Where were you?

Where were you?

Attached: This is the final trumpet and the final woe.png (751x346, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I wasnt even born yet

Did he felt bad he made such a shit game or what. I was abroad and without internet when all the flappy bird craze happened and I never bothered catching up

masturbating to hentai probably

Hell, you still aren't

I was working in an iPhone customer support center. Shit was retarded.

>being born
can't be me

inb4 mods ban you over an obvious joke

I was at a Zaxby's

I think he just lived in a place where suddenly getting a bunch of money would have made him a target.

Kid killed himself over it iirc
Also just the media blowing him up for the addiction

Ladies and gentlemen, we have an epic thread incoming with some epic reaction faces. Get your ass ready. It’s going to be a good thread

I was playing Jetpack Joyride or jerking off probably

>Where were you?
Probably smoking weed with my friends while playing Flappy Bird.

>make more than $50,000 a day
>throw it away like nothing

>Many Flappy Bird-equipped iPhones are listed for $1,000 to $10,000 on eBay, with a few priced above $50,000. An iPhone 5S with the app sold for $10,100. One iPad Air listed at over $80,000 has received multiple bids. eBay nixed the auction of a Flappy Bird-equipped iPhone as it neared $100,000, the LA Times reports.

Probably scared nintendo would come after him for the obviously stolen assets.

didnt he die?

Holy shit. I still have an iPhone 4 with it downloaded on there. Should I sell it?

I figured the underage zoomers just got tired of that angry birds fad. I never knew the dev took it down because someone became a hero over it, what a crazy little shit.

yeah but he's fine now

>be me
>in the current year

He gained popularity over a simple game.
Seething indiedevs mocked and bulli him over it.

Got thrusted into the spotlight for a game with stolen assets that was reported as the cause of a suicide while making large amounts of dosh in a communist country.

Fapping to dress up games on newgrounds.

Why are people like this? They could've jail broke the game and pirated it too.

Attached: 1560952648622.jpg (562x530, 62K)

I still have it on my phone for some reason, haven't played it since a week after it got taken down

I was in college taking the last gen ed course I have

>I cannot take this anymore

Why the fuck did this become so popular? It even got a 3DS clone a year after the fact


>Flappy Bird received poor reviews from some critics, who criticized its high level of difficulty, plagiarism in graphics and game mechanics, while other reviewers found it addictive. At the end of January 2014, it was the most downloaded free game in the App Store for iOS. During this period, its developer said that Flappy Bird was earning $50,000 a day from in-app advertisements as well as sales.

Attached: 132.png (1136x717, 246K)

I remember absolutely everyone playing it at my school. I was a senior at the time. Weird how that game got so popular.

>high level of difficulty


He could've deleted all his social media, move to a different country, and rack up all the money WITHIN ONE DAY but he chose to be a faggot and now he won't get a chance like this again.

Flappy Bird is unironically the biggest example of how the internet lets the stupidest possible fads occur

PewDiePie played it:


I'm pretty sure he has all the money he wants

It was pretty difficult.

I played it, shit was more annoying

for actual children, maybe

Googled it and apparently he felt insanely guilty because it was claimed to be addictive

Was spooked by a bunch of unwanted attention and death threats

Nintendo was going to sue afaik. He was using assets from Super Mario Bros. Afterwards, phones with Flappy Bird installed would sell on Amazon for thousands of dollars.

I have an old iphone 4 with it still installed.

Watching Flappy Bird videos, ironically. The whole debacle was mind-numbingly retarded. Imagine review bombing a children's mobile game and harassing the creator of said game into deleting it. Pathetic.

Boss caught me playing flappy bird while operating a knife sharpening grinder at my woodmill job. He didnt believe me when i said i was playing a game

Playing Beach Buggy Blitz, the superior game.

Attached: 5_beach_buggy_blitz.jpg (400x240, 32K)

Listed* not sold

What exactly does it take to get random shit like this memed into making you rich? Did he pray a lot?

I seem to remember hearing that he was making 50k a day from it.
And he walked away from that?
What an utter fag.

probably not considering he's dead

on the bus going to my last year of middle school unironically

>it was the most downloaded free game in the App Store for iOS
iOS = Young children and retards

The fuck? Just make a backup of the .apk, or whatever install files iPhones have, can't they?

How's life now, zoomer?

...what happened what did I miss?!

Attached: 1553312307124.gif (400x225, 1.63M)

Why did the kid do it

pretty good, i graduated back in may and am currently on the job hunt :)

I went to six flags and they had a flappy bird arcade machine and I got the high score on it

It's a huge hit or miss what becomes the next hit that will make you enough money for multiple life times. The basic gist is pretty much a game that is extremely easy to play (low amount of control usually like only taping or taping and swiping) and has huge replayability, that way people who keep coming back to it will see advertisement every time they go for it again.

>God all this money what the fuck am I going to do with it? This sucks.

I'd tell you if you didn't avatarfag with cuckime

>Afterwards, phones with Flappy Bird installed would sell on Amazon for thousands of dollars.
You're telling me I could've sold my shitty phone for thousands just so retards can play that garbage game?

>afraid of nintendo sending a c&d when motherfuckers in the west are making arcade machines

How does one become so spineless?

I'm guessing he *really* didn't like the attention. He probably disliked the stress of creating a cultural phenomena, I remember seeing flappy bird on the news and journalism sites.

I've seen those. It's some weird bootleg with very similar but not ripped assets. Mobile games and arcade games are pretty similar now that it's mentioned.

>imagine thinking you're cool by keep calling simple and surprisingly successful game garbage

Didnt he also get sued by angry birds for copying bird color pallets


Didnt happen
Bait harder
This is fictional news

Mental health problems, as per usual

At least it wasn’t a slot machine, thank heavens

Must’ve been under pressure from the communist government to pull it

LMAO his parents were based, played the ultimate prank on this little faggot

I live in Socal in LA and occasionally go to this Regals theater that has a giant flappy bird arcade game where you hit a touch pad as the button.

At my computer jacking off to hentai.

Do I look like I fucking remember?

Can't iPhone users just get the ""apk"" online and install it?

no hes alive, that suicide shit was a hoax from 2014

the game was your usual phone shovelware crap. nothing against the creator though.

You fucks do realise that if you had ever previously downloaded Flappy bird, you can just redownload it whenever you want, right?
Look, I literally just downloaded it despite deleting it years ago.

Attached: Screenshot_20190815-095146_Samsung Experience Home.jpg (1080x1920, 648K)

Getting excited for Dark Souls 2 probably. What a fool I was.

I still have it installed.

The APK is literally available online for free and has been since day 1, people are just stupid

Did the retard janny / mods really bann this guy for pretending to be 5 years old?

wasn't he making something like 50k a day from this alone? he must be a fucking idiot to take it down

no it was because people were so mad they were smashing phones and stuff

Based mods
If you're going to openly admit to violating the rules, you can't just turn around and say you were joking afterwards.

It's like that one screencap of someone getting banned for saying they were "16 and 20 cm taller respectively than my mom and dad" or something like that.

use clover you retard

What I don't get is why ebay was removing listing for ps3s with pt but not phones with flappy bird.

Once apple remove an app you can’t redownload it. I paid for a Yea Forums app, it was removed and now I can’t use it.

It was pretty in line with old simple flash games. And there really isn’t anything wrong with that

The hitboxs were fucked anyway

I think theyre just scared that itll be used in a case

His wealth was attracting unwanted attention in Vietnam. He was also facing pressure from his own family and friends.

Basically, think of the guy as a lottery winner and your whole family, friend, and neighborhood heard you won the lottery,

He took it down because of the wealth he was getting and the unwanted attention.

Nintendo wasn't during him. Literal fake news. Goodluck suing anyone in Communist country
The fact that people making shit up like this one was one of the reason he took it down.

Probably because PT never came out on PS3.

lol no

>paying for Yea Forums

>green pipes are a nintendo trademark
lmao @ that

Doodle Jump>Flappy Birde

green pipes are not a nintendo trademark. the pipes themselves were sprites ripped from a mario game making in a stolen asset

name an official game from the mario franchise where either of these two sprites was used

Attached: untitled.png (285x431, 4K)

imagine being a developer working on a complicated game with detailed, high quality graphics and intricately balanced mechanics for years, slaving away in the hopes that the ever-picky consumers will share your taste for what makes a good game and hopefully buy enough copies for $70 + tip that you will at least break even, when somewhere out there is another minimum-effort piece of shit phone game idea just waiting to be made by some lucky teenager over his summer vacation and turn him into an overnight millionaire

Attached: 1525942433159.jpg (320x252, 17K)

Hipsters/Lefties/Millennials/Zoomers were a fucking mistake.

the state of bugmen

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they are probably worthless by now, you should just give it to me.

Only if their phone is jailbroken, and that means voiding the warranty.

That and pic related were the GOAT 3D combo of tilt games at the time, great taste

Attached: iu.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

>makes indie game with stolen assets
>he makes a cool $50k from it
>deletes app before he gets sued

If this isn't the most baller shit I've ever seen.

Why didn't he just use a nickname and conserve the money? He literally made millions with simple shit, I mean literally everyone would ignore that he made simple shit and it was a hit if that shit made millions

Attached: 1565784495828.png (212x236, 90K)

>ywn make something so simple yet so profitable

Attached: 1398554791037.gif (300x204, 2.34M)

>Dong Nguyen
Isn't literally every person in Thailand named this?

Vietnam =/= Hong Kong, retard.

Not him but the second one is very clearly from the all star version of smb3

too late at that point, everyone and their mother knew who he was
I mean, who could've expected some shitty game to blow up like that massively?

I was in high school. Kind of understand him from all the constant death threats and people bothering him. He had already made bank from it so why bother?

>ywn make anything


Wait a fucking minute, is flappy bird the reason I keep seeing these "you will NEVER beat level 5 haha" type ads? They're desperate for that ego-stroking money?



Guess what every phone is after a few years. Without warranty. So just jailbreak your old whatever phone and install the apk. It is not like a 6 year old used phone from ebay has intact warranty, either.

Possibly the dumbest motherfucker out there. Literally stumbled upon a goldmine, but had to be a moralfag and throw it all away in the hope people would stop being glued to their phones. His moralfaggotry literally changed nothing, people just moved onto the next "thing". Cucked himself out of an easy life for absolutely nothing.

Maybe he wasn't trying to change anything but himself. Why are you so mad about it btw?

it was less about moralfaggotry and more the fact that he became a target of derision and being used because he had money, and in an asian society that means more than usual

Not mad, just appalled that someone could throw away a one in a billion chance for absolutely nothing.

He could have used the money he was making to move somewhere else or improve his immediate surroundings.
I guarantee he regrets his decision to cancel the game today (even if he doesn't admit it).

You're pathetic.

Hey Dong, still upset you threw away millions of dollars for nothing?

haha dong

You're so poor in every way, it's astounding. You're the reason people at the top look at the poor as ugly cattle to be exploited. You are sitting here seething that someone better than you made more money than you'll ever see and then walked away from it for his own spiritual health. And you just rock back and forth repeating, "He regrets it. I know he regrets it. Tell me he regrets it." It's so pathetic.

It's cool to know Dong posts here and is still seething that he threw away millions of dollars for nothing.
Every single person that played your game just moved onto to the next fad game and probably got more glued to their phones - Your irrational decision to cancel the game changed nothing except ruin your once in a lifetime chance to live an easy life.
If your "spiritual health" was so destroyed you could have used the money for any good cause. Instead you flushed the money down the toilet and in 2019 people are more glued to their phones than ever. What a complete waste.

But it isn't

Attached: allstars4.png (256x223, 3K)

>but also, omnichan
for what purpose

Richfag here, no, honestly the sort of stuff you're saying comes overwhelmingly from the working-class. Poorfags know the value of money. Richfags, like me, DON'T know just how good we've got it, because we were born rich. To us, happiness doesn't correlate with wealth, we think...because we've never gone without wealth.
This is the reason both for rich liberals ("we must do what is GOOD, not what is cold and practical") and rich conservatives ("the poor are FIIIIINE, they should just work harder and then maybe their children will be able to be as rich as my father was").

Flappy Bird wasn’t even that bad, you guys are just mean

It was a perfectly normal game to make with his experience, he just got absurdly lucky and the game was as overhyped as it was humanly possible to be.

The real story is he used a bunch of bots to generate downloads and get his game featured on the top of the app store.
He was most likely using that game as a proof of concept/advertisement for some grey market software/service to boost publicity for mobile games.

>mods unironically believe there are 5 year olds browsing 4channel

based schizotard

A couple of years ago I got banned for saying I wasn't born until the late nineties. I assume some boomer mod was so enraged by my reminder of his aging that he forgot how to do maths.

Don't make me check the archive. Was it an "I'm 5 years old and what is this?" post?

8ch support

1. get 4chanx nigga
2. it was "I wasn't even born then"

I mean, why not just use omnichan for Yea Forums too? I prefer it to mimi, personally.

A year or two ago I saw a post on /w/ of someone saying they were 11 years old and asked why, but because it's such a slow board their post wasn't deleted nor were they banned for days and I never bothered to check if they were actually banned after reporting them. Considering Yea Forums and most other sites aren't hard to find anymore, due to every corner of the internet becoming accessible to everyone and their grandma, it doesn't sound impossible for genuine children to come across here nowadays. The internet needs to absolutely fuck off and a new network needs to replace it with better casual filters asap.

are you guys joking or what

>Remove game from app stores
>Use earned money with Flappy Bird to move to a decent country (he was making 15.000 a day so he could do it).
>Redo game withouth stolen assets
>Publish it in the store
>Become rich
What is the problem here? I don't see one.

I think that's literally what he did.

But he never published the game again.

I thought he did? Or was that someone else?

Mods don't go light on the underage rule. Sometimes it's retarded, but they probably don't want the border between "obvious joke age" and "real actual underage festering on this board" to get blurry.

As far as I know he didn't. He basically dissapeared.

You drew this?

I drew this.

holy fuck user i feel for you
>ISP offers email addresses
>people constantly call in about their "e-mail" acting up when it's usually outlook or thunderbird or incredimail or whatever the fuck
>there's a webmail client that ALWAYS works fine, we try to get people to use it
>eventually the company makes a sweeping decision to not help people if they're using an email client app
>makes an announcement that sounds like "we aren't supporting email anymore"
>cue THREE WEEKS of 10x call volumes as boomers see this news and call in to panic because they think either A. email problems will be ignored by us or B. we're flat out stopping all email service
>thousands of people learned what an email client is that month
>hundreds called in EXPECTING TO BE MAD so they remained mad even after we explained what was happening, some of them took the opportunity to bitch about other problems they've been having "for months" but never told anyone about
>plenty of people learned you can't claim retroactive poor service and get compensated for it, just because you're all hopped up with anger over an unrelated change
>one person quit mid-day saying that the idiots who worded the announcement should be on the main floor taking calls with everyone


It's still fun, unlike most mobile games these days.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-15-13-57-15.png (720x1280, 28K)

I don't even play mobile games nowadays. Nobody does. What happened to 'em?
And why the fuck didn't we get flash games back?

well some flash games have mobile ports now.

Every time there was a major iOS update we'd get calls from people like this:
>My old phone doesn't work as fast as it used to
>My REALLY old phone won't let me update the iOS
>I can't use this app any more because it updated to an iOS higher than my phone can use
And yeah, I get why people would be mad, but that's all stuff I can't do a damn thing to fix. Oh, and there was the time U2 gave every iTunes user their new album for free. People Freaked Out! They thought they were hacked and somebody was buying stuff on their account, or they were just offended over having that music associated with their account. Apple had to make a webpage just so people could disown free music.

Because flash is dying next year

Wasn't it free?

Apple device users don't have access to those files unless their phone is rooted.

I'd rather pay someone to give me access to those files than pay a hundred billion for a whole phone with it on.

ad revenue

I still got it on my phone.

If I remember right, iPhone app backups are basically nothing more but a list telling the device what to download after a restore. If an app isn't on the store any more, you're not getting it back.

>2 and a half month without a job
Thats fucking horrible user, finding a job is easy, just walk into any store and ask, then apply for better jobs in the evenings and calling up the places you applied to in the morning before walking into every store possible during the day again.
Remember its easier to get a new job while you have a job, even if you are looking for a engineer job or whatever, so stores is a great place to just earn some cash while you look for better things.

I downloaded it and played it wtih frineds until I realized I sucked at it and deleted it from my main phone.

I then sold my ipod touch that had the game installed for over $850 on ebay because of the hype

Attached: 1561443033191.png (758x923, 592K)

>takes down a shitty mobile game
>destroys emulator fags
>shits on music thieves

Why is Chadtendo so based bros?

he was making 50 thousand USD a day off of ad revenue.

Vietnamese here, no sympathy for cucks.

Almost every phone game is a free flash game but with a pricetag added.

>use bots to rig the system and pay YT channels to advertise your game
>get 50K a day and get exposed by Vietnamese news
>end up getting death threats in your third world country
>be surprised
He knew this was going to happen and did it anyway

I'll let you in a secret. Everyone uses click farming to raise their ratings and relevancy. Even Niantic with pokemon, which 2chan confirmed a while back thanks to a Asian clickfarm using bots