Can skeletons and zombies pick up dropped weapons and armor? Thought they only could spawn with it. That necromancy system sounds pretty cool, but I don't see the problem with giving your zombie and skeleton friends strong items, since making an entire enchanted diamond set just for one mob would use up a lot of diamonds and time, right?
Where the FUCK do you get mending? I want it for my Elytra
Enchant books.
(Formerly chads)
Afk fishing or Enchanting Villagers. Obv afk fishing for early game but if you've got access to a villager you can put in a safe place somewhere then you might wanna do that instead. Just make sure they're unemployed and that there are no other job blocks around, try to trade him and if you see mending then buy it, if you don't see mending, break the lectern and wait for him to become unemployed again before putting it back down to try trading him again. repeat till you got a guy who will give oyu mending.
Also once you've got mending you can turn him into a zombie and then cure him for permanent big discount on the book.
Do you enchant books using the table like normal?
All my villagers died or despawned tbqh
Can't get it from enchantment tables. Only from other means such as village trading, dungeon chests and fishing.
Dungeon crawling is completely impractical. Fishing is OK, if you set up an afk fish farm and make sure you have a luck of the sea rod you might get one. Your best bet is definitely villagers though. Librarians sell them to you. There's a cool trick where if you find its workstation (in this case a lecturn) break it and place it again, the trades will change. Only if you've never traded with that villager before though. Hope this helps.
Stronghold libraries can have books with Mending inside.
Your best hope is if a zombie villager spawns in your world
Trap him if you get one not sure how they can despawn tho
> do you enchant books using the table like normal
you can't use an enchanting table to get mending. You need a book that generated with mending already on it, and then you combine it and whatever you want to put it on in the anvil.
> All my villagers died or despawned
Grab a nametag and use an anvil to put something on it, then place down 4 sticky pistons with any kind of movable block around a pressure plate. Place any kind of block 2 spaces above the pressure plate and then lure a zombie villager onto the pressure plate so that the sticky pistons and the block roof keep him trapped. Slap the nametag on him while you work on getting a potion of weakness and a golden apple. Hit him with the weakness and then feed him the golden apple to cure him and turn him into a regular villager. Make sure you do this during the day because other zombies will attack and kill him, which wastes your time. Also I think surrounding him with iron bars decreases the time it takes to cure him but I don't have evidence for this claim. Just something I've heard.
Once he's cured and nametagged he physically cannot despawn. So get him into a boat or minecart and put him somewhere safe. A little 1x1 room with a window so you can interact with him will do the trick.
Wtf I love villagers now?!!
see the wiki for exact numbers but the higher difficulty the more likely it is for zombies (and zombie derivatives) to be able to hold items as well as pick up weapons and armor. Same with skeletons.
you can make use of this mechanic to keep zombies from despawning for example, as once they pick something up they are classified as a "custom mob" in the code. which means they do not despawn. very useful for keeping zombie villagers around until you can cure them, or to aid in zombification of villagers for discounts.
If you were to have some kind of mob taming mechanic, the mobs people would tame would undoubtedly be these kinds of mobs in order to build a huge fucking army of fully enchanted diamond armor wearing skeletons and zombies (or even zombie pigmen and wither skeletons). There absolutely needs to be a limiting factor and that would inevitably need to be some kind of non-renewable rare loot.
find a villager pair and lock them in a sex dungeon
you have two options after this. set up an occupation setting station, then send them to a trading hall with a zombifyier built in like so
or zombify them first, then set thier trades and cart them to a separate trading hall
the first option is arguably better but I haven't used it enough to understand the different quirks. Currently I'm using a system based on the second video where the zombifier is separate which is quite a bit more annoying to use when I need to cure a villager more than once.
>always have a million broken mods that add additional mobs at any given time
>as soon as I spawn I lock the game to hard
>mfw surviving the merciless onslaught of giga niggers in a game with the shittiest combat known to man
>my soul when living in a walled village only for it to turn into a fucking battlefield once a blood moon drops
This wasn't intentional game design was it? I'm impressed by the people who designed this, but this doesn't look like it should work.
>quite expensive and rare
every other drowned has one
It's because of how multiple actions on the same tick work. It's not intended, but it fucking works regardless.
Am I dumb if I can't find anywhere to pirate Minecraft?
>Bridging across lava or void on a little 1 block thick bridge
Oh yeah this will be epic
try shiginima launcher
works fine for me and works both without and with mods
>playing on 4GB ramlet toaster with mods
>horses are literally unusable, they keep lagging everywhere when riding them
Interesting, maybe they could just limit the amount to 5 for each mob, which would prevent massive armies. It would be a pretty boring way to fix the problem, but I wouldn't mind as long as I can have some monster pals.
even 5 of each would be pretty shit. Imagine trying to fight 5 skeletons with power V punch II and full projectile protection IV/Protection IV diamond armor.
if you have a 64 bit java you can go into launch setting and jvm arguments to increase the amount of RAM allocated to minecraft. The default is 1GB and 2GB did the trick for me
>can't sleep in either dimension
wow great idea moron
Unironically this have you ever seen scicraft they completely destroyed the game and pretty much have nearly everything automated in pure vanilla
What the fuck am I looking at? This looks like one of those mods where they mash two different mobs and their textures and call it a new mob
That's a "Ravager."
Vanilla 1.14.
That's not how I imagined it. I was thinking more that tamed mobs would be less about combat or functionality, and more like "feed creepers 16 gravel to get 1 gunpowder" or something
thats rape city, population: (you)
>It isn't hard to make your villagers unkillable
Shame you can't let them naturally roam 24/7 cause Zombie raids ignore light levels and block types to force spawns.
It gets lonely for pillagers
One day they found a big cow and well...
mushroom islands my dude
>Give skeleton depth strider III boots and put them in water
>They start groovin
Thank you my dude.
>Not playing skyblock in a normal vanilla world by literally deleting a 1000x1000 chunk of the world including the fucking bedrock
I almost started an amplified world last time, but then I saw a village and got annoyed. I wish I could turn off specific structures, like villages, and keep others, like strongholds. This all or nothing bullshit is annoying. I'd happily cure zombie villagers, but I can't get to the end without a fucking portal
That actually sounds fun, post your modpack
>cure zombie villagers
>slap down lectern, wait a second for him to update his job, check his inventory and repeat until he sells mending
>I now have a double chest full of mending books and 32 blocks of emeralds, all for the cost of the paper I had been farming since day 1
if anyone will play here if i would rent a free serb?
It was a couple of months prior. I know because new skeletons were fucking kicking my ass and I never played the combat update.
With mods?
>wasting paper
the real stonks
>buy bookshelves for one emerald
>break bookshelves and get 3 books
>sell books for 1 emerald each for 2 emerald profit.
no paper needed. save that shit for rockets
what the FUCK is this
nope, just vanilla
i would need to pay for access to mods (not that the mods themselves are locked, but they need a bigger memory which is locked behind a payment)
also i already queued in for it
>position 1655
not gonna lie that was very impressive but its gonna be delayed for awhile since they're already doing a skyblock series
I use the bookshelves in my library though. Two floors with like 100 bookshelves. I just wish I could get some fucking mood lighting without monsters spawning. Maybe I should replace the floor with slabs or some shit... Lighting is by far the most annoying aspect of building
Turn on split controls then it will give a crosshair like the pc/ console versions. Tap to place a block, hold to break. Super convenient imo
True, i'm sure there is a good way to make tamed mobs work properly. Hopefully it happens at some point, even though I somewhat doubt it
That's not the only server hosting site y'know
Also, (you) me once the server is up
Alex is cute!
carpets work. basically anything that isn't a full block on top is spawn proof. Also transparent blocks like glass and leaves
>I use the bookshelves in my library though
who cares dude you can get infinite bookshelves whenever
>Cure villager
>Turn him into librarian
>only sells shit books at Master
>He wont go jobless after destroying lectern
villages dont lose their job if you trade with them dummy
moron you are supposed to cycle trades FIRST then you lock in once you get something good on the first trade. any other trades you get after are just a nice bonus.
Blood Moon, any mod that revamps villages and adds guards to them for extra carnage (I have no idea which one I use). After this just put as many autistic hostile mob mods as you can, two of my favorites being Hostile Mobs and Monster Girls and Grimoire of Gaia (those are far from autistic though, they're really well done). The most amazingly retarded mod I've ever seen is a pony mod that adds some colossal laggy kaiju-tier dragons and shit, such as a white dragon that completely razed a village snow blocks.
Oh yeah, use Infernal Mobs too, it's always great.
Incel faggot kys loser
position 1465
hold on boys were gonna get that serb
Its part of village raids.
What if you could use beacons to "colonize" the nether. So you would plop down a beacon in the nether and in a 16x16 area you can put down water, crops, beds, etc.
Sounds cool but why
Any good mods that have their own endgame beyond the vanilla game's? As in shit you're supposed to do only after beating the ender dragon.
I want something that actually expands on the vanilla game's progression instead of just adding in a bunch of side shit, or something that gives a good reason to use said side shit, anyways, beyond just "it's cool" or whatever.
Seething woman lmao
Any good world seeds? I swear everywhere I spawn sheep avoid me like the plague.
fuck off tod
Sneed’s feed and seed
>implying players actually give a fuck about mining
They'll just make an auto spawner and just grab the mats from their chest.
Thread's gonna die before it finishes, pls search for other hosts
>best girl
>boring forced female Steve
>not cute frog girl who is secretly Steve's adopted daughter
>last played before hunger update
what the fuck they did to minecraft
It would give the beacon some function aside from the boosting effects. Maybe it could be some sort of "refrigeration system" that mobs would periodically attack or something to keep it interesting.
Notch left
Just died on my hardcore world, managed 544 ingame days. What's the furtherst you've gotten in HC lads?
>wolves don't exist
>shields don't exist
>that model dock made that's in a dreamcast-style instead of the old minecraft look
>Crossbows are the absolute best thing the Swedecucks added to Minecraft.
that's a weird way of saying the stone cutter
Cancelled because they couldn't make it work on all platforms. This is bullshit. Why not make it PS4 Pro exclusive/PC/Xbox X exclusive? Why even make an attempt to have it work on phones/switch? I got my hopes up thinking I wouldn't have to install mods anymore.
>dying from creepers
Just listen for the sound and shield them?
heres your (you)
Why is post processing the worst fucking cancer to ever be created?
Because then they add things like horses and scaffolding and retards complain they they're just adding shit from mods and aren't doing anything
Shoulda started when I was asking a couple of days ago faglord
Terraria would be better for you since it's better at exploring and combat.
Minecraft is for so for people who want to build.
I'm closing tf2 now, have a (you)
because Bedrock is built on C++ or C# and they forgot to emulate certain bugs to ensure the game runs smoother. it's fucking retarded, maybe more than the "which mob do we add" polls
The whole point of that mode is for players to make dungeons to explore, it was never meant to be something that you generate a new world and play adventure mode in.
>building houses
I just find a village and take one of their homes. At night I put blocks in front of the door so they can't get back inside
>tame some parrots
>they don't teleport to me when I get far away from them
>have to leave them 10000 blocks from my base
It wasn't having the cats teleport earlier and I'm a little upset
Give me the ip with numbers, this one isn't working for me
>playing a game about building shit without the intention to build shit
nigger what the fuck are you doing
All of those can be done in vanilla.
i miss the old shotbow, and when minez had at least ten people in every coastal city, and when night's watch were an actual clan and not the dying shell that's left now. i remember the shitty tall tunnel 4-way crossing lobby, but i forgot what games they had back then
its the only thing i have
try direct connect or refreshing
here ill post the ip again
thats all vanilla stuff retard
NA east?
fish in your AFK fishing farm
Redpill me on pixelart
How does one build those gigantic pictures made of lots of blocks?
any good thing in games is an accident. rocket jumping, strafe jumps, 1-tick pulses, etc.
The redpill on pixel art is that pixel art sucks since it breaks the immersion of the world, unless it's on a large billboard or something.
Statues are far superior.
>potion of sanity that despawns them when you drink it
>can craft their membranes into a weaker, cheaper version of the elytra
Just make them a real part of the game instead of a sleep health PSA
Don't forget all of melee as well.
I don't think there's any other game where it's entire popularity revolves around the use of bugs and glitches and other unintended mechanics.
6 people in
Post ss
desert mobs
>mine out all the accesible caves near my house, full inventory, even found some enchanted books
>creeper blows me up from behind when i'm about to go back
>now all caves near my house are barren and all my profits are gone
>not silk touching the ores and cracking them open with fortune iii in an 8x8x8 cube in your home
step it up
>Can't remove them
Their entire purpose is to get people to sleep by annoying the fuck out of them if they don't. If you make them not-annoying, they lose their purpose and become redundant. Sleeping is fuckin gay and shouldn't be rewarded, so removing them is the ONLY solution.
>in an 8x8x8 cube in your home
7 people in
Good point, I should use them a lot more. I knew I set up my all-colors sheep farm for a reason
>try to build a simple thing
>need to follow some bullshit rules and even more exceptions to those rules to make things work
>after finished, the whole thing is 3 times the size of your house
>starts lagging the whole game when turned on
it's like going to radioshack and every part is the size of a pumpkin, who the hell thought this was a good idea
Dwarves VS Zombies is dead and it's never coming back.
these goblins are one of the enemies i dread the most
nerf their damage for fuck sake
What render distance do you guys play with?
first you take a normal picture
then you shrink it down to an appropriate size (usually divisible by 16 because 1 chunk is 16 blocks wide/long, and if you want to put your pixel art onto a map you gotta line it up with the chunks because maps line up with chunks too)
then you pick blocks in color of choice (commonly wool, stained clay/terracotta, and a few other blocks as extra variations) and recreate the picture you shrunk down using said blocks as your color palette.
stop caving
start stripmining
one layer is 64 blocks
cube autism, visual splendor
as long as you aren't fortuning them down in the cave you can place and break ores one by one for all I care.
what thing are you trying to build? maybe you're just doing it wrong, and your redstone looks like pure spaghetti, it happens to everyone, don't worry.
8 people in
12 chunks
Got myself an Enderman farm in hardcore. Holy fuck are these things a life saver.
The lack of quasi connectivity isn't even the worst part about bedrock, last time I checked redstone there has rng factors instead of being perfectly have the same outputs every time like in java.
Minecraft's "endgame" is the starting point.
If you want more than a couple of days to tame the end or treat it like it's some big finale, you are gimping yourself. It's literally just a place for resource acquisition.
here's ACTUAL minecraft progression
>Early game: minecraft's whole progression line. there's nothing worth waiting for or savoring here, just fucking get the resources.
>midgame: decent base with a few amenities like a mob farm, some beacons
>endgame: niche automation and experimentation. alternatively, becoming the biggest fatcat jew on whichever server you are on.
>Brown mooshrooms ez
I literally bred hundreds of these fuckers before I got one and I stood out in the rain for days.
why would you use suspicious stew or mushroom soup over Golden carrots or steak
Parrots can ride on your shoulder
Yeah but they keep jumping off
>I'm a veteran since 2013
lol, most veterans stopped playing at around that time
If you jump higher than a block they'll fall off your shoulders
Where do you guys usually build your houses? I often take shelter on the side of a mountain
Idk what was going on then, because they just kept getting off my shoulder when I would go down 1 block when trying to get out of the jungle
>looting III
>knockback II
>spend one night hunting creepers
I was doing the same but got bored of it so now I'm trying some new stuff out. I was inspired by the log cabins of the taiga village so I'm trying to make something that fits into that vibe but I'm having a hard time of finding something unique that I like. It's a process.
>tfw found a sweet Badlands biome thousands of blocks from home and linked it to my base via nether tunnel
who comfy outpost here
Bedrock redstone is a mess. youtu.be
>travel 8000 blocks in multiple directions from my base
>can't find a single fucking desert anywhere
I use chunkbase.com
what seed
I made a creeper farm the other day and within hours I had two double chests full of gunpoweder, and that's with the other 5 people on the server taking it too
Made a shulker full of flight duration 3 rockets and jammed it in my ender chest
That emerald texture is hideous.
>playin' Twilight Forest because this "lol industry/magic" megamod shit is for fags
>hyped to craft all these bitching new tools
>first Cursed Tower contains a Smite IV Mending Iron Sword
I don't get it.
>the moment I leave someone burns down the house
every time
And then I needed a bunch of red sand the other day, and instead of going to my outpost I grabbed my book and quill with all my coordinates that I take adventuring and looked for to coordinates of a different Badlands biome that I wouldn't feel bad about digging up.
It was an extra 6000 blocks further, and I didn't use a nether portal
Well that makes it easy. I probably would've never gone this direction since it was back towards spawn.
>kills undead extremely efficiently
>repairs itself when killing things
what's not to get?
>literally a decade later
>still no slabs and stairs for most decorative blocks
>stairs can be placed upside down but not sideways
That's exactly why I use those tools. Sometimes you get a jungle/desert/badlands some 20-50k blocks away from where you are, and there's no way of knowing if you're fucked or not without looking it up. I tend to explore 1 fully zoomed out map in every direction, and then I look up whatever I still can't find
Oh, I thought it was a "What have I gotten myself into?" image. Not a "By god!" image.
it looks like a "why do i even bother" because with a godlike sword there's basically no challenge left
This. Shields are a bandaid fix for a stupid problem.
Ah, now I see.
Because they would "inhibit natural creativity."
Whatever the fuck that means.
>skeletons watching your battlements
I would cream myself.
Honestly wish you could hire guards and miners or something. Game doesn't expand enough.
>hits you through 3 fucking blocks
>stairs can be placed upside down but not sideways
Uh just turn and place it?
>still no way to put decorative items on slabs
he means an L shape when looked from the top
Just use a bow lol
How to automate wood
how the fuck
some of you people are fucking dumb, i also bet you fight the ender dragon without feather falling potions
>not playing custom maps
You'll need lots of tnt and decent redstone skills.
>not feather falling enchanted armor
>encounter enderman in cave
>just walk past him
>run into dead end some steps later
>turn around and see this
Actually spooky
>Dig a tunnel in my dwarf fortress to get materials for building
>Turn around after digging for literal hours
>Deep sense of unease in my gut
>lots of TNT
one TNT and a coral fan
>try to save this thing from a cage
>won't get out of it so get inside to push him
>a hood villager gets in the cage and sweep attack him alongside the golem
>now stuck in a cage with a hostile iron golem
>start playing minecraft for the first time since it suddenly became popular again for some reason
>make a shitty little fort, figure out how to make proper walls so zombies can't get in
>after a few day/night cycles these fucking things start showing up at night
>like 3 or 4 of them and they won't fuck off
>hard to kill since I don't have a bow or arrows
>have to wait for them to swoop by and perfectly time a swing to hit them
>this takes so long to kill even a couple they usually catch fire from the sun before I kill them all
>read that they only show up if you haven't slept in a while
>can't make a bed to sleep in because sheep apparently don't fucking exist in my world
>fort is directly above a giant cavern I've been mining and I don't want to relocate everything into it
>don't want to make a roof because I like being able to see the sky while I'm home
>instead spend 30 minutes forging glass and constructing a giant glass ceiling so they can't get to me at night
>basically forced to drop everything I'm doing at night and either mine or craft
>cant even explore all that far during the day since I have to get back before night or I'll inevitably die to these stupid zombie manta rays
>at least I can still see the sky in my fort
>can't make a bed to sleep in because sheep apparently don't fucking exist in my world
Kill spiders for string. You can make string into wool and wool into a bed.
>not a single reply
you're good spider. Always end up with a "pet" one since they don't have to kill you.
Do you also lock that same pet in a cage every night?
I'm looking for a picture of a building. It looks like the kind of structure you find in a vanilla village, but the kind of house a wealthy, influential person would live in. Does anyone happen to know what I'm referring to? I found it in a Yea Forums thread years ago.
miss this little nigga like u wouldn't believe
>Try to explore a ravine
>Creeper falls from above
What's a good way to explore a ravine if you come out from the bottom of one?
It was a player-made structure but looked like two villager houses stitched together, with a proper roof built over it.
Pumpkin stuff
Go to the top
>haha those 1/100,000 random ambient sounds are creepy
>what if we made them happen every five minutes?
looks comfy
what are the best mods?
What does the villagers believe in anyways
>Pistons act as if they were 2 blocks tall
Woww so mysterious and glitchy
Nah you're just a brainlet
or bill gates
Our Lord Jesus Christ.
when do I get to join the enclave
They're just going to copy spartan weaponry or yoyos or tinker's from the mod community and change it slightly so the teacher doesn't know. Of course they aren't going to do anything unique or interesting.
I would rather they just openly add mods over time.
>basic logic gates
>a bunch of bullshit rules
Sorry, but I think you ate too much lead as a child
How long will this shit be up for?
What the FUCK is a village raid
I own the Java, is it worth redownloading and playing?
Minecraft has sucked ever since hunger was added, prove me wrong.
If you kill a specific Illager you'll get a status affected call rage (or raid idk)
If you enter a village with this status effect you'll cause a raid
Kill the nigger with the banner
Get bad omen effect
Enter village
Try not to die
also you can clear the bad omen effect with milk
Everyone post your bases
>temple of notch
What's your guys Hope's for 1.15.
I Honestly dont know why I care about this game still
me too user dont look directly into the distance in the tunnel
some actual shit in the nether
some actual shit underground
no more pointless animals/flowers/ugly blocks
good decoration blocks like furniture so my base isn't fucking empty
I hate how my house casts a shadow over everything, I'm debating cutting down the entire hill and lowering my mine entrace area and moving the house on top
Yo could make a roof out of glass if you want to see the sky.
This is why i tend to avoid strip mining
what shader?
Throwable Axes, piercing spears, Attack shields
>Can add a spike on your shield that lets you left click while blocking to do a shield bash
(villagers cheering)
I just want them to diversify combat playstyles without compromising the aesthetic.
>spear with longer range but lower damage
>magic wand that you enchant with different spells
>blowgun that you can craft poison darts for
>boomerang type projectiles
Also add sharks/giant sea monsters to the oceans and a boss for the nether. A craftable old fashioned diving suit would also be cool.
I had to wait for dusk to check
Sildurs apparently
What do i name my endermite bois
I'm sure you realized right after you made this post, but he said that he made a roof out of glass.
>it's like going to radioshack and every part is the size of a pumpkin
The rest of your post is dumb but goddamn if this ain't true as fuck. I can't play minecraft without mods anymore, and even then it's usually just so I can wirelessly transmit redstone down into an underground redstone machine and back up. Even with all the space saving redstone wire and gate mods, I still end up with an entire fucking cave system full of wires under my house every goddamn time.
>clicking 64 times
Because shields hard counter them. Sucks cock until you get one but when you do you're literally immune to skeletons for one piece of iron and some wood.
>it's actually impossible to automate mining
>there's no reason to craft in creative mode since you have all the items already
unless you mean building but whatever
Minecraft has no challenge to begin with, what the fuck
can't find sauce help.
anyone got some good seeds for 1.12.2
>Zoom zoom zoomer I am le zoomer zip zoom zoomie zoom
>Teleports behind you
This doesn't spawn anymore? wtf
Too late i already named him fried chicken
you do know you can shift click to get the full stack cut at once, right?
>cat teleport to me ontop of torch
>suddenly on fire
>dies infront of me
Welp now I'm mortified.
I tried like every button but shift
yeah bro I watched the shining too
torches set cats on fire?
they dont
Things that makes building home defenses, like moats, encouraged. The village update was a step in the right direction for practical building.
ah yes, the old shotbow network, good times
i also remember that mansion lobby they used as a placeholder for another upcoming lobby
spent some time using the fight pit in there
damn i miss minez
All those mods don't fit the game at all.
Just hire me as the idea guy, I'd be great.