how hard is learning to code? I'm a artist guy but I want to do more shit to do my game
How hard is learning to code? I'm a artist guy but I want to do more shit to do my game
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Hard as hell, unless you got a HUGE knack for math and endless problem-solving skills.
I'm an art-fag who went to IT schools, tried shit during my free-time, etc.
After 15 years of beating my head against the wall, I can say that traditional programming will never will be "my thing". Thank god for all the visual scripting systems that are available nowadays.
Depends how smart you are. For me learning to program was relatively easy but I fucking hate debugging more than anything.
I see how retarded some of the indie games are so it cant be that hard.
this dude is a faggot liar
learning to code is relatively easy, you don\t need any advanced math to learn the syntax (grammar) of a programming language and how to write basic programming algorithms
just find a tutorial online, there are plenty of resources. see if it's something you enjoy
Funny world. Im a code guy trying to learn to draw as a hobby. Its so incredibly hard. Coding is easy for me
Not hard
Start with C, not even joking. It has the clearest syntax and the fewest toys, so you won't get bogged down trying to learn frivolous shit like dependency injection or how to run some framework in Docker or whatever Java devs waste their time doing. Put off the advanced pointer stuff until you realize that they're just types like anything else, and they'll click for you. If you're serious about learning to code, C is the simplest place to start
>start with C
I think the concept is pretty simple. A script is just an automated 'to-do' list. The tricky part is knowing the commands, math and how to use them to solve solutions. Not to mention how one typo can fuck things up and take you ages to find it.
Tinkercad has a code block function that just allows you to plug bits together.
>this dude is a faggot liar
Explain how is my personal experience supported by years of mirroring my thoughts with other people "a lie".
See, all this mumbo jumbo is like speaking Hebrew to a someone who already does not understand coding's 101.
Not only do you need to know what any of that means, but then you need to know how to put them into good use.
Does not help if you're a "visual" guy like me, to whom a wall of plain text becomes a hard to follow grey mass.
I still remember the SDL lessons at Uni, and how I still have zero understanding of how that shit works.
If you're good at memorizing and repetition, then not that hard. I'd say coding is actually easier than drawing. I still prefer drawing myself though.
Post based programming games
Honestly dude learn python
Shit is ez mode
A week in C will teach you more than a month of Java or C# tutorials
If all you do is memorize and repeat code you suck as a programmer
Good programming involves very little code usually, but requires a big 200 iq brain
you are a retard, that is why you are wrong
my personal experience invalidates yours, because i am SHIT at math but I can still write and read OOP. therefore you don't need a huge knack for math and endless problem-solving skills. you need basic problem solving skills and to have the patience and maybe being able to think outside the box once in a while when you're trying to find a bug
from someone who had to learn two languages for one semester, i can say the process itself is simple. you have to break down EVERYTHING into the most basic format and tell the computer to do that. for example, you can't simply program "eat this burger". you have to program everything that entails eating a burger, from the hand movements, mouth motions, balancing the food, the digestion, etc.
simple, but definitely not easy. the hardest part comes from knowing the commands, what they do, and what you can do with them.
Just use the blueprints in UE4. They have plenty of tutorials for that garbage.
Not very hard at all. You just have to realize a few things
>Most code is just the same shit in a different format, once you learn the fundamentals you can do most of what you need to do
>you don't need to reinvent the wheel, like at all. If theres an easy to follow tutorial out there, fucking follow it and dont try to switch shit up to be a hero. That will only hurt you. I would know
> always use the occams razor when coding, don't make it overly complicated unless it absolutley has to be, I.E skilltrees ect.
> coding is very "straight" even simple fuckups like putting a comma in the wrong place or mis-capatalizing a letter can fuck you over. Pay close attention to those basic rules and you wont go wrong.
source: indie dev who's been coding for a little over 2 yrs.
C is extremely low level , its only used in embedded systems. theres no reason to tell normies who can barely write a for loop to code in fucking C
Thus is what happens when script kiddy zoomers read /g/
>oh yeah one last thing. Only niggers and pajeets use Arrays, as soon as you get enough skill that you feel comfortable with, move on to lists. They will make your life so much better. But they are harder to work with if you don't know what your doing.
oof. I've studied C# since 2017. I feel like shit now
fucking impossible and not worth it. retards from /g/ who think that anyone but their autistic circle are interested in reading 300 page books will try to convince you otherwise but you can easily detect their autism.
>its only used in embedded systems
C is still used for literally anything even remotely important. Even when they use C++ they will write certain parts in C because those parts are probably important. As to which language to start with, any. C is good because it's simple and doesn't have a lot of bloat so you don't learn any language specific features that won't translate into another language. Also other "simple" languages are trash and only pushed by companies and retards, like java for example. Suggesting them just perpetuates their use.
>C is simple
Why do you lie?
The fuck?
You can't be THAT confused by pointers, right?
>main function at end of file
It just werks
I have tried my hands on C, C++, C#, Java, Ruby, and even some Python.
It does not matter. I just absolutely loathe typing and staring at cold, liveless text code for hours. I hate having to memorize all the numerous ways you must write things to get anything to happen, and then make sure you don't leave a single typo anywhere.
I can read the code to some degree and explain what's going on.
I understand the theories behind them, and can easily tweak my brain to see the problems as series of IF/ELSE queues. It is just the traditional way the coding needs to be implemented that drives me up to a wall; it is practically a 1-dimensional line you need to weave into something coherent inside your head.
Which is why I am VERY glad that we got more and more visual scripting modes available now, from UE's Blueprints to Unity's BOLT and Playmaker;
Not only can I not do childish mistakes while choosing my needed "tools" from the pool of the code's functions, I can also instantly see the form and interaction of the program, as a 2D map.
This I can completely understand .
To me, drawing's been a literal second nature since I was a kid, and that skill translated well into 3D modeling later on as well. I just KNOW that there's tons of people who have very hard time even getting past the very basics.
Kinda funny how no one ITT is going "lol drawing's EZ! Git gud! :^)" on you.
Programming (or "coding" for normie mongoloids such as yourself) is not hard to learn. However, code IS language. It does not exist for the sake of computers - they only understand 0s and 1s, which is why we need compilers/interpreters to translate human-readable code to commands the computer understands. A program is a conversation between the writer and the reader, and to be a good programmer you must be able to facilitate this conversation. That means that good code, above all else, makes sense and is understandable, while still being efficient and correct. So while you can learn to "code" within a few weeks, actually being able to work at a higher level than the code and express the underlying data structures and algorithms in an efficient, appropriately succinct and useful manner takes a lifetime of practice.
Do not make "learning to code" your end goal, or you will never create a single program of any significant worth. Think hard about the problems you are trying to solve, and how to simply and plainly describe the solution in your chosen programming language. The rest will fall into place with practice.
>just look up what I'm trying to do
>solutions always are findable
Wow coding is so ""hard""
Why would it not
Its because were on v. When i post to ic i get told "lmao bro just practice anatomy and perspective are easy"
Pointers aren't hard Pajeet. They're just addresses; that's all.
I'm glad programming is difficult, if it were possible for random shitters to code well I wouldn't be making 6 figures/year
Good luck drawing a realistic hand or feet out of the blue. Them tri-point perspectives are also lovely way to spend an evening. And then you need to colorize the damn thing, manually ...
>Good programming involves very little code usually, but requires a big 200 iq brain
Not from my experience dealing with game programmers. They're usually shut ins who are extremely good at focusing on mundane tasks, but not good at independent, creative thinking. Someone gives them orders and they do it.
I'm sure there are exceptions. But there's a reason most programmers go into that field rather than creative design. And why vice versa. Most creative types suck at coding because they're always looking for a way to do something differently, wasting time and effort.
>Most creative types suck at coding because they're always looking for a way to do something differently
I'd say a number of us (visual) creative types just wanna get our own ideas implemented in a working form, as quickly as possible.
Something the oldschool coding does not easily bend to most often.
The syntax is yes. Instead of needing to learn about classes and inheritance or object notation. Pointers can be completely ignored if you want, especially starting out, and outside of said pointers C is a simple language. Not simple to learn but basic.
There are two types of people, rarely do they merge.
The creative, a person who finds the arts to flow through them as naturally as blood, whether it be painting, playing the guitar, or modelling, texturing, and animating furry characters for their porn patreon. If you tried to get one to program something, their brain would melt and pour out their ears, and their soul would be sucked out.
And the robot, someone who has oil pulsing in their veins, not blood. They can write in their languages many find to defy comprehension as if it was their native language. But if you tried to get them to draw a straight line, most of them would need to construct and program a robot to do it for them.
forgot to mention, if you want to see just how stupidly obtuse getting into programming is, just look up how to compile a program. that's it, just a way to compile simple C code into an .exe. good luck.
oof, did i strike a nerve there user?
Art and engineering both require high IQ (think of da Vinci) , its just most smart/talented people pick one craft/skill and hone/ refine it for years and their development in other areas atrophy
But its a system our society kind if requires, you prioritize one skill first and make money from it
gcc main.c -o main
I don't have much of a frame of reference. Is this really a difficult thing to do? You just download a compiler and compile. Linking is bullshit though.
But gcc isn't standard on Windows user! I keep typing gcc and nothing happens
>pirate visual studio
>forgot to mention, if you want to see just how stupidly obtuse getting into programming is, just look up how to compile a program. that's it, just a way to compile simple C code into an .exe. good luck.
You are a certifiable retard
That too. Which is why I switched from game development to storyboarding for animation.
I got a degree in software engineering and I hate coding, will probably end up working something else. A royal fuck up. Follow something you like and not the money.
When you break it all down, programming is basically just giving a computer a bunch of basic algebra problems to perform magic.
Its only as hard as you want it to be. How much effort are you planning to put in learning?
Same but I don't like anything. It's also the only thing I'm even remotely good at.
good luck installing gcc on windows
>pirate visual studio
yeah good luck going through that and then the process of installing it lmao
Why don't you just learn to code?
Software engineers are brainlets t EE
How much math would I need to learn for a 2d game using something like unity/godot?
>trying to act smug about being too stupid to program
Well, half the population does have below average IQ...
It's likely that I've conversed with many people with literally retard-level IQ on this website, and it's almost certain I'm talking with one right now
How do you draw curved lines?
I can draw straight lines.
and dont use those for a simple 2d
just use SDL
Draw an infinite amount of straight lines at varying degrees.
Why? Would sdl just be easier?
Basically just camera shit
Like if you want your sprite in the center of the screen, draw him at camera.w / 2 or whatever
If you can do that congratulations you can make a 2D game
If you're only making a simple 2D game, game engines just cause too much overhead and extra learning that you ultimately don't need.
Show me your art.
What about things like movement abilities?
How much math do you need to learn for high end coding?
>taking some random posturing user's words as anything more than a grain of salt
Most self-taught dumbasses who think they're gods at programming tend to write unreadable/unmaintainable garbage code. Learn it at high school (comp sci AP) and go to college.
lmao what? I thought in most colleges SE and EE were lumped together and comp sci code monkeys were in their own section.
>Most code is just the same shit in a different format, once you learn the fundamentals you can do most of what you need to do
No, you stupid pajeet. There's a massive difference between bad code and good code, even if they both accomplish the exact same thing with no bugs whatsoever. Once you learn the basics, you are nowhere NEAR ready to start your own project, since at that point, you know nothing about software engineering or code design. You are but a simple, stupid codemonkey that does not know how to design the pieces of a program to fit together. And until you learn THAT, you can't do jack shit on your own.
It's easy to learn how to code.
It takes some time, practice and dedication to do competent code. Competent as in code that's arguably efficient and not so bloated.
Still, if you want to make a million if-else and take a month to fix one small bug, that's also up to you.
You won't have to do anything more complex than multiplication
Maybe exponents if you really feel like being a tryhard
Seriously, it's that simple
Thanks user. I'm thinking of learning python to start off then learn gdscript.
Are you like 3-5 years in the industry? I had the same feeling and it took forever to get through it. I eventually figured out that I really really fucking hated my coworkers and boss and that hate made me unmotivated to do anything (working = benefiting my peers and boss = hate). You should prob start looking for a new job or get a hobby so you don't go insane.
>SE calling cs codemonkeys
have sex
To echo this user. You spend more time reading code than running it, so code that is easy to read is much more important.
You really only get into complex math when you start doing 3D and all your transformations are represented by matrices
But for 2D all you need is like an x value, a y value, a verical speed and a horizontal speed
Not him but most software jobs are code monkey jobs. We're all fucking dumbasses making some old asshole rich by adding boring ass features some customer won't stop bitching about.
Only if readability doesn't impact function.
Working well > reading well > working > readable > unreadable > doesn't work.
Here's my thing.
WHY learn to code?
Practically, what can I do with it having taught myself? What languages can be applied to something useful as opposed to being a gamedev? Is getting a new job based on this something that's feasible?
Depends on your definition of working well
I write SDKs we send out of the company. They’re not performing super time-critical tasks, so I’ll gladly sacrifice some efficiency to improve readability / simplify integration, since my code is gonna be consumed by dudes in China and we can’t hold their hands
Assuming your code works and isn’t buggy or unreasonably slow, readability might be more important than things like optimal performance
>readability doesn't impact function.
Fuck off, pajeet. Writing shit code is how you get Yandere simulator, AKA a miserable pile of shit that barely runs with no progress after the initial burst.
Just like drawing fancy stick figures, you can pick up coding in an evening. Actually programming something useful takes time and effort and is not for everyone
>this dude is a faggot liar
>learning to code is relatively easy
No, you're just a retarded autist and a liar. Non-autistic people fucking loathe programming, even many CS students turn out to hate it. If he's never bothered coding on his own before hes never going to make it. At best he could be on par with the millions of Pajeet code monkeys in India. No one is going to stop him from trying, but don't fucking lie to his face.
Please do not start with Python. This is a common trap because it is so handholdy. It will teach you very bad habits while hiding important concepts like how Types work.
Pick one to start: C# or C++. C# is easier but you'll still have to learn C++ afterwards. What can also help is looking into his computer hardware functions. It didnt click for me until I learned what a Turing Machine was and how it relates to Bytes.
Confessions of an algae brain
C is great faggot
Check udemy for cheap courses on unreal engine.
do you have any drawing tips?
>It didnt click for me until I learned what a Turing Machine was and how it relates to Bytes.
Turing machines have nothing to do with bytes or how actual computers work.
>fucking cancer pajeets shitting up all of programming
*blocks your path*
1st problem is just a binary search
You only have two eggs user.
I just copy paste everything from other stuff
then you just have to make an educated guess
A fair amount to do anything remotely useful ON YOUR OWN, in an efficient amount of time.
You need more than the fundamentals. You also need to understand the theory behind the principles of the real world and how it translates to digital.
You need to be more than just aware of the vast amount of tooling and solutions available to solve your problems and put your plans into action (models, theorems, algorithms), you need to understand exactly how those tools and solutions work, and when they're relevant on a case by case basis, to be able to implement them effectively.
It takes an absolutely massive investment.
then its a dumb riddle and the answer is no floor because no matter what height the eggs will break
you can reuse the egg if it didn't break you silly goose
Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial for Beginners (4.5 hours)
Unity is another engine worth looking into. I'm not sure what tools are best for phone apps.
then we are back to making an educated guess on which floor to first drop it from
If you call it "coding", you have already lost. Also, stop typing like a redditor.
What I really mean by this is that it extends well beyond pure math into other disciplines of the sciences and even some philosophy.
You have to be THE intelligent turbo nerd that internalizes all the required knowledge to have self sufficiency and finesse.
>Turing machines have nothing to do with bytes or how actual computers work.
Bitch, you what? The entire model of modern computing is the Turing machine.
Not really. If you can into logical thinking it's easy, the only stumbling block would be syntax, design principles and patterns, and pointers (if you're using a language that doesn't abstract those away.)
As other anons have said, start with C. You can either dive in nuts first and read "The C Programming Language" By K&R, or ease into it with C Primer Plus. I've only read the first one but I've heard good reviews about the latter.
>t. doesn't program anything
You sound fun.
Your computer doesn't have a tape.
The closest model is Ram machine, specifically rasp model.
"Writing code" is simple. It's the "engineering" part of software engineering that's actually difficult.
I'm the inverse where I'm good at fixing and terrible at math. So it can be hard depending on what you do.
Yet my videogame is currently being played by approximately 700 players daily. Where is yours?
>Your computer doesn't have a tape.
No, you stupid nigger. The tape is an analogy for RAM memory.
>only my way is the way
If the guy wants to shit his code, let him shit his code. It's his prerogative, and why would you be so butthurt when you're not gonna touch his code?
The tape came before "RAM memory" was a thing dummy.
Start dropping the egg from floor 0 going upwards.
Drop one egg from floor 50, if it breaks, then drop other egg from floor 0 onward up to 49, else, start from 51 and move onward up to 100.
Only 700? How cute. Mine is played by millions.
Because the "tape" lead to the direct creation of RAM memory, you absolute fucking moron.
Post your game then, user. I'll wait.
>lmao just make shit code! who cares??
There are programmers, and then there are cancer code money pajeets that need to all die for making everyones lives worse.
coding game systems in c based languages is pretty intuitive to me as an artfag
programming engine shit on the other hand is beyond me
>The tape is an analogy for RAM memory.
No it's not, a tape is not random access in any sense of the word.
Don't actually start with C.
The first step to becoming a developper is knowing how to write an algorithm. In that respect, you should pick a language that's as close to pseudo-code as possible.
The best candidate for this is Python: dead simple syntax, no types, no compilation and all the heavy lifting done for you.
When you understand how to write an imperative program, what branching and looping is, you can start learning how things work under the hood.
That's when C comes in: you ned to use types, you need to manage memory and you need to use compilation.
lol stop being autistic and have sex
With a background in QBasic and HTML 5, how hard would it be to learn some python or gaming coding? I was thinking of a platformer or RPG, though I've heard Game Maker and RPG Maker are not good options if someone can do the work on their own.
>holy fuck I have the bestest idea for a gaym ever
>download gamemaker
>No idea how to work program whatsoever
>Go to blocksbased coding section
>Difficulty lowers a barely noticeable amount
>Stumble around clicking on things with words I don't understand for an hour before going to YouTube to look up tutorials
>Decide I'll learn how to do it right and make a basic game before trying anything else
>Constantly having to rewind the video 3 to 4 times every 10 seconds
>Just copying what the guy is doing without actually understanding everything
Hate it and give up after I've got a little Knight dude running around swinging a sword that does not actually hit anything
I never feel this way when I draw. I mean I fucking suck but I don't feel like a small child who can't find his mother I'm a grocery store.
I chose comp sci for my major because every other single option I saw made me fucking wretch. I realized that I didn't want to work and instead just play games all day. Coding is the least objectionable thing on the list of shit people can do for me.
College starts next week and I'm fucking dreading it. Working a part time labor job right now that's relatively easy but my brain will turn to mush once college starts. God just thinking about having to do homework again is making me upset.
t. has literally never EVER worked professionally as a dev
LoL, go ahead and post yours now.
Yes it is, since the head can scroll to ANY cell in order to read or write there. Read a book, dumb fuck.
Post your game first moran
RAM isn't like paper tape at all, it'd be more akin to a hard drive. The thing that makes RAM special is the RANDOM ACCESS part of it you retard. You can't un-punch a hole in a paper tape willy fucking nilly.
If anything the paper tape would be analogous to something like a CPU's registers, or instructions
Why not just start learning that from the beginning?
Not very. Programming games isn't too difficult as much as it is a bit tedious.
Okay now randomly unpunch a hole in that tape, dumb fuck.
You made the millions claim, user. Post your game and your name, so I can look you up in the credits. Oh wait, you were lying? What a surprise, a nigger as dumb as you is lying.
When you're gonna be a professional gamedev, then of course fix your code. Obviously, your coworkers will also comment on your code, and you'll fix it as the project is then a team effort.
Are you incapable of following a list from beginning to end if it is even slightly out of order? You are fucked.
Are you one of the rare few actually capable of logic and problem solving? Then not too hard.
You realize magnetic tape doesn't need to have a hole punched into and out of it, right?
Do not reply to this thread unless you know what SIMD is without looking it up.
>you have to keep showing me more and more evidence but I don't have to
You want to know how I know you are lying about your 700 players?
I'm not you fucking nigger kill yourself asap.
that's different than paper tape you DUMB FUCKING RETARD
Who is this
Shit I Miss Dad
How do I start? Like literally how? Explain it like I’m a fucking idiot. Start with C? What’s that? I search download C and I get a bunch of different shit.
Holy fuck dude calm down.
Post your game, liar. You made the millions claim. Now post it. Dumb fucks like you who pretend to know shit while being an uneducated fucking moron piss me off. Go pretend to be an idiot on reddit, faggot.
Did you try searching "How to program" or "how to code"?
Try something like
Depends on what you're working with. The important thing is to learn the structure and formatting of whatever you're working with, and to check the documentation whenever necessary. That much is universal, whether you're working with an engine or building something from scratch.
>Hard as hell, unless you got a HUGE knack for math and endless problem-solving skills.
>Muh math
Don't listen to this retard. While math is important, logic and structure are far more important.
>Yes it is, since the head can scroll to ANY cell in order to read or write there. Read a book, dumb fuck
It's takes multiple steps to get to a position far away from the tape head. It's not random access. The ram model has addressing like a real computer.
I need to finish my AS in languages so I can escape my wagecuck job and make like 20/hr as a monkey
C is a programming language. It's not a program, but you do need some programs to get a working program from it.
I suggest downloading a program called code::blocks to write your code in.
DL it here, and just run the installer
Read a book called C Primer Plus
Get it here
Just work through the book, google stuff you're unsure about, and most of all have fun
I am calm.
>posts an easily faked image that doesn't even tell us what game it is and expects us to believe its as real as the game I'm pretending to have made
I bet you don't even know what a loop is. Kill yourself and your "game" is shit if its even real.
>It's takes multiple steps to get to a position far away from the tape head. It's not random access.
That doesn't matter one fucking bit, you idiot. The sheer fact that you resort to posting "BUT IT TAKES LONGER" proves what a clueless nigger you are.
Post your game, moron. No game? Then fuck off back to twitter.
>constant sweating and all caps
No you are not. I have been where you are. Turn off Yea Forums and relax. None of this matters anyways, you don't need to get mad.
I am very calm.
It's you that needs to chill out.
>Stupid nigger posts his first year college dogshit made in Scratch
No wonder you're so fucking clueless. Finish your education before speaking to grownups, dumb kid.
Half of my friends are CS majors and everytime they talk to me about their homework or how they're barely passing or understanding their shit it stresses me out.
I originally said that the turing machine is not that similar to how an actual computer and that a RASP model is much closer.
The fact that you can compute anything on a turing machine is irrelevant.
Do you think a real computer runs anything like lambda calculus? That's also an equivalent model of computation.
An L1 cache hit takes 4 cycles on intel xeon, and has ~1k cache lines. This is random access.
A turing machine would have to take more cycles to fetch cache line 999 vs cache line 1.
>The sheer fact that you resort to posting "BUT IT TAKES LONGER" proves what a clueless nigger you are.
I mean it does matter. I can simulate a NDTM on a TM but with exponential speed up. Computability != complexity.
I hope you are, I don't want you to hurt yourself physically or mentally over some some silly posts.
First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.
Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is
you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.
Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:
First, you learn boolean logic operations
then, you learn transistor logic
then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
then, you learn CPU design
then, and only then, you learn assembly language
then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.
By this time you should be finished with your first wave of math and ready for the next: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.
Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories
then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.
So, whats your big game Mr Big Shot Programmer? You have figured out my lie, so why don't you disprove your lie?
That's right, you can't because you are lying too
That doesn't imply that RAM is a modeled after paper tape at all. It just describes what a Turing machine is.
It's actually programmed in C and SDL. And at least I fucking posted proof of an actual fucking game you fucking tard.
I'm very calm actually, this is an excellent stress reliever. I felt my spine loosen up after those first few posts.
It's for tech-monkeys. Learn to design games and give orders to others.
I hope he kills himself. Stupid mad niggers that lose arguments and then continue to spout misinformation don't deserve to live.
That is good to hear. I worry too many people here get super stressed out because I used to when I was younger.
>Why don't you stoop to my level?!
Fuck off, faggot.
Stoop to the level of posting fucking PROOFS
I was upset and mean but what you just posted is plain rude. If I do kill myself I'm citing this post in my suicide note. See you in court, asshole
What a fucking loser you are, you go around and pretending to code and make a video game. To cover your tracks you keep your fake game's player count low so people won't question it.
Ignore everyone else in this thread. Start with gamemaker or Unity, picking one at random if it takes you more than 10 minutes to decide. Follow tutorials to the letter, concentrate mostly on art, and do the bare minimum to implement a basic game.
Like art, start by imitating other people and slowly learn how to do things yourself. Do not get sidetracked from making a game. Do not let the elitists/autists convince you to use arcane bullshit like C and SDL. Do not try to do anything complicated, like multiplayer or 3D or a class system or anything other than one single game with one or two simple mechanics. Do not let anyone tell you that you "need" to implement an entity component system or a renderer or an engine or anything else.
>learning to code is relatively easy, you don\t need any advanced math to learn the syntax (grammar) of a programming language and how to write basic programming algorithms
Learning to implement A* on hackerrank is easy, learning to not turn your game's code into a fucked-up heap of electrical cables and spaghetti once it gets longer than 10k lines of code is hard.
It is hard if you don't like it. Treat programming as a tool that you may one day come to love, but use it only when you have to, and you'll appreciate it more.
Computers aren't Turing machines and you're both retarded.
If you want a bad game to laugh at, I made
Good. Pull the trigger.
Prove me wrong: people that don't like to be mad are willingly retarded
my head hurts whenever I try to learn programming. Guess I'll just stick to spriting.
I'll do it! I'm NOT joking!
You WILL have blood on your hands, anone!
Do you have any profile I can follow? I like to keep up on neat Yea Forums artists.
I've taken three different coding classes and none of them bothered to go over the commands and what they mean. There's a very 'meandering through a specific pathway' feeling, and I always think these classes would be better if they took the first week and just said "OKAY, THIS IS THE X, IT DOES THIS, WE'RE GUNNA USE IT LIKE THIS" Instead of just dumping a bunch of lines at you expecting you to understand it, or be able to work with it when they barely explain one.
Do it, faggot. Like you have no game and no brain, you have no balls.
I do have game, game is called sdl-snake!
As seen here. It is YOU that does not have game thus far.
You have no game.
I mostly do ss13-related stuff. Haven't branched out from that yet.
>unless you got a HUGE knack for math
You don't need any kind of complex math for game dev.
That's not mine.
And you don't have one too.
If you want to make a good game you'll need college level math like trig, vectors, and basic calculus.
Indeed it isn't. Hence, you have no game.
No you posted the wrong repo. Keep looking, I gave you the exact name.
I'm a fucking brainlet and don't know how different it would be, but what would you recommend for a dipshit who wants to get into modding games? I've had a couple ideas for Minecraft, but I kind of want to think something up for Rimworld and go through with making it.
I dig it, especially the western guns you did.
It's more that it needs a time investment than it being really difficult, if you've got the attitude to sit down and work on an art piece for very long, you can make a decent game.
Baby steps though, pick up something like Godot which will give you better information on game making and spits out readable errors, admittedly, you can, but it's probably not worth starting completely from scratch, and you should keep in mind, even if you don't finish it, at least you made something, and making that something will help you make the next something.
Well, for me it was the following list, but I mostly work with Java so it's sort of Java centered. Still, it can give you an idea of what kind of content you should search for.
>Algorithms Books
1) Algorithms (4th Edition) - Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
2) The Algorithm Design Manual. 2nd Edition - Steven S. Skiena
>Java books for learning
Anything by Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell - Beginner/Advanced books latest editions
>Java video tutorials (all can be found on rutracker), you can substitute Java with any other language.
The Complete Java Developer Course
Foundations of Programming Discrete Mathematics
Foundations of Programming Object-Oriented Design
Foundations of Programming Data Structures
Foundations of Programming Software Quality Assurance - Algorithms, Part I & Part II
(online courses can be very hit or miss so be careful)
Clean Code - Martin Robert C
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Think Like a Programmer: An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving
Also, check out:
Never used it myself, but I heard it's very good.
Okay I read into
>Learn to deploy and android app and deploy a hello world (2h)
seems to be a good walk-through and there's some examples e.g.
All in all, this tastes a bit too much like GUI programming to me, in that there's this object oriented collection of object trying to handle unpredictable user interactions, and e.g. notions such as views and fragments
thanks senpai
I don't have any experience with either of them, but an okay mod that actually exists is better than a perfect mod that's only in your head.
If I'm reading the rimworld wiki right, adding a new gun can be done just by changing some XML. There's nothing to stop you from, right now, opening the rimworld wiki, fucking with some config files, and implementing a very tiny mod.
Im a professional software developer.
Coding itself is kinda easy to learn.
But nowadays coding uses a lot of frameworks and tools and learning those takes time.
Also good/clean code takes a lot of trial and error. Learning from mistakes and looking up good practices.
If you are just want to learn for hobby, go ahead and do stuff, but commercial success takes a lot of experience.
Is Software Engineering a good path to take?
I could try to fuck around with Rimworld, my only problem is I don't have an actual idea yet, just the thought of making something that could be interesting is all I've got so far. I'll look more into it, though.
depends. It can either be amazingly cushy or or literal hell. It's generally a roll of the dice.
I made the Fallout13 server you made those sprites for (Bad Deathclaw).
People like to pretend it's super hard, but it's actually pretty easy to get into, assuming you have at least 2 brain cells.
There's a billion tutorials out there. Pick one and get started.
Oh, and for the love of GOD, fucking use dev art before making assets
which owner are we talking about? I was spriting for Wasteland 13 before I bailed. Haven't touched FO13 in years.
Don't trust American artists. They WILL rip you off
>bust my ass in uni learning to code
>take double major in math as well because bro its all about math bro shit gets crazy and abstract bro
>study a ton on algorithms, learning how to take time/space efficiency and derive/prove algorithm analysis
>graduate uni
>spend even more time doing more supplementary shit on coding practices that were never even mentioned once in uni
>study all kinds of frameworks and crazy methods
>study all kinds of crazy math interview problems
>finally apply for job
>"do you know what a queue is?"
>"do you know mySQL?"
>"youre hired!"
>90% of job is just basic object referencing and pulling stuff out of the database into the company's proprietary app with basic UI implementation and site maintenance
>95k starting salary
>115k after 5 years
What do you mean?
Artist here, but I’m not American.
This. Learning to code is like learning to write. Most people can learn how to do it at all, but to learn how to do it well requires both a knowledge of the language, and a clear idea of what you want to create
You're very clearly not a smart person.
Why didn't you apply for better job?
Software developing is still not a very defined field, so literally anything can happen from one year to another.
If you like working in the office all day and embrace the challenge that comes from it every day, then it is something for you.
I also see a lot of young programmers, who just came into this field with the wrong mindset, like they just do whatever they are told. If you really want to be good, you want to have that drive of constantly improving and learning on your own, making your software better.
As this guy says tho, you can get lucky and have relaxed environment, but sometimes your customers or boss have unrealistic expectations from your work, since it sounds easier than it is. A lot of deadlines mostly because your sales department heavily underestimated the time needed.
Fortunately i havent been in this situation much.
>Do not try to do anything complicated, like multiplayer or 3D
>tfw the game i want to make more than anything is an ARPG
Speaking as someone who decided to try developing a game despite lacking any of the requisite skills: very easy. As with most skills, it takes a whole lot of study and practice to really become good at it, but learning enough to start making a game requires very little time or effort. Drawing is a vastly more difficult skill to learn.
because I was a recent grad and 95k starting was like waving a piece of meat in front of a dog
but I did eventually get another In a hospital facility. still it's relatively lax but there are times here and there were I have to think of algorithms to extract data efficiently, but it hardly gets complicated