This is the note inFamous went out on

>this is the note inFamous went out on


Attached: infamoussecondson.jpg (461x461, 51K)

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still haven't played it
how long is it

not that long

Stone powers showed up wayyy too late in the game to be useful
Actual spoiler if you give a fuck
rip big bro

people really hate this game but honestly it had the best gameplay in the series
too bad it was never implemented properly, but when it comes to free-roaming this game was the best

the setting was great too, Seattle combined with those yellow/black strutures gave this game a nice vibe

I also liked the dumb gimmick shit you could do with the controller. I didn't even know that thing had some form of motion control. Shaking your spray can was unironically satisfying
was this even used in any other game?

it's such a shame the story is shit and all the characters, especially the MC, are unlikeable

It's a console launch game, which always means that it's short as fuck. Really wish they had saved this to the middle or end of the gen to release it

I actually liked the game. I fucking loved doing Paper Trail and couldn't stop playing until I got it finished.

It was an ok game, still looks good tho.

Didn't play it but as long as they didn't do something like Prototype 2 where they shoved important information in the comic books (Alex turning evil for a stupid reason), I'm okay with that.

Blew my tiny mind seeing the graphics in the trailers

the brother was an ok character

The story was decent imo, and the acting was great.

Actually, it wasn't.

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Sly died for this.

Sly 4 exists.
And Infamous died for Ghost of Tsushima.

Was the game unfinished? If you choose the evil option after defeating the drug addict, you nearly beat up your brother and fuck the junkie. None of that is ever mentioned again in the story and good/evil options with the nerd are nearly identical.

I really liked it. The graphics and facial animations were great, making the antagonist quite effectively hateable. The entire sequence leading up to her first boss fight was incredible and still some of my favorite moments of vidya from this gen.
>smug cunt mockingly asking Desmond "he'll do what?" before getting btfo by Reggies RPG
>the acting during Reggies death scene and how Desmond just rages out and that seamless transition to the fight
Almost want to reinstall now.

I liked it but I wish it came out later in the consoles lifespan because of the forced dumb ass spray paint shit, and it could do with being longer.

I would enjoy a sequel

>forced dumb ass spray paint shit
that shit was awesome and still the best use of the ds4 to this day

>all the powers are the same
>no cute barefooted girl with the stone powers

its shit

Attached: tophshy.jpg (515x519, 32K)

It was not awesome, it was pointless and you didn't even need to accurately aim it

Just hold the button and sperg out

Neon power was so fun.

Disappointing. Powers are just reskins of smoke, no real stand out abilities like the electric tether from 2, piss poor writing with a cast of characters that are only there to introduce powers. Give me another Cole game.

This was better than SS.

Way too short but it was fun

While I shit on spray paint mechanichs, i'm going to make everyone leave now

It's the only use of the ds4 to this day. Same shit with ds3, a launch/early game or two makes use of the controllers features and then devs just abandon it. Shame because this game made great natural and intuitive use of the ds4s features. In the end those features ended up being most useful when using the ds4 as a pc controller.

Also this will go down as the most underrated PS4 game.

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Infamous multiplayer would be fun as fuck if they manage to rig a shit ton of different powers. I want a wind guy

I enjoyed this game a lot. All the girls were unf. I wonder how their new game will turn out.

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It wasn't launch, it came out in 2014. It's about 12 hours. It's also the only game I've ever Platinumed. It's a really good time and neon could've been there entire game and I'd be fine with it.

> Tfw Ywn shoot up and fuck Fetch

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kino game

>finish this game
>review all the "scare cam" moments and they're all just me sitting in the dark looking bored as fuck
That shit made me appreciate David Cage games more.

This. Using anything but smoke feels cheesy and unsatisfying. All the extra powers shouldve just been post game unlockables

It's a competent game mechanically, but it lacks all the soul and charm of the the previous 2 games.

Could have been worse. It's not a bad game, just lacking.

I spent much too long abusing the photo mode to look up Fetch's ass

Until dawn makes me pine for Beyond two souls

This game needed to be much longer, was expecting something like Walking Dead S1 that took me around 15 hours. Finished it at 9 and didnt feel like replaying it because the ending is always the same regardless of the survivors.