Do you play games with your SO? What's their favorite game?
Do you play games with your SO? What's their favorite game?
Other urls found in this thread:
Keep sneezing it
Why do couple always look like each other?
Keep Saying it: Remastered and uncut
Keep saying it
She ugly
Keep saying it: ultimate cucked 2 edition
id fuck myself if i could
Good job boy- I mean gals. Back to the discord!
Keep cucking it
Uhh.. why is he hanging out with that chick from the big bang theory?
id fuck me
id fuck me hard
People are often attracted to themselves
Me and girlfriend played God of War 4 this year, Outward, Dishonored 1 & 2, Cuphead (we're scrubs and got bored of it in the final map however), and we're sorta half fuckin around with Spiderman but despite all the praise I find it boring and mechanically generic as fuck. I also watched her play Kingdom Hearts and we now say "you got a BOIL" from goofy's constant screaming of "boy-oh" or whatever he says.
We have a good time although we both have shared the idea that video games are getting more and more boring and predictable the older we get.
>keep saying keep saying it
how do you guys feel in particular about this green dinosaur?
>video games are getting more and more boring and predictable the older we get.
as opposed to what? art? movies? music? TV? books? Sounds like you two might be depressed.
they look nothing alike, the fuck?
do glasses make a person look the same to you or something
Keep sayin it
Keep sneeding it (formerly chucking it)
>some guy slanders Dunkey with a fake video
>video gets debunked
>everyone still eats it up and repeats it like its fact
the internet can be a fucked up place sometimes
Her ass is amazing
Kek keep saying it
I wish you assholes would shut the fuck up about Dunkey already, the video was FAKE and he was NEVER cucked.
lmao do you know where you are, people love to use any opportunity to shitpost
Video still hasn't been convincingly proven to be fake. The "original" upload is mysteriously missing the part where Dunkey speaks, as if the entire clip was edited out.
Keep saying it.
Don't you have a bull to prep dunkey?
Keep saying it
Leah watched the entire thing and said it wasn't their video
I bet she would
The video source is from some cuckolding forum. I'll see if I can find it again.
keep saying it
do you also need evidence to prove a flying spaghetti monster is fake
>lol faggot shitting yuck japanese games is a bbc cuck
Like pottery.
Imagine if you were minding your own business and some user spliced some footage together of you supposedly being cucked and shared it all over the internet. Not only that but to have other people actively trying to mislead other anons by claiming its real. How would you feel?
>butthurt weeb
Like clockwork
The so-called source is missing the chunk of footage where the "keep saying it" part can be heard. I don't just mean the audio either, like that entire fucking chunk of video footage isn't there.
It's fishy as fuck and definitely points to Dunkey covering this shit up.
It would be funny
Id feel pretty good, I hate dunkey but I love watching cuck porn, black dick is the best.
it's funny cause you just know even if the vid is fake
keep saying it
i wouldn't give a fuck about the opinions of sweaty racists on the internet
Nice false equivalence, Dunkey. Keep saying it.
Keep saying it.
goodbye horsessssssss, i'm flying over youuuuuuuu
Nobody has proven it was spliced.
seething octofags trying to make dunkey look like a cuck. stop making shit up faggots
not an argument. keep saying "keep saying it"
Keep saying it.
keep sayin it
have sex.
keep sayin it
there is a lot of evidence suggesting it isn't them. the girl doesn't look anything like Leah for one and the source of the video was also posted a few years before the two of them even met.
i actually dont know what the "it" here refers to but keep saying it
are you retarded
>the source of the video was also posted a few years before the two of them even met
That's a straight lie, the source is from 2017.
five glasses of scotch, that is
I'm fucking glad this fat retard can no longer be discussed here. He has truly horrible opinions and everyone parrots them as fact.
source? I was sure some user post a pic of the original forums with a timestamp of 2008 or something.
Continue preaching it
spotted the octofag. get over it your game is shit and dunkey exposed it
>when you send your drones to a fucking literal who guy who dares to criticize you
Fucking BASED Ampharos poster
these threads are literally the same thing over and over. you guys are all fucked in the head for real.
Keep saying it
The earliest known upload is from 2017. Also the "source" that people are claiming doesn't have Dunkey's voice also doesn't even have the part of the video where you could hear his voice in the first place, suggesting it was edited.
repeat the phrase
Kek keep saying it
This thread is bait, but I'm gonna post anyways.
I got my girlfriend into point and click adventure games since they're my favorite. She fell in love with them too. Her favorite one is Fran Bow because of the creepiness of it along with the unique art style and mechanics.
keep saying it
hes funny but he has really shit taste in games
Resume uttering it, you filthy wench!
Keep saying it
Nice, user. Mine also likes point and click games. She played fran bow on her own and now we'll probably play the neverhood
The fact that she admitted on twitter how she liked being in the video and thought it felt really good was something else, too bad she had to delete her tweet cause people got super mad about it.
>youtuber gossip
>youtuber memes
Zoomers... please don't stunt yourself and use this as a substitute for actual social circles and real life relationships, or else aging is gonna be rough..
Dunkey seriously look like a mongoloid with pig nose
I command that you engage in continued usage of the desired phrase.
She deleted her tweet because Dunkey didn't want the word to get out. It's too late now.
>video gets debunked
Sure thing dunkey, whatever helps you sleep at night! Me and Jamal are gonna go hit up on Leah tonight, cheers.
>n-nooooo start feeling bad about internet people like I do
Who the fuck are these imaginary people that parrot dunkey opinions? I’ve never heard anyone parrot him, usually it’s pretty easy to tell when someone is doing that shit.
incels are literally more pathetic than a fat spic with bitch tits and and mold on his face
Fuck yes, man. I'm glad to see others still like the genre. Neverhood is a unique one and you should have a great time if you haven't played before. It's on the large list of games I have to play with my GF eventually when we have time to play.
What in the god damn fuck is this thread even about
Is this a fucking bot thread?
Continue verbalizing that.
eceleb gossip
>dunkey thread
>keep saying it spam
>dunkey's reddit defense force on full damage control
God this shit will never get old.
I still think its pretty fucked up how you could literally be minding your own business and some random fag on the internet can literally tarnish your name due to something you didn't even do. You faggots are laughing now but if you niggers were in the same boat being accused of something real embarrassing you wouldn't be to happy about it. I guarantee it.
keep saying it, cuck.
Welcome to Yea Forums. There's about 4 things that people keep repeating until the next forced meme is made.
Keep sneeding it
Asking your rabid fans to harass a guy just for critcizing you, he is lower than an actual cuckhold
You have to have a GF or wife to be cucked, so I literally cannot even imagine this scenario happening to me.
What did he mean by this?
One nerdy looking ass black dude is all it takes to cuck dunkey's small dicked ass lmao
Didn't stop him for sending a drone army to a literal fucking who.
I guess that explains it. Man, I miss when the bot threads were about ice cream and shit man
Keep Saying It
Why do you guys hate everyone again
didnt happen octofags. keep making shit up tho
Please, it's too much, I can't hold all these its, cease saying it at once.
Keepeth the desired utterance, my dear.
Used to play FFXIV with my ex-boyfriend (We're fags). I miss doing cutesy stuff in-game with someone.
This thread is nitpicking and biased i win bye bye!!
You know what's funny?
I can snap and kill every "keep saying it" poster on this board if we met IRL.
Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening.
You guys talk big shit. Watch yourselves.
Yea Forums is pretty much reddit 2.0 nowadays, I don't even know why they claim to hate the place when they themselves act no better and even use all the same memes.
They're all a bunch of hypocrites, really
I thought you redit fags liked that cuckhold shit
Reminder that the video was literally not debunked and all available evidence points to it being real. Because it is
>video gets debunked
Keep sayin it
Keep saying it.
My SO pretended to like games and left me because she got bored thought we were more like roommates than anything. Don't ever get married Yea Forums. And don't bother with white women.
I just wanted to know why, sorry, user
Keep saying it.
he's vigorously ham slamming that skeleton snatch right now and basically you're a loser
Imagine being this invested in e celebrities that you care about this shit. This entire thread and the people arguing should nuke themselves.
Hope you have a great time. We like mostly games with a weird setting. Can you recommend any?
Keep saying it.
Shhh, reddit wont like what you just said.
How the fuck do you guys keep track of all this drama and shit? I've been into vidya my whole life and have no idea who these people are or what this is even about but you guys have threads like this all the fucking time
I know it was real hard for you to type “fag” and “nigger” in your post to be one of us
Please don’t subject yourself to this torture anymore and leave this site : )
bbc is vigorously nig slamming that skeleton snatch right now*
She had sex with a black man while he filmed it.
Keep saying it.
The guy in the pic is a huge cuck, he uploaded a video on the internet about his girlfriend getting the bbc.
Top kek
Real Talk, why is this even a funny meme? Yeah I expect the already inevitable response but I guess I just don't get the joke. I know where it's from, but why are we hanging onto this again? Like yeah sure it was kinda funny on the first day but I really don't see how it has long lasting appeal, it's just multiple threads of one quote, where's the funny?
no but their smile expression is the fucking same. That's creepy.
Keep saying it.
In all seriousness, the video was never actually debunked. Like that other user said, the one that apologists are claiming is the original doesn't even have video footage of the part where he said "keep saying it".
Someone post it
naw it's /pol/ and shit that's obsessed with it
has the whole racial tying into thing too ya see
All memes aside tho
Is he getting less funny, or have I just simply outgrown his brand of comedy? That new video about game critics was legitimately terrible. I couldn't understand what he was getting at.
Sup Dunkey
Hows that black cock taste
Eceleb board when?
His taste in games is shit, but he's funny and his points about review standards like consistency and meaningless scores and whatnot are good.
He's not, his bull is.
At least I already called it, I'd probably have better luck asking people in real life anyway, at least they can talk
He was trying to send his fucking drone army to a literal who.
Now that's pretty fucking low even for a cuck.
Some nobody : make unfair videos critizing dunkey
Dunkey : I'm about to end this man's whole career
>Is he getting less funny, or have I just simply outgrown his brand of comedy?
The latter. His old videos were just as obnoxious.
this post is nitpicking and biased bye bye i win
Nah he has become less funny ever since he stopped playing LoL
damn bro, you suck dicks? my condolences hahahaha
Keep saying it
the fact you guys need it to be proven fake rather than proven true speaks volumes about how you don't have any real critical thinking skills to begin with, people have come up with tons of evidence to prove it's bullshit but you guys just keep filing it under "unconvincing" because you just plain and simple wish it was true for some weird reason.
Can we please stop bullying Dunkey? He's genuinely a great guy, we shouldn't be attacking him just because he's way more successful than us.
I love how Yea Forums memed cuck into existence like they memed the MLP fandom into existence.
Play games is for fags that like girls
Say it one more time.
keep saying it
it's just shitposting and I haven't see this outside of Yea Forums and even then it hasn't really caught fire like the shitposters wish it would.
it'll be gone in like a month, at best each dunkey thread will just get some people saying "keep saying it" in it and shit, retards will reply to them and it'll just be another of Yea Forumss internal bullshit things that people keep perpetuating despite how tired it is.
The onus is on the people who claimed it was fake. That's how the burden of proof works, Dunkey. You're not going to get out of this one.
Keep saying it.
See, that's all you had to tell me, now I kinda understand the hate a little more.
Better than everyone else here looping endlessly like a broken record because they just wanna repeat the meme over and over instead of just telling why there is hate. This isn't our little secret club anymore. Thanks, user
keep saying it
i got into ESO. (yes yes its a shitty MMO but i wasnt looking for a MMO i wasn't looking for a new grindy time sink) i was actually having fun. started getting into mid game. GF buys it and wants to play it with me. Now i dont wanna play it.
Depends on what you mean by weird. Night of the Rabbit is great, although a bit slow. Edna and Harvey 1 and 2 are more of the mental stuff. Then the classic Sam and Max, which is my absolute favorite
Yea Forums here. I got bored of watching anime and came to see what Yea Forums is shitposting about this time.
Give me the tl;dr of this new meme.
Man it really is sad to know dunkey of all people is into cuckold, he seemed like a pretty chill dude. Watching that video of his gf getting rammed by a bunch of black dudes like that really was something else.
Yeah we okay games together. Last one we were working through was night in the woods, we each had specific characters we were voicing. She talked about having played Minecraft with her sister and cars 2, so one of those is probably her favorite
>Make a claim
>it gets debunked
okay lol
dunkey got BLACKED cucked
Some e-celeb gets blacked and reddit goes ballistic.
octofags seething because dunkey exposed their game so they make up shit of him being a cuck
some retard on kiwifarms thought some dude in some cuck porn he was watching kinda sounded like dunkey so made a thread
people desperate for shitposting material latched onto it
it's really that lame
It was never debunked, Dunkey. I know you tried to make it seem that way, but you failed. Plenty of people saw through your attempt.
Keep. Saying. It.
It's time to accept the facts user, dunkey behind the scenes likes to watch his bull go to town on his gf.
the evidence is the video itself, retard. Holy fuck, this is literally your brain on blacked porn.
keep saying it