Just get a PC bro
>games aren't even meant to play past 30fps
>game is usually broken or unoptomized garbage.
Just get a PC bro
I was about to post the same thing
Phantom Pain on PS4/Xbox One is already at 60fps...?
>can run the game perfectly fine
>it crashes/freezes for no good reason
Is it just me or does MGS4 look better than V?
I know this is a troll thread, but
>games aren't even meant to play past 30fps
60 FPS literally gives you DOUBLE the amount of time for the game to accept inputs. Your inputs are read more accurately and quickly when running at a higher framerate.
Ever wonder why every single fighting game EVER has run at 60 FPS and not 30? That's why. Every single frame matters in a fighting game, that's why they run at 60.
nope sweetie the human eye can't see past 14 fps :)
Post examples then what game in this current day and age that is broken or unoptimized
works on my rig bro :')
Scam Citizen
>Unreleased game
200 iq right here
Nice bait, MGSV while being an absolute anathema, is one of the most optimized and scalable games ever created. The Fox Engine is amazing.
what are you babbling about? it's already out
>not even out yet
>Watch a benchmark
>has Vsync on
It's a PS3 game, of course it runs good on everything else.
already playable nigger :)
Fallout 3
Saints Row 2
Star Wars Dark Forces 2
Nioh (Optimized like shit)
Berserk Musou
>bunch of early access demos or alphas
funny thing is that it will stay this way, anime fag :)
Really dude? A bunch of old games? I said games this day and age.
I do agree on koei tecmo, they are a bunch of retards when it comes to pc.
PC gaming is a no brainer
anyone who tells you to get a PC is a faggot and probably a buyfag too
Okay....? I don't give a shit about star citizen, I'm just pointing out facts. And fact is the game is not even out yet.
>a bunch of old games
are you 12?
what is your criteria for old games then?
but it's out tho, because you can play it, that is the whole point
>Fallout 3
Worked fine on my 2007 laptop.
I'm talking about fallout 3, saints row 2 and star wars. Those fucking games are already more than a decade old already.
400 iq post.
C'mon dude, early access alpha garbage. The game isn't complete yet and you wonder why the gem is buggy and unoptimized?
so are you saying that the game will never come out? because it will never be finished my friend :)
That is mostly just your interpretation. We're talking about facts here.
>muh alpha
if it's shit, it's shit, take a look at NMS
Youre a faggot :) :) :)
Okay, whatever. If you said No man sky was the broken unoptimized game then I would have agreed with you.
At least the game isn't abandoned and being updated till this day.
I usually play old games so I'm not sure about newer releases then. But to add to my list of messed up PC games that I encountered so far.
Metal Gear Rising
Call of Cthluhu Dark Corners of the Earth
Batman Arkham Knight
Well I'm mostly talking about this generations games. So Batman fits that bill. What a cluster fuck of a game at the time. At least they fixed it now.
What the fuck? But bayonetta is like one of the best pc ports.
I play on a high refresh monitor and for some reason I get massive screen tearing whenever I play. I haven't bothered to try and figure out why its happening.
>Spends 80+ dollars PER game
>spends hundreds more on DLC and micro transactions instead of just pirating it
>has to pay 30 bucks a month to play multiplayer
>No games
>horrible controls
>Any pc game that is ported is extremely optimized and broken
>Have to buy a new one every few years
>Only official servers for games
>No mods
>horrible selection of indie games
>Only suited to play games.
>99.9999999999% of games can run without any issue past 60fps even without desync.
>consoles have a hard time even maintaing constant frame rates
>Need expensive ass TV that costs more then PC
DId i miss anything lads?
Bayonetta is fine.
Arkham Knight used to be fucked but they fixed most of the issues a while ago.
>80 dolars per game
most games are 60 and you could just wait until they go down to 20 like any reasonable person.
>spends hundreds more on DLC and micro transactions instead of just pirating it
literally nobody does this except mouth breathing 12 year olds
>no games
God of War, Kingdom Hearts 3, Spiderman, Killzone, Uncharted, Last of Us, Bloodborrne, Persona 5 say hello.
>horrible controls
not every game was meant to be played with a mouse and keyboard. even the most die hard PC niggers own at least one controller.
>Any pc game that is ported is extremely optimized and broken
No shit, because it's being run on lesser hardware.
>Have to buy a new one every few years
As if PC gamers never have to update their graphics card/CPU which costs about as much as a console.
can we end this meme? I haven't played a single PC game were mods dramatically made a game better.
I'm not even going to respond to the rest because it's just lazy ass PC trolling.
As much as PC fags like to boast about how powerful their gaming rigs are I haven't played one PC game that was as good as God of War, Breath of the Wild, and Uncharted 4.
That says more about you than it does about PC gaming.
This. Always.
>Nioh (Optimized like shit)
Definitely no
>games aren't even meant to play past 30fps
>posts a game that runs at 60fps
Metal gear rising is fine?
how do i save the brain from burning
>Any realtime strategy game (including grand strategy and the Total War series)
>Simulation games
>A vast majority of indie games
>First person shooters (non-hamstringed)
In terms of character models, they look nearly identical. V may have way more polygons or whatever, but that's got to be some real diminishing returns, because 4 still looks amazing. 4's environments, though, can look pretty rough and jagged. Who cares though, since I'd take 4 over V any day
The point about upgrades is true but you don't have to if you don't want to. I'm not very tech savvy myself but i'm sure you could at the very least make a PC equal to or cheaper than a standard ps4 or xbone model not counting thier upgrade variants. Although ps4 pro and xbone x don't even really imrpove frame rate anyhow. But you could build a pc on current gen system specs and still have way more utility.
It plays in 60 fps on ps4 too though.
>>games aren't even meant to play past 30fps
Name a single non-Japanese AAA game where this is true.
Have you even played TPP or GZ on the 360/ps3? It's awful.
>t. peasants STILL trying to justify their meme box
Guess you miss the point of mods. Sure some do make it better but most of the time it's just a means of making the game feel different to play. Letting you have that unique experience again in a familiar game. For example just recently Resident Evil 2 Remake had the first person mod and DMC5 has the new coop mod.
Also fuck you, if you think mods didn't improve games like Skyrim or Doom then you're just retarded.
Because you are rendering at a higher framerate than your monitor can output. Thats more a testament to how well optimized bayo is. Turn on vsync or limit your framerate.