Smash Leak: The last two fighters on the DLC pass are not 3rd party

Banjo Kazooie is the final fighter from a 3rd party company for Smash Ultimate....however the final one is debatable as to which company owns this character.

Spoilers on the last two fighters below, read at your own risk!

Fire Emblem


-Garreg Mach Monastery

-The Edge of Dawn (Seasons of Warfare) (English)
-The Edge of Dawn (Seasons of Warfare) (Japanese)
-The Edge of Dawn (New Arrangement)
-Unfulfilled (New Arrangement)
-Chasing Daybreak
-Song of the Nabateans (English)
-Song of the Nabateans (Japanese)
-Between Heaven and Earth
-Fódlan Winds (Active)
-Fire Emblem: Three Houses Main Theme

Spirit Board: Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Classic Mode: Steps Into Dawn
-Dragon type fighters appear more frequently

Announcement: Fall 2019
Release period: Winter 2019

Mario RPG Franchise


-Forest Maze

-Happy Adventure, Delightful Adventure
-Fight Against Koopas
-Beware the Forest Mushrooms
-Beware the Forest Mushrooms(New Arrangement)

Spirit Board: Mario RPG Series(Includes Mario RPG, Mario & Luigi game spirits, Paper Mario Spirits)

Classic mode: Swan Song
-Fight all highly requested characters through each Smash entry

Announcement: Fall 2019
Release period: Winter 2019

The Smash DLC will end with Geno as a gift to the fans, as this is Smash Ultimate, and everyone truly joined the fight. There are no current plans for a second fighter pass, however that may change in the future.

Screen-cap this thread

Attached: int.jpg (600x586, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus fucking Christ, enough of this garbage, you tranny faggot fucking piece of shit.

Huh, this is actually the best one of these I've seen so far. We all know how much Nintendo likes to shill FE, so if we get a non-sword fighter, that'd be better. And it's pretty obvious by now that Geno's coming too

This is almost entirely dumb, BUT
>Happy Adventure, Delightful Adventure
I do like you putting this in a hypothetical track list for Geno.

Inb4 2b

>Not 3rd party

Get fucked

Smash bros you need to get in here NOW

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why would Nintendo put edglord in instead of the main fe three house character ?

We already know the DLC characters won't be from franchises with playable characters already in the game.

>however the final one is debatable as to which company owns this character
Different than a normal sword fighter since she uses an axe, and they probably heard about the too many Marths stuff

You're a retard. It's characters new to Smash, not necessarily only franchises new to Smash. Holy fuck, why can't people understand that?

Doesn’t line up with amiibo release dates at all. And didn’t even give us a Banjo release.

Geno is Square, if you actually worked on the game, you would know this info, get fucked.

Stopped reading there.

I mean, there's been the rumor going around that Nintendo bought all the rights back to all the Mario RPG stuff, so who knows really?

>These are going to be characters that are new to the series, just like Joker from Persona 5. Characters that you would not anticipate to be in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Direct quote from Reggie. Fire Emblem characters are not new to the series.

>74 Fire Emblem characters
Would he actually do it?

>“My interpretation is that there will be no fan polls,” Fils-Aimé said. “No independent poll trying to push Waluigi, as an example, will not influence the decisions that have already been made.”

Fan polls were not taken into consideration, so bye-bye Genofags.

Please fucking stop including geno in your fake leaks. It hurts enough as is knowing he won't make it.

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what chances do you think geno has ?

>happy adventure, delightful adventure

Fuck that would be baller, huge missed opportunity to not mix that one, that would be a fantastic song to remix, but forest maze makes more sense I guess.

Zero, because NoJ made these choices a year and a half ago or more and threw all the fan polls in the trash where they belong

>both of the last dlc's will arrive in winter 2019 desoite nintendo saying it will continue until AT LEAST february of 2020

You tried.

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Tbf Geno was ranked forth in quite a few recent japanese polls and in recent years. So even if they did, they are aware of his popularity. So if he doesn't get in now, he will return one day in some form or another.

I'd prefer if you faggots didn't disrespectfully drag an already dead puppet through the metaphorical mud with your role playing garbage.
It's gross.

what a shitty "swan song"

You should have stopped reading when it said smash leak, anytime somebody claims to have a leak its fake and the few times leaks were correct, it was mostly due to lucky guesses

>He will return one day
Sure he will, Mr. Homer. Sure he will.

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Reminder that even Sakurai didn't even want Corrin in so there's no way in hell he'd choose to put in another FE character.

Nintendo chose the DLC this time. I'm sure if Nintendo offered him a fat check, he'd put whoever they said

Corrin was at least a unique character and not yet another Marth clone, which was why he eventually caved.

But If we get another fucking FE character I'm not fucking buying the pass. Joker's was the first Smash character reveal that I was genuinely and actively disappointed with, such a shitty, shitty way to start off your DLC roster. I can take or leave the DQ Hero and I'm fine with Banjo but ultimately don't really care. The last two better be something good.

They don't have to offer him a fat check, its his job.

Edelgard would NEVER get in over Byleth, and Geno was deconfirmed almost a year ago. Try harder next time.

>not third party
fucking retard, and why would the villain of 3h be in. fucking retard

Nintendo made a list, Sakurai had final say

Joker is based. You’re just a fag.

I'm not sure I would like to sacrifice a spot for another FE just to get Geno.

Ok lol, so what? People actually want Edelgard, who cares it YOU wont buy the pass?
Fucking idiot.

>The last two fighters on the DLC pass are not 3rd party
user, you don't know how much I wish for this to be true and how much it hurts that this is most likely fake.

Joker was a beyond-retarded choice. May as well just throw Goku in there at this point, "muh rules" for who can be in the game have been broken over and over again.

In fact, Goku would unironically make a better choice, he's been in literally dozens and dozens of games on Nintendo systems since the NES.

>People actually want Edelgard
After the groans Corrin and Chrom were met with? You're delusional.

Edelgard would come after an actual good, successful FE game, not as a shill pick

If they had to pick anyone from nu fire emblem, Edelgard would be the best. They need a villain character, after all.

Do we really need a smash "leak" thread every fucking day?

You do realize Joker is from a video game, right? Not an anime. Sakurai already said no anime characters are allowed.

>Worst lord from a mediocre game getting in

>No Apex of the World and God shattering star

Shit leak