How do I aim in fps games on pc?
I've been practicing and lowered sensitivity but I'm still bad.
How do I aim in fps games on pc?
don't spill your spaghetti
use a controller if you're used to it. It's a myth that mouse + keyboard is better as the Fornite tournament proved this
what happened at the fortnite tournament
Just practice and you'll git gud.
You play more. Seriously, you just gotta practice.
Don't listen to fags like I switched to PC after PS2's days were numbered, and while there was a learning curve, I now cannot go back.
Go play through Portal if you need more calm way to practice. Then play some SP games, like Half-Lifes.
Congraz, you have now mastered KB+M.
get good get lmaobox
>fortnite is a fps game
It’s just muscle memory. Also don’t use your wrist to aim, use your arm instead so you can track and flick better.
controller fag dominated pc brainlets
Find a setting that is comfortable for you then slightly adjust it as time goes on.
>muscle memory in an fps
Maybe for arena shooters, fps like seige or csgo you need to use your brain AND aim.
just throwing bullets at the bad guy will usually result in an L.
Track dont flick. Flicking is a last resort reaction thingl. Big mouse pad low sens
Did they remove aim assist? Because if they did, that is amazing. Back when people still believed console players = pc players, they had a professional Halo team play against random pc players, and the pro team lost.
LOL yeah OK.
Aiming and game sense is different. OP was asking on how to get better aim. If you play csgo, muscle memory will allow you to control recoil better and consistently spray properly. If you play overwatch/Apex legends, muscle memory will allow you to tap heads and track better. Good game sense on the other hand will ensure you that you pick your fights properly and not just spray while standing still with no cover.
>How do I aim in fps games on pc?
You flick over something and click when your cursor passes over them.
This paired with anticipating enemy location lets you quickly click on enemies without their dodging affecting your tracking.
You can also practice tracking, which is effectively keeping your cursor on a moving target. but most games don't use tracking for longer than 1 second.
you don't want too high of a sensitivity, otherwise your window to click on the enemy while flicking is A LOT smaller.
but low sensitivity is the reverse, the time it takes to actually click on people can fuck you over, and they might actually dodge before your flick over them.
This also can cause you to be unable to turn around quickly or maneuver. this is a big problem when your enemies get in your face and jump over you.
Its best to find a middle ground.
Then practice turning your camera 90 degrees onto stationary targets and building up a feel for flicking.
lastly, try learning how to aim by strafing. coupling quick movement into your aim means you'll be harder to hit, and be able to hit people even faster.
It can turn into a mind game where your predictable strafing will lul people into your pattern, but a quick change in direction will throw them off.
Just be careful, its extremely easy to counter with their own strafing. Once an enemy learns your shot pattern, they'll be impossible to hit.
make sure to never fall into a pattern, and try to mentally break and change your timing to throw these people off.
of course, at least according to the organizers
not OP, but thanks for the advice anons
predict enemy movement, move crosshair to where they should be in the next moment, when they enter the crosshair you shoot
grind kovaacs aim trainer
it is better, but it all comes down to muscle memory and perception with some critical thinking skills. You need to train all three to git gud. Those that can't are low IQ
If you're playing tf2.
Use TR_walkway, slow down the game speed with host_timescale. Enable random strafing as well. Then click on people and slowly increase the speed. Keep going up in speed and keep practicing until you are hitting 90% of hits at double speed.
Side note though, the hitboxes get really fucked up in tr_walkway, so its not going to translate all the way. but this is mostly to train you to get used to flicking and not relying on anticipating movement. (this is something a lot of people learn and it fucks them over whenever someone dodges).
If you want to learn projectiles, repeat the previous steps. but instead imagine your weapon has an spin to it. and it always spins to the right when you move your cursor left, and spins to the left when you move your cursor to the right. This is a lot easier to visualize than guessing and checking timing on projectiles at distances.