Final boss was a little girl-molesting serial killer

>final boss was a little girl-molesting serial killer

Why was Rule of Rose so BASTE? How come there was no outrage back then?

Attached: rule_of_lolis.jpg (1408x1600, 694K)

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>How come there was no outrage back then?

Because only two pedos knew about the game.

This. Literally fucking nobody knew about this game. It became a cult classic like 10 years later.

>no outrage

It was literally banned in the UK. For different reasons mind you, and said reasons don't really hold up to scrutiny, but the point still stands.

I never played the game but the girl who just breaks down in her diary and you see it in her flip animation really got me

Going through stuff at the time and was having a total mental breakdown

>be me
>one of the 5 people who preordered it
>take it back to my college dorm
>start playing it
>people are watching, including a couple girls that were over
>after 15 minutes everyone's looking at me funny
>me: "hhhhehehe"
>the girls never came back
>my dorm mates didn't want me back next semester
>dropped out of school
>now work at home depot

This game ruined my life, good fapz tho.

It was made by the same guy who made Little King's Story and is now head of indie developer Onion Games. He also worked with Suda51 shortly.

>girl-molesting serial killer

You mean furry larping possible cannibal serial child killer. Stray Dog was a lot of things, but molester was not one of them.

>friend had a copy
>told me it has a silent hill vibe
>loved silent hill so I borrowed the game
>got weirded out by mermaid princess and stray dog
Jesus why don't game have weird shit like this anymore? Everything feels safe now.

Attached: 1560311028040.gif (400x265, 932K)

Plenty of games do. You're just old and cynical. You've seen it before, so now you'll assume everything is just playing it safe.

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In france the game almost ot blacklisted entirely based on a shitty translation of an obscure italian scandal magazine

Litterally the prime minister was on tv raving about the game being about controlling a guy that had to rape little girls

What recent game has weird shit then user?

Does this game emulate well?
Does anyone have a link?


I emulated it just fine.

>bought it on release because hard on for survival horror
It wasn't good. It's only popular because of its subject matter.

this game is shit, the writing is shit, the combat is one of the worst of the entire genre which is fucking impressive
The only thing interesting is the subject matter, but again that's ruined by how retarded it all is.

Based user

Reminder that Cryaotic played this

Thank you user

I like the game. Obviously the focus of the game was everywhere except the combat and it definitely shows but I dont think its unplayable.

I played the shit out of it when it came out. In was completely enraptured (no pedo). I sold the game like a fuckin dumbass but I played it again recently after putting a hard drive in my PS2. I think it holds up rather well. Worse comes to worse I'm pretty sure the find. biscuit button is infinite so you can brute force it.

>Dude your character just forgot that she used to live here!

>The town made him stupid!

>How come there was no outrage back then?
Obvious underage is obvious.

Terrible combat, beautiful game

There was. It was banned in the UK and was pulled from shelves shortly after release in the US.
Kill your pathetic, posturing, culture war obsessed zoomer incel ass.

>How come there was no outrage back then?
There was. The game had big problems with censors. Sorry, I mean "ratings agencies".

Example please

thanks for spoiling it you stupid fuck

I was hoping Kimura would return as a producer for NMH3

I'm pretty sure the idea they're going for is that she's reliving her trauma as a kid but as her current fully grown self as it all leads up to the day of the massacre. Not to mention she heavily blends her time on the airship with the orphanage since she was also the only survivor of that incident.

Nigger, you're not gonna even play it

It was banned in England

Loved this game and played it early on but I left it at my ex's house because I wanted her to try it and never saw it again.

>How come there was no outrage back then?
There was though, it was banned in multiple countries.
Though the reason it was banned not because people actually played the game and of the plot, but from only seeing the intro.

You just got interested in it now because of the molester stuff you sick pedo, otherwise you'll never play it.
he is not even a molester, OP is talking shit

I sold my copy for almost £200

Not him, but Darkwood.

>How come there was no outrage back then?
There was, the game got banned in some countries. Not because of the final boss but because of the scene which implies one of the older girls in the orphanage gets sexually abused by the doctor.

>final boss was a little girl-molesting serial killer
t. lorelet retard
final boss was a father of an orphan. he killed all the kids due to something i don't remember well
the (alleged) molester was the headmaster of the orphanage.
>how come there was no outrage back then?
the zoomer blows his cover, he wasn't around to see RoR get banned from Europe and severely restricted everywhere else.

i tried playing it before now like maybe 2 years ago but never finished it
i bet i got everyone in this thread to play it after i gave it my personal review of it being "little girls fucking with each other"

you'd still be working at home depot if you'd finished college so i think this worked out fine

Too bad the game was boring as fuck to play.

>final boss was a father of an orphan. he killed all the kids due to something i don't remember well

He did it because a crossdressing yandere lesbian loli told him to do it.

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this. all jap 2000's horrors were so fucking boring

shit game
>but it's le 2deep4u because muh spoopy little girls
I'll stick with Puyo Puyo rather than this heap of trash that is devoid of any validate game play or artistic vision.
just edgy shit product for the sake of being edgy

>muh game play who cares lol
SH4 was released in 2004 and was generally criticised by both the media and fans yet at the center heart of the game lies a compelling narrative and a better written serial killer who was tragic and sympathetic humorously interweaving with postmodernism (the circumcision situation, anyone?)

inb4 retards unironically start comparing this trash to a true geniune work of art such as Lolita
That would be both an insult to Nabokov and true deserving talent artists (Team Silent)

Based and redpilled post.

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the girls don't look that attractive

SH4 is just as shit of a video game as RoR is from the gameplay perspective, which is the bare necessity for a video game to be good.


Based Puyo Puyo autismo

The core gameplay was weak and while the narrative overall is cool, the fact that you have to spend the majority of the game watching a grown ass woman not stand up for herself against literal children is infuriating.

Oh, the Italian scandal magazine thing was true
>Whoever buries the girl wins
It was so inconsequential and Panorama is such a shit magazine that noone scanned a Higher res image of this
Would love to translate the actual article to make everyone laugh at this shit

Attached: violenza_panoramabig.jpg (194x250, 21K)

It was banned for a while in the UK and it's easy to see why.

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