Jealous yet, Yea Forumsirgins?
Jealous yet, Yea Forumsirgins?
Ahhh all that money I don't have to spend on a girlfriend, or worse, kids! The gamer life is for me.
Good luck finding time to play games on every single one of those. Still, the idort life is the best life, feels good to be above the corporate bootlicking consolewar plebs.
I have 10 consoles but only 4 inputs. I dont need more than 4 consoles at any given time because I am generally only juggling 5 games at a time.
Wii U - Red Steel 2
PS2 - 10,000 Bullets
XB1X - Soul Calibur VI
Saturn - Panzer Dragoon Saga
I don't know how in what circumstance anyone would need a setup like this.
as someone who only uses PC, i'm fucking jealous. That looks comfy as fuxk
Pretty sure it's painted red and illuminated by a regular bulb.
> Carpet
> Sand colored walls
> No natural light
Why are American homes so ugly?
If you don't have all of those hooked up to a receiver you're a faggot.
>3x3s on the wall
>not just one, but two
i can emulate anything worth playing on my PC, ill pass on owning expensive retro hardware
Hope you don't have a fire.
Make sure fire detectors are working and have a fire extinguisher ready.
So much onions there. What a colossal waste of money.
go back to your dirt cave, Mohammed.
I have an Ampharos
No because I don’t play video games. This is now a Yu Yu Hakusho thread
Just use an emulator lmao fucking retard. Enjoy your mountain of plastic garbage. Totally worth the money, too!
get a crt you ape
>retro hardware
>LCD tv
lol should just use retroarch with a nice crt filter
setup is also pretty goddamn ugly too, but its a nice collection, lovin' that crystal xbox, also pretty funny that the xbox is so huge it fills the entire shelf
also lol @ having ugly-ass covers like the NTSC symphony of the night and silent hill on display, kind of glad to be a PALfag since i emulate everything anyway but i can display my old games with their non retarded covers
Look either you can drop the attitude RIGHT NOW or I will take matters into my own hands. DON'T TICK ME OFF
If he uses a good line-doubler then real hardware can look just as good as emulation without flaws.
You can also use a hardware CRT filter
seething digital fag can't cope with his lack of ownership
awww is baby sensitive about his plywood tinderbox? better watch out for tornado season!
>house made of (cheap) wood
>floors carpeted
why are all american homes like this, carpets are fucking disgusting
All that money spent on games and pretentious furniture but he has that tiny shit TV. What a retard.
>Pulls out my shitty laptop thar can achieve the same thing without all thar hassle
What now, fucker?
this but unironically
>framed games
Otherwise sweet collection. I sold my mars matrix. Big regrets. I also snapped one in hf so its thst much rarer.
Excessive material possession is a burden. I wouldn't want all that shit for free (excluding just selling 90% of it.)
Not him and I don't have anything against physical collections but I'm pretty sure I own my hard drives lol. Having literally hundreds of thousands of games to play on my PC is nice as fuck.
jealous of what?
Damn dude. Save some pussy for the rest of us.
>cum noggin
There's cool shit there but like, who the fuck wants to have a jaguar playable at all times, and i say this as someone with two dreamcasts.
lol filtered incel
>glossy display panel nowhere near eye level so it has to be angled downward
why do people do this?
personally I think hard floor surfaces are best for kitchens, bathrooms, and miscellaneous hallways, while carpet is best for the main living room and bedrooms.
I used to have a massive collection but became a burden when i moved twice. Sold it and feel so much better. I had tons of games that went a decade plus without playing and thats a sin.
Little bit where is it all going when you die? To the gayming museum?
>who the fuck wants to have a jaguar playable at all times, and i say this as someone with two dreamcasts.
I agree with this.
There's definitely a middle-ground between "lol just emulate everything" and "I must have every console playable at all times"
Nope don't care
I'm impressed.
Only of your wire management
What a small tv
why would i be jelous?
Personally I just fucking hate them, they're a nightmare to clean and even with regular cleaning you end up with shit stuck in them, even worse when you have pets, then again i'm kinda biased since i grew up with fucking shag carpeting in my bathroom. Hardwood floors and a nice rug or two in the bedroom and living room, stone floors for the kitchen. I'm on holiday and staying with some people whose cat has fleas and their house is entirely carpeted and it's fucking impossible to get rid of these fuckers.
no, your neck must be in fucking pain all the time, putting your tv that high is super retarded
Genuine question how much time do you actually spend a week gaming? Are you sure you’re not just an autist who likes collecting things? I’m not knocking autists
This, I wanted to build something like the OP for long until I realized that between my PC, softmodded Wii, 360, and N64 with everdrive Also WiiU, but fuck it
Im actually pretty closet yo achieve what OP have while saving lots of space.
Also the Wii is hooked to a big ass Sony trinitron CTR and I use mayflash adapter with an original SNES and NES controller.
So at least I got OP beat in classics
I have an enormous digital collection and i hardly play shit, I just like knowing that if i want to play something it's there to play.
Hell I even have both fallouts, daggerfall, starsector, papers please, vallhalla, wesnoth and shit on my crappy laptop since I figured i'd play them on the plane or something but I just spent the whole time playing max payne on my phone, which also has fullsets of everything up to psx on it because i'm a fucking autist.
>He thinks tornados are indigenous to all of the states
>He thinks we still use plywood
>all that space taken
not at all
>proceeds emulating
I'm in the US right the fuck now and there's an assload of construction going on in and around the city I'm in and I can decisively tell you that every single apartment and house is a cheap plywood/chipboard shell that will later be covered in either flammable cladding or wooden siding.
Also, a tornado can happen literally anywhere, they're just way more common in a certain section of the country.
I have the following:
Sega Master system 2
Sega megadrive [x3]
Sega megadrive 2 [x2]
Sega 32x
Sega Gamegear
Sega Dreamcast
Atari 2600 [boxed]
NES [boxed]
N64 [x3]
Nintendo Wii
PlayStation [x3]
PSOne [x2]
PlayStation 2 [x2]
PlayStation 2 slim
PS3 fat 60gb
PS3 slim
PS4 pro
Xbox [x3]
Fountain Force 3000
I think that's the lot. I had a Commodore 64 but it took up too much room.
Really wanting a Master system 1, Sega Saturn, Super Nintendo, Mega CD, and Wii U.
>have six older consoles that I could plug in and play whenever I want
>just emulate on PC anyway and keep them around mostly for decoration
Imagine being this specific type of faggot.
imagine being this seething
Not too much.
been alive for 30 years m8, literally never once heard of or seen a tornado anywhere in my section of the country. Tornadoes are basically exclusive to tornado alley, aka, a vertical swath through the middle of the country that has the lowest population density BECAUSE of said tornadoes. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere in any of those hick states, tornadoes are not in any way a threat.
>nightmare to clean
thats because the people with dirty carpets live like fucking subhumans and probably would through the house with their dirty shoes
>shag carpeting in bathroom
literally disgusting
again, thats not the fault of carpeting, thats the fault of somebody who is irresponsible. How the fuck did their cat get fleas and why is it in their home if it is infested? Wait, don't tell me, its an "outdoor cat", right? Again, irresponsible.
Anecdotal evidence doesn't really mean shit, there was a tornado in luxembourg a few days ago and another near amsterdam, not sure if i need to tell you but tornadoes are pretty much unheard of in that part of europe, but they do happen, they can occur anywhere. Besides, the rest of america is prone to wildfires, earthquakes and hurricanes, so I don't get why the houses here are so goddamn flimsy and flammable.
Compared to a hardwood floor carpets require regular steam cleaning and washing in order to stay clean, as opposed to vacuuming and a quick mop. The cat is an indoor cat, by the way, no fucking idea how it got fleas, cat itself is clean now but somehow my girlfriend keeps finding fleas around the place, owners were in denial since they didn't get bitten and again, indoor cat. Wouldn't happen with wooden floors.
And yeah, you have no idea how happy I was when my parents remodeled that bathroom and gave it some nice granite tiles.
not even meming, that many consoles all hooked up and the tv sitting that high tickle my autism. all that clutter triggers my anxiety. i only hook up 2 consoles at a time max.
Wow I never seen a virginity shrine before thanks op
>that small ass tv
bro step your game up
This. I literally unhooked 3 of my consoles and only have an N64 and snes hooked up right now in my office
Fuck you horse fucking weaboo ear my shit