
Here's a ProJared/E3 parody video guest starring Ricky Berwick and Jesus Christ! There's also an original song at the end, so stick around for some good laughs.

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whatever happened to this guy?

His alien looking ass retreated back to his home planet.

He's been under fire for apparently cheating on his wife and for his creepy blog. So far it looks like both parties (Jared and Heidi) are both in the wrong to varying degrees. I know that this is an incredibly brief description of the situation, but I hope it helps you get the basic gist of it all.

>projared threads deleted on sight after controversial drama because he's one of the good guys
>jontron threads allowed to happen after controversial drama because FUCK RACISTS!

He is a fucking creepy pedophile

The projared threads are higher risk because his case involves minors and his dick pics are everywhere

Allegedly. From what I've seen, he was unaware of their true ages, but still, having a blog like that (even for adults) is still weird.

True! I'm just here for the laughs and creativity of the video. I'm not trying to see the man's genitals.

Yeah, he hasn't been active anywhere. I wonder if he'll ever come back.

Exchanging porn with adults? Horrifying.

and so we have to censor threads to protect his image
but smearing jontron is ok

Relaxalax came back after his youtube gf tried to pull the same stunt on him.

When you're using your fame to do it then it's mildly weird. I'm not saying it's wrong, just a bit weird.

Yeah, seems a bit unfair.

Yeah, it's not impossible to bounce back, but cancel culture is making it more difficult.

i actually legit don't see what he did wrong.
niggas cheat everywhere, why does it matter?

uh, sweetie, if my girlfriend cheated on me I would find another one, a wife is a little different.

That's exactly how I feel! I'm more concerned with the possibility of him being a pedophile.

It's definitely serious to a certain degree, but I think pedophilia outweighs cheating.

who the fuck cares.
man we all pedos here. beside you go on snapchat everyone's fucking horny. you gonna ask for a driver's license before getting fucking nudes?

>I don't see what's wrong
>having child porn
>requesting young fans to send him lewd pics
>all while having an affair
>acts like a normal nerdy kid on youtube
He's fucked, he basically not only pulled a pee wee herman but he also is going to be registered as a sex offender. There's not a lot that can fix after your name goes on that list.

What do you mean "who the fuck cares". If he knew they were under age then it's fucked up. If he was unaware, then he should have just been more careful. I'll cut him some slack if he truly didn't know, but it was still a risky move especially due to his fame.

hey man, i know he fucked law wise and other stuff but man cancer culture is annoying. kinda glad if you watch his youtube videos now people are calling out on the cancer going all "LMAO U CHEAT ON WIFE U BAD"

that shit is obnoxious as fuck

So why did you even waste your time replying to me, where did I make a comparison to his other nasty habit? Trying to fucking start something asshole?

Cancel culture isn’t that effective, the gay makeup guy did fine plus Channel Awesome did too.

Jared is probably handling his divorce and letting shit due down.

I hope not, I'm glad this fucking talentless mong is gone, just needs to happen with more of his kind, whens pbg jetting fucked.

One lied about their age and the other was brain damaged. Jared did nothing wrong.

>JonTron was the good guy all along

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imagine actually downloading cp and not just browsing it on the clearnet bareback

I love Jontron!

He retired

lmao fag

his videos were pretty okay. i enjoyed them

you know people in hollywood be fucking snorting coke and masturbating to underage kid in an underground ring. nigga's dumb as fuck but it's more of he's stupid as fuck than HOLY SHIT HES A PIECE OF SHIT.

who cares don't be a faggot pedo and you have nothing to worry about. You sound like a pedo defending other old gross men who touch kids. Only faggots like that would argue projared doesn't get told to kill himself everyday until he fucking does.

woah its almost like mods are pedo leftists or something

He's a racist, should be canceled really.

Fuck what happened with Channel Awesome. I'm still pissed that Doug never spoke out.

> people still believe the pedophile narrative when that shit was debunked

are you guys also aware that the tweets which were the initial allegations against him were deleted?

He turned out to be another Jared Fogle

Here's my issue, I'm not seeing any definitive proof. It's all still "he said she said". Until I see actual proof, then I'm not going to feel strongly either way. It's all just speculation.

If anything ProJared help shown how easy it is for the underage to get into adult shenanigans just for lying on the internet. The only way to gate this kind of thing would be some kind of SSN tied to your web identity. That can simply never happen.

ain't a pedo but come on dude, i really don't think he was a pedo.
nigga's horny and wants to see some bobs and vaginas (augmented), y'know you're not gonna check when your horny. it's like when you accidently jack off to gay shit because they wearing a skirt and you go oh fuck.

Whatever happend to innocent until proven guilty?
If a couple of consenting adults got star struck and sent their idol some clevage who fucking cares.
If the dude actually gets arrested or jailed for it then he's scum, until then who knows.

he also started blocking all of his friends lmao granted they are making fun of him. supermega specifically

Naw, he isn't. Besides, rather have a comedian who is racist than a pedophile.

I always heard people say "that bitch is psycho stay away from her." But I never truly understood what that meant until this ProJared shit happened. This guy's whole youtube career is fucked to hell and back over a stupid roastie. Jesus Christ.

hey man im just sayin it looks like the same ol
underage teen sends nudes to her fav e-celeb than when he goes down, they feel betrayed and must jump ship and start adding shit cuz of attention.

Yes he is a racist. Doesn't matter, if he does something again he will be canceled.

>If the dude actually gets arrested or jailed for it then he's scum
Yeah dude nobody is ever falsely imprisoned.


The system is rigged in favor of women.

He won't, stay mad nigcel.

I never saw him do anything racist. What's the context behind this claim?

What did Supermega do?

Reminder that if you agree to an open relationship with your crazy wife, and go for the somehow crazier bird lady best friend of your wife for 4 inch dicking and anal sessions while she is also married to somebody who did not agree to an open relationship, you might just have a type.
That type is "trouble".

There was one girl who claimed that she told him she was 18 because she was scared of him blocking her. She deleted all of her social media after people began calling her out for that.

Just angry incels.

my thing is, why the fuck is niggas be chimpin out when someone cheats with their wife.

EVERYONE fucking cheats on their wife.
every nigga has a family member who cheats on another.

these days it's guilty until proven innocent.

He stated facts about black people being more prone to crime and violence as indicated by crime rates. So um yeah, he's a fucking bigot racist? Have sex.

Ah, alright.

Look, we're all upset, so let's calm down and watch the video that I forgot to link in the original post.

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It does feel that way now.

Again, I didn't give a shit about the cheating. The possibility of him being a pedo is what concerned me the most.

Probably a few MGTOW too.

not talkin bout you my dude. talkin about the chimps out on reddit, twitter and shit.

i honestly don't think he's a pedo and even if he is man that's some personal shit. a pedo can fucking be my priest for all i care. long as he doesn't shove his dick in an underage cunt or asshole idgaf

they used his theme song in the podcast and kept messing him clown memes. Then they specifically made fun of him in their e3 video. Matt plays a character that is literally projared.

Yeah, you're right man!

Shit, I had no idea! Thanks for filling me in.

i feel like you making fun of me user.

I'm not dude. You're good! I seriously didn't know. I legitimately appreciate it. I try to keep up with stuff like this, but it's easy to miss things here and there.

E-celeb board when?

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>neogaf implosion is not video games
>an e-celeb cheating on his wife is not video games
>an e-celeb dying is video games and stickied

By saying that, you agree that anti-racism is a pseudoscience and "racism' is a nonsense word?

>there are people ITT who are unironically defending projared
he's not gonna suck your dick lmao

The parody video is tied to E3 so, it's definitely video game related. Seriously, watch this video guys, it's great!

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are the mods on break? i've seen an anime thread on here up all day. and im surprised this thread hasn't gone down.

Now this is beautiful!

Just like Yea Forums.

>Jared and his wife decide to have open relationship
>Weird shit happens and Jareds wife didn't like him going out with some other girl so Jared stated he wouldn't but lied about it
>Said girl was also had a relationship with one of Jareds friends
>Jared was also sending dick pics to minors along with cross dressing (if your a fan of sailor moon don't look for them)
>all this gets leaked
>Jared goes silent
>Somewhat related Jontron gets the last laugh due to his supposed friends defending Jared while they threw him under the bus making them look bad
TLDR, Jared fucked the wrong types of whores and he got shit on for it

For me, it was less about the cheating, and more about the fact that he was trying to lure women in with his "male feminist" schtick only to take advantage of them.
Has there ever been a "male feminist" who didn't turn out to be a sack of shit?

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I agree with this 100%. Cheating is a bit scummy, but it's not the end of the world.

>Jewario was actually a major creeper who got away with fondling girls
>HR couldn't say anything about him fondling girls
>Channel Awesome refused to say anything about him fondling girls

He sent out dick pics to underage girls, he's in the wrong as fuck.

Definitely not creepy in the slightest!

Yeah, even if it was unintentional, he's still weird for doing it.

He must be very happen seeing Banjo in smash

Jewario was fucked.

Nah bro. People think with their dicks.


There's a joke about that in this video!

Yeah, people do. You're not wrong.

The whole Channel Awesome situation still pisses me off.

>He stated facts
>So he's a fucking bigot racist
say hi in REEEEEsetera

His wife gave him permission to fuck other girls, and then got upset when he started fucking other girls.



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Yeah, that's what it looks like.

Once again, you can't go wrong with Jontron!