Has any group ever been BTFO like Stevefags?

Has any group ever been BTFO like Stevefags?

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the jews


We’re still in the game, faggot. Just a few weeks.

Doomfags are the worst fanbase on Yea Forums by far, when all a fanbase can do is Spam the exact same wikipedia articles & "Zoomer" buzzwords every single fucking thread, it's the equivelent of talking to a 80 year old man with alzemiers. At least Stevefags have an argument because MineCraft is a multi-billion dollar franchise.

wow jeez

>Brings up "Muh Doomfags" out of the blue
Rent free.

Attached: megatexture.png (309x385, 248K)

Its ok, they will disappear when Dovahkin get announced for Smash. They will get mad and preach for a time about legacy, then Todd will post on his twitter "LOL SKYRIM IS THE GREATEST BETHEDSA LEGACY OF ALL GUIZE PLEASE BUY SKYRIM VR RIGHT FUCKING NOW" and they will get even more angry. Then they will all mass suicide once they see the Doom Guy mii gunner costume.

Based as fuck.

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Uhh, Steve is still in the game...Might wanna curb the premature celebration


>Antifag brings up Doomguy for no reason at all
>Call him out
>No reply
Every time.

People are sick of hearing about him. What do I win?

But why bring up Doomfags when nobody was even talking about Doomfags? Are you really that obsessed with 1 group of rosterfags?

Say thank you to the Doomfags, his fans have reached Geno status. Annoying as hell, to multiple people.

> Constantly spamming nothing but "Zoomer, Influence" to anyone who disagrees, which makes any thread about Doom nothing more than a hivemind circlejerk like Reddit where opposing opinions aren't allowed & the IP count is the same Doomfags attacking everyone
> Single handidely ruin franchises by spamming "East vs West" "Babby's first FPS" "Doom vs W40K" threads to mask their irrelevance & show their own insecurities
> Claim Smashfags are bad but are the ones making up faking rules & bending the criteria simply to favor their obscure character.
Sony Wojak Console war spammers are more tolerable than Doomfags

I will give you clear and concise directions once and only once for those who still doubt our wonderful man steve here. Now, I want you to start up your copy of smash ultimate for your switch, banjokes (if you even have one). Look at the roster. Do you see Banjo there? Nope. That means he simply isn't in, and Steve still has a chance to replace him.

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please kill yourself already

>Thought Stevefags would fuck off right after Banjo got announced
>They're still here
>Think they'll fuck off after the last two DLC characters get announced
>They're still pushing that Steve will be one of the DLC characters
>Probably won't leave even after the last two are announced and will push the 2nd season pass meme

Imagine posting something this stupid and patting yourself on the back for it. You're at the level of retarded where doing it on purpose is more stupid than believing it in earnest.

God I love watching the Banjo-Kazooie Smash trailer so much. I think I will watch again actually. Feel free to do so as well!

Quakefags eternally seething at Halo since they'll never have a comeback.